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I made these a month ago on Roblox free draw, sorry it’s not what people will call actual good art but I like it.
>my sona
You need to be 18 or older to post here
cute! my sona is a tiger as well, i don't really see people with them so it's cool to see here :)
Looks like saberspark lol
are you a child or a predator?
what the FUCK is "sona"?
Ruben sim is making a video on you as we speak
Jokes aside, it's too hot for roblox don't show women with cleavage and skin tight clothes with fully bare thighs to kids
This is just fucking saborspark
The first today but the second tomorrow
Child that turns into predator
Predator that turns kids into future pedophiles
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Its fine,for what itvis: a character study.,and I would advise drawing the character more to feel comfortable producing her look,and experiment with her look in subsequent undertakings. I have invented several characters for a story that the only criteria is doing "enough" to compel the story along,both artwise and writing. I drew the one with the cornrows and center floppy mohawk specifically for the character, she is a water witch,and being an otter,has affinity with water. So in water, her hair strands balloon out from interwoven pockets of air,and she looks like a man o' war when doing her magic,crest high and tentacles spread menacingly. You should think about such details when you are forging your own OC. The story on a whole is an excuse to write about this time period to carve into stone its history, manners,and customs when the world was markedly different. Exploring panel layouts,rough poses,and laying out foreshadowing for future plot development,with the added challenge of fitting it into the premade panels of the comic diary I am drawing that in.

You have a character. Have her doing things,interacting with her world. This will force you to think all that up,but over time. A little bit of lore is enough per drawing. Let this be your next drawing:

She is sitting by herself at a small table,having tea,with a teapot and matching cup.
That's alot of text for saying to draw the character more and have fun with it
Though your tip with character design is also interesting
What I also like to do is play dress up with a character just to see how suitable they are for freely projecting stuff on
Classic getups I like are stuff like cavemen, wealthy person or just cuter ways of drawing them
mm big fat tittays

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