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He kinda has a point.
Should one sell out and whore himself for views.
I get that we will not be the next Miyazaki but do I want realy want to be the artistic equivalent of those clickbait review nigger jewtubers?
I don't get it
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>They tried to kill Vice President Trump, this means war.
>missing the point this much
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All right then why did none of you so called art experts help a fellow white man out in his time of need? Why didn’t you give him advise when he deleted his ms paint bug cartoons?
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I was under the impression that people draw and share their art with other in order to express themselves and develop our side that is not material…
Or I am I weird one? Was as it all about grifting all along?
he doesn't want to improve, dude closed his twitter account when people started laughing at his comic, he's the perfect example of your average /ic/ artist who expects to get 1M followers doing the same beg-tier art and not striving to improve while at the same time throwing shit at other people who are smarter and can grow naturally doing what people like
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>he's the perfect example of your average /ic/ artist who expects to get 1M followers doing the same beg-tier art and not striving to improve while at the same time throwing shit at other people who are smarter and can grow naturally doing what people like
oh, i see
>okey dude listen your art sucks balls mmmkey
>if you want to make in big on kikebook 2.0 you need to do what I say
>here is some step by step instructions on how to drow anime girls with huge di-
>huh, he blocked this account, what a pussy…
You know not everybody is a syndical thickened 4chongfagget. You sow what the guy drew? It was family friendly 50’s tier stuff. He was like a child.
For views? No.
For money? Hell yes.
Theyre tied together though but if you're not making money then no just make what you like.
Most people's projects are just corny derivative garbage not worth paying attention too though and I do mean most.
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>here is some step by step instructions on how to drow anime girls with huge di-
did you identify with the type of artist I described? you make it sound like I went to this guy's house and started harassing him, he drew that comic by himself, you can grow on twitter without doing anime but you sound like the type of person who doesn't listen and blames others for their own ineptitude.
Why are you talking to me like this? What have I done to you to deserve such treatment?
>He kinda has a point.
He has a point?
All the comic is saying is that [the protagonist of the comic] was not rewarded for his enthusiasm. HE'S not getting attention, other people are, and that's... bad or something.
What this strawman comic does not even attempt to address is that that happens no matter what the content of your drawing is, whether it's fanart or nsfw or memes or gossip or whatever. For every post that pops off there are hundreds that go completely ignored just like him no matter what the content.
It's a very self-absorbed comic, to be honest. Why does the protagonist deserve attention more than others?
Nah, hes not.
Most people complaining about this dont target a specific audience and post art 3-7 times a week.
Whats funny is this happened to shen but he managed to make an audience by playing along with the joke and not getting butthurt.
This desu.
Though souless art can also get popular if you do politicalart (breadpanes that fox guy etc), though in this case you have to know the talking points.
You just have to know how to make something that appeals to others.
I was on that guy's side and sent him a supportive DM telling him to keep his chin up and just keep drawing. He blocked me for whatever reason, and now I wish he'd kill himself.
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Yeah, that guy had a point, but god forbid you touch the almighty porn in any way.
You will only get billions of minors and groomers trying to unironically kill you for making them feel insecure about themselves or just pointing out how the majority only ever perceive the existence of art if they can jerk off to it.

That whenever this image pops up and it's always comments about that guy's Donut Steel, it does come off as disingenuous and you just know that he was right, since at the root it's the old artist dilemma of never being allowed to create anything unless it's approved by the masses of consumer with shit taste and in turn that makes you kind of dislike art for your only reward is submitting to a bunch of genuine monkeys.
Game development is the same, hence why devs try to put as many mtx as legally possible to milk these retards dry.
Or any other thing that requires the involvement of the masses like youtubers and shit.
People are fucking animals, so fuck em.
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Like clockwork.

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>incapable of perceiving beyond aesthetics
>unable to separate the art from the artist
>Why does the protagonist deserve attention more than others?
the comic implies that he deserve the attention because he "put hours of time and effort into" his OC. which is basically what retards on this board think: time + effort == good original content worth of attention
do you know that the guy in the hoodie and cap is the self-insert of the artists that draws the comic no?
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Do you know that i say and come up with the most racist shit but i'm not even a tiny bit racist?

The speaker never matters. Are you fucking retarded?
What does any of that have to do with my post, where I both separated the art from the artist and made no comment whatsoever on the aesthetics?

But it didn't really establish that he put more time and effort in than anybody else in this comic. If that's what the author was trying to say, it wasn't really clear. It's really not clear what the intent is if you take the comic on its own.
point taken, but saying that he spent hours of time and effort on his OC and then making people give attention to "memes, trend, hype, gossip, etc" doesn't imply that his art is better and more worthy of attention? i mean he is clearly discrediting those types of art, not like it's not true for some of them tho
>where I both separated the art from the artist and made no comment whatsoever on the aesthetics?
You are unable to see or observe beyond what's being portrayed.
You miss the message.
You simply judge upon what you see; and focus your critique based on your own assumptions of the motivation of the main character.

Aesthetics = the looks, optics, a shallow reflection, something without context, a thing presented as is
>What this strawman comic does not even attempt to address is that that happens no matter what the content of your drawing is, whether it's fanart or nsfw or memes or gossip or whatever. For every post that pops off there are hundreds that go completely ignored just like him no matter what the content.
With this you were so close but decided to throw it out the window for completely inane reasons.
Yeah, why doesn't every single piece of media address every single problem on earth in a 4 panel comic?

This is what is meant when one is unable to perceive beyond aesthetics, because then it's all about if the message is delivered in a manner that is easily digestible and doesn't make one feel any discomfort, either by the creator or the main character.

