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Post boggu links. X/Twitter, Instagram, Patreon.
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no thanks i dont draw
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I think I'm a pretty middling artist, check me out and let me know what YOU think if you've got a moment to spare.


https://x.com/BenjanPenjan (My X is barren compared to my NG)
I haven't actually posted this one yet but

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I only have a Twittr.

Ayoo my dude.
Dat be bussin.
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I post again I'm not very good but I'll follow you back and we can all git gud together.
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Only started my X/Twitter now I hope you'll enjoy my art
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I’m getting better, all the time
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Will try to post once a day but no guarantees, hope you enjoy
I make videos for fun. If you check them out it will help me make more.
Twitter: @yashiroMA02
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Here we go again.
I draw whatever i get paid to, and some personal projects in the meantime
https://twitter.com/IMadeUQom (NSFW)
https://twitter.com/moquedami (SFW)
r u fem?
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I do occasional painting but right now my focus has shifted toward art in a video format (animation memes, moving illustrations, etc.)


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i like things
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??? Why would it matter if they were or weren't?
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I'll shill my twitterX here because a couple posts in and I'm already shadowbanned
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don't expect me to post on shitter, I always forget that I have it
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nsfw futa
Are all the characters you draw just going to be in a void?
That's not a futa THOUGH, that's a dickgirl.
yes because i want to get better at rendering them, drawing backgrounds doesnt add anything of value to me
ill share mine, im not very good but I do try.
Follow if you like Dota 2 stuff

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Anyone else with an impossible to deal Twitter timeline ?
>unrelated politic post
>Click on Not Interested
>Thanks Twitter will show you less of this
did this for a whole hour. Now I see more of them. What the fuck Elon, fix your fucking website
Its because people you follow are liking it and putting it on your page stop using the for you tab
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I post once in a while
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Finally made a twitter some time ago. I don't do follow for follow but if I like your work we will definitely be mutuals :D

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I'm here to report that many artists are mad retarded. You put your artwork out there for free and assholes don't even share it.
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nobody owes you retweets, permabeg-kun
Anon, if you think that's perma/beg/, you need to go to the perma/beg/ thread and look at actual work posted there. Does that anon's pic need work? Sure. Is it perma/beg/? Absolutely not.
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Please retweet me perma/beg/-kun
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OK, I will retweet you, permabeg-coon, strong beg
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Sometimes doodles, sometimes nsfw, trying to get myself back into posting regularly outside of my private account.
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I don't know if I should ask this on this thread, but should I do something about fake bot accounts following my twitter? Those accounts have some e-girl theme, so I'm sure they're not made by real people. I don't know if I should purge them from my list of followers or not. Pic related

You can choose to make people unfollow you? How?
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I was thinking about blocking them, or if I can't do that for some reason then I would mute them. I never get messages from bots, but I just don't want to see them in my followers list.

Sometimes they unfollow on their own, but another bot account would just replace them a few days later.
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I usually draw large backsides, recently started to learn animation.
I have a twitter account with a small following (1.5k) but it's growing steadily and I'm happy with how it's going.
Should i also make an instagram account?
I tried one years ago and it never popped off, thinking of giving it another shot now that i can draw better.
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lewd anime girls in the void
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Hey Anons! I am stuck in Twitter's <5 follower hell and cannot seem to get out for the life of me.. I will gladly do a (SFW) request in exchange for some follows!

Keep working hard!

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I do nsfw, only followed by porn bots right now, would be nice to have some mutuals from /ic/

I wonder if people just post here without checking other's accounts.
I check the ones that catch my attention, but I never follow them, I dont like the whole follow for follow thing, if someone follows me, Id rather it be because they like my stuff and not because some buddy buddy deal.
i don't follow people because they don't follow me back, i'm very bitter,
usually i follow people if they comment or share a joke.
I'm thinking of creating a Twitter/X account soon, but I have a few questions. First, should I start by uploading some of my old work? And second, is it true that using tags is a double-edged sword? I've read that certain tags can lead to shadow bans.
If you ever get a list of those tags, post it here, please.
And if you have plenty of old stuff, use them to "be constant", treat Twitter like you would YT, if you stop for long periods of time its very hard to catch up again.
What is more questionable is even the point of posting one's own SMS or gallery in this thread of all places. This is the least likely place to get traction compared to the platforms themselves that are posted here.
You're gonna get shadowbanned regardless.
I'm very bitter too but I follow almost everyone here because I like art and want to support, but then I see that almost nobody does the same and only want attention and I drown in my bitterness
It's one way to grow when you're shadowbanned.
This, the general is used to show anons to follow people from /ic/ cause they like their art and who knows, they could blow up and probably support other d/ic/ks like marm or bbcchan
I never follow from here, I treat it more as a gallery of some of the people who use /ic/. I don't usually post my own socials here though, and nor do I think there's anything wrong with following people here.
I have two twitter accounts.
one NSFW and another SFW where I post a lot of stupid things

