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The general thread for Manga / manga-styled comic-making, manga-style illustration and related comic work. That said, everyone is welcome here.

Support each other and talk about your work or the work of others that excites you. Inking, character design, paneling / layout, writing, planning, and other discussions are all welcome.
Post resources, questions, in-progress pages, breakdowns of other works, etc. If a work is not yours, credit the maker (unless it's fucking obvious like a full page of One Piece or something).
Thanks to everyone for making /mmg/ a level-headed and helpful place. Remember, drawing and making comics and manga are difficult endeavors, and we're all in this struggle together.

Previous thread: >>7206002

Some resources:
/asg/, our stylistic sister-thread series for those focused more on illustration >>>/ic/asg

Understanding Comics
Making Comics
Manga in Theory and Practice: The Craft of Creating Manga
Story: Substance, Structure, Style and the Principles of Screenwriting
Even a Monkey Can Draw Manga
The Shonen Jump Guide to Making Manga

Habanero Scans: https://www.dailymotion.com/HabaneroScans/videos
Full MANBEN Series link: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0GiIM_rGEGPjTGQ4HadH4eizLu5E49Tz&si=gpRcOXt_H1l3shNF
Urasawa Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkIFOAoFm47XOAlJwTa6Ieg/videos

Source of OP image is Dungeon Meshi chapter 9.
Some western / indie publishers of Manga:

Saturday AM ( https://www.saturday-am.com/ )
> Digital indie magazine, seems to be on the up-and-up
> Open submissions for long-form series; also distributes series currently being published elsewhere.
> Regularly publishes one-shots, making it a good potential outlet for already-finished work.

Oni Press ( https://onipress.com/ )
> Technically indie, but at this point large enough by comic standards to be mentioned in the same breath as other publishers.

Antarctic Press ( https://antarctic-press.myshopify.com/ )
> Longtime large-indie publisher of OEL / manga-esque books.
> Seemingly taking submissions at present if http://www.antarctic-press.com/html/submissions.php is anything to go on.

Yen Press ( https://yenpress.com/ )
> Started out as a small indie publisher of original / Korean material, and has grown reasonably popular since.
> As of 2016, it is also one of the western arms of the Kadokawa Corporation, with Kadokawa owning a 51% stake.
> Editorial inquiries can apparently be sent to yenpress@yenpress.com, however, they apparently are not open to new submissions at this time.

Viz Media / Viz Originals ( https://www.viz.com/originals )
> *The* western manga publisher.
> Currently in the exploratory stages of setting up an English label.
> Submissions are open and several books have been announced. However, progress on the label seems to be moving very slowly.
> Still might be worth a shot anyway.

Shrine Comics ( https://shrinecomics.com/ )
> Small indie manga publisher
> Seemingly attempting to make the transition to physical volumes
> Allows crossposting to other sites

Iconic Comics (https://www.iconiccomics.com/)
>A bit like Oni Press and Antarctic Press
>A small publisher with a focus on indie works with manga inspiration
Other open comic publishers:

Dark Horse ( https://www.darkhorse.com )
>Dark Horse still welcomes your submissions, and all submissions will still be reviewed, just as they always have been.
>All unsolicited story/series proposals must have a full creative team on board. Writer-only proposals will not be reviewed.

Image comics ( https://imagecomics.com/ )
>Image Comics only publishes creator-owned material. They do not contract creators; they’re only interested in publishing original content for which you would retain all rights.
>Image Comics publishes creator-owned/creator-generated properties and THEY DON’T PAY PAGE RATES. Image takes a small flat fee off the books published, and it will be the responsibility of the creators to determine the division of the remaining pay between their creative team members.

Drawn and quarterly ( https://drawnandquarterly.com/ )
>Please email a low resolution PDF with at least 20 pages of comics and cover letter to submissions. Do not send dropbox links, scripts, or proposals. Please read our submissions FAQ.

Fantagraphics ( https://www.fantagraphics.com/ )
>submission page: https://www.fantagraphics.com/pages/faq

Top Shelf Productions ( https://www.topshelfcomix.com/ )
>Regarding submissions, we're easy. Just email us a download link of what you'd like us to review. NOTE: We cannot accept cover letters, plot synopses, or scripts unless they are accompanied by a minimum of 10-20 completed pages (i.e., fully inked and lettered comic book pages).