The protagonist don't matter. No matter how many schizophrenic scenarios one might come up with.
Didn't his OCs turn out to be unappealing because they were just cartoon bugs? They didnt look much different from what you'd see on a pre school kids show.
That's why I call it a strawman comic -- it's complaining about a made up version of reality that is obviously flawed. The problem here is that this is not even attempting to understand the other party, merely wallowing in self pity and framing the situation to lead one to believe that others don't also work hard to show the world the things they're passionate about. It is a comic that presents to the reader a protagonist who views himself as the only one deserving of attention-- it is a depiction of a self-absorbed person, intentionally or not.

I'm judging what's in the comic. Sorry I didn't read up on the author's biography before reading his comic but I'm still not seeing how I'm the one who's unable to separate the art from the artist in this position.
>Yeah, why doesn't every single piece of media address every single problem on earth in a 4 panel comic?
It doesn't have to, but it does tell a pretty misleading version of events whether that's due to limitations of the medium chosen or not.
>The protagonist don't matter
When the whole comic revolves around one (fictional or not) person's experience I'd say that it does matter, lol.
You're so stupid. All it was was a vent art because he felt his drawings weren't getting noticed. He didn't say any of that other shot you just pulled out of your ass. You were definitely one of the cunts on X brigading that dude and thinking you were doing the world a service.
>omg no one is entitled to attention
>he's attacking popular people
>HE'S harassing others with his comic he posted to himself
Just fuck off, you're just a homo who needs to join a gay ass mob so no one will notice that you're a fucking weirdo.
Are... you okay there dude? This is my first time seeing this comic. OP said it had a point, and I challenged that, since what I read here doesn't really seem to have a point. Like you say, it seems like a vent comic.
>He didn't say any of that other shot you just pulled out of your ass.
I just described the events of the comic. Am I responding to a chatgpt here?
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It's just obvious that it's futile to try to reason with you.
I humored you enough.
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He got his 15 second with this guittrip tweet and when people moved on from his tantrum he attempted to catch lightning in a bottle a second time with even more guilt tripping instead of prove him worthy of that clout. His is pathetic and untalented simple as.
I mean if he want's mhis character to be popular he should start a comic or some
I laughed

last time I had a look at his timeline, is that there are multiple issues with the way he engage in social media, first of all, he barely posts, and majority of his posts are retweet of his old content, and mostly links to his comic. You cannot expect to keep an audience let alone expend your reach like that. Has anything about that changed? I mean, there are people who draws exclusively SFW OC comics on tumblr, but they had a lot more responds than he does, and that's on a platform that has less than 100th user base. Shen comic is basically OCs too, and you can't deny he has high engagement.
I'd fug that bug
>38 years old
When is the time to give up and look for something else?
The people on this board are a bunch of shit
Make them gay lovers and Viziepop might pick him up.

This is the exact argument aifags use to defend their slop
There is no way these were gonna catch on. They look like characters made up for a kids learning book at best. There's nothing eye catching about them at all.
all the hate on this guy is totally unwarranted mob mentality bullshit, everyone just wants to hate something but if u actually talk to him he seems like an alright fellow
See >>7233934 and realize that he's just a whiny clout chaser
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Please watch this video, i feel like after watching this guy and his infamous post, and later this video, i got questioning myself about the point of even drawing for social media anymore
He accidentally makes a good point. You can't expect people to immediately have the same passion for an OC that you do. The built-in popularity that fan-artists exploit was built on well-developed characters that gave people a reason to care by being a part of a good show or comic or whatever it was from.
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>"yeah im not gonna watch 46 minut--"
is pretty good anime
This is why Rennaissance artists did Bible scenes. Nobody would give two shits if Michaelangelo painted some random bug guy.
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>oh shit he's making a good point and i can't point out flaws... uhhhh fuck...
>heh, it's obvious you're a lost cause, bored now
pretty rare to see this on /ic/ cos usually both sides break down into insults like you started with but this guy kept his cool long enough to make you run away with your tail between your legs. dunno if that's funny but it's definitely interesting to see.
>Call out porn artists
>Gets insulted

>Pull out the 'oh woe is me I get no views'
>Most of his posts are just meme react pics
>Gain 2k followers over a weekend
Some things are just not created equal.
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>why aren't you wasting your time arguing against some retarded faggot who will just keep going in circles or pretend to be retarded? hehe guess you lost le hecking debaterino lol lmao you ran away lol fucking goooootem
yeah why didn't i try to btfo with facts and logic the nth carbon copy faggot who just spams shit on the internet for (you)s and would simply resort to every logical fallacy to """"win"""" the argument and feel heckin valid about himself?
Do you feel heckin valid right now, sister?
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>i didn't get owned, i didn't get owned
yes that's alright anon, just let it all out
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>retard doesn't get to bait for an argument
holy mental illness
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That's because most of the time when this retard loses an argument he starts samefagging until his new posts generate a reaction.
left had more soul
Maybe he should have learned to draw first before trying to be "original"
>Should one sell out and whore himself for view
What if you're just genuinely having fun drawing any of those popular things? Particularly trends, fan art, or memes, it makes complete sense that someone would draw those to relax and have a bit of goody fun - sure there is going to be some clout chasers in that group as well, but to lump everyone under that umbrella term is stupid.

