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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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So from my understanding pretty much every /ic/ related server is either dead, nuked, or closed off to the public.
How do you even find good servers at this point if you're not already connected with other artists? Do you just post your art on this board and hope for an invite if you're good enough?

Discuss, share servers, beg for invites, all of that good stuff. Just keep it civil and don't start drama fagging.
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>How do you even find good servers at this point
there are directories of discords. you could just search for art ones.
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Every server i joined was just through connections i made with them after years of following. None of my mutuals really interact or talk to me
Be good enough to get invited.
Any server that could be openly found on google is full of bots and children.
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Come join the art 'arty /ic/huds, we got no drama and are chill af.
A lot of artists will shill their discord publicly, join on of them.

>there are directories of discords.
There's also this.
If you're willing to start a new server with me, I can create one. We can discuss rules for it and maybe come up with some goals for what we want people to use it for.

Personally I hate servers that have like 10 text channels. Those usually are spread so thin that most people use 1 or 2 anyways.

Drama is a no-go obviously. People are going to develope some interpersonal relationships, but it should be moderated how much conflict there is on the server.
Maybe something like obligatory critique. I'm really tired of joining a discord art server and posting stuff just to get told "nice work" or being completely ignored.

Whats the point of an ART server if most of the guys in there are just talking about something else instead of, you know, art?
I'm down as long as shitting on /begs/ isn't allowed
I also think that the guy who runs the Art barbarians had a great idea giving people the option to post their stuff on their own channel. This can be very useful to keep track on your own progress, and to share your opinions on others work
post invite link when you have it done please
making connections who are willing to throw you an invite when you bring up looking for a serious environment, and joining individual artists servers since many run their own little cliques and have pyw channels.
the only decent one ive seen from here is violet clovers, i dont know how its doing these days though.
This has been tried countless of times.
Each of these servers end up dying because it's too strict for the /beg/ shitters who just want to shitpost (95% of the people on /ic/, and 99% of people who will open this thread), and there is never enough dedicated artist that stick around.
Art servers simply don't work in the current internet climate.

While I agree with you on the fact that art servers have been created in large quantities and almost all of them are left to rot, you can't deny that there will always be a demand for them.

Just look at this thread, almost every week there is a discord drama thread or somebody wanting to join a discord art server, or somebody complaining about discord art servers.

People want to join them, people want them. So why not just keep trying? Its not like there is something to lose. We are just guys who draw, are learning to draw or like drawing, searching for a community on which we could talk about the stuff that we do or like.

As long as the people in the server keep on drawing regularly, there shouldn't be a problem.
There needs to be a 3rd drawing board, which focuses on how to draw.
on the contrary having a small free community where you are heavily encouraged to draw with mandatory feedback would be very beneficial for /begs/. if they don't take advantage of that then thats their problem. That leaves only the dedicated artists who want to get better which is a good thing
>3rd drawing board
There is another one???
We're literally bracketed together and /i/ actually draws.
servers are going to die if discord dont fucking implement some damn multi windows or some such. i cant do dm and keep an eye on a server convo at the same time, and i think others have this issue too cos the server just drops dead for hours on end.
There is some addon called better discord, maybe it has this. Yeah, the basic program is pretty clunky
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I run my own server so here's some advice:
1.) Post your work (preferred with layers) to get access to the discord. This will filter most bad actors and lurkers.
2.) Scribbleshit is not "work." If somebody can't be bothered to make a drawing with some effort then you shouldn't put any effort into keeping them around. Have some standards for the type of people you keep around, for the sake of the people in the server.
3.) Remember that you can ban anons for any reason whatsoever. A good server owner doesn't wait for someone to wreak havoc or break a rule before banning them. Otherwise, by the time they get banned, they will have caused irreparable damage by chasing everybody else away which is why /ic/ is riddled with dead servers.
4.) Do not ever let a known schizo into your discord. Too often do server owners allow schizos to lurk so long as they "don't do anything in the server" and it ALWAYS backfires.
5.) No dramashit, no polshit, and no mental illness. This is an art server, not your personal therapy session. Leave your baggage at the door and do some drawing instead.
>A good server owner doesn't wait for someone to wreak havoc or break a rule
Sounds like a discord mod alright, banning without solid reasons.
What is this one for?
The implication is that /beg/s are undesired in any quality art server. Nobody wants to handhold some random beginner's hand that might or might not quit art in less than a month. Dedicated art servers are for people who have been in the game for a few years already and know more or less what they want to do and how to do it, the server just serves as a source of motivation, feedback, and camaraderie. Babysitting beginners doesn't fit into that dynamic.
Here is your idea: you want to use discord as a productivity booster app.
Here is the reality: discord servers are a hangout for non serious people. "just chilling" types who think they'll be in their 20's forever.
Its a mental masturbator megaroom for them to get validation breadcrumbs. It doesn't work because you subconsciously know they all suck next to just getting the work done.
Even productivity apps fucking suck dicks. They are just mental masturator tools next to a shitty 80 cent notebook, and just drawing. Its for this new yorker faggot who slurps a 10+ dollar coffee and what he does could be easily disposed, and so is his job position easily disposable. You subconsciously know what is written on obsidian for example or any of these is not serious.
Over socializing fucks wanting to prove themselves to an authority figure are not serious people, therefore why do you think they can say anything of value to you, who wants to learn arts?
Unless, you are a not serious person yourself of course, but then again why bother?
Didn't read all that but I trust you are correct.
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I'm gonna go ahead and assume I'm not the type of person you'd want on a Discord server? I used to be very passionate about learning all the fundamentals but now I just treat it as a hobby after I get off work.
You have no choice unfortunately. If somebody is actively antagonizing other people in the discord, being a huge
attention whore crybaby, or spamming nothing but polshit, you would usually prefer to give a warning first but if you smell trouble then hurry up and kick them.
When dealing with bad actors specifically, they will move heaven and earth not to "break any rules" but will always be cooking up some bullshit.
This. Improper gatekeeping is the number one reason /ic/ discords are completely dead in a year. Waitng for a rules to be broken is such a fucking meme. If they don't benefit the server in any meaningful way it's time to remove them. Simple as.
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fastest way to get a good server to die is to post it on 4chan
Now tell the class how many discords you were kicked before you began blaming others for your social ineptitude.
and 4chan is..?
The ideal server requires you to PYP to gain entry.
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define good server
Where's the hentai server? I want to find a server that will help me get twitter followers.
Why the FUCK would anyone want to use pro-censorship spyware to make friends?
This sounds good but how would you best apply it? Only thing I can think of is having a text channel where in order to post you have to critique someone else at least once per your own submission. The only issue is beginners (not to be mean) who might not have anything meaningfull to say about someone elses work.

