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I reading books/manga/comics an hobby I can maintain even after deciding to significantly improve my art skills and spend most of the day drawing in spite of having a job?
I might need a source for creative ideas in general even as a wagie.
Depends, how many hours do you spend a week reading manga?

Think about it. there are 168 hrs in a week

your regular job will be 9-5pm 8hrs 5 days a week, (40 hrs)

7-8 hours a day should go to sleep (42-56)

168 - 96 = 72 hrs left for yourself

Lets say you - 2 hour a day for meals/bathroom/commute/breaks etc assuming you're healthy

72-14= 58

Now ask yourself honestly, do you really spend 58 HOURS a week reading a new chapter of 4-5 manga? No that's retarded the reality is you are terrible are managing your time and you being wagie has nothing to do with your shitty habits and lack of discipline holding you back

if manga really takes that big of a chunk of your time cut back to 1 hour a day and spend the rest drawing your OWN one shot, the only way to improve at something is to do it. Your comic idea or art project or drawing will never be ready to be put to pen at some arbitrary skill level or "if I just had more time" No you have enough time, chip away at it little by little and use your brain while you're at it.

Now you tell me how much time a week can you actually afford to spend on drawing your comic?
Any tips for time management? books? courses? blogs?
NTA but just look at your day and find out what youre spending time on and how much. Once you know you can easily choose what to cut and what to keep. That's it, it's literally that simple
>Any tips for time management?
>lists a bunch of shit designed to procrastinate
just fucking draw and limit time not spent doing that to 1 hour or something
its not that hard. you dont need a course for it lmfao
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>Any tips for time management?
don't spend too much time on it
Use a timer on your computer/phone to see how long you spend doing things over the course of a week. Write it all down and ask yourself if that's really a good use of your time. Treat yourself as if you're someone who you actually care about and see potential in. Give some leeway as habits are hard to change

A self help book wont help you but "the power of habit" is free on youtube so if you have 10 extra hours to waste, might as well do this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqWuLDEfR-I

This anon is correct
>Use a timer on your computer/phone to see how long you spend doing things over the course of a week.
I've timed myself before, and one single quick "break" on 4chan takes up a minimum of 15 minutes. Even if I only intended to stop for 2-3 minutes.


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