The reason that comic is more popular than any of his other images is likely because there some something to discuss around it, and it told a story. Did anything else he create do that?
God fucking dammit Live2D is on sale right now. I've done a few Live2D skeletal/mesh animation type before with different software like Spine2D and similar other software. It's pretty fun. A bit time consuming but fun. I am very tempted in getting Live2D license but I probably wont have time for it aahhhh
I thought comic blew up because a big-time artist made fun of it and told his fans to redraw it.
I don't give two shits about touhou or anime in general but this is not just moe shit. This has substance, its very easy for you to feel immersed in the story, and that is something that you don't see often in /ic/.

If there is another anon reading this post who is also repulsed by anime stuff, I suggest you to watch it, just the first 10 minutes of it. You'll see what I'm talking about. It leaves an important message often overlooked by most of us.
you're the perfect example for that statement
If you have something meaningful to say it will invite people who disagree. If what you say is both meaningful AND demonstrates negative character traits such as:
>greed/sloth/pride/etc (the whole shebang)
Then you will likely get shat on for it. And yes, "meaningful" does not mean correct.
His main issue is that - from what I can tell - not much else he makes is meaningful. Look at >>7234100
For example, can you read ANYTHING about these characters? Do their designs tempt you to inquire more about them? Do they have any dynamics between the two? What personality is communicated?

The answer is:
Nothing. The yellow one and the blue one use pretty much the exact same in terms of posing and expressions. Did you notice the blue one even has wings? I bet you didn't, because the bit of contrast in the designs are completely neutered by the fact that they aren't meaningfully different from each other. There is no conflict, no story, nothing in the design indicates who they are besides "cartoony bug."
touch a nerve?
>For example, can you read ANYTHING about these characters? Do their designs tempt you to inquire more about them? Do they have any dynamics between the two? What personality is communicated?
Strikes me as your typical, "naive optimist and his craaaaazy wild buddy," pairing desu. Could go somewhere if actually used in a comic or short animation.
That isn't really communicated by the sheet there, particularly since the poses and expressions are so close they're emotionally identical. Heck even the mouth shapes are the same in the scream picture. The expressions are both detailed enough to not push them firmly into the "lol funny classic cartoon animal" category (which would necessitate more extreme design differences.)

They have the feel of being very "1980s low budget character used as a logo for a local business" rather than something that's intended for a comic. Like the top left Bob image or the crossed-arms Flyer image I could see on the side of an exterminator van.
I was going off the color schemes, the names and how one has sharp teeth/fuzz. Standing in a blank white void with mirrored expressions doesn't help either character be very distinct which imo is the real problem.
No one cares about your subhuman mongoloid OC. They're a reflection of your own rotten self that no one cares about or loves. The funniest part is that they're not even a character, it's just a drawing, probably ugly too. They have about as much as personality as you do, which is to say, nothing at best, repulsive at worst.
I wonder if there are free programs that do that.
But on other hand, I'm not really sure I would want to make animations like that, seems pretty limited.
>tfw I am 32
>tfw my oc looks even worst
I will never touch a pencil ever again
Please post your OC
I promise to draw fanart
I have to agree
But is anyone willing to give redesigning them a go to make them more appealing?
he's not making any kind of point. He's just expressing how he feels. Why does everything have to be a fucking ethical debate?
I think the question of "Should one post art based on pure artistic vision or art that will make them popular?" has different answers for different people. Some people's personal tastes align pretty well with the mainstream. Other people's tastes align only partly, so they make stuff they personally enjoy but curate it so it appeals to more people. And then there are the unfortunate ones, who only want to draw middle aged men in clown suits or whatever. But even then, I think that with enough skill, one can get popular, no matter the subject matter. You have to be ridiculously skilled and original for that to work, though. It's like when you go to a museum and there are those huge religious masterworks that are breathtaking even if you don't care about religion at all.
The problem is that there's nothing there to "redesign" without necessarily adding additional that isn't simply improving the vision as-is. This isn't like redrawing a child's art where they're trying to throw elements in but the skill isn't there. His skill seems good enough to the point it's inoffensive but he used it to to say nothing, while still not making them simplistic enough to be blank-slates like Hello Kitty or Mickey Mouse.

In all honesty he only needed 1 character, and then show - don't tell - what makes him funny. The Woody Woodpecker route, basically. But he didn't do that.

If I were to grant the OP as trying to share some form of artistic vision with his bug OCs, it would be a desire for only surface-level, simple and inoffensive cartoons that are just there to add color and mild silliness to things. This isn't really something that people desire except in a misguided attempt to either appeal to children or reduce the level of seriousness of something. It's the kind of thing that appeals to cringey middle school teachers who wanted to be elementary school teachers and end up infantilizing their students. As well as the kind of boomer who'd go
>"I'm not some grouchy plumber like the other guys, see my fun cartoon logo? I'm a friendly dude."

But even with that benefit of the doubt, the vision is inauthentic because it demonstrates a profound amount of fear of depth. That is why a common complaint is that it's childish: pre-k kids usually haven't got the experience to desire anything beyond surface level design. He isn't reaching into himself to show the world something he's passionate about, with all the risk that people will shit on him for it.

That only happened when he made the comic. It's ironically one of the more authentic things he's made, it's just rooted in ignorance.