Additional publisher lists:
> https://jasonthibault.com/definitive-list-comic-publisher-submission-guidelines/
> https://writingtipsoasis.com/best-independent-comic-book-publishers/
Current Contests:

Kyoto International Creators Award:

Zenon Magazine:

Magic international manga contest: https://www.shibuya-productions.com/en/magic/magic-international-manga-contest.html,73

4-koma Contest:


Silent Manga Audition:

/mmg/'s very own anon-led anthology: /ic/onography

Additional community added Resources:
Mangafonts: https://mangafonts.carrd.co/
Hiro Mashima YT: https://www.youtube.com/@mashimaCh/videos

How (You) can help /mmg/:

> Know about a contest or a publishing opportunity? TAG THE OP and post a link.
> Have a new resource? TAG THE OP and link / mention it for inclusion.
> Have a link / DL for a mentioned resource? TAG THE OP and mention what you're supplying a link for.
> SCREENSHOT / PASTEBIN effortposts that help you for posterity.
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>3 pages in 2 hours instead of 6
I love drawing rubble
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so guys we did it.
i actually won something..
i don't think this would have happened if it wasn't for all the people here reading it when i posted it back in april so thanks everyone! wagmi
Oh hey I remember this, congratulations anon!
Congrats dude.
good job
Nice. I remember reading it and thinking it was good.
Oh I remember you anon, congratz. Have you posted more chapters since last time?
congrats anon, i strive to be like you. i'm pre/beg/ and have to learn everything from scratch.
/mmg/ - winners of contests and people who get published in doujin magazines. Fuck yeah.
Nice! I remember seeing people on /hyw/ smugly shit talking this comic a while ago. Fast foward to today /hyw/ is dead and you won an award. Very cool.
Well-deserved imho. I still remember it from just picrel. Just goes to show that it left an impression. Very soulful
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I was wondering about you the other day, i'm happy for you anon
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drawing builds are a pain
starting a fantasy manga
>drawing builds are a pain
Try to have at least a little fun with it
The answer is to unironically draw more buildings. I used to hate it until I suddenly didn't. Now I unironically love making environments and making them feel lived-in by the characters of my world.
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Finished my one-shot being 50 pages, just finished up the color first page and spread. Posting it to Manga plus creators August 3rd
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Page spread
Nice graffiti work anon. Respect.
Great job!
This actually makes me want to try making something on MangaPlus now.
Now let's see if someone, anyone can get gold. That's isn't a nepotism pick.
>Manga Senpai
Based as fuck and should be required watching. Both dispels so many myths.

In terms of fiction I would reccomend Aoi Honoo. It's both about manga and animation and has a good amount of technique shown, but is moreso about attitude. Doujin Work is also a good little 4koma style manga-about-making-(degen)manga.
I've said this before but your sketches are so lively compared to your final pages
the way you ink makes everything look jagged and angular, please try inking with longer strokes
yo, this is mad. He should blow his smoke into the blue baby's face.
MASSIVE W! Don't blow the prize money all in one place!
Very weird for you to bring up different threads on a different board randomly like that. Almost as if you could be the shithead responsible for driving people away and now trying to do the same thing in a different place. But that'd be silly.
I don't know what you're talking about. or maybe I just can't see it. my pencils are like my inks, just messier. here's the inks for this page. and...
here's the pencils for comparison
Maybe your inks would look better if they were a bit messier. He's right, they do kinda lose a lot of their energy in the translation. It just looks like you're not really having any fun with them. Could help a lot to be a bit more dynamic with the line weights, but I know you're inking for color so I dunno how that would affect the end result.
>Maybe your inks would look better if they were a bit messier.
really? I like clean lines. but maybe I'll try experimenting with that. I don't think it would work with the colors though.
Do what you like, we're just sayin'.
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He's an example, though desu the more I look at it the more I question if it's an improvement. I think part of the problem is actually that you're not exaggerating things enough. The sketch has nice exaggerated shapes with little gaps left to the imagination, and the inks do not. When you're making the lines thick, you should make them thicker. When you make the lines thin, you should make them thinner. And you shouldn't be afraid to imply some shadow with your inking. I know you're coloring them, but doing some of that shading work in the inks could take your artwork to the next level IMO.
Going for clean is fine, but you aught to be mindful it doesn't end up looking sterile. I don't think it's quite at that point yet, but I think it's a bit too close to it for comfort.
did you give her a cock?
Hm? I don't know what you're talking about.
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consider panel lines with width matching your ink lines.
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Really gotta knuckle down and get this final stretch done. I can feel myself getting slower and slower the closer I am to being done. I want to have the storyboard for the next work done by mid august and the sketches done by early september so I can just grind through the inks and have it done by december.
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godspeed, anon.
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Based and publishedpilled
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Ok. Not bad ideas, but maybe a matter of taste.
Here's the color page to compare
did you mean vicious.
viscous is a consistency.
unless thats the joke.

fuck this captcha shit.

interestingly one of the last episodes of Manben is about Aoi Honoo and its author
woops, I misspelled it. the spell checker doesn't check context I see. viscous might work though because hes a gumdrop
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couple more silly pages, finally starting some kind of story
I think the flow really sucks, I can't just drop bubbles on intuition yet, have to actually pay attention every panel
This........ is supposed to be read top to bottom in separate columns, yes? Not as rows?
correct. I get the feeling I'll be answering that question until I die.
>you too
I smiled.
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another dumb 4koma
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I wanted to finish the first chapter by this monday, to post it in mpc, but it seems that i will be not able to finish by then

Now i could post it the next month, but the problem is that I will have mine internets until this month at most

Could i post it this next week, but, it will get enough time to get track, i mean To participate in the awards?

