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File: ClipStudioOnLinux.png (76 KB, 735x606)
76 KB
Does anyone have a good step by step tutorial on setting up Clip Studio Paint to Work on Linux? I tried following this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDfKwF19wOA
to try to get it to work on Debian 12 and it runs okay, but for some reason whenever I lift up my pen CSP stops sensing anything and I have to close and re-open the program to get it to work again, but the same thing keeps happening. Does anyone know why? I use to be able to run it off my old laptop a few years ago with no issues but I've since upgraded both my computer and my drawing tablet (currently using a Kamvas 13) and nothing I do seems to work. If you managed to get CSP or SAI to work on Linux any tips would be very much appreciated.
No. We at Linux uses the superior app called Krita.
Have you considered switching to Microsoft Windows™?

Unironically, have you tried to turn in on and off again? After having updated everything.
>superior to anything
There’s a laugh
Show me an pro actual artist who uses linux and krita. You can't.

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