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How can I achieve this particular style? A lot of VNs seem to have the same feel to them, Fate is the same and it's not just "style", are they all using basic round brushes? Limited colour palettes/gradient maps?
Copy them, dumbass. Holy shit is this place r/learnart now?
I'm asking *how* is the proper way to copy the colours you neurotic moron. What else is there to talk about on this fucking board? This is art.
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>take basic art
>rotate it to a dutch angle
>zoom in and cover negative space
>add text box
here's you're cheap game cg. now go draw
kill me
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No anon, all life is precious.
Are you making a visual novel? No? If you were you would've just done the research yourself.
Holy kino
>they hated Him for He spoke the truth
we get it, stop the samefag
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I don't know, my guess is probably the late 90s/early 2000s coloring. I imagine a lot of japanese artists of the time were using similar techniques, since it was still the early ages of digital art.
great post, really helpful advice lmao

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