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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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I'm tired of hearing from hobbyists
Who here is or is working towards becoming a professional in various art industries or even self employment
>Inb4 you can't make a living
Not even talking full time art careers, passive/side income counts too.
You are ten years too late for a active /pro/ gerenal on /ic/.
>professionals on 4chan
Career suicide + nobody here cares unless you're offering critiques or industry advice
because you keep making new """"generals""""
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I'll post ITT, gotta make it first though. In the meantime have this cat
Draw the cat, anon
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I'm getting kinda close for my very first intern for a local graphic design company. I got positive feedback for my portfoilio. Ill just post the illustration part instead of everything
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Etsy is the key to making money. Stupid women will buy the simplest water color or acrylic paintings for huge mark ups.
Nice anon
I hope the gig works out
I got commissioned by tapas recently, hoping that's a step forward in becoming a pro.
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right after this gaming session
All the /pro/s are in the draw thread and figure drawing thread. Now fuck off /beg/.
are you under 18? you arent going to find any pros here, theyre all on twitter/discord
>wah trannycord
grow up, its called being an adult
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>even self employment
BBC-chan is on another thread rn so that bitch.
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That's cool! how did that happen? Did they hunt you on social media like other comic companies?
>theyre all on twitter/discord
>wah trannycord
>grow up, its called being an adult
I'm pretty sure that only kids use discord.
It really feels like many artists have given up on pursuing professional careers or even pro skill levels
What the fuck happened?
Thanks! I don't really have a big following or post on social media much, but I sent them my portfolio a few months back and they replied just recently.
>I sent them my portfolio a few months back and they replied just recently.
So they're like Lezhin huh? You send them your art and they accept it if you're good enough.
Congratulations anon, I hope you make it.
>What the fuck happened?
I don't know about artists in other fields but in animation it's been depressing for a while, even before AI art you had a lot of animation graduates that never made it in and it's gotten worse since AI became a thing.
I'm here. Greatest living painter.
You need to do value studies. I prescribe ink wash drawing from observation. Start with trees midmorning. good luck
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Have sold very few paintings and it doesn't look like a viable option. Don't really like commissions with how much time gets wasted in corrections and they just end up keeping you from improving. Seriously considering teaching art independently after I get better at this.
you have to do a gay aesthetic instagram and tiktok with corny music and progress videos

being a paintor is being a content creator or influencer now
>I'm a nsfw 2d animator and I have a patreon.
It's not much but it pays the bills and put food on the table. I don't like traditional jobs and I'm pretty sure that I'm blacklisted in my former industry because of some dumb shit I did...
Look up atmospheric perspective. The effect here is confused. Also, your edges are too arbitrary. You achieve a kind of nice painterly brushwork in islands, but you paint too much in parts. Work the whole picture up equally instead
This is cope.
I make a living drawing porn
Does that make me a professional?
Given the state of most of the industries can you really blame them?
yeah but its easymode

