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Why haven't you made a youtube channel yet /ic/? It's more lucrative than commissions.
Because some of us are too busy drawing.
linking because OP is a fag:
Video editing is for slaves.
You have to be a fucking psycho to enjoy that shit.
If I'm not making money with my art I'd rather lay down bricks.
Buy an advertisement.
I'm jealous of people who can do that Buzzfeed style video editing. Seems like it takes a lot of effort.
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i did that.
>Why haven't you made a youtube channel yet /ic/?
Because if you're not Japanese then I'm not watching.
I ain't wasting my time on some westoid shit, specially if you're one of those "art" channels run by niggers who talk about drama in the art community instead of actually talking about art.
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>Video editing is for slaves.
I don't think its that bad. but I'd rather be doing something else like drawing and writing. this is also why I can't get into animation.
far too tedious. only for serious autists
I technically do, but I am not doing anything with it because I have unpleasant speaking voice and I had trouble expressing myself with words. I kept one mainly as a way to show my friends my timelapses because I enjoy making those.
you just use templates for that. the only editing you're doing are the timing. there's also AI to cut the labour of finding the best impact of that particular clips.
just use voice over / changer / tts to read the script. AI voice trained from celebrities do work too.
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>Why haven't you made a youtube channel yet /ic/?
I have!
>It's more lucrative than commissions.
Takes months if not years of hard work in order to monetize properly, and that's if you do it right. Definitely not for everybody.
>You have to be a fucking psycho to enjoy that shit.
It's actually pretty fun, I swear. It may depend on the type of content but it's nice to make drawings move especially if there's special effects involved. I actually have to get talked out of over-cooking most videos because of how easy it is to get immersed into editing. But I can see why some people wouldn't enjoy it lol, very tedious sometimes!
>Takes months if not years of hard work
yeah, I would imagine you have to work that shit hard = a lot of editing all the time.
retatrded esl, this is about making your own art channel to post vids to gain views. How does that affect you making a channel?
Art YouTube tutorials are already a solved equation, Anon. There's nothing to add to it, except recycle the same beginner advice a million times.
Not only is it not very mentally stimulating but you have to be a great entertainer for you to stand out. You need the voice and you need the style. Not to mention quirky and understandable script writing, recording, and video editing which take a lot of your time if you don't want to get fucked by the algorithm by posting videos regularly.

There's a reason why most YouTube "artists" rarely post artworks of their own. They simply don't have the time for drawing anymore.
>this is also why I can't get into animation
Animation is cool but compositing is a pain.
>retatrded esl
Native speakers like you are worse than ESL.
based and trade pilled
I'm just stating the fact that I don't give a fuck about westoid art channels.
I never mentioned anything about making one to begin with.
my grandma gets more than that.
Well your grandma must work very hard lol
I just started out recently so I'm very happy with it, many channels have been posting for much longer and never reached even half as much.
cuz every artist that started making youtube content never got better and dropped all their personal projects

literally giving up passion for fame
I know a minipainter who has a PhD as a chemist but gave it up to become a youtuber. Wonder how much he makes in comparison.
brainlet weeb is a racist incel
how expected
Vr art gallery? If I could code I'd build an online point and click game. Sort of like a harbor hotel theme, but it's just people's art. Lol
I used to do this all the time but I can't fucking stand the absolute knuckle draggers who think stealing peoples drawing pads is funny or how many drooling morons just take a pen and draw a dick like it's the height of comedy

The rooms are for drawing and people just go there to grief or chat in front of mirrors ah I forgot how much I hate that system

Nice pic anon
So? Cry harder about it, yasuke-san.
Eventually you need to do something with your drawing. YouTube is just another place to use your skills.
You have to be over 18 to post here and Orb is 15.
I did. Its a dead channel that no body watches.

Unless you are an e-thot dueing drama videos, its waste of time
3k views? That's it?
3.7k now
youre saying not only i have to be super good at drawing, i also have to be super good at video editing to make more money on commissions?
and the fact i cant draw NSFW or else ill get dominitized or outright banned on youtube

You know you can leave your nsfw shit out right? Speedo doesn't post nsfw on his youtube, but on his patreon and twitter, same with twisted grim. Are you retarded? You don't even have to be super good at editing, the bulk of the edits you have to do in op pic is just shortening the video/recording length.