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I not going to follow your account if I don't like your work and to be frank most stuff here just doesn't appeal to me.
I never post, I just come here for the keks, imagine sucking so hard that you have to beg for followers

and all that begging just to get the worst kind of followers possible
I check out the accounts and follow some people, there are are some cool anons here every now and then. Hell some gave me advice on using japanese tags on pixiv.
It's better to just view it as a networking opportunity, especially if you make similar content.
I've had some growth posting here, it's not a bad place for smaller accounts.
Just upload your art old or new doesn't matter, as for tags, it depends on the account. If you're making NSFW don't bother with tags, they do nothing and will be hidden in the search. If you're doing SFW you can tag but try not to spam or Twitter will treat you like a bot.
Cool comic. Thought it was going to be some sort of schizo babble but it has a surprising amount of charm like a mix of Image comics with late 90's early 2000s cartoons.
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Here's my Xitter : https://x.com/KastelartX
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looking to be moots with chuuba fans
I like your style but is there a reason her right leg is 3 times as thick as her left?
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I normally draw sexy OC's and adult version of Disney cartoon girls. But lately people prefer my Ongezellig fanarts, so It's what I'm posting lately.
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Started drawing this year. Just learning to draw and paint for fun
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https://youtu.be/_vCiu9zeFD8?feature=shared /
I will post it when I'm good enough.
if u have that mindset u will prob never post your art
Maintaining an account no one cares about because the art is bad would just waste time I could spend getting better at drawing don't you think?
if u just post it overtime while making progress you will get a small audience, i used to have an instagram acc with 1k followers and trust me my art when i was 12 was horrible its all about marketing not quality plus when u get better it will feel nice to look at how far you've made it
I do old school punk inspired indie animation:
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Mostly draw anthro art/oc's/fanart and a lot of sketches to practice.
https://www.patreon.com/BBCchan (You can support me here)
https://twitter.com/BBCChanArt (Art Blog)
http://www.hentai-foundry.com/user/BBC-Chan/profile (A more curated gallery)
https://picarto.tv/BBCchan (Livestreams)

http://bbc-chan.tumblr.com/ (Curated gallery without explicit content)
https://www.youtube.com/@bbcchanart (SFW Timelapse Videos)
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I'm convinced that 7249565 is in a secret discord clique, Retweeting this weird ass picture from former member "Ortamaw"
This is why I'll always block people like him.
fuck off, jealous /beg/ loser
Calm your tits bro. did i hit a nerve?
Growing on instagram and x is so fucking hard but japs seem to interact with my art on pixiv at least
I think I just don't have an art style appealing to teenagers they're all into y2k shit right now
>I think I just don't have an art style appealing to teenagers they're all into y2k shit right now
you just need to draw anime, that's it or a variation of it especially on the cartoon side.
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Drawing and talking shit about various things
Dude it's been years and you're still bitching about the same people over and over. Go trace a toilet again you dumb nigger.
>mad from outside the club
Your words reflect the type of person you are on the inside. You dumb retard gook nigga bitch cracker spago whore.
We share the same space dummy,

If an elderly person was being mugged right next to you; you wouldn't just ignore the heinous act would you?
Have you ever followed anyone from /ic/, BBCanon?
Thanks anon it's still hard getting reach since I'm completely unknown but my instagram account was actually shadowbanned since I had been using it for a while to spam follow and lurk, but I made a brand new one and I'm finally getting some likes. Getting known on X is so hard though without taking the fanartpill
Meritocracy is a bitch. Have better art and internet presence and maybe you're gonna get retweeted too.
>Not being retweeted by another artist is a heinous act.
Get mental help.
Try harder toilet tracer / cat mouth schizo
Who are you whiteknighting for faggot? Go live in your cardboard box while I get my motherfuckin retweets.
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I'm thinking about using Twitter
How does it work, do I need to use tags? Or I can just post some doodles without adding anything
I will start from scratch
How can I get commissions on Twitter
Fish for them, make contacts, go to places.
People are not going to ask you for shit.
My first and only commision was from some guy on 4chan.
Use other sites too and brand yourself
>How does it work.
as a site to bookmark porn and comment on friends posts.
Tags are useless for discovering art on twitter. People only use tags for very specific topics worth tagging. like trends or events.