Geez life always gets worse when things are about to get good for me
omedetou anon-kun
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Is learning 3D essential for comic making?
It seems quite inefficient having spend days to create assets from scratch when I can just draw it directly from my head.
My artsyle is very hatching-heavy, so even if I use 3D I still have to "ink" on top of it.
I never have any problem with drawing perspective per se. In fact, I am afraid that relying on 3D, 3D background in particular, might make my scene composition looks dull as 3D tends to make everything looks more correct.
I like it more when the perspective is a bit "loose".
you don't really have to spend days for that. it is abitof a learning curve at first, but a good asset can be made in a few hours and you get to reuse it after that. The returns are proportionate to how often you use it
Sounds like you don't need anybody to tell you the answer dude.
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hmm I think I should try to make things more simple
3d sucks, i remember that i did 2 works trying to use 3d, and wasted so much time on the 3d just to have some shitty draws, keep grinding fundies until you are satisfied and it will take you less time with that
So I have my first official chapter pretty much done. It’s a prologue around 30 pages. My question is, how to do I submit this to Viz format wise? Just pngs? Should I upload it to medibang first? How should I export it from CSP to send it into Viz originals?
White voids are more interesting than 3d.
Have you tried asking Viz what they want you to do? And then going to the CSP forums/tutorials section to figure out how to do whatever it is they want you to do?
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Since I send the SMA entry right know is like I dont have any energy to draw at all. I need to draw 10 pages for the VIZ media thing and even the storyboard is already done I just fucking can't (the summer its not helping either so fucking hot)
I know that feeling
just gotta build a little energy again
I ended up taking up a surprise little one shot this month so the stuff I was working on to submit to viz has just sorta ground to a halt
and I still have to get to work on Kyoto too I just remembered...
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warmup sketch
Sounds like a sleep issue. You need a good 9hrs uninterrupted for 2 nights.
this does feel sort of Japanese. I'll give it that.
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My Doujinshi did not have the reception I expected. I suppose it was due to the oversaturation of Dragon-Ball hentai illustrations that abound on all social networks. Not to mention the "god" of Dragon-Ball hentai; Yamamoto Doujin.

In any case, it is available on my Pixiv:
>warmup sketch
great now get to making that manga
how do I come up with a good story
my mind is empty
Read books. Watch movies
How do you think Goku would realistically react if he discovered his son was fucking his wife?
probably profound sorrow
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I genuinely thought that was the whole point and that it had flown over that anon's head
Super happy for you anon, because honestly I didn't think it was that good.
But I guess that's why I'm a crab!
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>i have to do a whole spread with the view of a whole imaginary city from a mountain

P.s. i wanna post my probably last draft but i don't know what to post if pdf or the images
my nigga
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Does this look passable enough? I doubt i will be able to be way more detailed since my arm is relapsing, but since there's is so little left to draw i wonder if i can get away with this
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I didn't realize that i accidentally clicked the "export double pages separated"
Have you read a single manga released in the last 5 years?
>Does this look passable enough?
You and I both know the answer to that question, unfortunate news about your arm aside.
my first comic.. this is more difficult than i thought..
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forgot image
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im tryin guys. i just lose the drive easily
Well keep at it cause I want to see more of this bitch.
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i'll work on it
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Send me this shit bro, I'm tryna read. It looks great. Also how'd you get the hatching lines so straight? What brushes are you using & what program?
>>7235359i only got a couple pages. its still real early.

i use Lucas Peinados(youtube) brushes for procreate. i could never get lines that straight.
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I obviously won't do just scratches, i was just trying to say that i won't be able to do tiny little buildings at detail, so if i just try to do something like that, but more clean and with fewer details, can i make it seem like the illusion of a city?
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You'd better.
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most satisfied I've been with a page in a while
how do I come up with good character designs
Remember the next time you make a manga to stock up on Toilet X. Buy Toilet X today!
Well deserved, congratulations!
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Has anyone noticed that games, even RPG-Maker/Visual Novel stuff without much gameplay, end up garnering WAY more engagement than comics?
Like, it sticks in my mind how stuff like Helltaker might never have been as popular if it didn't have a free puzzle game attached to it...

Have you ever considered adapting a story you're making into some sort of video game? Would it work?
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I feel that games tend to get more traction because:
1) You are more actively engaging with the product than mere reading would be.
2) You're not automatically choked to death by an AI algorithm and the game can more fairly stand on its own two feet.
3) Publishers like Steam are not blatantly abusing favoritism and playing kingmaker as comic hosts (Webtoons/Tapas, et al.) are, with the sole intention of banishing you to back to the salt mines if you don't IMMEDIATELY make another game that did as well as the first one in the span of one month.