Too thick for viv?
Waiting for million fanarts from mentally ill fujoe
what is his name? Is there any archive of his works?
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this is not tiktok sweetheart, mods will not ban me for talking to you like an adult, grow a thick skin especially if you want to become an artist. dumbass snowflake zoomie
here's my go at it - but as >>7237117 said, without just changing a bunch of stuff theres not much to redesign
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Please no bully or I will kill myself
It’s Lutik the forest boy and grandpa mashroom ( lutik du bois et papi champignon)
He protects the forest from an evil witch zaraza who wants to eat him to become eternally young
How did you do that? I can tell you can draw better (cleaner) but you somehow incorporated my shitty details and proportion errors. Amazing
it was honestly unintentional I'm just sketching quickly

I really like your scribbly lines and the little tree house in the top is especially clean - fun stuff
soul and appealing
unappealing and souless
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I made this the last time this guy came up
Someone should show it to him
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If this Brit bong can make dosh of his comics you have no excuse
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He was right, popular artists on Twitter are circlejerking egotists
The fact that you had huge artists like Krekkov shitting on him despite people like him begging people to draw his OC is telling
I have no idea who any of these people are
>insult people who draw NSFW
>expect no response from people who draw NSFW
>time + effort == good

And it doesn't? Isn't the thing artist's say the most is that if you put enough time and effort in your craft it would make it good? Why putting so much effort when a tranny makes a comic about masturbation using stickman gets more attention than you will ever have in your fucking twitter account.
>38 years old
that is nothing, personally meet 60+ boomers who didn't know that companies just view their workers as cogs in a machine that can be replaced and genuinely believed in company loyalty.
A 38 year old who doesn't know that the masses just want "easy" entertainment or slop isn't out of question. But to be fair were his OCs part of some awesome written comic? No? then this is basically just a step above all the sonic and mlp OCs on deviantart. Basically no one flock to see these OCs.
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>more attention
what the fuck are you? A tranny or a woman? Attention-whoring is a destructive trait. Aren't you just happy with creating something you can be proud of? If you are looking for making money of original art, then art is the wrong field. either give the masses what they want or pray to the RNG goddess to be on your side.
Of course not, do you know how many variables can affect the end result of your work? have you ever wondered why people on this board remain beg even after years and years of practice? your work is a product, it has to be good to succeed, no matter how much effort, money and time you have spent on making cheese, if the cheese tastes like shit no one will buy it.
Holy kino
This was neat, and I wouldn't have come across it myself. Thanks for posting it, Anon.
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>yeah, why would clout goblin hugbox wannabe influenza artists ever lie to their audience and retards parroting them while the mentally ill can circlejerk each other?
nta but I get your point because unlike that other faggot, i posses the very rare skill of literacy.
>Why putting so much effort when a tranny makes a comic about masturbation using stickman gets more attention than you will ever have in your fucking twitter account.
First off; the mentally ill will always congregate and try to infect others with their mental illnesses.
Think how lolishitters no one actually knows have lot of digits but only follow and interact with each other to boost engagement and the moment a post of their breaks out of their algorithmic bubble like they hope to as to expose others or dogwhistle to their own, they get fucked by normies.

Skill is absolutely not a factor, only """content""" does.
So, basically, you could draw however you wanted and still farm more engagement than your polished works ever do.
The subject matter is always the critical thing.

Go into any fujo niche (shipping, yaoi and all that autistic garbage) and get an idea of how shit you can draw and get away with.
Go look at tumblr alphabet soup tags and observe.

The meta in the current entertainment/art world is to put time and effort into research, not into trying to create product or content.
And what if im not satisfied with the thing i created?
Stop being such a debbie downer anon, your work is more appealing than the work of the guy we're talking about...
At least the pen sketches anyway; some people lose all the appeal of their work when it transitions into digital.
try improving your craft until you are?
I have a really strong hunch that you draw furry porn
Your hunch is wrong
But I'll take it that you want to fuck my bug?
Hmm, I might've spent too much time in front of the computer
you probably mistake that guy for >>7237339, since the style is pretty close.
Is think considered furry? In that case shit I guess I do draw furry shit- also well done for spotting my style
I thought furry was strictly buff and big titted lizards and wolves and shit - not western cartoons
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>meanwhile, popular artists:
Nice, i always wanted a list of porntards i should avoid at all costs.
Seethe you little faggot. Maybe if you weren't so retarded, you would have joined by now
like 1 little retard would do anything, doubt you even have the following or even money to benefit them. Go seethe in your little corner
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>"like 1 little retard would do anything, doubt you even have the following or even money to benefit them. Go seethe in your little corner"

Why would people want to even interact with or god forbid be in any way shape or form dependent on these schizos?
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I watched the first 10 minutes of this, to my understanding it implies that no one in the whole world would genuinely want to draw fanart of an IP they like and that ALL people do it just for internet fame, the same argument people in the west use to not damage their “ego”, they don't take into account how many famous anime artists have started doing fanart and slowly drift to OC and when they become famous they delete all the fanart they made from their accounts and boom they appear to be famous artists who grew up thanks and only to their OC
>how dare you enjoy something and want to draw fanart of it and even worse how dare you use the traction of said IP and gain followers to get out of the mire of 0 followers.
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Worth nothing, but
>make ambitious piece of crossover fanart for the sake of drawing it and also to please two communities at the same time
>get showered in compliments by both communities
>time to post it on my social media, nothing happens
>know a big artist that is very into these two IPs I just drew
>be a shameless motherfucker and DM him piece I just posted
>"no way in heaven this guy is going to do anything with it-"
>he compliments me, says I made his night, also likes and RTs it
>post begins to do numbers
Later, fags.
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i'm sorry anon, but you can't draw fanart from an IP that doesn't belong to you, you are only allowed to grow by making your own OC, delete that post and your account in the next 24 hours or you will face the consequences of having committed such a criminal act, you evil rapscallion scum.
>he makes fanart to """"grow"""
Clout goblin detected.
You are way too harsh on yourself, this is charming.
you shameless fuck, no wonder large artist hate small artist, cause they do bullshit like this. You got lucky that large artist was feeling kind right now. Many followerlets would mass dm large artist and begging for them to retweet their slop.
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>no wonder large artist hate small artist
(Citation needed)
>Many followerlets would mass dm large artist and begging for them to retweet their slop.
And that is where the problem lies: You guys got to learn how to be compelling and have more tact. I did share that post I made with the artist, but at no moment asked him to do anything with it, nor I bothered anyone else with it. I told him the only reason I was sharing it was because I thought he (specifically) would like to see it, whatever he did with my post was his doing and while I did hoped for him to give me that RT, I wasnt expecting it, nor I asked him about it.