Have previous servers been shitting on beginners?

Sounds like a lot of text channels. Maybe everyone should be obligated to have a blog or a social for this that is linked in a list?

After we've done hashing out the details here I will reply to everyone who has shown interest with the link.

I have seen this happen twice so I kinda agree. I don't see it holding up for years when I start it.

These are all good and will implement them.

Define your mom wrapping her pussy around my cock
Well, making friends on 4chan didn't work and I can't use facebook, because I don't want my mom and grandma to see all the lewds that I'm drawing.
I think critique should be more of a cultural rule than an explicit rule
>Have previous servers been shitting on beginners?
I hope so, I'm tired of so many circlejerks
I really hope this isn't another "Wow!!! You're so good, but..."
nta, but what's so bad about that kind of crit? I often do it. Calling people retards over simple mistakes seems overly rude when I'm not anonymous.
Its better to go straight to the point like "Why does it look like she's shitting bricks? Her face doesn't match the pose. You can make it less intense for that simple action"
You dont need to call them retards though.
But the anon you are replying IS retarded for crying over simple critics.
It's condescending. I already know I'm a mediocre artist. If someone had a genuine complement, my art actually resonated with them, it would make my day. The pussy footing poisons the well so I don't know if someone genuinely liked what I made. I'm not saying you should be rude but being kind when you don't mean it IS rude
STFU you retarded faggot.
>people: to give a good crit give a critique sandwich! Mention good with the bad
>also people: being kind when you don't mean it IS rude
Fucking neurotypicals man, ya'll completely insane.
I agree with most of what this anon said. /pol/ faggots can't shut the fuck up and are incapable of receiving criticism. Same thing can be said for most of the guys who only want to scribble. They join an art server then get told what you need to do to improve and they just respond with shit like "Its just my hobby" "I don't take it seriously" "Its just for the lulz"

If you are just a hobbyist without any motivation or intention to improve, what is the point of joining a dedicated art server? Just post on the /b/ drawthread or the /beg/ one in here like most do.

The only thing I don't agree with is the PYW filter. There needs to be more than one person who decides who gets to join and who doesn't.

I've seen guys posting their drawings and then get absolutely ignored for days, without any reason given. The one who posted does not know if he's good enough or dedicated enough to join because the owner is a lazy faggot who can't be bothered to regularly check his own server after posting a public invite link.

I think having atleast two dedicated guys to gatekeep is a good idea. Guys whos only role is to check who joins and who doesn't, in case the guy who joined turned out to be a retard, you just ban him, tell him he is a retard and thats it.

Also online activity. Most art servers in here have more than 50 members. 10 of those 50 members circlejerk eachother on the general text channels without posting art. Out of those 10, two may post regurlarly.

What about the other 40? They are just dead accounts who don't do anything for weeks. So, kick them out after 2-3 days of inactivity.

I think thats all I have to say on the matter. Hope it works. And don't worry about not being able to apply most of the rules. Choose the most important ones and stick to them. The rest will work on its own if you have a dedicated community. And if youre incapable of keep organizing shit, don't delete the server, just pass the torch and give another guy the leading role.
What does this mean in practice? I kinda get that it should be something that people do on their own terms whenever they feel like it, but wouldn't the risk there be that it devolves into nobody really giving it if it's not explicitly enforced? Idk I'd want something more concrete than that.

This is a false dichotomy. There is a huge neutral ground between licking someones ass and being mean to them.

Politics in any form (even in shitposting or memes) will be discouraged in the server I intend to create.

I do intend to give modding rights to people for doing tasks like verifying socials/gatekeeping the people joining.

I have seen smaller social circles form in previous servers, but I cannot think of a way to encourage more involvement for general discussion that breaks those circlejerks. Suggestions?

Inactive members will be notified first and removed after with the possibility to join in the future if shown genuine interest in participating.

Thanks for the input!
Im not the guy you were talking to.

All he is asking is for people to not be hypocrites. If you don't give a toss about his art, don't offer him critique telling him that "Your drawing is so pretty, you're so good but it needs improvement, etc" because that is not genuine. Art should resonate with you for you to say something like "Your art is great". Don't use words lightly.

Being kind doesn't mean jerking off the other guy before giving him critique. It means "You did a good job on the rendering, however your shapes are not good. They are too complex when they shouldn't be. Improve that." "Your anatomy is great, but the overall composition of the picture sucks and ends up as a bland piece of art."