>Have you ever considered adapting a story you're making into some sort of video game? Would it work?
I'm not entirely sure what genre it would be. Aecast could conceptually be anywhere between a tactical strategy game like XCOM/Mechanicus (or even Darkest Dungeon), a metroidvania-type platformer, or even a regular visual novel dating sim with the girls lol.
Video games have a very large audience, easily bigger than webcomics. If you have the bandwidth to make a tie-in game there's no reason not to. Of course that's all time that could be spent making your comic
As a ChiChi fan, I appreciate this.
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Alright, what about now, i still have to add some details, but this gives the illusion or still doesn't it?
Your arm's going to fall off if you keep this up.
Much better. But please give your arm a break.
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at the end of the day people are generally bakas and would prefer to be mashing buttons and grinding mobs endlessly
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Thanks for the worry, but i just need to do some few fixes here and there and done, the rest i can do it with mouse
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90% done, nearly there.
Is this a panel from your regular manga or are you making something for nhentai?
Regular manga, which will inevitably end up on e-hentai, which is the website that nhentai scrapes from. Kinda funny to call it "making something for nhentai", lol.
What's your manga called?
It'll be in Mugen Tensei in a few months time.
Are you Japanese?
We're gonna have to start adding Quickdrawanon and others to the sticky
>adding Quickdrawanon and others to the sticky
In order to......?
we should skin him alive and mail anons shreads of derma as lucky magical fetishes
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I've been making the threads for a while now so I'm a bit hesitant to add my own work to the links. Dunno what that would add other than being a little sticker on the fridge anyway, and if that's the case then we should do it for other anons who are getting their stuff published like >>7226956 and the guy who's being published in Zenon.
Isn't the sticky for resources for helping people with making manga or sharing manga? I don't think random porn needs to be there lol
I agree. While it's nice to commemorate anons who have gotten recognized in a public way, my concern for the /mmg/ community is that it adds pointless user drama that we REALLY do not need. /mmg/ is a nice and supportive group that just gets straight to the point with no filler or drama for the most part, and it would be nice to keep it that way.

Quickdraw anon is the same guy as porn anon (the one who is getting his work published in a Japanese magazine semi-regularly now). >>7237787 is the same anon as Quickdraw anon.
japanese magazines publish such porn weekly?
Not weekly, but montly or bi-montly
my man! im workin on it now!
Anons, what do you think makes a manga look like a manga? Even good western artists that can emulate manga have something that you can tell is western. The line weight? Panneling? The proportions?
Could you imagine a weekly porn magazine? 1000 chapters of one pussy and chainsaw cock.
Araki has gone into a little detail a out that in his book. Long story short, he says that there are two main categories in which western comics differentiate: visual emphasis and emphasis on physical action. Western artists in his view tend to focus more on details of the face that may go overlooked in Japan, or accentuate body poses/features that wouldnt be emphasized elsewhere. In terms of paneling, he states that western artists are generally more prone towards emphasizing action panel by panel, allowing the reader to see what is physically being done or expressed almost on a frame by frame basis, whereas Japanese artists will more likely focus on the internal monologue of what a character may be thinking or feeling. He caveats this by saying that these are of course only generalities, but those are his observations.
WHo's getting published in Zenon? Rosenrot anon?
thanks for the push anon
So that newfags stop asking the same fucking questions every thread
>are you japanese
>do you speak japanese
>how did you get this job
>what do I do to get that job
>do you live in japan
>how much do you get paid

The sticky/FAQ should be there to answer the most common / most easily answered questions we get in the thread to cut down on the repetition
Thanks. Did you read it?
When there's an opening in the market...
Most are monthly, but Weekly Kairakuten is a thing. They usually only have a couple of artists each issue though. Guess it's just hard to find enough authors for every issue.

monotone_ink, he had a one-shot in Zenon a few months ago. Don't know if it's going to be a regular thing for him or not.
Dunno where Rosenrot guy's been at, I never got an email or social media so I could check up.

Lol, I guess you have a point there.
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What is the best way to quickly make backgrounds on this quality? I don't care if it looks boring or like a 3D model, readers spend 1-2 seconds max on panels like this, there's hardly a point in spending hours rendering beautiful backgrounds for every panel
Anon, that background is just autogenerated from an AI. Any kind of image AI can generate that, especially once you start grabbing LORAs and the like. You can tell it's AI by the way the background details are all melting and merging into one another.
Whole thing is AI. Look at that chick's hand.
I didn't look at the girl since the other anon was only asking about the background, but now that you mention it yeah, the whole thing is just quickly pumped out AI.
Not him but that just looks like a kinda wonky human drawn hand. AI constantly fucks up line work, melting elements into each other in a way that's not present in that character art. Easy way to tell is by looking at where the hair/eyelashes meet -- AI always seems to confuse them being two separate elements and they end up being obviously melted together once you zoom in. That's not the case here, so I think the artist just outsourced the background and kinda rushed the character art.