You're talking to people at the end of the day, these are not omnipresent gods you cast offerings to, but mere people who can miss out on art they may like, so why not share it with them?
I felt that the fact that people can be fan of things, and draw things because they like it, and share it with other who like it is kind of lost here after spending so much time trying to get big numbers. recently I had a little art-jam with another artist, who is technically much bigger than I am, I didn't get any retweet or engagement out of it, but its the most edifying experience for a long time because trading ideas and art amongst fellow travelers its just different from stranger clicking like. Although this is one of the reason some of my friends used to do paintchats on a regular basis until life got in the way.
>reasons i go to /ic
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of course, everyone knows that fanart is only made for clout and internet points and not for an altruistic motivation or just liking the IP
>bitching about NSFW
Literally all of art history has had nude figures. Reddit losses it's mind over NSFW that get's a lot of upvotes. Even when it's tagged and the preview blurred they still get butthurt.
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One thing bigger artists never tell is that followers and engagement are like women/money. You need followers to get followers. When you have a lot of followers, a lot of them retweet your stuff, exposing it to more people. I just made my first "popular" post. Then again, it was better than most of my recent stuff.
Other things include
-Consistency Posting
-Interacting with People. Despite how much people like "Art Machines" here, Art is a human element.
-Finding a Big Artist Mutual
-Making the Best Art That You Can.
-Appealing to people in your community/fetish
-Fanart of other artists helps too
-Requests, Raffles, etc.
-Banking Off Current Popular Thing (Indigo Park, ZZZ, Trump Assassination, etc.)
You need a platform that caters to your art. I do pinup work and the only platform left is twitter and they basically kill NSFW content. 15 years ago devianart, cghub, and tumblr ate my work up. I had hundreds of thousands of followers and millions of views. I got front paged on DA every time I uploaded something new. All of those sites are now dead and all I have left is twitter and I only have a few thousand followers and it's been impossible to grow because of the NSFW algorithms.

It's also killed my patreon. I took 3 years off the internet for mental health reasons and I use to make around $1k a month from it but if you try to post a patreon link on twitter no one sees it because it get's shadowbanned as spam or some shit.
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I have actually talked about this before. They are essentially killing off art places. I posted a whole rant about it on Twitter and a woman interviewed me about it for her project. By killing off NSFW Content, it harms other artists, even if they do SFW Conent.
Deviantart bended the knee to AI Slop, Tumblr Killed Off Porn, Newgrounds faded into obscurity, and other misc. sites have fallen. No where else but twitter and FA (If you do furry art like I do). Only one of these sites was made for art, and guess which one is more popular? Not the one for artists, of course. I miss the tumblr golden age (2012-2014).
My only regret was not focusing sooner. I could've had a decent audience by now if I did. However, I missed my chance.
>if you try to post a patreon link on twitter no one sees it because it get's shadowbanned as spam or some shit.
shilling becomes even harder, even saying the word patreon can shadowban or deboost a post. Even if you made a drawing with no caption that said support my patron in bio link, that post still gets deboosted/shadowbanned. These social media has a way to detect shilling post even in drawings/photos or you would have gotten a lot of traction on those post.
>My only regret was not focusing sooner. I could've had a decent audience by now if I did. However, I missed my chance.
I'm in the same boat, if it weren't for my own lazyiness I would have a large following by now. the best time to be a content creator was during the pandemic, since mostly everyone was staying home. You could have built a cult following with all those people seeing your work with all that free time, now things got worse cause of shitters like musk or other things(you know what)
if my art still looks the same in 20 years i want you to kill me
It's not even like I'm trying to spam it. I just posted the link at the end of the month for the 4psds I did and got like 10 views. Did this for two months before I realized it was retarded.

I can see it trying to shut down bots but christ, it's impossible to advertise literally anything on there. Well, at least without paying. Of course I got an ad promotion saying I could spend $10,000 to promote on twitter.
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>find treasure island
>discover gold
>get rich
>"wow that guy discovered gold, i also want to get rich!"
>multiply it by millions
>treasure island is now filled with millions of people digging for gold
>"yo wtf why can't i get rich anymore? the place is dead because it's run by fucking puritans!"
How do so many of you lack foresight and critical thinking this bad?
Did you not read the post you absolute fucking retard? It's not over exposure that killed these platforms.
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>it isn't oversaturation that kills business
jesus christ nigga i ain't even going to argue your retarded ass
seriously, you are absolutely fucking retarded. Platforms like tumblr died because of their removal of NSFW content. DA died from AIslop. Twitter shadowbans NSFW creators and limits your ability to advertise yourself.

Learn to fucking reading.
Shut the fuck up retard psychopath
No, you are.
>tumblr removed nsfw
Not really. You can still find lots of porn there.
>DA died from AIslop
DA died 10 years ago.
>Twitter shadowbans NSFW
You do not know how shadowbanning works.
Also skill issue if you get shadowbanned.