>Unless you are an e-thot dueing drama videos, its waste of time
Coping faggot, the vids in op pic are just small challenges and drawing people's characters for free. tons of art channels are like that, you just wanted to make up an excuse.
I've got a YouTube channel, and it's as dead as my other stuff. No one wants to even be near my art . I think they would rather leap off a building than look at my cursed drawings.
I’m going to be an artuber that does something nobody else has the balls to do and I’ll quickly grow from it.
Same here, the channel is as dead as a seed waiting to be planted,
But at least my blog's finally greenlit for hydro monetization, I just need to keep uploading more art works to keep the cash flowing.
Post video
because whatever the fuck that pngTuber slop is fucking gay
I'm a wageslave. If I lose my job or something then sure.

I have an interest in film & editing and wish I could do it if I didn't already have a day job. With only so many hours of free time I just go all in on drawing.
Been thinking about it but it would be low to no editing.
Making youtube vidya is more work than justdraw
I think you're being clouded by most 50k+ subs youtubers viewcount. Most people gets <3k views. Especially less so for nicher genre like art by literalwhos. You'll get more views if you do art tutorials or art 'motivation' vidyas.
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Here you go:
Yeah i goon to it
Just put some nice background music while showing the process, no words, no dialogue just comfy drawing sessions
Because then I wouldn't be an artist I'd be a youtuber
For real?That's actually pretty nice. I'll check out the rest of the channel
oops meant this
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Thank you! I'm just starting out again so I don't have much atm, but will be updating with new stuff soon!
I actually think it's fun, but it is very time consuming. If you are not prepared then you are gonna be hit with a hard reality.
I don't like drawing and I want to minimize how much I have to draw and still make money
I'll follow your progress. Promise you'll continue?
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>I'll follow your progress. Promise you'll continue?
Absolutely! I have one more on the way soon and another on the back burner. Thanks for the support anon, it's much appreciated!
Started one today. I’ll post analytics results in a week if this thread is still here.
>Most people gets <3k views
most people don't earn shit from youtube
Most people aren’t artists. Most people can turn on their camera and complain about the economy or no friends or their job and get no views.

This kind of goes for anything that requires extra effort.
>do this, it earns more money
>3k views doesn't earn money
>most people have less views
>and they don't earn money
>yeah well they just talk about politics without effort
what are you even trying to say here?
I think I mentioned not too long ago that I found a lady who painted flowers getting only around 1 to 2k views on YouTube and still was making 4000 per month. I can find this in the archive.