Its not that hard. Get something that he did right, something that he did wrong and give what you think is the solution. Its just basic socializing skills, mate. In healthy social interactions you do not jump to any extreme. Be subtle.
>What does this mean in practice?
If things get posted without critique, just a handful of people willing to step in and offer theirs will foster that as a culture. It's all about the environment
Also of note is to maintain a proper pyw:yapping ratio. Some dudes are really so lonely they're doing fucking small talk in discord "How was your day? Today I went to the shops", etc etc
Dont go that hard on the yappers. There's people that can't draw every single day because of irl stuff but have a bit of time to yap about art
Meant to reply this one
It's fine if it's about art I'm talking about the bozos who don't have friends and are being parasocial with their computer
>But I can't think of a way to encourage more involvement for general discussion.

I don't think we can do anything about this kind of behaviour. I mentioned it to give the following point aboit imactivity some weight.

Circlejerks happen because people find some guys more sociable than others. You cant control who dpeaks to who about what without being a strict cunt. So maybe I think bringing up eachothers art on a conversation regularly? Its an art server after all, why stop talking about someone's work after giving him critique?

Even if its a boring, uninteresting thing, there should be something everybody has an opinion of. Keep the discussion open and discuss art. No matter the skill level. Skill level is a parameter that is only useful when offering critique to a DRAWING. Art doesn't have any skill requirements but drawing does.

Sorry if it came up as a vague answer. I cannot think about a solution to circlejerks that doesnt makes you look or act as an strict cunt.
Well, it's fucking rude to assume I'm a damn liar and I DON'T really think your art is great just because you have self esteem of a used toiled paper. You guys are ridiculous for trying to read my mind and to say I'm not genuine just because I give compliments you think is a bit too much.

It's not "basic socializing skills". Its your paranoia, lack of confidence, jumping to conclusions and assumptions of maliciousness from everyone around you. Go find a therapist you retard.
it's not that serious homie people give little complements they don't really mean all the time and it bugs me. If you're being genuine I obviously don't have a problem with it
>If you're being genuine I obviously don't have a problem with it
But that's the point! You DON'T KNOW which compliments are genuine and which are not
It’s always best to assume everyone is being mean to you.
Yeah that's true that's why I'd prefer every be straight up since it poisons the well when people aren't
Then you'll have problems with my complements as well, even though they were genuine. You didn't think >>7225871 through at all.
Nta but If I dont like a piece I don't say anything about it and call it a day.
Seems more genuine.
So If someone DO says something about it, it really means it
>some people aren't genuine with their complements
How do you know that's what's happening and it's not just all in your head?
Because it's something done all the time man, it's really not a big deal it just grinds my gears
But they weren’t genuine. You’re just an asshole. Everybody’s an asshole. Being on 4chan has proven this.
> no excessive complements allowed; that poisons the well
> mandatory log in every two days
> mandatory critiques and pyw
> restricted chatting about topic not related to art
Wowzers, you guys sure know how to design a server that people will be happy to join and participate in, don't you
(that was sarcasm, you guys suck)
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W-Well I do admit its a defense mechanism but I can tell you weren't genuine when I go through your messages history and I find that you also told 4 more posters "Your art is great, I love it!"

If you tell others "I think this is good, but it needs improvement" or "You did a good job on this, I like X" then, when you say to me "Wow, I love your stuff!" I know its genuine and not an insinsere compliment since you are being special with me and not with others.
This dude has never heard about brainstorming before
99/100 ideas are bad, but you find the good one through the bad ones

In the end, if the admin is competent and the vibe is good it will succeed
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This is a version 1 of the rules for the server. Would these be enough?

Made it a screencap since 4chan has a character limit
I'm down if /begs/ aren't allowed
>No scribbles
I love seeing more experienced artists gesture drawings and stuff, you can really see their experience even though it took them 10 min. Maybe a doodle channel, that doesn't count as art towards quota?
This is a good point, but I cannot be a dictator on something like this. If more people agree with you I will make a clarification for this in the rules
I like this idea. Doodles are always fun to do. There shouldn't be a problem with this as long as you keep posting regular drawings.
Doodling is for retards who don’t know how to draw
Try to make 10 finished pieces without doodling first and watch yourself get burnt out.
pyw baiter
>but I cannot be a dictator
We should vote if we want a dictatorship, a democracy (even though real democracy never worked in practice) or what.

I personally like the way pirate ships were managed: one "captain" was chosen by voting of all members and he made all the rules, but at any point (for example, because someone disagreed with his rules) anyone could ask for a new vote to chose a new captain.
The pirate thing is cool but could lead to gay internet drama
>have a blog
what????????????? if the server has more than ten members who the fuck is looking for someones progress instead of just hitting media on search and seeing if they took the critique
No politics rules applies to schizo shit like this btw

Don't be this guy
Me posting my art doesn’t make yours any less shit.
I thought we were in the brainstorming of the rules phase?
yeah I don't think finished/polished works in a certain timeframe should be a requirement, scribbles should be allowed especially if the artist doesn't make art quickly and likes to draw multiple things
You guys who talk about not getting critique, get into a habit of asking concrete things that bother you or you are unsure of, it's easier to make someone to answer a specific question, that posting a pic and expecting critique about whatever.
Once a week is a generous period brah
What if I don't know what went wrong?
The hope is, that when someone posts drawings on the server itself, not all members will be looking at each individual drawing you make. But if they want, they can visit your personal page and see how you've improved while on the server.