Simply put, you need larger accounts to retweet and share your art for you.

Many assholes here and on Twitter are massive pussies with vagina's, because they don't want to acknowledge that everybody piggyback rides off of each other to grow on Twitter. They will try to convince you that you need to work for it like they did, where in truth, these people did nothing to earn their following,

There is no organic growth on twitter for new accounts anymore because of all of the new changes made. Like verified accounts, bot prevention, and spam. Twitter is less strict on certain users.
If i was creating a new account today, I would start it as something else and then switch it to drawing once i established a small following,

I personally don't engage with art sharing threads on twitter because it's mainly just other artist losers usually equal skilled or lesser skilled posting $15 commission sheets to a group of artist.

This is why people draw fanart on twitter, but even that is dying out now.
If you find a porn sharing account and private message them to share they will gladly do it for you. I've had the most success doing that. I try to avoid other artists because many of them don't retweet art if it doesn't line up to their world view so that they can retweet it.
last advice is to steal a large persons account and retweet your own art with your proxy account. Twitter is all about engagement and many people don't engage with posts myself included.
Ok. Your point?
I have no where else
>where in truth, these people did nothing to earn their following,
BS. This might be the case for some, but most of the renown artists that I know online are workhorses. Including BBC who is being targeted by people that are just coping with their own shortcomings like you are doing right now.
You can be a work horse all you want but that doesn't mean that you'll gain a following.
I get more pussy than you. Yo mama keeps coming over to my house asking for more.
Tl;dr retard
Lovely heads and figures
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I draw furry shit, mostly gay stuff (fanart, OCs) but also with an interest in historical and religious themes.
>You can be a work horse all you want but that doesn't mean that you'll gain a following.
It does actually. You just sound like you don't want to work kek
ok, retard, see how far you get without those retweets. post your hard work. i won't retweet it
>You can be a work horse all you want but that doesn't mean that you'll gain a following.
The more you post, the more chances there are to be discovered and retweeted/reposted by big accounts boosting your numbers.
Of course you need luck, but that's just like with any other thing when you are looking for a breakthrough.
Your art is so unstable I can't see your art style
If you want to be mad at anyone, be mad at yourself for not trying hard enough.
There's a difference between working a real life job and posting a picture online. With a job you are expected to get paid. Simply online people are just not getting the exposure.

I don't know why anons in this thread are in disagreement with me. 90% of the anons in this thread have less followers than me. You can't live life being a wall flower. Wake the fuck up and get these big fuckers to retweet you.
This follower amount is a travesty, your work is really neat
Yes. About half a dozen I think.
Thanks anon, that means a lot. I think I made the mistake of not being consistent in the past since I am very slowly getting followers over the last (10?) days since I posted that. Honestly as much as Tumblr gets a bad rap sometimes, there is much more genuine engagement there than Twitter. Instagram is a bust, I post the same stuff there but the only peeps liking my stuff is my family lol.

Lots of talent on /ic/ but yeah getting noticed is tough. At this point I've decided on just using socials to document my progress. If you draw it, they will come lol
There's a lot of anons here who frankly should deserve more than what they have now and yet have ridiculously low numbers despite their skill level and appeal. I'm frankly left scratching my head as to why other than the algorithm just ain't letting more people see them. Not even trying to go schizo here.
I’d retweet all your stuff if my account wasn’t half gooner garbage and half political ramblings. And all of my followers are bots anyways
Can you explain how to get engagement on Tumblr? I'm genuinely at a loss as to how I'm supposed to promote my artwork there, as I've never really used it prior. Would appreciate any tips/insight.
Like I said, you need somebody large to retweet you. You'll be waiting 10 years for the algorithm to organically pick you up. Tldr. I have freinds with close to 20k followers because somebody large retweeted them. It's only after that you organically grow. But people here are arguing with me about just be good and work harder.
I never pandered to bigger artists (as in drawing their OCs or themes that interest them in order to get reposted), but I still managed to grow my audience.
Bigger artists did retweet me and boosted my growth tho. You aren't wrong about that.
What people usually dislike is to brown nose in order to accomplish their goals. I don't see why you're so suprised by the reaction.
I don't post here, I just check out other people's accounts to feel better about myself
I appreciate the sentiment! No worries. Yeah I'm thinking of doing what anon said here about Pixiv since I've never tried that. I noticed that some of the better posts I've gotten engagement with on Twitter are bot accounts or other "follow for follow". Agreed that a retweet from a bigger account would boost, but even then (for Twitter) it is likely just luck as was said.