Kill yourself.
Okay? This is bullshit but it also doesn't demonstrate >>7239516
>uuuuuhm nu-uh your wrong because--- you just are ok?
You're a bot and unironically can't comprehend the written word.
Last reply.
>Not really. You can still find lots of porn there.
Tumblr completely removed nudity in like 2015. This killed the site overnight. They just recently allowed artistic nudity back onto it. It's a shadow of it's former self.

>DA died 10 years ago.
No, it really didn't. My account had hundreds of thousands of followers and millions of views. I easily got commissions off of there. When AI became a thing it completely killed it for good, along with artstation.
>You do not know how shadowbanning works.
You're retarded. Only your followers might see your work and unless you get retweeted by another large NSFW artist you won't get any views. It's hard to get new followers because of this. This has nothing at-fucking-all to do with over-saturation like you said before.

And the algorithm for promoting your other sites makes it nearly impossible as well. Not even your followers will see your patreon posts.

You really need to work on your reading comphrension.
You're not right
He said he's not arguing the point he tried to make, so why do you reply to this? It's a total setup.
>it's a total setup
so is this >>7239534
>gets proven wrong on every point
I was honestly surprised to see five consecutive quality posts in this thread without this retard interrupting it. Maybe he's chinese and just woke up.
>"no oversaturation isn't a thing!"
>literally describes oversaturation
>tells other to learn to read
>blames the algorithm he doesn't even know how it works because he then needs to not provide proof of how the algo fuck him over
>"b-b-but MY account"
>self-referential arguments
Why would anyone try to argue a zealot?
>literally describes oversaturation
How the fuck is NSFW shadowbanning oversaturation again?
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>hehe how the fuck is what you say true if i misunderstand it?!?!? checkmate
you really have no reading comprehension at all do you?
For reference:
You can literally read it. Automatic content moderation (shadowbanning etc) and moderation policy are probably not included in this. I don't care because I don't use this hellsite. The publicly available version is almost certainly not the same as the live one, as the repository hasn't been updated in a while. This should not be considered required reading before one can discuss its behavior and/or effects and holds zero proof for the idea that saturation leads to extinction.
>multiply it by millions
>treasure island is now filled with millions of people digging for gold
That's not what's happening. NSFW artwork is being killed by having millions of them. Tumblr got killed by removing NSFW a long time ago, twitter NSFW accounts get no exposure because they don't show up in people recommended feeds, and artstation and deviant are killed by AI.
>NSFW artwork is being killed by having millions of them
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>be millions of porn addicts
>post extremely graphic fetish porn on a public platform that needs family friendly advertisers to survive
>get deboosted
>get told to go post on adult sites instead
>get told it's your fault for being unable to control yourselves
>get mad
Honestly, pornfags are just mentally ill and deserve everything bad that happens to them.
>completely changes argument because he's retarded
"extremely graphic" is not a pinup you fucking tard. DA worked just fine for having artistic nudity on it for decades for teens and adults. Tumblr killed nudity outright instead of moderating it like they do now. Cara doesn't allow NSFW. CGhub allowed NSFW content and did extremely well to the point they would even feature pieces that had nudity on them on the front page.

The point is all the platforms for certain artists are completely dead or unusable now. And it's not because of oversaturation of fucking anything.
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>be millions of pornographers and porn addicts
>flood every online platform with porn
>platform decides that it ain't good for business and lowers the quality of the platform
>platform decides to deboost accounts that spam porn because they are way too many and spam way too much
>this wouldn't have happened if nsfw accounts weren't such a massive problem
>"no bro pinups r fine"
>proceeds to have a gallery filled with porn with links to adult content
>"no bro i totally know how the algorithm works"
Cum issue.
Websites die when you do things that discourage new content that the users originally come for.

>Checked DA again after months of leaving it
>Most of the artists or collectors I followed just sparingly post new stuff
>DA promotes AIfag bot as its top money maker again
>"Oh wow. There's still nothing here again. Guess I'll go back to Twitter"
But seriously fuck DA management. Eclipse, AIfaggot, banning longtime users, mass warning to a lot of users because some asshole exploit their system, and bunch of other shit that I've forgot.
idk I think this is kind of cute, very innocent stuff, I can kind of understand why he'd be disillusioned
no one gives a shit about an oc without setting
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Now think about why DA and AS did that.
>Why did Artstation and DA jump on the AI train?
Because they lacked hindsight, foresight and critical thinking, plus they thought this was going to make them money and shit due to the stale oversaturated state of their platforms.
>Now what did they get?
Millions of low quality spammers that lowered the quality of the site even more than it already was.
>Why did they do it?
Because the platforms were already on life support thanks to spammers.

DA and Artstation were never porn sites, but mentally ill porntards which make up the great majority of of pornographers despite porntards being a minority themselves, try to force every single platform into enabling them by spamming and spamming some more and then complaining and calling everyone a puritan that doesn't want to see their autistic scat furry futanari guro ryona loli porn on the front page and then if you tell them to be aware of their actions, they just call you a puritan that hates sex.
Now add clout farmers fotm gacha shitters to the equation.
And these freaks don't make platforms any money; it rather alienates high quality users, advertisers fuck off as well, they use up a lot of data due to sheer volume of trash they post, and overall are just twitter tier of mentally ill.