Of course, not all people are interested in that, this is true of almost anything.
Do you have any idea how long oils need to dry? Filthy beglet with no art education.
Social media is objectively really bad for your brain and in my opinion it is also poison for your soul. (Your actual soul, not SOVL)
But to be blunt, these rules suck. Reads like a nightmare discord out of some cringe copypasta.
no one is gonna ban you because your painting is still wet retard

If you're working on a super long piece just message the fucking admin / post progress. Common sense applies.
>these rules suck.
post better ones
>he thinks you can add another layer and make progress on a canvas that's still wet
then say what specifically feels off to you, if you don't know even that, then i'm sorry but you are someone who is in need to be handheld and there is just not that many ppl out there with time and will to do that.

So the main feedback for these rules I see is scribbles should be allowed/there should be more clarity on what is considered low-effort in terms of drawing. I will fix this.

Anything else? Is the one week rule too short? Too long? I wanted to give people a more relaxed feeling and felt that maybe drawing something on the weekend would be enough to keep people active but not place too high expectations that it drives them away.

And if there are something you feel needs to be added, mention it.

>post better ones
NTA, but here:
1. There are no rules except rules 1-4
2. Post new art that you've spend at least 30 minutes on at least once a week
3. Before asking for critiques you must give at least one critique to the best of your ability
4. Since there are no other rules, bans of disruptive members are decided on by voting. There's a bot that you can use for that: by using a special command you start a vote on someone and if 80% of voters agree, they're banned (with a chance to apply again to our server after a 2^n weeks, where n is the number of previous bans they had)
5. There is no rule 5.

It's a self-managing system. If someone's a dick they'll get banned and others won't be dicks anymore. If someone abuses this system, they'll get banned as well. If someone tries to skirt the rules and posts disgusting doodles as their new art, then people will vote. People will have casual fun and unrelated discussions, but if it's too obnoxious, they'll risk getting banned.
>3. Before asking for critiques you must give at least one critique to the best of your ability

with this you are running into a problem of ppl just saying useless stuff to fill in the quota
NTA but
>no dramafagging
>post each work in its respective channel
>post 1 work a week
>dont be a faggot about critique
>no politics
>dont be aggressive during critique; stay neutral in language (your rendering is shit is a no, your rendering needs work/ is poor + advice on lighting/shading/etc or asking what they want to achieve with it)
daily drawing club
finished work
work in progress
study channel
references (real life)
art inspiration (others art you want to be like)

NSFW is allowed in every channel but if people dislike the idea of a server having too much porn then there would be a split with a group of channels being exclusively NSFW
why do people keep adding weird must haves. the only rule should be that critique and commenting on others work is heavily encouraged and if all you do is post your art (begs excluded since ... yknow) then you will be asked to be a bit more community active?

these are decent
hard agree
I will create the server in 1-2 hours. I'm going to step away from the computer for some time, come back and see if people have suggested more/better rules and link the server here. Is that an acceptable time frame?
then they'll get banned
Oh yeah and the server name, any suggestions?
big rick's big cock
i'm only joining servers with biofems who regularly VC
im just making it idk. i dont see much reason to make it a weird democratic group project where everyone must help decide everything instead of. just fucking making it . i probably will be semi active but i'm not a good artist by any means, quite a beglet but i'm autistic and i like categorizing things so ill be there to moderate talk and sometimes post
/IC/unts. Art gobblers. Drawpainters. The Drawers. Moody Paints.The Rolling Pencils.

Ebin Floyd, /IC/DC, Queen. Begs at Work (I like this one) K/i/ng /C/rimson, Pens and Roses
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that's just Art Barbarians lol
d/ic/ord server
got a link?
invite link?
the crabless bucket

slush says no more links until the summers over
Based. There was a study showing that being around women rises your testosterone.
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rats, oh well. i'll keep searching
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im just a sucker for da ladies
the bucketless crabs
>blog/social media for your art
fuck no, not linking my shit here let alone an /ic/ discord.
theless bucket crabs
>not having enough balls to pyw
Yeah, I think it's a win if you got filtered out.
less bucket less crab
BX9AZB9u is the invite
No dramafagging (bitching about people, being passive aggressive. hate people but keep it to yourself and stay constructive)
Post each work in its respective channel
Post 1 work a week
Dont be a faggot about critique
No politics
Don't be aggressive during critique; stay neutral in language (your rendering is shit is a no, your rendering needs work/ is poor + advice on lighting/shading/etc or asking what they want to achieve with it)
Post explicit NSFW in porn, nsfw is allowed in the porn ref channel but nsfw solo is allowed in references also the nude form in general

just PYW in the hole and ill let you in
I was DMed by another anon here to join a discord, but I refused. I already have /ic/, why do I now have to socialize on a completely separate platform? I'd rather just sit in silence and draw.
you will soon end up with a ghost town, I can guarantee you that. the problem with all these discords that end up dead is that they try to enforce with rules, things that should be happening organically.
but that ban will happen organically! only if those "useless stuff to fill in the quota" was annoying enough for someone to ask for their ban and 80% of members agreed it was justified
I should make my own /ic/ discord
with fat bitches and porn art
fat bitch porn art
Here's what I would change

1. Remove the social media rule, some people might not want to share theirs or might not have any. Also I assure you no one is going to patiently go through the socials of everyone in the server or want to keep up with them, especially if they don't like their drawings. If they find someone's work admirable enough, they could just privately ask for their socials.

2. Good rule, make adding critiques/comments in a thread under the image someone posts so the channel can be less cluttered.