Anyway the best way is to just get good at implying detail efficiently. Ain't nothin' gonna beat that.
Is it me or does the elbow look out of place as well? Like it needs to be moved to the left a bit more, or at least rotated slightly counter-clockwise.
I dunno, maybe? Looks good enough to me.
It's traced & edited to hide obvious imperfections. Lots of people are hiring south asian artists to do this for pennies on the dollar.
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Hell yeah, that's what this thread is about. Making manga.
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>i have to do fixes in two panes and the drawing fase is done

All that will be left is the tones and some fx... that by the way, which fonts are good for it
wrong your
fixed :)
how you do screentones?
He does screentones the way anyone else does screentones. Get yourself some digital brushes. If you're doing it physically, you'll have to buy some.
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Here, this is the gist of it. Anything more complex than this just amounts to soft erasing on these layers or using the gradient tool for the same thing. If there's anything you want to be a different "type" of tone from the rest, just have it outside of the layer folder on its own.

I don't have a "tone brush" or anything of the sort, no.
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Your line work is getting nice to look at. It's the hatching I think. It's rough in a good way.
Thanks! I've been practicing a bit
where can i fap to this?
In whatever issue of the magazine it ends up in. Might be the October issue.
what do (((they))) want to see to win the contest?
Ah, how interesting. Sorry, forgot that CSP(?) has thay tone feature. I'm on PS, and I've had to manually do it with tone brushes.
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nah man don't do it with brushes that shit is mad gay, make your screentones and do it with masking or color with flats and then convert to bitmap afetr you're done
Why do it in the first place? Presumably dithering is used in traditional manga to simulate lighter tones, so if you're going to apply it in post-processing after already having chosen the tones then it seems it defeats the point.
Has drawing manga ruined reading manga for you? I can't help but notice every little mistake or detail that could have been improved while reading anything now. When I used to just read anything and not care about looks.
I might take you up on that when I start a new chapter. Currently too far in to do a sudden switch. Just gonna finish and then start fresh.
It's pretty blackpilling when you begin to realise just how low effort a lot of webtoon/shonen slop is and also realise normies don't know what 3d and photo backgrounds are and just assume its all hand drawn. But ultimately it's just made me appreciate the good manga even more.
Doesn't ruin it at all, no. In fact, as an artist, it just makes me want to read more of it. I definitely notice shortcuts or imperfections, but I also realize that no artist is 100% perfect, and so many manga are on such time crunches and strict schedules that it isn't necessarily the fault of the mangaka.

There are corner cutting techniques I don't like much, like photo-filtered backgrounds, and OVER reliance on screen tones in some (mostly modern) manga, but it doesn't ruin manga at all for me.
>and OVER reliance on screen tones
what do you mean?
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Everytime i get a little closer to finish it, it feels that it sucks even more than before, do anons that finish their projects already, felt that way too?
Everytime. Doing the first 95% of the project is ok, more or less, but the final 5% is like trying to drag myself across boiling lava. During those times I also think "Why am I even doing this? Nobody reads this anyway." But then I finish and then look back and am glad I kept going.
It's definitely "ruined" the pace I read things at lol. I used to be able to breeze through chapters because I'd treat it as more of a book and I'd only care about the pictures when they really stood out, but now I'm on the opposite end where I'm meticulously going through every panel to see what kinds of shortcuts I could try picking up on. Seeing the imperfections is honestly refreshing because it reminds me that even pros with whole teams and editors still fuck up all the time, so I have no reason to be so hard on myself and super anal about perfectionism.

This is true also, if you go through r/webtoons most of the art I see praised looks incredibly generic and often downright ugly, and it kind of makes me feel like I shouldn't even try too hard if people love anything that looks even vaguely japanese/chinese/korean, but that's something I can't care too much about anyway. Too frustrating trying to think about the "correct" kind of art instead of the kind that I enjoy making.
The point is to have values between black and white. Manga is printed only with black ink, so you need to create values with only black ink, therefore you use screentones. Since I'm drawing this digitally, it's much less clumsy to draw these tones in gray first and convert them after.
This is the process my editor asked me to do, though I was already doing it this way.

No, it's actually made reading manga a much more rewarding experience for me. I certainly didn't appreciate the craft and skill of the person making it before I started making my own, and I don't think I'd have been able to appreciate my favorite works if I hadn't gained that perspective. Even the "low effort trash" people talk about is a compelling experience to me, because I can see the blood and sweat the author put in even if the readers cannot.

