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>"just draw for yourself"

Is it really such a bad thing to seek to impress others through art? It makes me happy when someone leaves a positive comment, when I receive a DM, when someone has my art as a profile pic, when better artists than me praise me.
I don't get why making art only within one's own autistic bubble is treated like the noble artist path. The joy of mesmerising people is a good enough reason to make art.
I honestly feel like when i "draw for myself" all i do is appeal to the demographic i belong to, being 4chan, which is compromised of slightly college educated weeb straight white males, fat titty anime girls.
i mean dont go the total opposite end extreme, and get like rich and famous sure and just pour out generic slop to feed the masses but
its a non problem op , you obviously recognize what you like about art, and have now found what you don't. thats more than most people.

taken to the other extreme, i can somewhat relate to the neat parlor trick to impress people, some artists have expressed to me its important to keep some drawings to yourself and yourself only. i dont know, art is about expression ultimately. its like talking to nobody or a dog. if there's no feedback why are you doing it? its just not as interesting a take on reality. attention whore > hermit
there's a balance. just find something that you like that is popular and focus on that
Internal motivation allows for more resilience. You're not going to take disappointing reactions from others as hard when you're doing the practice for yourself. This is necessary when you're not getting much feedback or encouragement for your work. It's especially necessary if you've been hit by a particularly nasty failure and you need to bounce back.
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A real artist make art for themselves, while an influencer, content creator and art wagie make "art" for others.
One wants to express themselves while the other only care about superficial BS.
It's basically the difference between a philosopher and a money-grubber, they have different priorities.
Most anons here have active Twitter accounts, hence the constant screencap posting
Don't let them fool you
How can you express yourself if there's no one to perceive you?
No it's not, the problem is when you become a sell out whore who only cares about numbers and lets the quality of your own art and soul and enjoyment play second fiddle to people pleasing and creating slop. If you want to be profitable go into a different field or play the game but be honest with yourself and what you're doing.
you perceive yourself lol
I draw a comic with readers and when starting out I had the most passion for it I ever had, and even though I still have passion I also now have looming stress about what others will like which messes with the purity of my original image. Having readers is great but interacting with people also gives me anxiety so feeling I have to respond to everyone gives me stress and also stresses me when I don't respond to some people. I guess everyone's different but don't focus on meeting the expectations of strangers unless you're getting money from them.
If you like receiving praise then only draw gacha characters, avoid creating any OC and stick to drawing gacha characters.
One day if you stop enjoying drawing you'll understand the meaning of "just draw for yourself"
thats called being vain. mama shouldve taught you thats wrong, but i dont know much about zoomers or aoomers
I want to tell stories.

Stories involving a group of characters that I find interesting, amusing, endearing, tragic, inspiring in their determinations and their towering convictions. When I write for them,their personalities filtering actoon,I have had the oddest revelations drop from the sky onto my pen tip,more reporting the situations the folk find themselves in than scripting their history,the history engraved through the ficdom's unique mechanics in operation.

I have been documenting this WOJP for close to 40 years. I have a 180+ strip story that spanned over a decade in creation, and if I had the time,one self contained 16 page story,two 20 page chapters of the first graphic novel (the plan being to get several 20 page chunks of narrative in the can so I could start publishing them as a comic then collected as a graphic novel),and rec,(being the past 3 years or so since marijuana dispelled my 2 year depression when Covid ate my domain name and server hosting.)I have done some more comics,one page monstrosities, and atm a comic done in a diary that is made up of empty comic panels,forcing me to rough a story that fits this artificial constraint. It's set in a past decidedly different than when all the rest of my stories are told,and I am enjoying thinking about this grim world was really like before the anthromorph population won civil rights after centuries of uprisings,especially what was considered "normal" with anthromorphs being enslaved.

A Body of Work. A Copyrighted Intellectual Property. Very marketable, merchandisable,enduring.
So I believe. I cannot tell, and never got proper feedback. Is J...right?
Am I making these stories for some future client,some broad spectrum statistically exploitable demographic?

Nah. I do it for only one reason.
For THEM. For stories that need to be told.
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I think calling it a parlor trick is devaluing but realistic too.
>if there's no feedback why are you doing it?
the part in particular that I liked.
also nice majora sketches.
looks like you do a good job of creating sketches to facilitate your creativity.

another good post

also sane

These aren't mutually exclusive things. Art is fundamentally a means of communication and expression. For the vast majority of people, this means it requires others to function as a craft. The artist needs an audience, one way or another.

The point of drawing for yourself is to do things you want to do; to not compromise on your vision as an individual in a vain attempt to gain approval or clout. That's all it is.

>I don't get why making art only within one's own autistic bubble is treated like the noble artist path.
It's an approach that's been romanticized. Some historical figures actually thrived like this (you can find cases of artists who put down their entire life's work with no one ever learning of their passion until after their death, for example) but these cases are exceptional to say the least. Just because Emily Dickinson did it that way doesn't mean you have to.

It's a valid point but masturbation can only get you so far.
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you can do either. there's a price for sharing art and a price for keeping it to yourself. It doesn't really matter in my case because my art is cursed and is ignored by default.
what a massive faggot
>she thinks "fat titty anime girls" is the opposite of "generic slop to feed the masses"
this site filled with the most generic edgelords who are experiencing the greatest cognitive dissonance ever
i'm somewhat confused by own point as well.
i suppose staying in your own autistic bubble is the same as just drawing anime girls. i just don't know who to appeal to any more, i just wanna draw man.
there's a difference between drawing for others and turning into a mongoloid that can only take 2 seconds to decide what funny meme to draw for the day because the only thing on their mind is social media attention
You can draw for whatever reason you want, no one can control your life or your decisions however the reasoning behind that saying is the same as it exists in any other hobby: If you do things for validation you WILL almost certainly burn out and on the off chance you don’t you will become a miserable trend chaser to remain relevant, it is the application of true discipline that displays consistent results and achieves goals. A sort of tangential example of this that is more mainstream/easy to notice is the people who get into fitness to attract the opposite gender or they do so to get over an ex. That sort of insipid inspiration never ever sustains for a long period of time.

Idk maybe I’m just a rambling pseud but draw for yourself
I'm pretty sure everybody gets into fitness because they feel ugly. Doing it for health reasons is the noble goal you're "supposed" to have.
>everyone is vain as me and only truly does things for superficial reasons

and this, class, is called projecting
It does two things: raises the bar for yourself, and changes the source of your inspiration.
When you draw to impress people you have to really try. Like make a serious effort to create something that a lot of people will enjoy looking at. If no one gives you that, then you’re gonna have burnout, but it can also make you sensitive to what kind of content makes people happy.
When you look for external inspiration that pleases an external audience then your work can suffer from seeming shallow or even pandering. Which is probably the right mentality if you’re trying to be a career artist.
Basically there’s risk and reward as with anything. It can turn your art into a shallow product that people enjoy temporarily, but it can also make you aware of how to make people enjoy what you’re creating.

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