3. Good rule

4. Fair rule

5. No scribbles? Yes. But sketches, WIPs, less refined practice drawings and so on should be allowed.

6. This is also a good rule

7. Another fair rule, but if someone is planning on being away for a long period they could just say why and not get kicked immediately, but I agree with inactive members who don't interact and don't draw getting the axe.
There’s nowhere to post work to gain access. All I see is the rules channel and a voice channel. Nowhere to post.
are you the same guy as earlier who said 1-2 hrs
different writing style so Im guessing hes someone else
>bans of disruptive members are decided on by voting
Recipe for disaster and endless drama.
Bans should be decided and made SOLELY by a group of 1-3 mods, no one else. That level of non-negotiable enforcement should be upheld if you want the habitual line steppers to understand that there are no votes or appeals or apologies, if you act like a retard, you get insta-banned by a mod who never even talked to you or cares about you. I say this from experience being in a very successful server btw, there were mods there that would just perma ban someone without writing a single word about it. It's the only method that works.
fucking esl, i'm fine with posting my work have already done so, but i don't want to associate with this shithole.
i added the bot so people should get their access immediately
Slushplanet? That lolcow fag is still around? Lmao.
Is that album really that good? I have seen it everywhere for a hot minute
I propose that instead of having the no scribbles rule we have a dedicated scribbles channel
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I want a channel to shitpost and crab it up
Slush is nice! ;__;
is this you, furfag Powerll crab?
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suoper cool /ic/ server . Just Draw
we have a million women ready to spread their holes for if you post your art and are active in the server (this is 100% true)
Raccoon will leave in two days
the memory is enough
i just joined here and the foid will NOT shut up about snoopy and 'nice' girlfag shit like crystal cafe and ' lolcow farm' memes. i came here to draw not listen to her ASMR breathy voice nonstop in VC. i left the moment she started talking about ugly villagers on her animal crossing and how she shuns them until they move away, sick shit, women ruin every fucking thing
He really should be banned on site. Permabeg schizos drag everyone down.
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>This is "high effort" enough to get you in
its about a community of people who like to create
idc about your skill limit
t. drawer who draws anime girl heads in a void
its not about the skill its about the effort and caring about art

mark my words dude will fuck up the community
its not a museum mate. also hes funny so ill let him in. mood boosting emotional support animal
Just means that they enjoy your work anon and want to get to know you, I would consider it a compliment.
bro doesn't even draw
what is this server for?
that's good, cause barrier is low, but bad, since shit posters and schizo /beg/s can just lurk in the server a post screenshots from there and make threads like that other one.
>shit posters and schizo /beg/s
that's the exact problem
stop being autistic nonnie; theres already people drawing in it and thats one example of a funnyguy (who also makes music)
so basically its about making things. music, art, little clay things. etc.
as long as someone isn't actively shit posting and shizo begs are posting their work i dont mind. also i dont fucking CARE about what faggots on /ic/ say about the server if they did make a thread about it
>so basically its about making things
>lets in permabeg who doesn't make things
very cool
he does LOL
ms paint circle tool for 5 minutes shouldn't be an in to the server. He's a lowcow. He'll never improve. He doesn't care about art. I've seen his type before.
you really think there are real biological girls? buddy have i got some oil to sell to you.
please...say it isn't so...it can't keep happening...
Girls don't last long on 4chan servers. The ones that do are batshit crazy...
I hate you discord insects so much
i love you discord insects so much
this, even marmelade can't handle this shitters here anymore, that's why she rarely comes here.
If I could brutally crush each of you discord parasites I would with zero hesitation and extra vigor
h-harder daddy
if i could brutally kiss each of you discord cuties I would with zero hesitation and extra vigor
bukley from the Powerll crab thread
the guy who shredded his art when /ic/ dunked on him
mog them first in art before you can do that.
Discord servers are like used mattresses you find outside in bad neighborhoods. At a glance you might find that it's your ordinary mattress with questionable blemishes here and there but underneath the surface lies a cabal of sex pests lying in wait like your typical bed bug just ready to siphon what little energy you have left
I'm a furfag but a diffrent one
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Here is the new ic-related server: crab bucket.


I am not too familiar with creating and maintaining a server, but I will try my best. There should be a welcoming channel where I have to give you a role in order to enter, tell me if it works.

Also, mod applications are open. Being a semi-active grass toucher myself, the server will need help. Either talk in general chat once you're in or DM me (gin) and I'll try to make calls on who is suitable for moderating.