appealing to the masses without resorting to coom is much more difficult
The industry is fucked, either change professions or make coom animations/art.
As a teen and early 20s I wanted to be a AAA/hollywood pro concept artist, but then photobashing and 3d became the main tools. I guess I just liked painting pretty pictures and liked Syd Mead
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>I make a living drawing (insert BS here)
>Does that make me a professional?
Yes. That's the definition of being a professional.
I make just under 1k a month with porn but when I post in rate threadd i get mid or high beg
Fuck a rating, money is money.
>passive/side income count too
What's the point of this thread? I'm /beg/ skill wise but hope to ramp up to 1-2k dollars a month when I eventually speed up my output and open some paid subscription service. Do you want to collect advice for making money with art?
Drawings aren't porn. You are an artists who creates (nsfw) art. Big difference.
Making money or even being a pro doesn't always equate to how good your art is. At one point Rob Liefeld was making the most money out of anyone in comics and no one in their right mind would even compare his work to Jim Lee's.
Are the women stupid for buying that art or are you stupid for not tapping into that market?
Hello I can answer some questions. I work as an illustrator (kinda, I actually work with teams and use my illustration skills but they arent finished most of the time, others who work with me finish them). 4chan helped me quite a bit so I am always willing to answer questions whenever I check /ic/. Ive done reviews on works here before.
These are getting you jobs?
Personally I just saw what type of future you will have as a top tier artist.
You'll just end up either begging on patreon, shilling online courses, or working for a soul sucking industry job that underpays you.
I still watch Jen Classen's streams occasionally and you can tell how fucking demoralized and aimless he also is. And that's one of the best contemporary artists currently working.
There's no future for digital 2D art, the internet just fucking killed it.
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>when I post in rate threadd i get mid or high beg
>Pro ≠ Good
There's plenty of comic artists, cartoonists, animators, etc that are terrible artists but they're still doing art for a living and they actually draw.
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You fell for the /ic/ meme that only good artists make it. In reality it's all about nepotism.
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>the internet just fucking killed it
It's so funny how brainlets blame everything but the actual culprit.
Networking matters. A. Lot. Everyone says it. It's true. If you never make the right connections, never put yourself out there, never try to market yourself, never try to find a niche, never find a voice for yourself in a community, never try to find a style that's yours, never you get the point. You might as well just play the lottery every day cause that's exactly what you're doing.
>watch Jen Classen's streams occasionally
any specific links?
aimlessness is something everyone experiences regardless of the craft. That's why mid/quarter-life crises are a thing. If you see one aimless artist and equate that to your future then maybe it is best that you step away. But there are plenty of thriving artists, who have been through these slumps, and the resilience and fortitude to push and and come out the other end and what makes these artists special. Jens is still young, there is no way that this is his future for the rest of his life. If he is struggling now, at least he is pushing on, and who knows what his future will be, maybe he will achieve even greater heights.
you can man, plenty of artists doing similar stuff. Check out Mack Sztaba
im a pro, what do yall wanna know?
I'm currently a professionally published manga artist. It is porn though. Working on my first book as we speak. Any questions?

>it's all about nepotism.
This is a lie that people tell themselves. You don't need to "know the right guy". I won't deny it helps, but it's simply false to think that skill won't get you hired. I'm an australian dude in the middle of nowhere with no connections whatsoever, and I've managed to land multiple gigs just by sending in my work. It's not like I'm crazy skilled either. You just gotta be demonstrably capable of doing the job and willing to cold email potential employers.
Im fucking tired of all the shit generals that are being created artificially by the same anon like /proj/, theres no need for a genral like that, and /music/?????
Very obnoxious.
I've seen some japanese websites with manga contests and I want to apply but I'm still learning japanese. Do you know japanese? Or do you use DeepL? Do you think its viable to use an online translator to apply for manga contests/submit work? Your work looks pretty awesome and inspiring
>Do you know japanese?
Only a little bit. I've gotten better as I go, but I can only read very simple common phrases unassisted and I definitely can't speak it/understand it very well.
>Or do you use DeepL?
I use a mix of DeepL, Google Translate and Translation Aggregator (a program that allows you to mouse over parts of a sentence to see the various things a word can mean in english, very useful when a machine translation something that doesn't make much sense for the context and for double checking things in general). I try not to trust them blindly and double check the output/input to catch errors or cases where something doesn't quite translate. The way I talk with my editor, entirely through text, is with a deliberately simplified english avoiding turns-of-phrase or things that the translation app they're using might not handle well. The final dialogue in the comic is corrected/fluffed up by the editor.
>Do you think its viable to use an online translator to apply for manga contests/submit work?
Yes, if you're smart about it. It's not enough to just plug an english script into DeepL and call it a day. You do need SOME knowledge of japanese to figure out how to phrase dialogue in a way that makes sense. Since my dialogue goes through the editor first, all I need to do is get the idea across to him so he can make it work, but of course I didn't have that when I applied to the publisher and it still worked out.

