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Where is your viral comic /ic/?
well, everyone does love elves
Well, love to hate them maybe. Stupid Knife-Ears.
I don't know why you felt the need to edit the guy's name out of the tweet when it's right there on the image. It's Merrivius. I like his art and he seems like a nice enough guy the few times I've spoken with him here. Glad something he's making is popping off, though last I checked (admittedly a few years ago now) he seemed to be doing just fine.
Anyway to answer the question I doubt any comic I make will ever be "viral", mostly because I'm not trying to make anything as shareable as that.
>It's Merrivius
Merrivius has been a 4chin regular for some time now and hes one of the better comic makers to post here IMO.
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i just love them
TOTAL NON ELVEN DEATH (except for me)
so it is just standard misandry but in a cowardly "elf" outfit to try and camouflage its intent. girls are weak.
kinda weird how one-note the comic is. I mean how many comics of "elf hate humie" can be made?
Where is yours OP?
Have you ever read that comic about the lasagna loving cat who hates Mondays? There are quite a few of them, surprisingly.
one of the largest comics online is about a nerd and jock doing shit together all the time, so a lot.
Ooh I get the shtick
Is literally just "grab a meme reaction, and make the elf do it, and everything else doesn't matter"
How long until someone draws em fucking?
I don't know, how many comics of "dwarf hate elf" and "humie hate elf" can be made?
be the change you want to see in the world
too busy drawing other things atm so gonna be a while :( then again I don't really draw porn either.
>the punchline is le funny face
fuck elves, I say as some one who draws them
A punchline that transcends language is a pretty good punchline honestly. If you're looking for deep wordplay you're obviously looking in the wrong place.
>0 (zero) upvotes
watch out Merrivius my comic will go viral any day now.
Bait. You can use the singular “they” when you’re making a generalization.
>Who’s calling so early in the morning, and what do they want?
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It happened to me.
All the comics I make are shit that only I seem to actually find funny.
Ah, well.
It's a common fantasy trope for elves to look down on humans
Why is the elf so ugly in close up
>Tolkien's elves don't hate humans
>Yeats' elves don't hate humans
>Dunsany's elves don't hate humans
Wtf is the trope from
These elves don't hate humans either >>7228057
It's just this one. You know, for the comedy? The joke is silly faces, it's really not trying to wrinkle your brain here.
can tell you're comics are already garbage, but doubt you made any in the first place.
felt like the fuck you part didn't need to be added
The point is exaggerated funny face like in sponger bob
Only good one i've seen
because the "joke" is an ugly exaggerated face. this is the essence of hack comics. shen comix, etc
How do they even go viral though? Wouldn't they already have a decent following to begin with?
>How do they even go viral though?
Pay a marketing company a few grand.
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>said by a coping retard that his slop don’t get any attention
I'm convinced the reddit numbers are complete bullshit too. I refuse to believe thousands of people see posts that get next to zero reaction, positive or negative.
I know merrivius was already pulling some numbers. He just got more popular. I've also seen meme edits of the elf comics with even more feedback
That's pretty based
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Not really a comic but idc
It's called shadow banning. He's probably subbed to a conservative sub or some other non kosher subreddit.
Posting in r/churchofcovid will get you insta banned on 90% of the front page subs.
Ok, this is actually funny.
I'm not trying to be a woman you on the other hand will always be a retarded niggerfaggot
get aids
i want to fuck the elf

hell yeah
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>shadow banned
at least he didn't get Shadow the Hedgehogged
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How do you go viral? My guess is being unique but there's plenty of unique artists that are flops.
Trendy memes sometimes work but it's rare too.
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>Where's the sequel?
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>t. Elf
I wanna fuck elves so bad I'm willing to buy those fake elf ears off Amazon and make my gf use it.
They have to be fake or manipulated. Pizzacake is *not* funny.
it's not fake, you have to see/think in the lends of a regular person not some autistic fuck. The jokes you find funny aren't liked by the vast majority of people, but only a few people like you.
Remove the rightmost text bubbles and it's alright
Have you seen Pizzacake's comics? They literally never even have any joke, but every time she posts she gets to the front page of r/all. This isn't just "it's not your sense of humor" because there is no humor in those comics.
Those idiots really have to censor everyone for their nonsense to thrive, don't they?
With stomach like that? come on.
Redditors are this pathetic

this uh... this sucks
your work... post it
uh. no. loser. lol
Lot's of people want to fuck people like that anon. Gay men call them bears, and women have been slobbering over the 'dad bod', women just like to pretend they don't objectify men because they want to be morally superior at all times.

