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I’ll start:
-rhytmical fragmentation
-western-centered dynamic compositional shape language
These faggots barely know what gesture drawing is, they are not as smart as to know any arcane knowledge sadly
/ic/ crabbing is the definitive technique to stay ahead of the competition but it's practiced by 90% of the board already
Giving false advice
Eraser shields
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-simplification of conceptual PH/W primitives
-literal propagation of biforms
-localization of aesthetics
I'd say, personally, your visual spatial perception is inevitable to be used in drawing. I use it on a daily basis, so I cant imagine drawing without it. Thinking in 3d is important too, which is why the box method is helpful to awaken things like this if you've never touched on them.
good artists aren't any smarter than the general population. Intuition for form and weight/gesture doesn't generalize per se
visual snow manipulation, much harder to do digitally than trad
explain please
Drawing a lot
-Folds are constituted by outside planal edges, inside turning edges, hips and gutter
-We experience movement in a picture by comparing the relative position of two relative two dimensional shapes.
fun things are fun
installing stable diffusion
care to explain, OP?
Draw weird shit, and burn it wearing a black robe during full moon.
>Extreme mode:
Drop your weird doodles in public places.
>spline-based anatomical construction
>refractive color theory
>actually drawing until your fingers bleed
Dyslexics have a harder time with drawing than painting. If you struggle and are dyslexic try building up works with color blobs. If you're dyslexic and doing trad art instead of digital, but want something less messy (like if you live in a moldy-cup NEET cave or dorm, or do art at work or on a bus) you can use brush markers/paint pens.
If you're trying to give advice to dyslexics, you're wasting your time... they won't understand a first thing of what you wrote.
Drawing kana is better than boxes and circles for practicing hand-skill. If you want to get gud like an asian artist pick one of their writing systems and just practice random characters. You don't need to be learning the language, just slapping down lines.
Side-note: JP children draw eyes as の_の due to this.

Oh right most s/ic/kos are here because they have no art friends

You can emulate trad color layering in digital by just turning opacity down on your higher-layer brushes.
For example, layering down pink and then putting translucent yellow over it makes a really lovely orange, which is a technique some warhammer painters use as a lot of easily-available orange paints suck balls.
This is the first actually good advice that I could try
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Anon you may be onto something.
I have that flavour of retardation (+ slight dysgrapia) and I unsurprisingly prefer much more scratchy, messy sketching over precise lineart.

I also write in japanese characters clearer than i write in western alphabet, but that may be why I'm more concious of it (plus the fact I'm writing in a different language, so I'm driven to be slowger).
Draw figures/living things interact with each other or with an object. Just whatever comes to mind and whatever is fun. Create simple scenes where stuff happens and where there is some sort of interaction.

The biggest hurdle is your ego rejecting this, because the results will be bad and cringe at first. If you get over your narcissism and relax and have fun with this, you will get really good.
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If you fall for the construction meme you will get nowhere and only do busywork until you lose interest in drawing.

If you fall for the drawing exercise meme you will get nowhere and only draw stupid boxes and lanky gestures until you get bored and quit drawing.

Both of these memes are imaginary boxes that people created so they never venture out of their comfort zone and actually pursue real art.
This sounds like AI lingo.
This sounds like crab cope
When studying anatomy, use a hard round brush (without pressure) with 100% stabilizer.

The hard round will force you to focus on the important things, also any mistake will be apparent. The 100% stabilizer will force you to deliberately choose your lines, you can't do chicken scratches or searching lines with 100% stabilizer.
stop using smoothing and be more deliberate about line choice. try to incorporate the overall composition into the broader and finer linework
New Jersey bros....how do we respond
The pelvis doesn’t rotate forward
High int and advanced artists are just doing what mid-ints do but know how:
-to add details to their art
-to draw faster and with less references
-to draw many different things aside from people
-to draw more people and objects in the scene
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This is all you need for good composition. Everything else is mental illness,derivative or its already included here.
Everything you need to know to get better at rendering can be found in the computer graphics field, it's a whole science.
it's the same as writing your own language dumbass
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a good advice would be Learn japanese calligraphy. it's not the same as writing characters by yourself
Not true at all. The latin alphabet is optimized primarily for inkpens due to them being the preferred tool in the west, while hanzi, hangul, and kana are centered around brushes.

Calligraphy is a whole nother ballgame for pen control but a valid option for additional practice.
Givivng art advice is hard because most of the time you're mostly doing random new shit during the process
This is me accepting new work every time. "You can design UI right" "you can paint complex city shapes right" "you can paint a mural right" "you can draw in this specific anime style right"

I have no idea what I'm doing 99% of the time but I always say yes. I'm not turning down a $20k freelance contract. I will do literally anything for money and if I don't know how to do it I'll learn how. I just don't know how people can see my portfolio and think "yeah he totally does this kind of work" when it couldn't be further from it.

So my advice is to accept everything that comes your way even if you have never done it before and always ask for more money than what you think you're worth. You'll be surprised what companies will pay.
the latin alphabet is optimised for printing genius, the cursive script is barely used by anyone
What is it called when you assign hue shifts to your values?

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