This is just my opinion, but I would advise against relying on winning competitions as your method of breaking into the industry, if that is your plan. Contests are great practice, but you can't rely on winning. To do so is to essentially be gambling. Not to say you shouldn't do them at all though, just keep in mind that sending the work in to a publisher directly might get a better outcome. Ideally, do both.
This Jim Lee dude apparently was the peak COmic Illustrator in AMerican Comics 30 years ago.

Why the fuck did American comic book crash and lost all the readers? When I visited San Diego Comic COn, I only saw 40 year olds flocking Comic related booths.

Is American comic books exclusively made for 40 year olds now? Why not copy Japan Manga where stupid children and retirees still buy books in addition to Young people??
90% is asking for 3d though, and mack does a huge amount of 3d

Its extra to logos and other graphic design work
3d is to assist design tho, unless you wanna be scott robertson constructing everything from scratch, he's still a really sick painter
thank you! this is very insightful, keep up the good work anon.
I have no hands, and I must draw.
>Pro ≠ Good
>There's plenty of comic artists, cartoonists, animators, etc that are terrible artists but they're still doing art for a living and they actually draw.

how dare you question pro artist's skills, they are making money therefore they are god tier and you are just a jealous nodraw!


(/s if it's not obvious)
based optimistic anti-nihilism-anon
nice, can you link your work or other stuff?
This is where I post teasers/announcements for each work.
>Why the fuck did American comic book crash and lost all the readers?
Superhero movies being successful turned the comic market into a tertiary afterthought and it became pretty much a playground for the worst and stupidest ideas. Years before America's gay/black worship arc stuffing them full of that shit people were already sick to death of nonsensical plots, preachy dialogue, and constant reboots and rehashes of the same shit.
Blog? How much do you make?
RIP theyre gonna work you to death
You worked for them before?
Career suicide? Is this true? I'm pretty sure lots of pros shatted this forum.
thank you for the link. nice work.
Amazing, enjoy the job you have you'll improve so much
can you link it

A huge amount of art jobs are scams. Shit pay, really unstable incomes, horrendous hours, can be laid off at the drop of a hat, rarely any benefits, and you don't even get to be your own boss. This guy explains how tons rely on their SO's incomes heavily for making ends meet and insurance.

Being independent is the best path forwards
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>This is a lie that people tell themselves
It may not apply to you, an Australian working for a Japanese company, but that "lie" is a fact in Hollywood and other Murican entertainment industries.
we're talking about drawings here buddy try to stay on topic
just means youre not good enough. If you are a good artist, companies are paying your rates, not the other way around. This also includes networking and being good at marketing/presenting yourself. There is simply a higher barrier of entry for being a professional artist, and the skill level to be paid a steady livable wage is high. Unironically, git good.
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Most people who want to get art industry jobs think they can just have a "regular job but it's doing art instead of filing the TPS reports" and then scale the ladder through normal promotions until they can finally pitch their quirky cartoon concept to the boss.

Most industry jobs aren't hiring you to be a creator, you're hired to produce things to spec for other peoples' vision because it's too slow and costly in aggregate to just have them do it alone. The path to lead is not usually directly via working at a studio. Nor is it simply "networking" in a neutral way. At least I wouldn't think that the process of getting chummy with the manipulative shitheads who are actually running things is very neutral.

Industry jobs also don't want people whose style stands out in most cases. Unless you have done the thing where you are buddies with the people in charge: you are there to produce to spec, not to have your vision override the direction. It's why mouthbreathing midjourney tards were able to get some measure of coherency by typing in "artstation". There are a few generic appearances most corporate clients desire from their gruntwork. These hit a certain level of quality to cost ratio, and causes the artists they hire to be pretty fungible (which reduces leverage.) Even leads' ideas more often than not get altered into these aesthetics, because it means if the lead dies or has a falling out the IP-owning company won't hit much of a speedbump with being able to continue to produce content.

Picrel is the level of QUALITY that megacorps are satisfied with. This is an actual real piece of art that a giant company paid for, the artist keeps it on his portfolio, and he's been paid to make a shitload more art both before and after it as well.