Someone. needs. to. take. your. period. key. lol
Merrivus if you're reading this you should really really really really really really really make a long-form comic again like in the medibang days.
Hell, just make it revolve around the elf and the human, I'm sure folks will love it. You've always been a great story teller and those tezuka award submissions were awesome.
You're not wrong. She also does lewds on Patreon. She is not very good looking, either.
safe-racism, twitter loves it
Gays are gay while women literally don't know what dad bod and they're just salivating at built men.
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Smug elf is cute
that's the cope answer, Ctrl+Alt+Del are the same level of quality and before the patreon number was hidden. the comic would make 12k+ a month from patreon.
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idk if it counts
Misandry isn't real, anon.
That is a huge rectangular very high up clitty
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I'm sorry that I unleashed this elf to the world, I really thought the goblin comic was my worst comic but it ended up being the best.
Not sure why the elf is so popular (cute girl?) but I'm going to use this opportunity to garner more followers so I might be able to live through Patreon in the future. Elf will probably run out of steam soon so after that I'll go back to Arlokk and others.

I am planning to draw a story focused comic at some point but my health isn't the best, that's the reason why I've been doing smaller scale one off things.

I also wrote and drew a 40 page children's book in 2021-2023 which it took a huge toll on me. I only recently found a small publisher for it so I still have some finishing touches to do.
>Elf will probably run out of steam soon so after that I'll go back to Arlokk and others.
nah, you're good until you manage to fuck it up and don't add new things to expand the comic's universe. There are many comics with gimmicks online that are still popular to this day. Like the nerd and jock comic as one of the biggest examples.
except that's not a dad bod, that's being fat.
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>I really thought the goblin comic was my worst comic but it ended up being the best.
This one? It was hilarious. I did my own riff on it, even.
Never trust a knife ear
wheres the joke
i never pay attention to comics, but i hunted down every one i could find from this series. they just hit different, and i probably love them too much. every and any future offerings in the same line’d spike my feels of joy off the charts, dude.
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le joke is that le ugly goblino is le sad and hecking unalived
Now someone should make an edit of this comic but instead of the goblin and the elf... get this; IT'S ACTUALLY CHARACTERS FROM A POPULAR SHOW!

that is peak comedy gold my fellow 4channer
good morning sir
>mexican furfag LARPs as based and trad
oh no no no HAHAHAHA
New one today, had problems with it. Redrew and rewrote it like five times.
Not my favorite style to work, I want these elf comics to be more spontaneous
Did you manage to learn how to draw hands afterwards?
If your art looks like crap, shock value is the only way to get noticed.
Stop being a retard and youi won't get censored for spreading retarded nonsense.
Give me a minute
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I'm sorry to hear it, I really am impressed with your more manga-esque work.
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>seemingly feral beast actually affected by words spoken about it
Can't believe that had to be explained.
Are we as internet users of the 21st century no longer able to appreciate something as long as it doesn’t appeal to our coom subcontious?
>Can't believe that had to be explained.
Yeah, if the last panel didn't tell me what happened, i wouldn't have gotten it that he was so emotionally affected that he died in his sleep.

Funny stuff.
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i know what you are doing
(keep it up!)
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I made the first issue two years ago and haven’t posted it or made another issue since. Feels bad.
That’s the one where I am going to nope for me
The creator officially jumped the shark with this one
So you didn't get the memo about drawing for yourself
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I was at the time. I don’t really have a good reason for why I stopped. It’s stupid when I think about it.
this is why you never ask 4chan users on what is funny, since they are too socially or autistic to even understand a simple joke or meme.
i love you merrivus.
didn’t even know it was you till i tried to find it and ended up stumbling across your fantasy comics section. i remember your posting one of them here way back and its just straight up blowing me away. your work always hits those perfect notes. i’m very glad you post here, sometimes.
>the punchline is
>"If you don't find it funny you're autistic because look at the le heckin goblinerino getting his feefees hurt and make LE funny faces!! lmao n-word lol fucking 4channers"
No mention of crabs or jealousy? You almost had me there buddy.
I almost liked and subscribed.
Damn, so hecking close.
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nigger wrote an actual paragraph because he got (rightfully) called autistic
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>the punchline is
Your next joke is that you will kill my whole family? Good stuff.
Right now the punchline is (You)
But enough about you
i'm going to regret asking this, but show what's funny or make a joke.
you still didnt explain where the joke is
>feral beast