If i had a dying platform and needed to urgently make money, i would have done the same.
NSFW say a lot of how they drive traffic, but more or less they drive traffic for self-benefit at the expenses of everyone else and the platform.
>inb4 "Just let people enjoy things"
You can do that in your own private discord or on appropriate adult sites.
Only the mentally ill would have an issue with this statement.
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>He thinks anyone cared that people posted porn on Twitter, DA or Tumblr

No one actually gave a shit back then, people were posting porn on Twitter just fine before Elon showed up and made things worse
You could post porn on Twitter and maybe get a slap on the wrist. The reason why artists like Eigaka got banned was because they used porn for their header. Porn artists themselves are the least of that sites concern but it's treated as the main factor because otherwise Elon would have to admit that there's a whole gaggle of pedophiles openly sharing CP, Revenge porn or people promoting themselves by spamming the trending section with off-topic videos of women getting their backs blown out.
Speaking of CP it's also the real reason why Tumblr banned porn. Tumblr was threatened with their app getting tossed out of the Apple store because Tumblr let CP fester and grow so they made a shitty bot that targeted anything porn related
The bot sucked because it was haphazardly made and targeted anything at all so everyone moved to Twitter. Only recently have they tried getting their old porn artists back because otherwise the place is too quiet but Artists are masochistic and like the way Elon beats them so they're never leaving
DA tossed aside porn for Aislop for expected easy cash flow. DA was sold to a bunch of techbros years ago so this isn't surprising at all

The only kind of artist that consistently got their shit pushed in were Lolifags and no one, not even shotafags are gonna vouch for them openly
Whatever you said is already implied in the post above yours.

Who's this guy quoting?
I'd love to see that, but it might not have been the best for securing patronage
Is there really no high res scan of this book? All the excerpts I see are this low-res pixelated stuff
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>"just follow the flowchart bro and you'll get rich and famous"
>multiply this by millions
Honestly, this looks alright.
Sure, the art is fucking abysmal, but I'm diggin the ingenuity he puts in his work.
The guy may be a whinny faggot, but it actually looks like genuinely he likes what he draws, unlike the majority of twitter faggots who draw for political or social reasons or just to call out someone or something.

Hope this guy gets his head out of his ass and avoids becoming another dobson.
>38 y o
If you have ideas like that and sad because of no online validation its time for t-level check, and TRT.
Reddit is Psycho Mantis looking into everyone's mind, seeing they just want to coom, and having a breakdown.
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Why aren't you supporting the artist by buying commissions?
I really hope that image is just bait.
Even as a coom artist things like this unsettle me. Gives me flashbacks to gamejournopros.
Alternate possibility is it might end up causing some sort of shitstorm once some low-IQ psycho that gets in decides to try to throw someone else under the bus.

>tfw genuinely like and have drawn a character of a series i've never watched/read

NG also suppressed NSFW. A while ago someone who had hit a big stride got his art stuck on the front page cause people kept enjoying it until it was forcibly removed.

>it's also the real reason why Tumblr banned porn. Tumblr was threatened with their app getting tossed out of the Apple store because Tumblr let CP fester and grow so they made a shitty bot that targeted anything porn related
That was a convenient happenstance on Tumblr's side of things because they could blame Apple instead. The real story:
>Oath (the hommunculus Verizon made from the melted-together animated corpses of AOL and Yahoo) was, like most major internet companies, looking to expand into India.
>Yes "redeem" is because Facebook was giving people in india free fucking phones and every shitty company saw this as a massive opportunity for user number boosts, despite them being shit quality users.
>Porn is illegal in india.
>Oath's only SocMed platform was Tumblr
>Location-based filtering is not something Tumblr was equipped to handle, as the site is put together with tape even worse than twitter.
>Too costly to build a new site or rework the backend. Tumblr was a money pit subsidiary of a money pit subsidiary
>Apple comes out with the notification about the CSAM
>Tumblr just bans nsfw then and there
>surprise, it doesn't work
>Tumblr eats shit, it's not valuable at all because it's already been through the startup cycle and was eaten by a megacorp
>Oath gets folded into a new form with most of its duties removed and collapsed
>It's $10 extra for me to hit the fill button three times.
>Nsfw artists
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I don't like that digital art increasingly becoming automatically associated with porn
>flo perfecto
art is in many ways learning how to talk to people's emotions and intuitions
porn artists can be very technically skilled, but can really only speak to people's base instincts
if your work isn't getting noticed, maybe it only speaks to you, and finding broad appeal outside of what is effectively drugs for the eyes (pornography) is more difficult, but can be more rewarding
this goes for trendchasing as well, but its not as morally questionable
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>NG also suppressed NSFW.
They have to or the front page would be filled with porn in every single category and it would cause non-porn artist to fuck off the site, officially turning yet another platform into slop spam.

If you check frontpage, it's mostly anime girls.
I posted anime girl not long ago and instantly got 5 stars.