You must not look at one metric for success.
because she sells art, dumbass, not from youtube
You need roughly 10-15 30k-80k views to make atleast 5k a month on youtube(that’s 8+ mins). Many channels showed their analytics with channels of that size and that’s how much they make. It’s achievable, but you have to upload it a lot if your views are low.
too easy to be cancelled
avoid any job where you have a personality/identity people are constantly thinking about
I am starting one soon. I've made one art time-lapse and once I have like 10 saved up I'll start it. My goals are something more entertaining than just speedpaint type videos. I'd to do something bigger than that, I just can't think of any way to draw while also being entertaining for 10 minutes.
>10-15 30k-80k views to make atleast 5k a month
Not sure if I'm reading this wrong, but are you saying you need 100 videos of 3k views a month at minimum? Because that's not achievable at all, let alone while producing art for each.
>just can't think of any way to draw while also being entertaining for 10 minutes.
Go the koleen route, that’s how she’s popular. Watch her vids as an example.
Yeah it sucks, but that’s what clips channels, let’s play, and especially react(content stealing)channels can easily do. For art, yeah it’s nearly impossible, so your only option is to have a decent style or good enough art, since there are many /beg/ lvl artist with 100k+ followers because of their personality and how they give information .
>not acheivable at all
youre old videos arent deleted after some time period. go look at ex. james gurney's channel. basically you want to have a backlog of videos that continiously earn enough views to add up to $$$
you need 100+ videos to do anything
income varies hugely depending on country of your audience
almost certainly more money in affiliate links like amazon
i dont recommend due to >>7243273
Also look at this vid https://youtu.be/yQU1lKmtmFg?feature=shared and go to 9:17. Once you see it, look at his channel and size of followers
That’s only a problem if you link yourself to post on 4chan or say something retarded. I doubt you reveal your true self on the platforms you post on art, but only on 4chan
its a problem if your face and name are linked to your project and people are thinking about you in any way
just look at what happened to the five nights at freddy's dude a couple years ago
find a way to make money from art while flying under the radar
youtube is the exact opposite. highly advise against. there are so many ways to make a living from art
I don't know if it's still the same, but back in 2010 or so you'd get paid based on where you live/upload from, so you wouldn't get as much as an American with the same exact channel.
It didn't really make sense since your ads were based on the viewer's location, so it might have changed.
it depends on your viewers, rather than your, location
>s a problem if your face and name are linked to your project and people are thinking about you in any way
just look at what happened to the five nights at freddy's dude a couple years ago
Anon, a good chunk of the popular channels on art tube or youtube in general don’t reveal their face and name. These channels would have 100k-400K+ subs, that’s on you if you were to reveal that
those people are in a bad spot, i predict yt will crack down on faceless channels in the medium term (5 years) due to the proliferation of AI narrated channels
they could have their earnings per view majorly slashed or worse
this is actually a key reason i stopped persuing yt as a revenue source. i believe they will tighten the rules soon. too risky
that says you need 2 million views at 7.6 minutes each
at 3k a video, that's 666 videos unless I'm worse at math than I thought
>666 videos
upload that many to go directly to hell

Thinking I should buy a camera but I don’t want to point it at my ugly face. Maybe at my cintiq as I work just to show I’m a human.
>on faceless channels in the medium term (5 years) due to the proliferation of AI narrated channels
they could have their earnings per view majorly slashed or worse
Just make a video or videos with a mascot-like mask to represents you and your channel. Also the only vids affected by that will be those low effort clip and copypasta channels.
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I have a YouTube channel, for about a year. When I got a new smartphone, I started videoing myself drawing stuff in hyperlapse. Production values are terrible for the earliest ones,and the later ones are at least 90% in frame where I am rendering some bit off camera. I have very limited time to draw, and want to make frequent updates to keep interest and traffic, and maybe reopen my Etsy store to sell tshirts. I was going to draw the first story completely in front of a camera,documenting the iconic moments unfolding before your eyes.




To make "this" the reason people might return to view the newest update,and What Happens Next in the story,to watch it appear a moment after it appears to me. And if I can monetize the attention simehow,I can do it more often,not being burdened by my night job and its long commute.

The site is bare bones,but in October I have 2 weeks in a row of vacation time, and I want to pack it with bells and whistles. Especially the videos themselves,silent and boring. I really need a manager I can feed content to that would be properly processed with a royalty free soundtrack of some sort,and adding artwork to the channel facing needs doing.

I want to share these stories with the world. Having money drop from the sky into my accounts would be ideal,instead of having to get up at 5:15PM for a job that starts at 10.

All advice would be appreciated!

You need better thumbnails. Nobody wants to click on a dark and dreary thumbnail. The table should be light with adequate lighting. Steal titles and thumbnail ideas from other successful channels. Look a wha Alphonso Dunn is doing if you’re going the route with your hand on the drawing.

The last part.
There is a reason why every single person who is still right in mind outsources that shit as soon as possible, since its a time black hole. No one who values his time and money would do it willingly.
You pay a pajeet, chink, SEAniggy 100 bucks and he'll happily spend thousands of hours on it, since his other option is a cobalt mine or gluing iphones together, since most of them are 90-ish IQ.
No one who values his time and money is doing art as a career at all
bump gonna come back to post crits
>maybe reopen my Etsy store to sell tshirts
those are always big, make sure you've got an extensive print run.
Influencers aren't artists.
I wish pikat would make a video explaining her masturbation process in detail.
https://youtu.be/_vCiu9zeFD8?feature=shared . .

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