What I wouldn't give to line your head up like a soccer ball and kick with all the force my fast twitch muscle fibers can muster
this kek. the only thing this website is good for is downloading pirated books n shit.
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This is the only way, apart from maybe occasionally seeing your favorite artists post a link on Twitter. Public servers are all garbage but someone there might like you enough to invite you to a better private server, however that is unlikely.
>4chan sever
>Not allowed to say racial slurs like nigger or other offensive shit
I'll make my own art server with blackjack and hookers
And you can say whatever you want
Mog this mog that how about you get your parents to love you first you fucking freak skibidi no fanum tax
this sounds like a good way to get into a circlejerk
>I'll make my own art server with blackjack and hookers
This is the real winning strat. I've had my own art server for years now.
Yes, you'll have to actually ask for critique but you'll at least get it and will be closer to artists you actually like.
If you don't ask for it you will just get ass pats most likely
This is a fred. There's a reason why prebegs aren't allowed in servers, schizos love to larp and other begs can't tell the difference.
Congratulations, your server will be dead in a week.
the problem is the owner is autistic and thinks shouting nigger with him is peak comedy, server is burnt which sucks because there are chill people who draw
>as long as someone isn't actively shit posting and schizo begs are posting their work i dont mind. also i dont fucking CARE about what faggots on /ic/ say about the server if they did make a thread about it
Number one reason why /ic/ discord servers fail.
also this, if the server owner is a schizo don't fuck bother
it's funny because why would you care if someone says nigger in a 4chan discord. also its funny too, because that server is gay and only lets you in with a socials attached; which nobody likes when some website requires a facebook or whatever so why would it be good in a server?
you didn't point out the reason. i dont allow spam, excessive arguments, people being dicks for no reason. if a beg is just posting alongside the other artists in there, what is actually the issue? youre going into this with bad faith; i have no defined history of spamming, excessive trolling, being a shithead to people in my server, so im not sure why you seem to be aggressive or are calling me a schizo. im an autist who likes to draw and make friends, i dont care about who you dont like, if they dont bother me and comply with the servers intended purpose, then they aren't an enemy of mine.
If you see any of these people it should be a ban on site or leave asap to avoid drama
You’ve been warned
>tfw not on the list
fuck I need to try harder
What’s the lore ?
reminder that Pawell will also spam your server with conspiritard shit
>hmm... maybe i should join one of these
>oh i need to post my work
>frantically checking folders
>it's all just floating body part anatomy studies
>it's funny because why would you care if someone says nigger in a 4chan discord
One of the many reasons why anons here don’t want to link their blog/social media. Hope you aren’t that anon requiring blogs to be posted in the discord to join
this is why i dont require blogs to be posted.
This poor man has never drawn in his life...
ye olde drawclubbe
I do draw other things as well but i always just clear the canvas because it's faster than saving
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Funny how barring obvious permabegs, poorly socialized autist, and faggot schizos from joining your discord removes 100% of the problems shown in this thread. Skill based and personality based gatekeeping literally works.
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fucking LOL
bro ended up making yet another basic bitch /ic/ server no different than any other
Some of you guys collect discord servers as if they were badges of honor. I wish I could rip your spine out with one fluid motion and kick you down a pit.
we already have 3 CONFIRMED biofems and 2 browse crysta caffeine or whatever and will invite MORE. i dont give a fuck bout anything else, enjoy your sausage fest cords and board i found my holy grail, niggums
okay but what does the art look like?
How do you even confirm biofem? + any fem outing themself as such will 100% be a pain in the ass fishing for attention.
everytime one of you cocksuckers have the thought of walking around hat in hand asking for an invite to a discord just remember that this faggot is already in there
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that's one anon, what about the bio women that are being advertised?
i have an abnormally good troon detector
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one chick draws like this, which i think is pretty decent by /ic/ standards. dont join if you don't want i don't care anymore im gonna watch some anime with these chicks, so long /ic/
Where's the server that keeps begs out?
>uncolored scribble slop
keep wishing, noodle-arms
There's women on the server? I was gonna join but i don't know about it anymore
fags arent allowed on the server so its okay homo>>7226409
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>he doesn't know
My schizodetector is picking up something
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negro i am coloring it right now. ive done other colored art, but at this point itd be better to post the other girls art cause shes better than me LOL. most of the people in the server are men, and draw really well. ill post one of our fags art next but i am most definitely not the best artist in there.
Love this image. Saving it.
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little collage of the homos in the server. we will be doing a theme each week, announced on friday or discussed during the week, either or.
This is embarrassing, there's no way you're a real woman and if you are then you should kill yourself
How about I make a server
I have never made a sever before and I will barely moderate it unless asked
>12 new servers popped up today
>they will be all dead by next week
Also there will only be rules if I actually need to enforce them like not spamming scat and gore
But I trust you guys behave
maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan i just be drawin n shieeeet fym bro u crampin my style! xD
im sorry for your retardation. it must be difficult on your mothers part
Yeah, this thread is a fucking train wreck.
>why aren't there any good servers
Because people here will never get invited to the good ones, including me.
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You are a schizofag, you went on the /crab3/ discord server and said praise king fred. You are a manipulative tranny who enjoys shit stirring by joining other people's discord server's to cause drama by buddy trolling a sixteen year old. Please seek a life.
LOL i didnt know who was fred. also im not a schizofag i just like making people mad because its funny
also i am not a tranny, nor manipulative just a little retarded with autism
That's iterally what a schizo is. Enjoy your nodraw discord server, and enjoy malding over crab3's success.
We’ve been outed

Also saved.
remember when they gayopped fred's tournament last year by larping as different begs to recruit them to their own? I wonder why they felt the need to do that.

>i just like making people mad because its funny
>that one chill server where everyone's cool & respectful until a literal autist joins and dumps full paragraph essays in the chat every single day
Always filters me out.
NTA but remember when fred was on your server on different alts and still is
I'll be honest this seems to be more of a hassle then it is worth
You guys can barely agree with each other what makes you think that you would be able to coexist on a server?
join server
be angry at each other
try to draw better than the others out of pure spite
-> free improovement
I don't think that's healthy
not what being an artist was about
I'm in it for fun and having something to show for
they're shilling the drawclubbe server again...
Which server has no underages again?
Why you want to know that? To go to the ones that DO have minors to groom them????? Huh?????!!?!??!?
Drawclub IS NOT BEING SHILLED! this time!!
>the fem schizo anime artist
Women who draw anime art like this, 9/10 they are severely mentally ill. These women would make fujos look sane.
So literally nothing, got it
This person has never touched a woman irl and will jerk off to the voice of an at most 3/10 roastie.
AHAHAHAHA i'm literally rizzing these hoes while you're jerking off alone in this thread faggot
what difference some ones gender make on internet if you do not meet/fuck anyway. do not understand this shit
uhhhh women on 4chan not real if they are its a schizo evil bitch something something idk
discord weirdos meet all the time
Wouldn't you all just benefit from paying somebody who actually has a masterful understanding of art to crit your work? NMA is literally what you all want, even has a community and a discord you just have to burn some shekels.
The fact that you're paying money would hold you more accountable than discord troons
No one hardly ever comments on the art that gets posted there in the discord unless it’s official feedback from a class.

