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So, I am a begineer at art, and I feel like I do things 1 step at a time despite wanting to do other things. I feel trapped. Like for example, there's this art advice where you copy someone's art pattern and emulate it, and if it looks off you take notes. Then you try again. I forgot thay youtubers name, but he was japanese.

I wanna do so many courses, not paid ones but like books, like The Art and Science of Drawing, how to draw what you see, and Micheal Hampton. But I always feel trapped saying no I have to do keys to drawing first, than do those books. If anyone has advice please tell me. Thank you
Don't get stuck in a tutorial loop. Don't save your "good ideas" for when you're good.
Draw what you want. Find out what's wrong. Take course to fix it. Draw it again or something similar. Repeat.

Don't be a chode who does nothing but studies praying for the day theyre good enough to paint what they want.
I'm bad at observational drawings and doing things from memory, but. I feel like there's more. So that's why I watch movies and analyze the composition and also because hideo kojima inspired me

Might do some figure drawings. But thanks anon. I'll take your advice.

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