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How do you properly learn appealing facial proportions and convincing expressions in regards to anime
/manga styles, and how do you avoid ending up like pic related even if you know your fundies?
>kill my dad

Yikes, the edge.
You'll never be able to draw like picrel.
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>How do you properly learn appealing facial proportions and convincing expressions in regards to anime
/manga styles, and how do you avoid ending up like pic related even if you know your fundies?
There are numerous problems with the OP image, but the obvious one with the face is the symbol drawing. None of the features have form - they're all just "glued" onto the head. As to how to not end up drawing like that? Study real life expressions and faces and apply them to your style - compare them with other manga artists you like and see how they interpret those faces and expressions. What you're doing is capturing the "essence" of an expression - you're not drawing a one-to-one copy of an expression. Western comic artists sacrifice appeal in favor of realism. You want to be able to modify the shape of the head and facial features in a way that suits your anime style. That could be by enhancing detail and likeliness (shounen manga) or decreasing detail and likeliness (moe). Just keep practicing and keep studying.
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Takehiko Inoue's style really pushes "semi-realism" while keeping the appeal of a manga design, for instance.
And on the opposite end of the spectrum you have Takehito Harada who almost exclusively draws girls he finds sexy, so he focuses on that with big eyes, thin bodies, exaggerated expressions and hairstyle, etc.
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Kagurabachi's author is actually really good at drawing faces when he isn't under a weekly chapter deadline.
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I don't know. I think Im pretty decent at drawing expressions but sometimes I still mess it up.
wanting to avoid picrel is why your ngmi
Is this just one guy spamming threads about this manga or is this the new FOTM shonen slop?
>who almost exclusively draws girls he finds sexy
So he's a pedophile?
yeah, he's a pedo who can't draw

He's got his works in a dozen published games and you didn't. Know your place.
>being popular means you're more skilled than others
do you think justin bieber is one of the best musical artists too
>his art is bad because I don't like his subjects
is this board full of children? what the fuck is this logic
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I didn't say he was popular, I said he's a career established, resume backed, results driven artist and you haven't even gotten off the launch pad.

Here's another perspective for you; your works will never be in a physical book, published under an established company (Udon), in my hands and flipped through a million times because I like their work that much. They can draw, and it's proven.
I've gotten off the launch pad, wouldn't want your hands touching anything I've worked on anyway.

>I've gotten off the launch pad

failure projects don't count
His faces and expressions are abysmal regardless of the subject matter
>justin bieber
your age is showing, gramps
Every time I see this happen it's more related to the artist being somewhere on the spectrum.
>and how do you avoid ending up like pic related

Anon most people here cant even get to that level, so you've got nothing to worry about
Nothing about that face is really good
Nothing about your taste is good
>because I like their work that much
Fuckin pedophile
>Another JJK thread
Anon's falsefagging worked
>Mistaking Bachi Kagura for JJK
Sexoooooooo uuooohhhhhhh
>mistaking demonslayer for bocchi the rock
I want to fuck this flatty demoness so much
You're posting on an anonymous imageboard, you have no business telling anyone here to know their place.
>You're posting on an anonymous imageboard
that I am
>you have no business telling anyone here to know their place
how does this correlate?
>draw a face normally (for your style)
>selection tool different facial features
>squash/stretch, shrink/grow, move around, rotate, etc.
>perfect proportions
your brain will get used to the new proportions and that will be your new style

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