Finishing things is the hardest part. That's why I urged you to finish it asap ages and ages ago.
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>Has drawing manga ruined reading manga for you?
I like this dry ass humor and I think i'd like it more if i could actually tell what was going on
I was developing a multiplayer game sort of similar to Soldat and wrote some really cool lore that I can't let go to waste, so I considered adapting that into a webcomic actually.
is there such things as personal manga mentor?
if yes, how much do I expect to pay?
You mean an editor?
how much is hiring an editor?
Bro... what are you trying?
What are you asking for exactly? Somebody to hold your hand and walk you through the entire process of making a comic? Because an editor ain't gonna be doing that. I don't think there's anybody doing private mentorship, at least not as far as I've seen.
why do you sound upset
I do?
It doesn't really work like that, man. It's not like you hire a guy to be your "manga mentor". If you have a mentor then it's through an internship to be an assistant or connections you have, a teacher you had in university / college, stuff like that. You know, through networking.
You're probably not going to straight up hire a mangaka or comic artist worth their salt, unless you're paying them Saudi prince money or something. They got their own shit they're working on.
Documentary on the SMA artist village thing aired on NHK today.
monotone_ink is in it.
why don't they use screnless tablets
I'm aiming to be the most inscrutable mangaka in history, that'll be my legacy
is it the story? it's supposed to be a mystery, so I'm leaving some things intentionally ambiguous, but maybe it's too ambiguous
if it's the art; then sorry, I'm doing my best
Anybody here ever apply for assistant job?
A lot of these jobs hiring offer remote/work from home option but I wonder if they dare to hire overseas worker.
You know, I think it's possible. Can't hurt to apply to stuff.
I should add ganmo to the pasta. Dunno why I didn't before.
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is this a good storyboard? if not how to improve?
I need more girls to draw for warm up. Please post!
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Is it normal to get confused whether something that happened was actually a dream or not? I drew a comic about it.
Best app I can use to add text in speech bubbles? that it can look good
I made manga in SAI which doesnt have addin text
There's not really any way to know if it's a good storyboard until you show your finished pencils, really. The point of a storyboard is to draw something quickly to guide you through sketching, then refining those pencils, then inking, then toning, so if those panels give you enough information for you to move onto sketching then it's fine for you.

I would say you've probably put too much detail for storyboards, since I can see you drew over some construction lines, when if you can tell at a glance what is happening in a panel then it doesn't need any more detail than just stick figures. If you're having problems with proportions and perspective then sketching out some guides like form lines indicating the direction of a shape would help a ton, or even just sketching out really simple 3D shapes like cylinders and spheres with indications of where clothes should go could help too.

Also, what is the environment going to look like? This could be saved for later on if you already know from your script, but setting down a tone of what you'd like the environment to look like on the background might make value composition easier, so that you don't end up giving the guy bright colors on a bright background (e.g. a blue shirt against a blue sky). That isn't mandatory though, the important thing is to just get the ideas down so you can test some different shots or angles to get the mood of the scene across, and not aiming for perfection on your first go.
It's not the art, it's got a sober yet goofy style that I really like (kind of like beavis and butthead) but what really throws me off is the flow, i'm confused as to what panel to go to next. Idk if the flow goes from left to right or down and then to the right...
Me on the left
kek yea it's normal
I'm searching for a screentone which is like parallel lines, Fujimoto use it so much for shadowing backgrounds and I like the result, If someone has it or knows how to do it, I would appreciate it x1000.
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if you're using CSP you can just set the dot to be lines and set them to whatever angle you want
Didnt think about that lmao thanks
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>its the panel order again
maybe if I was smarter I'd just make it a webtoon
does this make it more clear? I'm trying to use the gutters to hint at the top->bottom reading priority
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new pages
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Nice pages and art as usual, anon. If I may put in my two cents: while the two-panel of the tall office is really cool, it did make me think for a second I was supposed to go down that entirely and then shift to the left panel as the final one to read, instead of the usual left/right left/right we do.
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What is the resolution you draw at? I am of course presuming you draw at a scale bigger than the default page size that will be printed.
Sketching/inking is done on a 600DPI A4 canvas, final thing is blown up to 1200DPI for the tones.
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I need some help, two advices actually
Here i wanna do the clouds moving away from the explosion, and make the white circle into a tree that is affected by the shockwave
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Anyone got good resources/advice on character line work?
I'm struggling to get a grasp on it atm and my lines suck
There's thousands upon thousands of manga out there to look at for example. Pick the ones you like and use them for example.
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Hi bros, I would love to hear your thoughts on this rough cover sketch.

