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>just draw what you like to draw, bro
>if you want to improve, you need to painstakingly study and copy references for hours on end
Okay, which is it? Copying isn't fun.
Copy until you feel like testing out how much you've learnt, then draw something without ref, I guess.
>Copying isn't fun.
It's the first option. But you need to be able to draw first.
if you think copying everything 1:1 is your only way through life I think you deserve to have about as much of your humanity acknowledged as one would a computer
draw what you like, copy/study when you find specific thing you want to work on, then it's fun
Or vice versa. Draw what you want, self critique and point out your weaknesses, then do structured study to strengthen them. There is no one way to getting better, do what feels best. Either way you'll have to push yourself by keeping your standards for yourself high - or not. Do what's best for your goals.
You're an NPC, you'll never be good or anyone worth paying attention to

You have to have a middle ground. Try not to copy a style but maybe draw a character that you like. The design is already there just draw them doing something different.
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FACT: at least 30% of your drawings should be from imagination or you turn into a highly skilled copy machine like proko
Both unironically
You git gud then you draw what you want. Stop being retarded.
I dont get it
Eva tells Wall-E they are gangsters and now they need guns (because that’s what gangsters have). Wall e looks around confused but then finds some broken wood pieces from a nearby fence and discovers “polyguns” which is a play on words.
anyone have the comic of the guy on the bench who can't pet the dog?

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