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>be me
>wagekekking at a fortune 100 toy firm you've seen astroturfed everywhere last summer
>they've been using AI fucking everywhere since about 2020 and will chew your ass through the gutter if you don't
>jumping ship seems like a more realistic goal by the day
>one of the core brands i work on is still huge with coomers

what are my options for capitalizing off my tenure after i'm long gone? part of me feels like the easiest way out is touring comic cons recounting my experiences as well as taking commissions for "official" pornos drawn by a defector (me!) but this is the type of company to hound and stalk their employees for like five years at least after they go off the system.

people who've already been long gone seem to get away with doing such, like that guy who made the maggot parody doll on kickstarter a while back.
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for what it's worth, i've had such a shitty time so far i'm really ready to just go back to freelancing in general after this busted old whore of a """pro""" high school cafeteria company. I would sincerely rather not continue working pro for these sorts of big or medium sized companies if it means I have more leeway without everything getting raped in R&D and the internal culture as well.
Just open a on-model Monster High porn patreon under an alias and do the absolute bare minimum at work until they fire you for the severance money.
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I literally got hired on account of doing almost just that. They really like having people who are hyperloyalist Barbengoyim buying their shit with their own paychecks. Since I have debatable leverage among other on-model porno artists for having official experience I really do feel like I should try to cash in on that but not until I'm out of theri radar for ex-worker targets who might run the risk of leaking unreleased toy designs through rule 34 art
>they've been using AI fucking everywhere since about 2020 and will chew your ass through the gutter if you don't
Why would they need artists then?
>but this is the type of company to hound and stalk their employees for like five years at least after they go off the system.
So what? What are they going to do, hire the mob to whack ya? You might as well name and shame them.
>Why would they need artists then?
Because AI can't do revisions, can't stay on model and can't prepare files for print.
AI legit can't do shit other than let "idea guys" make even more schizo moodboards and take away even more freedom and authority from the people who actually know what makes shit look good be it graphic designers or artists.
It's the favourite tool of project managers who got their job through nepotism.
I swear what's with the AI spam if you check on /3/ they also seem be active when the Cris nigga bumpers are
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>also again fuck off with these spam threads
You might have better luck in the indie gaming industry?
Some small time companies might still not use AI and have a bit more freedom in creative jobs
Pay is prob less though.

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