You would think so but I’ve been paying for several months and I’ve only completed two assignments from an 8 week course, lol.
Brother.... I don't think a discord server is gonna help you the way you think it will... lmfao but at least you'll have some other artists to fuck around with.
Because why would I pay for something I can learn for free retard
Hmmm because the whole point of a Discord is to receive critiques but you'd benefit from an actual instructor who can give meaningful input rather than other people around your skill level?
>Hmmm because the whole point of a Discord is to receive critiques
not him but you're short sighted
i have a discord, it's not for edgy content but it isn't for sensitive people either just ppl on the internet. i have about 70 people in it, if you can be chill and not act too retarded i can post it here. no one asks for critiques but i offer them anyway and it's a community thing where anyone can write on them. if interested, someone reply to me and ill post it.
i'll check it out, what's the link?
I don't see the discord in this thread lasting long because they all have the same idea of wanting to create some form of accountability and community of people who want to get better. That requires structure which will be up to the creator of the discord and or mods and since this board is filled with only like 30 people who are actively trying to get better but have gain and lose motivation like the seasons of the year, I'd say the creation is short sighted, but I'm not one to shit on the attempt. I'm saying, if your goal is truly to get better by all the standards being discussed in this thread, you'd benefit from an actual instructor. Just read the comments from people who already joined, do you think that discord is going to result in much growth for the members?
Don't compare Buckley to those pedos
discord servers are for maladapted pathetic rejects who mentally never progressed out of high school. its like xitter for people too retarded to grow on xitter.
I mean 30 people trying to get better sounds like a good time to me.
When the laws of society buckle and finally fall I pray the opportunity comes where I get to wear your ear lobe around my neck also can I get an invite to a discord with females? I promise I'm chill
The ic animators one is a nice atmosphere if you’re cool with a slower but still consistently alive server, some of the best ic artists I’ve seen are in there. And especially nice since the resident schizo autist got btfo’d
i am in a pretty good discord with talentes artists that provide feedback and encourage each other.
but im not going to give you an invite because you'd probably fuck it up.
I remember being on the VioletClovers server and I really liked that you can make your own thread and post your drawings in one place. Is there a server with these vibes out there?

>isn't that just social media?
social media gives you people that look up to you but I'm looking for more "sharing a class room" kind of thing and being on equal eye-level with the guys that talk to me
>/ic/ related server
What's the fucking point, mate?
You're looking for an alternative to this board, because it's shitty, I get that, but it's shitty because of people that are here.
Discord made out of d/ic/s will be just as shitty, it doesn't matter where you're having conversations, if they're the same people as the ones posting here.
OP here.
I genuinely regret making this thread. This board is beyond saving at this point. I guess it's time to look for a community somewhere else.
Sorry OP, discord threads always get nuked by trolls. Better to just browse the generals.
What do you mean, OP? This thread doesn't look THAT bad to me
>I guess it's time to look for a community somewhere else
in my experience niche fandoms are much better for art and art discussion than any art-specific server. Its much easier to connect with people who have a shared interest beyond just 'art' as a whole
I can be your community:)
I'm gonna touch
the art seems good, link?
It’s literally worse than the holocaust.
> implying holocaust happened
> implying it would be a bad thing if it did
Oh, so you are a kike.
Then your opinion doesn't matter and no one would want you on their server either way
I didn’t expect to find antisemitism here. You people disgust me.
Your disgust disgusts me
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This anon gets it, this happens all the time in sports and other hobbies, when the focus is on community it doesnt last too long.

I like better the idea of getting 5-7 people with the same goals and hire a session with a pro/educator for critique and guidance. I have done this with sports and welding and it was worth it. Of course this is harder with virtual communities too easy to end up as a scam.
On top of what others said, the biggest problem with 4chan based Discords are that they lack complete taste compared to servers that revolve around a certain franchise (like a game, etc). It's always filled with nobodies with meme profile pictures drawing sterile shit.

If you want to feel like belonging to a community and make art friends you probably want zero in on stuff you feel passionate about and find a server about it.
That's what I did and it kinda worked, on the other hand the issue is being around a lot of women and normalfaggots who are constantly gossiping, virtue signaling and bathing in drama, and that shit really sucks if you're anything like me.

You just can't win, we're all as connected as we've ever been in history and yet finding your peers has never been the hardest it feels.
I don't know why you guys bother with this shit. Everyone on /ic/ is in the same discords. If you've been here long enough you've had to have gone through the same dance ceremony with lazy discord mods and promoted mods poaching members to make their own server, server wars, drama leaking to the board, the pretenders, the clique breakers, and the people who park in the server and don't engage.

At the end of the day you all (everyone) comes back here to be anonymous. Let this thread be a recent reminder of what getting into a discord on /ic/ looks like. The posts in here arae a fresh recall of what's in store.
I've only been a part of one discord that was good for growth. The creator actually had a program/curriculum they had the group follow. They also set up group study sessions for figure drawing and assignments followed by weekend critiques. The thing is the guy was a former instructor who was doing it all out of the kindness of his heart. One day the guy said he couldn't dedicate the time to the group anymore. We tried to continue the study sessions and assignments, but without an authoritative voice and constructive feedback the group slowly died. These discords live and die by the creators and structure. Without them it just becomes a social hub for mental masturbation.
its a closed community now
Direct me to a server that has both a
>FUCK TRANNYS-General posting
>Cute sissy boypics here!-Picdump
That's the one I want to join
you'll only find that in servers with no good/decent artist and filled with perma/beg/s. Not a single /int/ or above would be in those.
maybe /soc/ would be your speed.
is elijah still the admin of that server? did he get better? i believed in him...
All these servers claim you have to post your work in order to prove youre not a no-draw, when in truth it is a determination of which caste system you will be assigned to. If you are bad, no one will talk to you. If you are great, everyone will hang from your nuts.
boo hoo then get good nigga
I'm not bad and nobody talks to me, not that I mind. It's in your head.