When people refer to "the art industry" usually they mean "working for big media companies" - film, game, advertising, journalism, etc. because these have the largest proportion of artists in any single building
>When people refer to "the art industry" usually they mean "working for big media companies"
If you follow the reply chain you'll see nobody said anything about "the art industry". One guy said, in reply to somebody talking about having an online following for their internet animations, that it was a meme that only good artists make it and that in reality it's all about nepotism. He didn't specify any industry or even mention industry at all. The manga guy pointed out he doesn't have connections and he does have industry job and specified which industry. Then fucknuts came along and said "well what about HOLLYWOOD though", something completely irrelevant to what anybody was talking about.
You can pursue drawing at a professional level without selling your services anon.
>He didn't specify any industry or even mention industry at all.
Did you not see the fucking Butch Hartman image?
I'm curious. What did you do?
The art industry is everything that generates money within the commercial artistic field, basically anyone is made to enter the industry, what is difficult is the competition.
>You don't need to "know the right guy".

This is definitely a lie you tell yourself, because knowing the right people is invaluable.
In the very next sentence I said that it definitely helps.
The person I responded to phrased it as a requirement to succeed. Knowing people is demonstrably not a requirement.
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>Picrel is the level of QUALITY that megacorps are satisfied with
why aim so low, working for marketing for a sports company where art isn't the focus? There is definitely a balance of trusting your own style and appealing to a mass audience, but no reason why you can't make unique works and be hired for it.

Everyone and there mom wants to make their own series, of course you have to get chummy with the higher-ups. Noone is obligated to invest 100k+ to bring your strories to life, you gotta prove yourself first.
>that's one of the best contemporary artists currently working
literally cannot find him on google
because they most likely mean Jens Claessens
pro/beg/ looks really sloppy
>no reason why you can't make unique works and be hired for it
Entertainment companies don't generally want that. We are no longer in the age of the quirky millionaire producers who will throw tons of money at you as long as your idea grabs them and you include a giant spider or some other nonsense. It's almost entirely become a divide between financial-estimates and ego-stroking the people above you now so they throw you a bone. I don't know if this was due to the 2008 crash or things just getting too big, but moneymen are this weird blend of high time preference while still being wealthy now. They want their return on investment ASAP and to minimize risk.

Crowdfunding is unironically probably the way to go if you have the skills, drive, and organizational ability to get things done, since it bypasses all that. Regardless of whether you think it's a good result or not (I never watched it myself): Why do you think so many industry grunts are irrationally mad at Vivziepop? It's cause she "cut in line." She skipped the self-debasing social grind up the ladder, nor did she compromise her work to make it appealing to a higherup. She did not play by the same rules as them, and got a show made. The process meant she shouldered all the initial risk in proving that it was viable, which made it way more appealing to A24.
the catalog is still 90% nodraw threads which meants plenty of threads you can go be a total failure in.
entertainment art companies, even the biggest ones like Blizzard and Disney don't want shitty art like the one you posted. Those artists aren't skilled enought to do work for art and story driven projects. Anyone working on animated film/tv, AA games, indie games, etc, all have their own styles. They are simply skilled enough to mould to anything a director needs whilst keeping their own style and flare. Honestly, it's a skill issue. There are too many artists and not enough art jobs. Why pay a professional with industry credits when you can hire some noname off instagram for 100 bucks. You gotta we good in order to attract clients willing to pay you well, and pay for YOU
I think we're in agreement at a base level. And yea the image I posted is ass, the guy mainly works for advertising (he had a looong list of credits and throws his MFA around like it means something).
But for the media companies like you listed, there are still waaaay too many people trying to get big breaks that do fit the bill. As it stands, the best way is to just make shit on your own time and then keep doing it and (if you for some reason want that big Weinstein money) submit it to industry players.

