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i dunno what to write, little sketch of me idk who to draw
Women only wear hobbies like fashionable clothes they use to attract a husband
It's not nice to make a whole new thread just for your art. If you want to post art here, there are already other threads for that. You just have to find the right one. Maybe you could try asking for advice in the Redline thread?
sorry I didn’t knew, it’s my 3rd time posting
Any anon here posting original work is a treasure. Keep posting. There are a few threads already with anons posting their own personal stuff. There should be more. Just have in mind that this is a trolling site. Don't expect nice things from this place.
>flat animu artstyle no.1237823478932 because it's popular on tiktok and pinterest
>random """memes"" pasted in for no reason
>stiff pose, no background, no hands, cut off legs, dead expression
>poor lighting and image quality, couldn't even bother to scan the damn thing
>makes a whole thread jut to post this and fish for attention
God I hate zoomer females so much it's unreal
thank you
I know right глyпый зaeжaни pycc cтиль!!!!!!
A thread died for this

most of the people here don't actually care about drawing and are only here to crab, keep posting, your stuff is good!
The shoulders are a bit too wide. It's weird for the sleeves of a t-shirt to be so large relative to the rest of it. Cute emo style, keep working on it.
I will thanks!!
double pyw
няшнo y нac тeпepь oдин ник гo cocaтcя
why are you samefaging to bump your shit thread? Just integrate and fuck off already
there was some guy with the same nickname, sorry
Is this image supposed to be leebait?
No, it doesn't work like that. Just fuck off back to tiktok willl you
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Draw a moai head or something, or try a side profile of a the same girl from a different perspective

some people are fake what else is new?

if you keep posting your work eventually people will have to respect it.

kys https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBy53cNYHc8

Stop namefagging rooskie

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