Tumblr is much easier than Twitter since the culture, if you could call it that, is more relaxed. People have Tumblr to see art, or at least the majority do. For that, you need to use as many tags as humanly possible lol and not be shy with doing it. That's it. It is a chore to put the tags, but even OC art gets good reblog/like/follows returns. For example, I have "DND, D&D, Monster, Beast, Enemy, Wood, Nature" as like 7 out of probably 50 tags on one. I've also noticed trying to post on Tumblr using Twitter style messages hurts engagement a little. By that I mean messages on Tumblr can be written like "Drew this guy on a napkin today" and be received better than "Like my art? Follow me or message for requests!"

Hope that helps

I'd appreciate a retweet
I don't care about your life story for why you can't retweet,
Acts like an asshole, but thinks people won't treat him like an asshole.
Seriously dude, go eat shit.
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also got a commissions sheet handy if that's anythin'
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I would like feedback on mine. Not new to drawing, but its been a while.
Woman confirmed kek. Your mental fragility is adorable.
Didn't read the thread except to follow people here, idk why people are weird about following back or whatever it doesn't cost anything and I follow back any artist that follows me not just ones from here.
Why would I want to follow somebody that has no critical eye and just follows people out of desperation to be followed back. I follow art accounts for their art, not because they cry on the internet like you're doing.
Ever heard of meritocracy, bitch?
I'd expect you to back up your own desire to be followed based purely and exclusively on merit by posting your work.
Oh nooooo, show me where your feefees hurt.
No point. So far whenever I posted my art to put beglet dunning krugers in their place, they run for the hills.
How convenient but post you work.
Nope, nothing good can come out of this for myself, so you can simply fuck off.
shut the fuck up you're clogging the thread with your autism
maybe I shouldn't have posted my blog here after all, too many mentally ill....
yep. this place is an asylum
is it worth buying twitter premium for a visibility boost?
anyone do it and know if it even does fuck all?
yes, it is a problem to take anything serious while incorporating people from 4chan
if you had a large following before twitter blue, maybe. Getting it now will fuck your account over, doesn't help that most people mass block/mute blue retards. Worst part, since you can really only get paid when other blue users interact with your post, your comments will be filled with other blue fags that will spam your comments with unrelated memes and vids.
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Grind continues
Youre very good, you should learn how to tag though, that way you will get more visibility.
And do fanart from time to time to get people to know you.
I don't know. From what I've gathered twitter tags are pretty much pointless.
And there's not many things I would get excited about enough to do fanart.
either draw artist that you like ocs, so they retweet or particapte in those trends, example where you would quote retweet post about stuff like" artist show your most popular art"," show your improvement", "show your most proud artwork". It helps a lot, I even did those and gotten 4k likes and 300+ new followers.
I guess I could, and every now and then I do. Though my primary objective very much is to learn to be able to do the things I want to do with drawing at the moment.
>Though my primary objective very much is to learn to be able to do the things I want to do
that's only possible if godly amount of appeal or industry level pro. Just keep posting and gl.
>either draw artist that you like ocs, so they retweet or particapte in those trends
jfc, this is so pathetic.
It's why I've just accepted my social media accounts are not going to be popular. Having to do all this social politicking and whoring out your time just for arbitrary numbers on your account is awful - I'd rather just do what I want 100% of the time even if that means I have low reach.
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I like to draw history inspired stuff
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I'll be making some stripgames this month.

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been posting the same character to practice new shading method but gonna get back into fanart soon
Failed atempt at dept I guess
should I be removing bot followers or should I just let it ride?
Why is making an instagram account such a pain in the ass I'm convinced its only like this just to get you to use a facebook account for it instead
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Mainly active in twitter and Pixiv
Lunar Banshee https://www.pixiv.net/users/32222803
As funny as it sounds. It's also creepy and yes true.
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>anon say it how it is
>the usual retarded minors and pornshitters just spam the usual insults and cope
holy based truth on an autistic horse
I speak the truth anon, but they don't listen because they are cucks.
i made a twitter for my doodles https://x.com/compulsionist?t=F_V87iVeez2Es1vNiLfxZg&s=09 just to make myself draw more. follow if you want. hardly posted anything though
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i forgot to add art to the promo
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If I like your art, I'll be glad to follow back. I like to make comic-style art.

