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I smashed my tablet and jammed my pen onto the (brick) wall until it broke, then proceeded to delete every single of my pieces, sending them to the recycle bin and then perma-deleting them. Not satisfied, I went and punched the bed hard enough that the cat came to investigate and ran off as I started ripping through the bedsheets, its fear making me angrier.

I still feel the need to direct it somewhere else.
Now that youre done with thst, go draw your feelings with a pen or something. It will feel amazing
sounds like you should draw something to calm down
just dont draw something redundant like a wojak
I don't have anything to draw with, I broke my tablet. I hate drawing so much yet I feel empty not doing it, I tried doing something else like vidya but it just felt empty and boring.

A part of me wants to go on Amazon or whatever and order a new tablet but I feel that the sight of one might make me go ballistic again and put a hole through the screen.
Art is for humans you silly goylem.
Try again.
Ever heard of pencil and paper, silly little fucker?
>I don't have anything to draw with, I broke my tablet.
Pick up a random pencil lying around your house and a scrap piece of paper. Go outside, find a stick, and make lines in the dirt. Prick your finger with a needle and use your blood to draw something on the walls. No excuses, fucker.
Like you were ever going to make something good anyway. Fuck off my board and go blogpost on tumblr, you underage faggot.

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