I've been thinking about these discord art servers. Why would you need them? I've joined dozens of them, and left them all. Even created my own and deleted them after some days because its always the same.

You cannot have a community of something so vague as making art.

A community is tightly formed when every member share a common interest. Thats why gaming communities are always thriving compared to art ones. AND THATS THE THING.

We are making discord servers of people who draw and paint. Not about their art. This is like making a group of people who work different jobs but make good money. The only common interest is making money. However the way they make that money varies from each member.

ITS THE SAME THING WITH THIS. We all want to draw and get better but that is not our main purpose, that is why we don't feel fulfilled, that is we stop posting, that is why we left servers we join. Because we do not care about being good at art, or studying certain artist, or posting regularly.

We care about the stuff we can make with the drawing skills we may have in the future! Not about learning those abilities.

I've finally realized this, now I know why I left all of those discord servers, even though I only received compliments and good wishes. Now I know why every interaction felt awkward. It was because I had no common interest with anybody! I never needed any critique, I have infinite resources at the palm of my hand (pdf's and pirated videocourses), I never needed a different perspective (I can do that by taking some rest and coming back) I just needed a community, but I always, unknowingly, joined the wrong one!

My interest is not getting good at art, that feels good but it doesnt motivate me in the long run. Nor is it earning money through commissions.

My interest all this time was....I've yet to find it. But now I know on which places not to look for it.
Do many of you who can't find a community ever go into voice chat and actually talk?
Over text you really never form bonds unless you texted with the same people for several years. Hearing someone's voice and the nuance that is lost via text, you get to know someone and form attachments (or figure out if they're worth knowing) much faster than keyboard warriors ever will.

If you don't talk, is it because you have a funny accent? If so, what is it?
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>forgot to reply to this post
it's over
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Maybe you were just fucking autistic
This is exactly what I was getting at anon >>7227198, except you used twice as many words.
Good luck in your search.
You've got a point, but in my case it comes down to being relatively disinterested in wasting my time sitting in a vocal sharing memes.
I find most people are not really good at actually talking about art, since most people (especially those you'd find sitting in vocal) are not very introspective by nature, so they don't really have anything interesting to say, or worse, going deep makes them feel insecure.

But again true, if you want to form deeper ties regardless of what the person is like, vocal helps.
link doesn't work, was it a nothing burger
People not being serious and laugh at those want to be. It turns out you people here are not serious. Look at the posts itt. If you want to actually improve as soon as possible open your wallet to a pro artists and pray he's a good teacher too, the more private it is the better. Just treat drawing like a 9-5 where you are your own boss, and you have to show your work to yourself.
Also get a notebook to make physical notes. That subconsciously tells you, you are serious about this. Productivity apps mostly suck, the only thing I use is a public trello so others can see how my comms go.
You can filter out with this the questionable commissioners who like to yap, ERPers and e-beggars, so its pretty much necessary.

It all boils down to this: Don't try to befriend and ask homeless people about real estate and investments.
I've been in the biggest highest skilled most exclusive /ic/ servers that existed since 2018 (Yes even the ones that forked off the big ones and formed secret clubs). During that time I found exactly 2-3 people I would even consider talking to. The rest ranged from utterly boring personalities to downright psychotic and childlike. There are no good stock of people here, just accept it and look somewhere else, preferably real life.
Did you use AI for that sexy, breedable voice?
would bend over/10, post more
I hate people like you who reply with vague and barely on topic replies to questions asking for specifics.
Oh yeah? Well fuck you, bitch.
Just name the place and time, faggot. And bring condoms.
drawing board btw
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I mod a server here and I see your type whenever I chose to open the discord. You people literally put no effort into being in one then lament here about how you cant find a community. The thing is I'm not your babysitter nor do I have time to accommodate some one week wonder. You get out of discords what you put into them, and when you couldn't be fucked to do anything beside post for the sake of getting in I'm not going to put in the effort of making you feel accommodated. I have other members to attend who do put in the effort and my own art to make, you are just a icon on a sidebar until you are gone or removed.
Thanks for proving my point by posting some horrendous reaction image. You're a dull and tasteless human being and I don't want to have anything to do with you and your clique.
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Your limp dick posturing means nothing to me, you are a loser and you don't even draw. I know this because you either wrote or agreed with:
>My interest is not getting good at art, that feels good but it doesn't motivate me in the long run. Nor is it earning money through commissions.
>My interest all this time was....I've yet to find it. But now I know on which places not to look for it.
You have nothing to offer to the world and yet you've fooled yourself into believing that you do. Worthless faggot.
But I do draw and I do have servers I've been in and plan to continue being in. Keep being literal fith though.

These quotes are not me btw lmao, I'm the other anon, and I never agreed to this.
Didn't read.
worthless faggot.
Must have really hurt huh. I'm sure you'll get famous someday. Keep that meme folder filled up, tasteless-kun.
just be glad anon isn't in your discord lmfao
send it agane
>resident schizo autist
where is magic man's next server, he promised it's coming

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