pretty sure goblins can speak and understand language. and usually get shit talked all the time
this reminds me of those 2010 reboot cartoons where every show had le epic meme faces for every joke. i think the PPG reboot was the most infamous one
>I don’t think this joke is funny
>it’s still not funny
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>women have been slobbering over the 'dad bod'
Hags simp for dad bodies or built men like Aquaman actor. Young bitches simp for K-pop.
I will kill your entire family in minecraft, in minecraft.
Also you're a poopyhead.

This should be your type of humor.
Ah, wait, let me post some cropped porn as well.
But I don't campaign for genital mutilation, tho.
Jesus Christ
figured, you aren't even confident enough on making a joke or even a meme you found funny and copped out by showing this shit. Not surprised though.
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Well how can you tell they were making a joke if they don't make epic meme faces?

fucking autistic 4channers i swear
wow this insult was so funny anon
not only did you insult me, you also totally inside my head

i almost died in my sleep
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You really went and made a /co/ thread for this post?
you know you made it when you get your own schizo.
There's a MLPFiM sheet that has like 40 examples of this comparing the more subtle expressions from the early seasons to the goofy forced-meme faces of the later ones. It's really embarassing how hord they tried to force the faces to be "iconic" and memeable.
(Obviously I'm not gonna post any of it because mods are still gonna be assholes about seeing a pony, 14 years after it stopped being a problem, even if it's contextually justified.)
Unfortunely I dont have appeal
It doesn't matter what you think, only what you do in public. Grow up or a brain, your choice.
Oh, please do explain the last panel, because I seriously don't see what's funny about it.
I got the rest of the joke.
End it with Elf and Hugh Man getting married.
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feels good man
fucking reddit tier humour
If you were to make a story driven comic would you make your own website for it or post it somewhere that hosts comics?
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Post your riff.
Get your own domain name, and have it hosted yourself, but there are websites that alert you when they have updates you can associate with to provide tra.
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>latest comic got 2.9 k total views
maybe its time to start doing Genshin Impact fanart
dont forget to get the black dildo you hid from dad from the closet
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eat shit, loser
Post it.
Merrivius, my favorite comic of yours is the one with the guy who defends the tentacle monster girl from two thugs. Will you ever make more random stuff like that?
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This comic didn't do as good as last two although I like it. Tom and Jerry inspired slapstick.
I've written some parts of episode 3 but it again goes very different direction. Movie and anime parodies
Oh, I meant will you emulate that kind of satirical humor in more standalone comics?
You know what. My respect
A different author would devolve into cursor elf waifu faggotry to. Keep the gravy train going but here we see some consistency and principles.
Snoby elf gets out in its place.
A dying breed
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Can't right now, I'm on the toilet. In the meantime here's a Garfield comic .
Is that a Dwarf Fortress reference?
i love all your characters so much.
What’s the font you use?
Why do they all have hunched back? Literally asking to be bullied.
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I have too much free time
Kek, very nice
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i'm not a coomer
>It doesn't matter who you are or what you do, as long as you put one of the approved social masks on in order to not disrupt the psychopath-curated public consciousness

I hate normies I hate normie culture I hate how fake normies are I will not comply with your bullshit standards I will not lie to save face I will not subject myself to group delusion
thats disgusting bro

you're not the Joker massive cringe
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>>It doesn't matter who you are or what you do, as long as you put one of the approved social masks on in order to not disrupt the psychopath-curated public consciousness

>I hate normies I hate normie culture I hate how fake normies are I will not comply with your bullshit standards I will not lie to save face I will not subject myself to group delusion
>that your thing is retarded!
>uh, that other thing (I probably support) that is opposed to your thing is actually more retarded?
I-is that scat?
i fixed it. it wasnt even hard
Come on now, that's just lazy.
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i dont like subversion
try to make something real
Maybe it's one of those thorny dong

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