This is not even counting the hordes of industry and industry-aspirant artists that have alright raw skills, but settle for making soulless crap, have generally undeveloped creativity, and are kind of ass in personality. A simple glance at artstation (or god forbid peeking said peoples' social media accounts) reveals this. Plus a lot don't have the management skills it takes to actually be in some form of directorial position, so no matter how much they dream about it they're too retarded to actually work on themselves. Lots of these get hired because they're not at risk of upshowing their superiors, so they have no reason to be promoted into lead roles because things are run by crabs.

I can never recommend in good conscience that people try to climb the industry cocksucking ladder nowadays, it's too much investment for so little chance at it paying off.
buy an ad vivienne
Culture. 99.99% of art communities are filled with misanthropes who claim you don't need to be good or skilled to be an artist, that you will be happy once you stop "worrying" about your skills (but the same people are constantly bitching about how UNFUN and depressing it is to draw).
an artist can't get recognized for their skill or be praised for their progress anywhere, maybe except art school but no one wants to spend money on that. social media is anti-art at its core because it doesn't reward skill in any way, only porn or fanarts. art communities are built to demoralize anyone who loves art and wants to pay respect to their craft by constantly improving. we're all expected to pretend permabeg sketches have as much artistic value as the work of an artist who actually practices and cares about improvement.

you don't see asians giving up on art careers.
A lot of people don't give up on art careers, they just don't see value in submitting themselves to The Cathedral. Likewise, art schools are just training people to make mass slop nowadays and connect them to people in said established industry.
The mask is slipping. The prestige of being a "[big company] artist" has been tarnished as more and more knowledge of what that life is actually like - or what it's devolved into - has leaked out.
How is the employment contract like?
Do they ever expect you to move there?
How is the deadline?
The pay rates?
How does the payment work?
>How is the employment contract like?
Barebones. There normally isn't one, only a contract defining the publication terms/royalties of each book which is drafted up when you're actually publishing the book. I'm on the skeleton of one of those book contracts, because they needed something on paper to prove I exist for tax reasons. Typically there is no contract until the book is done, it's all handshake-deal.
>Do they ever expect you to move there?
Not at all. At least, they've never brought it up.
>How is the deadline?
Very easy, I have until the end of 2025 to finish the book. No deadlines for individual chapters. Contrary to more typical manga production, eromanga is pretty relaxed on deadlines it seems.
>The pay rates?
The starting page rate is 8000yen a page, which goes up with demand for your work (don't know the exact mechanics yet, haven't discussed it with them). Book royalties are 10% of retail sales and 25% of digital sales (the platform takes half then you split the remainder 50/50 with the publisher). The individual chapters are also sold for limited periods online as they release prior to the book release, and you receive the same 25% royalties there though to my knowledge this isn't usually a big chunk of change.
>How does the payment work?
I receive the page rate at the end of the following month after the finalized work is submitted, and royalties are paid out quarterly iirc.
There were issues in sending me money that got ironed out after a couple of months. Might have just been a timing thing with credit cards pulling out of payment sites, but in order to transfer money above board to me they had to apply to multiple different 3rd party services before one finally accepted their application. Japanese banking is weird man.
>entertainment art companies, even the biggest ones like Blizzard and Disney don't want shitty art like the one you posted.

There were some mass layoffs in gaming industry this year on what seems to be junior entry level positions, so there were tons of people complaining about being fired due to project cancelation. I got curious and went to see their portfolio simply because I wanted to see what level of skills it takes to be hired and oh boy, I hardly remember anything decent there. I always had this idea that big companies will want quality, but the only requirements seem to be the ability to produce mid level slop in specific style, since everyone's art design looked kinda samely in principle, so idk.
Currently making about 3k a month via comms and patreon which is enough for me to live in my bumfuck town
I worked a full time job at fucking Walmart beforehand and vowed never to fall for the "hobby/on the side" cope any longer.
coom or regular art?
>but the only requirements seem to be the ability to produce mid level slop in specific style
This is correct, it's so they can do exactly what happened: Cut staff when needed, rehire as needed, and not have the quality change too much between boom/bust cycles. It's no secret that universities get input from industry players as to what skills are desired, this applies to ALL fields, not just art. All these big gaming companies are run by investors who are too stupid to manage the laundering that happens in filmmaking, but still observant enough to realize if they have a big enough audience they can water down their products to make number go up.

