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Post boggu links. X/Twitter, Instagram, Patreon.
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no thanks i dont draw
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I think I'm a pretty middling artist, check me out and let me know what YOU think if you've got a moment to spare.


https://x.com/BenjanPenjan (My X is barren compared to my NG)
I haven't actually posted this one yet but

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I only have a Twittr.

Ayoo my dude.
Dat be bussin.
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I post again I'm not very good but I'll follow you back and we can all git gud together.
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Only started my X/Twitter now I hope you'll enjoy my art
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I’m getting better, all the time
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Will try to post once a day but no guarantees, hope you enjoy
I make videos for fun. If you check them out it will help me make more.
Twitter: @yashiroMA02
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Here we go again.
I draw whatever i get paid to, and some personal projects in the meantime
https://twitter.com/IMadeUQom (NSFW)
https://twitter.com/moquedami (SFW)
r u fem?
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I do occasional painting but right now my focus has shifted toward art in a video format (animation memes, moving illustrations, etc.)


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i like things
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??? Why would it matter if they were or weren't?
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I'll shill my twitterX here because a couple posts in and I'm already shadowbanned
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don't expect me to post on shitter, I always forget that I have it
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nsfw futa
Are all the characters you draw just going to be in a void?
That's not a futa THOUGH, that's a dickgirl.
yes because i want to get better at rendering them, drawing backgrounds doesnt add anything of value to me
ill share mine, im not very good but I do try.
Follow if you like Dota 2 stuff

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Anyone else with an impossible to deal Twitter timeline ?
>unrelated politic post
>Click on Not Interested
>Thanks Twitter will show you less of this
did this for a whole hour. Now I see more of them. What the fuck Elon, fix your fucking website
Its because people you follow are liking it and putting it on your page stop using the for you tab
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I post once in a while
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Finally made a twitter some time ago. I don't do follow for follow but if I like your work we will definitely be mutuals :D

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I'm here to report that many artists are mad retarded. You put your artwork out there for free and assholes don't even share it.
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nobody owes you retweets, permabeg-kun
Anon, if you think that's perma/beg/, you need to go to the perma/beg/ thread and look at actual work posted there. Does that anon's pic need work? Sure. Is it perma/beg/? Absolutely not.
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Please retweet me perma/beg/-kun
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OK, I will retweet you, permabeg-coon, strong beg
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Sometimes doodles, sometimes nsfw, trying to get myself back into posting regularly outside of my private account.
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I don't know if I should ask this on this thread, but should I do something about fake bot accounts following my twitter? Those accounts have some e-girl theme, so I'm sure they're not made by real people. I don't know if I should purge them from my list of followers or not. Pic related

You can choose to make people unfollow you? How?
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I was thinking about blocking them, or if I can't do that for some reason then I would mute them. I never get messages from bots, but I just don't want to see them in my followers list.

Sometimes they unfollow on their own, but another bot account would just replace them a few days later.
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I usually draw large backsides, recently started to learn animation.
I have a twitter account with a small following (1.5k) but it's growing steadily and I'm happy with how it's going.
Should i also make an instagram account?
I tried one years ago and it never popped off, thinking of giving it another shot now that i can draw better.
Of course. I post to DA, Pixiv, Twitter, Instagram, NewGrounds and Tumblr and that's also the order from most interaction to least. There's absolutely no harm casting wider net, because different people use different sites. Don't make the potential audience jump through hoops to find you, but instead go to where different people go to browse art
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lewd anime girls in the void
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Hey Anons! I am stuck in Twitter's <5 follower hell and cannot seem to get out for the life of me.. I will gladly do a (SFW) request in exchange for some follows!

Keep working hard!

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I do nsfw, only followed by porn bots right now, would be nice to have some mutuals from /ic/

I wonder if people just post here without checking other's accounts.
I check the ones that catch my attention, but I never follow them, I dont like the whole follow for follow thing, if someone follows me, Id rather it be because they like my stuff and not because some buddy buddy deal.
i don't follow people because they don't follow me back, i'm very bitter,
usually i follow people if they comment or share a joke.
I'm thinking of creating a Twitter/X account soon, but I have a few questions. First, should I start by uploading some of my old work? And second, is it true that using tags is a double-edged sword? I've read that certain tags can lead to shadow bans.
If you ever get a list of those tags, post it here, please.
And if you have plenty of old stuff, use them to "be constant", treat Twitter like you would YT, if you stop for long periods of time its very hard to catch up again.
What is more questionable is even the point of posting one's own SMS or gallery in this thread of all places. This is the least likely place to get traction compared to the platforms themselves that are posted here.
You're gonna get shadowbanned regardless.
I'm very bitter too but I follow almost everyone here because I like art and want to support, but then I see that almost nobody does the same and only want attention and I drown in my bitterness
It's one way to grow when you're shadowbanned.
This, the general is used to show anons to follow people from /ic/ cause they like their art and who knows, they could blow up and probably support other d/ic/ks like marm or bbcchan
I never follow from here, I treat it more as a gallery of some of the people who use /ic/. I don't usually post my own socials here though, and nor do I think there's anything wrong with following people here.
I have two twitter accounts.
one NSFW and another SFW where I post a lot of stupid things

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I not going to follow your account if I don't like your work and to be frank most stuff here just doesn't appeal to me.
I never post, I just come here for the keks, imagine sucking so hard that you have to beg for followers

and all that begging just to get the worst kind of followers possible
I check out the accounts and follow some people, there are are some cool anons here every now and then. Hell some gave me advice on using japanese tags on pixiv.
It's better to just view it as a networking opportunity, especially if you make similar content.
I've had some growth posting here, it's not a bad place for smaller accounts.
Just upload your art old or new doesn't matter, as for tags, it depends on the account. If you're making NSFW don't bother with tags, they do nothing and will be hidden in the search. If you're doing SFW you can tag but try not to spam or Twitter will treat you like a bot.
Cool comic. Thought it was going to be some sort of schizo babble but it has a surprising amount of charm like a mix of Image comics with late 90's early 2000s cartoons.
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Here's my Xitter : https://x.com/KastelartX
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looking to be moots with chuuba fans
I like your style but is there a reason her right leg is 3 times as thick as her left?
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I normally draw sexy OC's and adult version of Disney cartoon girls. But lately people prefer my Ongezellig fanarts, so It's what I'm posting lately.
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Started drawing this year. Just learning to draw and paint for fun
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https://youtu.be/_vCiu9zeFD8?feature=shared /

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