Hi anon, you should pick out your favorite manga/comic artists and study some of their best illustrations. That's what has really helped me learn. I personally studied Miura and Araki's work. Observe how they do their hatching, where they do their hatching, how they handle line weight, where they put details, etc.. Every artist does inking differently, so you have to find what works best for you; there's no rules set in stone when it comes to inking. You might want to use a ruler for straight lines, you might not; everything's up to what you think looks best and what works with your style.
A great book to study is "Framed Ink" by Marcos Mateu-Mestre; you'll learn about overall comic composition and where to put blacks & whites which is obviously incredibly important for inking. absolute banger book which everyone ITT should read.
Also, inking looks bad when the underlying sketch looks bad. When you ink, you're putting the ambiguity of a sketch into its barebone forms which highlights its flaws. Make sure that you're really confident with the sketch before you start inking. Something to keep in mind is that if you have an amazing sketch with masterful fundamentals, it'll still look good even with absolute shite inking, but in reverse, if you have a shite sketch with amazing inking, it will only look marginally better than the sketch. So don't worry about inking too much and instead worry more about where you're lacking in your sketches.
Cursed digits, also I love your work.
>it did make me think for a second I was supposed to go down that entirely and then shift to the left panel
ur right, I'll se if I can edit the page somehow to make it work.
Otherwise, what's done is done
I wouldn't sweat it anon. Just something to keep in mind for the future.
Your cover looks good - I would personally change the title font to something more uniquely designed, but that's it.
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slowly working on doujin
nice art but you definitely gotta work on the word balloon placement.
the balloons are structured in a way that implies left to right reading despite that not being the intended order, you should have the first speech box ("it was during my road trip") be the highest one on the page and have each subsequent box trending downwards, and then on the bottom panel, the "but when i knocked etc" should be above the "i found a woman".
also, assorted spelling errors:
>suposed should be supposed
>a online should be an online
>entrence should be entrance
oh it upper first i didnt know(i thought that the right was in priority haha), gonna fix that
and sorry for the text gonna fix my esl with a spell checker once i finish the other pages
thanks for the feed back i had doubt on the art
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Does anyone know the name of this sort of screentone or pattern name? these hatched lines, they vary from very orderly to slightly more random usually.
no need to apologize for the text, it's readable just some small mistakes lol. and yeah the art is really good, i think maybe the lines could be a bit more confident (e.g. the girl's hand being pretty sketchy, and the door frame being wonky) but even those things are pretty minor, good luck on the rest of the doujin!
Yes exactly! I knew it existed but I couldn't find it, thank you anon.
I would do this for pay, absolutely. I kind of envision it being like narrative consulting where you go to someone for professional writing help. I've had a lot of people want to pick my brain for advice in the past and I think this is the only way i'd get to reasonably help anyone without worrying about wasting my time or getting stuck to another talent leech who pretends to care about whatever i'm making.
next month I'll work on my comic... just gotta get through this last week and I'll get my mental energy back
how on earth do you draw that big? If I zoom out to see the whole page, then I can't see the lines, but if I zoom in to draw things up close, I can't see the form. Plus it takes like 10x longer, something like an eye at that size is an entire illustration that takes like 3 minutes....
>go to someone for professional writing help
Man, am I really fucking lucky I have several friends who are in this line of work professionally.
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>pornanon drawing a single tit
That is cool. I had to figure out all this shit on my own, I think back in the day when I was in the thick of it I think it would have been nice to have someone to turn to for the real deep cut. It's actually really hard to find anyone who can provide real writing help and dig up contradictions and not just spellcheck (which is what people seem to think writing help is)
>not just spellcheck (which is what people seem to think writing help is)
Exactly - so many people think that making sure your grammar is technically correct is all that's needed, when it's making sure that a character is talking the way they would be talking in that situation, make sure there aren't any continuity errors, and other kinds of tardwrangling on the part of the creator in case they get too lost in the weeds.
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where do i pirate csp.....
just buy it. it's a one-time payment and cheap as shit for what it offers.
if I draw extra pages tomorrow I can make up for doing nothing today
Just get it on sale. One and done, and its insane value for the price.
Just draw, you fucking bots.
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Almost done inking the first update of Cosmic Crush, here's what I got so far
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I wish I had someone that would write for me
it's so hard to build community IRL
Uh... to be honest, I've never considered that to be a challenge because I've always been drawing on big canvases. Just follow the sketch man, I dunno else what to say.
I will say whenever I draw on a small canvas it feels like drawing on baby mode... probably not a good thing if you find the idea of drawing on a larger canvas intimidating. That's the kind of thing you ought to break yourself out of sooner rather than later.

Looks good man. I thought you were doing it as a webtoon though? Or are you doing it normally then chopping it into a webtoon format later?
Thanks. I'm drawing the pages as regular comic format then will break it in to scrolling format for webtoon and Tapas. This way I can also post it on manga websites and print it one day if I ever decided to.
Right. I've seen people do that, and they always complain about how much of a ball-ache it is and how they wish they hadn't committed to doing it, lol.
I did it for the 3rd volume of Oi and it didn't take me that long, the problem is going back and reformatting the previous 2 volumes which would take way too long. I'm only planning this Cosmic Crush comic as a one shot to see how it does and if i like drawing it. If I don't want to draw more after this I'll move on to a different project.
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Planning to start my 26th page soon. How's everyone doing?
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Juggling between job hunting with interviews and working on my manga. I decided to redraw the first 10 pages of my project (since I did them a while ago and the quality is terrible lol), to send them to VIZ Media and see if I'm lucky and they are interested.
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this was the original
page 10 sketch
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Doing ok. Took months off, but Im trying to get back into the swing. Skipping some boring chapters for some fun ones to help motivate me.
Keep it up aeca-non
Clear improvement anon, great job. In the bottom left panel though, it should be "your" instead of "you."
>Skipping some boring chapters for some fun ones to help motivate me.
A better way to stay motivated is making sure every chapter is fun.
Sorry, I'm going out of order on my chapters because I lost motivation going in sequential order.
I'm not skipping reading aecast's chapters if that's what it came across as.
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being mangaka is suffering...
Good point. I was just hitting a wall on how how I want set up shots, and getting frustrated. Maybe boring wasn't the right word.
that's the fun of it, anon
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Well... life is suffering anyways, so...
No no, I didn't interpret you saying that lol, just wanted to know why you thought you had boring chapters. I see what you meant at >>7243851.
That’s awesome
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Anons that already posted on mpc, or anybody... i need to know if there's a size limit on the page size, i mean in both resolution and mb, because there's some pages that at 100% quality and 50% size resolution the pages are like 6mb each