They don't care about artistry at all, just the ability to have fungible staff.
Can you post your work please? I think you are underselling yourself
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Rate the appeal please.
How appealing is each side, from 1-10
Both but mostly coom
If that's your work:
Is that the final canvas size you work on, or it is bigger and you resize?
Is that a custom pencil or you using stock? What sizes, generally?
Do you make your own halftones?
1 and 2
It's barebones
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I do the inks on an a4 600DPI canvas and publisher wants the final page to be 1200DPI for the tones.
All of that line work is the default CSP Real G-pen that I've tweaked to my taste. Even the hair is just a duplicate of the Real G-pen that I've tweaked settings on so I can get thicker lines like with a brush.
The line work is all 20px, the "brush" work is all 50px.
What I do for tones is I make a raster layer, drop the layer opacity to whatever value I want so whatever I draw on there is a flat gray, draw the tone in, put the layer in a folder with all the other tones and then toggle the folder into a tone layer. They're essentially just default CSP screentones but the process ensures they all line up perfectly.
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Reporting in!
Ya boy will start his fine art arc as we speak and also work towards writing and illustrating a book.
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Pls rank each character by appeal
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Low appeal, around 1-3. Work on line weight and trying to do cleaner thumbnails
Art Director here.
Digital Art for mobile gaming. Boring but profitable.
How many games did you directed?
Fully directed 6 projects and worked on about 170 titles. Been in the industry since 2007, started with Fb social gaming.
I'm 42 btw.
ya im a design professional
spent the last week arguing over how many lines we are putting on a wall
reeaaaal fun stuff but atleast we get payed somehow

I like that freddy looks fucked up in proportions and all that detail

Leather face has bith simple design on face and complexity on other parts

Mich boy, i like the simplicity but i hear a lot of teachers and entertainment artists emphatize simple shapes and they look like basedboys with manbuns so i dislike that idea
didn't get an internship at design company. got several feedback (that were not written by bots) that liked my portfolio
eyy I love your work
Thanks for the feedback anon I appreciate it
you're living the dream

I have worked at a couple of small studios and I currently work as a graphic designer for a toy company. It's not the most glamorous side of the art world, but I use a lot of the skills I've picked up as an artist over the years.

It's also taught me to work photorealistically, which is not a skill I had previously developed.
i work in animation, and most of the good advice here is ignored. So many users here have their heads in the sand, but it's a bit like a filtering process. 90% of the competition is cut because people are unable to follow simple advice, so anyone who simply tries is already ahead of most of the competion who are here whining about how hard it is and how the times have changed and how there's no future NGMI blahblahblah. So some advice from a professional here, take advantage of all the free resources and advice on the internet, including this board. Since anybody can post advice, be critical of what you read or watch, and determine if the advice is applicable to you and how you can apply it. Be open to all criticism and don't take it to heart. It is always a learning opportunity. Keep looking forward, striving for improvement and don't stop. I am 90% self taught and haven't spent a dime on classes or online resources. Best place to spend your money imho is books. The barrier of entry is higher these days, but the access to resources and information is higher than ever. Take this advice to heart and youre all GMI, good luck bros
> i work in animation, and most of the good advice here is ignored
They don't know what they don't know, simple as. Also immature, psychologically broken. All your advises are good indeed.

> Be open to all criticism and don't take it to heart.
anon took it to heart,,, or into her vagina?

what books would you recommend to study if a /beg/ wants to be an animator?
What is your main source of income? Patreon? Commissions? Ads?
not an animator, more in production design, bg props, visdev, etc.
Here's some good books tho
Color and Light, Imaginative Realism, James Gurney
Framed Ink, Framed Perspective, Marcos Mateu-Mestre
Dream Worlds, Hans Backer
Graphic L.A., Robh Ruppel

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