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who cares
Maybe? There's some weird fuckery with colors that a webtoon wouldn't bother with, nails on feet are inconsistent, there's something weird going on on his left pointer finger and length of fingers on the right is weird and so on and on. That being said it is possible that he designed it that way and included those flaws on purpose? It's hard to say anything confidently about characters that are on purpose asymmetrical, inhuman and grotesque, as any AI generated problems could be explained.
OP does, Anon. It was really clear from the context of his message.
is that supposed to be the same character?
it certainly looks generated especially with all the artifacts and the weird ridges on the head not being consistent
shut the fuck up nigger

Webtoonists are abusing sketchup and photos but no, you pick the AI image to scream at.
>getting so mad
Are you a child?
I bet you wish they were.
saar pls ignore the generated lasagna bitch

Give anyone sketchup and photos. Can they make something good out of it?
this is still good. it's so unique, i love it. let people experiment
but i think holes in legs are too specific to be ai. maybe it was assisted
My best guess is its touched up AI. That's why its hard to tell, they spruced over the flaws of a raw AI image by hand, but left enough that the tell-tale signs are there.
The same can be said for AI? You have a tool that can generate anything your hearts desire and a girl standing in the center without any clothes is the fullest extent of one’s imagination? I’ve been saying this day one when AI threads on /ic/ we’re at its peak.

>The same can be said for AI?

Not even close. I can give someone access to the same tool and give them step by step instruction on how I do it. They still can't do it unless they're at the same level as I am. AI on the other hand you just need the same model, lora, embedding, prompt, negative prompt, seed and ANYONE can click on that generate button and produce the same shit. It's not a tool for artist it's a tool for people to cosplay as artist.

>You have a tool that can generate anything

My brain, my skill and my creativity is capable of all that and MORE. AI is only "magical" to someone who doesn't have any skill. You just want high level result without making any effort.

this type of shit is all over IG the fuck are you talking about "unique". I don't care that you use AI on comic or webtoon. Just say that you use it instead of hiding the fact and pretend that it's all you. That is the biggest problem here.
Why would you need to?
It is AI. midjourney. Go to the midjourney discord and scroll or a bit and you'll see.
>My brain, my skill and my creativity is capable of all that and MORE. AI is only "magical" to someone who doesn't have any skill. You just want high level result without making any effort.

Let's say hypothetically speaking that AI reaches a point where it can spit out anything perfectly so well that it actually replaces artists for good. What I'm saying is, you give someone such a tool and they STILL won't be able to many anything worthwhile.
>Go to the midjourney discord
No thanks man
100% AI it's not even subtle.
The fact you fags can barely tell speaks volumes as to the absolute state of this board.
>these are the fags calling you a nodraw /beg/
believe it or not, people used to draw like this back in 2007.
No human has ever drawn like that. Fix your shit eye before adressing me again.
>he wasn't born yet
holy crab, ESL-kun. at least be 18 before you post here.
You literally can't tell the difference.
lmao. Stay NGMI /ic/. I bet you have a shitton of AI slop in your likes.
Yuor eyes are fucked if you can't tell from the calves

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