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>get from 1.5k to 1.8k in 4 months
>commissions at a steady high
We is going to make it, bois!
>casually forget how to draw the blondie
>Yes. About half a dozen I think.
...so it that like one follow a year?
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Cat got your tongue anon?
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getting into drawing low quality smut for fun. would be nice to make some anon art friends too desu

I've been here for more than a decade. That's less than 1 follow a year. Your point?
I can't even blame you. I've scrolled through almost every profile posted in this thread and it is obvious that almost everyone here is either a beginner or intermediate at best. Of those that are intermediate in skill, the majority of the art they post isn't even interesting to look at. Ic truly is a collection of garbage artists.
love your stuff
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Point out the artists that you think are garbage tier and PYW, Otherwise your words mean nothing.
>beautiful audrey hepburn art
>posts this as a reply
This is just so hilarious to me, not in a bad way but I find it really funny
>Point out the artists that you think are garbage tier
It’s over..
This gif makes my tummy feel funny
Your drawings are good and have soul you just need to actually finish them. Try you know lining them or even colouring them in?
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still a beg doing mostly studies

Are you retarded.
Thanks anon, I do have a few that I've done that for, I just suck at shading and feel the color never really looks too good. Plus I'm afraid of jacking up cool drawings by lining.
Anyone here have experience with doing live2d pngtuber stuff? Even if you have no experience I am looking to commission.
>pretending like you don't fit right in

Pointless dick sucking desu, he's not gonna follow your garbage ass either lol
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I have a webcomic that I've been working on. My handle/username is in the first panel. I'm on IG and Twitter.
Us people can't even reduce poverty in their country, don't expect them to support even a pro lvl account.
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Really nice stuff
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I'll start posting porn of bloons and furry things prob
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I sketch a lot of figures traditionally.
I also do some occasional requests and stuff. Most of my work involves nudity so be warned.
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Great work, I followed
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Good stuff, followed!
Give me a Twitter handle
just finished this one piece just now
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Can any of you nerds into traditional media art like this? Looking to commission something similar
People still make blogs in 2024? Sheesh I thought it was dead. I mean how would anyone find you
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I try to be better
do you get penalized by the algorithm if you manually remove bot followers?? doesn't matter the site
yeah the algorithm curses you to the shadow realm for five days
Block and then unblock
wasn´t there an option to just remove from followers?
I only use IG and I manually remove bot crypto scam bullshit accounts that follow. I figure it does have a negative effect, but so does them following while never engaging. I don't want inflated numbers with bot accounts, I want followers that actually like my work.
Larping not allowed.

stop harassing other users on twitter just because you're insecure, "i may potentially delete this account because of the drama I've had here" yea you better, could have gotten a shit-ton of followers and making money paywalls with your talent if you weren't preoccupied with accusing other artists of using ai because they didn't bother putting an entire hour of effort on drawing hands on a 1000x1000 pixel canvas
>assuming up the ass
firstly, the drama I talk about is about relationships of people when I first made my twitter account which if you don't know was totally different. It was not art related at all mr. retardo. Second, I can make bank when I want. I don't care about money or even art all that much. I am at a level that I can draw anything i want. Something you will never reach. Third "preoccupied with doing x" you can see in my history I barely talk lmao. I don't dwell on the internet shit-hole like you.
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Hi, I like drawing girls and monsters.
I’m also looking for better art platforms, if that’s not abundantly obvious.





