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File: Aguafuerte 171.jpg (428 KB, 1329x921)
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Hawdy! saw the need to start a thread with higher level artwork that you MIGHT have, it is embarrassing seeing the weekly dogshit of traditional and digital art that yall post here so.

>bu- bu- but my disproportionate body with big tiddy draw is ART!

no is not.
Nigger what am I even looking at
You should have used the thread this anon did about his art collection >>7220634
I would like to see a general thread about real art collections here.

I like that art piece, but I don't like the person shadow, and that curved little shadow neither.
this is engraving, especifically etching of landscaping.
i apreciate the feedback, thing is this engraving is pretty old both shadows were mistakes of tht time and the cooper plate got lost.

now about threads, both similiar but i feel more amused to see what anons have to show
double trips of confusion

That's what you are, op, you're confused. Come out of the closet, do not torture yourself.
btw it would be good if you weren't an insufferable pretentious schmuck

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