And the problem is that the spread like this looks way worse if i lower from that
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That's a screenshot of a pdf that i exported (too big to post) and this is how it looks like when i export it in lower settings

P.s. cut the last panel on the first post, because i didn't had finish yet when i wanted to post it
Your linework and composition have gotten so much better since your first chapter of OI. Before it felt like you were copying a lot of other authors and blending their styles, but now you've really found your own unique touch.

I think your art is getting more solid too, love your work.

It's been a time you two. Nice to see you again.
yeah thanks anon also the other panel has another spelling mistake, right know I'm more focused in the drawing part. After I finish all the pages I will check and correct the grammar lol
it's nice to be back
I like how the composition and flow improved as well. The redo is much easier to read.
Why not write yourself?
What, you don't have any interesting ideas you want to see come to life?
Cute! CUTE!
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One page left to go until I go back and fix things.
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lets go, just two more chapters to finish this arc
Nice tone work with the hair shadows sitting on her skin. Admire the detail.
Ghost girl is here to save the day!
>manga making general
How often do you all study Manga? I admit I rarely do. Ive been watching more Anime. one reason is I can learn about color more this way because my manga is color. but I'm too lazy.
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/a/ said this is god tier paneling
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I don't study anything, which is probably why I'm still beg.

That kind of paneling is fun. I did something "similar" I thought was somewhat original, but I'm sure it's been done before
I dunno if I'd say it's god tier, but it's definitely good. Are there people trying to say it isn't?
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/a/ also said this is god tier paneling
That's also very good. Am I training an AI here?
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here it is finally
Looking good as always, anon. Small typos: "Measure" only has one s, and it should be "that's" shortly afterwards. Looking forward to what happens.
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So is it now possible to make a career out of being a manga artist in Japan as a foreigner having our work serialized mainstream manga platform?
Or this is just survivorship bias?
Depends on what you define as a "career." Technically pornanon has a "career" doing work with Japan.
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Nice facial expression, rly cute!
What pencil do you use to do the lineart?

Note for myself to clean my scanner
it also depends on what you mean by "possible". boichi made doctor stone and he's a south korean foreigner, but that's very very rare and there are already enough desperate japanese artists who went through manga school and have experience as a mangaka assistant, so the chances of being picked are very low.
cyberpunk edgerunners did well and the creator being able to make manga is something, but that success is also tied to one of the biggest games in the past decade so it's not really a fair example.

it's definitely possible, and has been for a while (boichi started in the 2000s), but it's still highly improbable and you definitely wouldn't be able to make your dream series unless you grind out comic work you have little to no (or even negative) interest in for decades.
fixed! ty
I use a zig kuretake G-pen and menso brush
You have to win gold in mangaplus creators at least... And good luck with that...I only saw that manga winning gold. Also the writer is a known showrunner and the artist a toptier level who probably got paid good money for drawing the manga 24/7. Honestly I dont think any of us will have his shonen published in japan, if we are veeery lucky maybe we can have oneshoots published (doublty). But yeah... If you want to do shonen boy I have some bad news for ya
It was always possible, it's just a long journey with a lot of hurdles. Some but not all of those hurdles can be circumvented nowadays. The main problem IMO is still the sheer amount of time going it alone for free it takes to get anywhere near a professional/publishable level. Just getting to the point where your writing and drawing and comicmaking skills in general are good enough to convince a publisher that your work might sell is a very difficult task, and it's not like the job gets any easier once you are published.
That's not a weekly is it? That style is not sustainable for a weekly.
It is....... if you're willing to die at 40 from stress and overwork! :D
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Requesting references from manga scenes that happens under the rain, mostly to see the details of the wet clothes, my pages are almost finished, but i feel that the clothes are too white and looks dry

And most references that i had save are for darker clothes (which you simply can draw white drops here and there) and heavy clothes
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Hmmm. I don't read much manga, but I remember a whole chapter from Murcielago takes place in the rain. But I think everyone has umbrellas
Do people use regular pencil or colored pencil to sketch? I was considering using colored pencil but I thought it might show when I go to scan and didn’t happen to ink over it
People sometimes use blue colored pencil specifically because you can drop it out when scanning.
in krita it's easy enough to remove blue sketch lines

Another option is just getting a light box, to keep your pencil sketch and inked pages completely separate
Any blue colored pencil?
Interesting, is it possible to mimic the same effect with CSP or procreate? I never used krita before

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