So, which porn accounts do we message?
>I am at a level that I can draw anything i want.
nta, but that's clearly bs. all you draw are pinups in frontal poses. you don't even try to attempt any kind of more complex perspective or anything. I might be wrong and you have all your drawings of "anything you want" saved on your disk or something.
You started your rant by saying BIG artists never did anything to get notoriety and only sucked the cock of bigger artists when they were small fish. now you are saying you are talking about people that don't make money with their art.
make up your mind, adhd retard.
i have several art accounts, some where I work on short films, other general sfw drawings. I do specific drawings on that account for a reason so its not so obvious who I am. Lmao. Also because its a good sales tactic, something you wouldn't get through your thick skull.
Unironic question: is there a point in having an X or insta if my work is mid shit at the moment? I work slow, but want a way to connect with other artists and stay motivated.
Oh, my bad then. It's amazing how you resorted to insults as soon as I pointed out something very clear and evident.
Can I get a link to those other accounts of yours that contain " the drawings of everything you want"?
or, in case you don't want the accounts to be associated, can you at least post the picture you are most proud of?
I honestly think you are just doing damage control now. I highly doubt you are versed in anything other than figures.
You don't seem to understand dummy, He was comparing art to work. People told him to just work hard for it. But he's not getting rewarded for his hard work on twitter. He wasn't getting compensated with retweets.
I've been drawing for a long time and like to learn. With those two combined yields good results. I don't have to prove anything to you because you can easily reverse search my work lmao. Fuck off.
you should unblock everybody that you've blocked, that's just rude and very unprofessional of you. you don't realize that you are dealing with your own kind when you speak here. and you don't realize that you've intentionally gave me good advice while i was posted as anonymous. if you want people to appreciate your art more, go take it to a futanari convention. don't go around insulting people.
I dont want my art appreciated. My art is just an outlet. If others like it fine by me, nothing more nothing less. I don't want to be big and I don't want to make it big. It is something I do entirely for fun. Quote me with who I am insulting. The only person I did this with is an artist and I already apologized to them publicly. The only person I spite and publicly insult is an tranny that owes me $3k.
I'm just going to reply and say nothing, you should unblock me, because it de-boosts me in the algorithm and people know that when blocking others.. And that's a form of disrespect because i never blocked anybody yet i'm the person getting blocked.
you tell me who you are ffs
As I thought. You just suffer from dunning kruger and a fragile ego on top. It's easy to boast about how you can "draw anything you want" on ic where you are sorrounded by beginners that are easily impressed by rendering of porn figures in a void (sorry but so far I didn't see you being able to do anything else). You just have an over inflated ego and don't know your place.
I actually gave you the benefit of the doubt, but the insults should have been anough of a red flag already.
Now insult me for the 3rd time and prove me right, cmon.
What part of, I do art for fun. Do you not understand retardo. I don't care what YOU think I can or can't do. I alone know my limits. Why are pushing this reverse-psychology on me lmao.

Oh I'm talking to an actual retard. Now as much as I love talking to monkies I got better things to do, bye faggot.
Settle down kids, it's just lines on a canvas. None of this matters
You're right. There's no point in trying to rationalize with somebody that has an ego this fragile. I apologize if I offended you, but you should really clean your act and stop being a vile human being that treats other people like garbage as soon as they get in an argument.
This really ruined my image of you. I followed you for the art skills, but I guess good art doesn't make a good person. Sad.
oh no, i lost a follow. so anyways
Why do you want to be an asshole at all costs Are you really this shitty of a person at heart?
last time i checked I was minding my own business than this real asshole chimes in >>7280640
so yah get your facts straight
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I checked your gallery. He's not wrogn.
youre not worth the effort to convince a bunch of retards. Don't believe me, thats your problem. otherwise stop making accusing without knowing the full picture. you are in the wrong either way lmao.
I respect the hustle. Not trying to make fun of you. But those bimbo's are fake. There's no use mass replying to them. I learned this the hard way. It makes me wonder if everything is fake online. My suggestion is draw hate art of them. Or photoshop something. That's what I would do.
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None of you will ever be as stunning and brave as this Chad.

Was just trying to reply to whom ever I could think up some good reply to
I don't know brother. You can advertise on reddit. I've gained a few casual followers from reddit.
Any good communities?
I'm still learning that myself.
What are the best you know/the ones you post on?
Also any good resources when it comes to marketing/making yourself known as an artist. As of now I am a complete noname.
the thing is that your pinups alone tell that you aren't as good as you are claiming to be. but whatever, you aren't worth arguing over your slop either.
anyone in here from brazil? what do you plan to do now?
Not from brazil but my posts get little to none interactions that I might as well be cut out from the rest of the world. Just continue learning and improving.
I will unironically just start using a vpn and even if elon permabans all accounts made with a brazilian IP I'd rather just remake
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I draw alot of furry and a fair amount of horsecock, with some fantasy and of NSFW stuff thrown in.
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I like to draw Higurashi and Eva mainly
These are okay doodles, but I agree with the other anon. Put in some more work to develop them. Don't be scared of messing them up, you will never improve if you don't. Draw a bunch, the stuff you're making right now shouldn't take you all that long if you practice regularly, after which point you can actually finish them in a similar amount of time.
Thank you for being some of the few anons in this thread who posted something other than a fucking cartoon
I don't know if any of you are into shit like Wuxia or chinese shit, but i like to draw cute chinese girls wearing hanfus, and it gets a shitload of likes on tumblr, so if you ever find a niche that China likes that might be the key to success kek.

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