Also the only platform that outright didn't allow AI from the get go.
You can say that the site is mostly a shell and only exists for the benefit of their own circlejerk, but as a whole, it has some decency left by not fully enabling pornshitters to also completely outshadown everyone who doesn't do porn.
Schizo babble. What is it with modern schizos hating sex, anyway?
>a shell and only exists for the benefit of their own circlejerk, but as a whole, it has some decency left by not fully enabling pornshitters to also completely outshadown everyone who doesn't do porn.
that doesn't bring in any traction to the site. No one fucking uses that site anymore other than kids that only care about that Friday game. The only people that still use it are those that been in there, since the beginning or already established a circle jerk like you mentioned. Hell even artist that would use NG exclusively would join twitter would already gotten 2-4 times more followers there than on ng.
NG is still somewhat of a hub for multimedia like animations, music and games, besides art.
And if you do multiple things, you can neatly have them showcased on your profile, which barely any other platform offers.
>Hell even artist that would use NG exclusively would join twitter would already gotten 2-4 times more followers there than on ng.
Sure, but no one is on one platform anymore and bigger numbers =/= better; especially on twitter.
It's the same as if we were to compare regular art with porn; of course the porn is going to make bigger numbers, because of the sheer volume of low quality users.
more low quality users means more high quality users, especially if most of the traction on a site is mainly fucking kids. Rather put animations on youtube than on ng.
>Rather put animations on youtube than on ng.
Why would you even limit yourself to post only on one site nowadays?
>more low quality users means more high quality users
You mean less high quality users?
More low quality users means more shallow content like porn gets created because that is what the big majority of audience supports.
FNF also turned into just another excuse to make porn.
NG has some level of vague standards that cause it to be shit for most purposes. It's just HentaiFoundry 2.0: Totally Not Just Porn Edition
The only things I really se people use it for are to host full-res, full quality, uncensored art. But Itaku and Furaffinity for the most part let you do that while being much more lenient with not caring that your piece is a sketch-collection or something.

If 2% of your fans are going to be "high quality" (ie willing to pay you) then it stands that you will have more total high quality fans as your overall number of fans goes up.
The actual platforms matter in subtle ways. On deviantart, NG or FA each follower is more valuable than twitter due to them already catering to "art fans", but twitter allows for reaching new fans from outside these crowds.
>porn artists can be very technically skilled, but can really only speak to people's base instincts
This is why I disdain nsfw art. Cheap way to make me look at an artwork. Though I don't mind suggestive art if it was tastefully made.
you aren't entitled to recognition.
>If 2% of your fans are going to be "high quality" (ie willing to pay you)
You might as well just play the lottery and be more likely to hit the jackpot if you're gambling on finding gold in a sea of shit.

With nsfw you are extremely limited to what you can monetize and what kind of people it attracts (both as customers and creators) hence why any legit business abstains from adult content and payment processors try to avoid dealing with uncertified/untrustworthy adult anything.
Sure, 1 out of a million might give you money, if nothing else happens along the way, which in the case of adult content, there is always some shit like chargebacks or bad credit.
This isn't including the vast amount of fake accounts plaguing any platform, which if you're involved in adult content, you will 100% be subjected by.
High quality isn't synonymous to paying customers either. It's whether they are well behaved, sane, trustworthy and decent people; which isn't the case with most who are invested in porn.
If they were, we wouldn't have the current situation all across every platform and people wouldn't associate adult content with low lifes, but that is generally the type of individuals it attracts and enables.
>but twitter allows for reaching new fans from outside these crowds.
And most of them are there for the free shit or they're bots, which will attract more of them and some more people you don't want to become a target of (grifters, art thiefs and aishitters, trannies and political zealots)
Logically, you achieved nothing you could have achieved with less followers and even put yourself at risk.
Sure, maybe one can brag to 12 year old about how many followers one has or deflect any and all criticism for their own shitty behavior like most who have a substantial follower count do.
You are immensely paranoid, fearful, and disrespectful of your audience. I hope you can one day see how nice things really are, even despite there being some negativity in the world
>just be blind, deaf and mute
I ain't joining your furry erp discord, buddy.
That color is pretty much just bucket fill tool lmao
You know this anon is seething when he no longer provides (You)
>minimum of 25k followers to join
>no links to other sites
this is why twitter needs to ban porn
i swear it's single-handedly caused shit like this to happen
This! That's the problem I have with shit like this. It should be a given and the fact that the artist is 38 years old and doesn't understand that is concerning.

Especially when I see things like this: >>7240655

Is the author mentally ok or are they 'different'?
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this is my bug OC Bugina Fladoccio

do not steal her
that guy can't handle Dota 2 while being a pinoy, so he shouldn't be talking shit when he can't handle it.
>Commission lineart with no colors
>Color it yourself
>10$ saved
Like and follow for more tips and tricks.
Ok, now on a more serious note. This guy genuinely has the skill, but he tries to cater to a wrong audience. His bitching about getting no recognition makes it even worse. I could imagine him being somewhat successful if he made an animated series and uploaded it on YouTube Kids.
Tough luck then, buddy.
its weird because he charges just $5 less than I do...
>DA was sold to a bunch of techbros
DA was sold to a LITERAL israeli company.
>but muh p-pol
literally go on DA's wiki entry, check the current own. it's 3 clicks away.
>20 years of stagnation
>a prime example of soul vs soulless
The abyss looked back, and he never recovered from it.
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originality in 4chan: 0
that includes you as well
no it does not
you aren't entitled to life
he is most definetely on the spectrum, my best guess would be low functioning (or just a retarded millenial that had grew up homeschooled watching 1980s cartoons), no neurotypical person would be obsessed with their creation from early 2000s for 20 fucking years
If your art is good you don't have to. Pathetic permabeg loser
art skill =/= views/likes/"engagement" faggot, just look at DA accounts full of AI and nigger fetish trash drawn in paint that get 500 favs per artwork and about few thousand followers while you get none, even though you BTFO him
Why do you coping faggots say this all the time, you get proven wrong time and time again, yet you still say this retarded bullshit . https://x.com/Whygena_Draws
>i-it's only one example. s-so it doesn't count
shown 20+ examples once, not doing that again.
Good art and skilled art are not the same thing you dumb bugman
OP img is good art
the rest of his art is bad art

Meditate on your ass and contemplate these universal truths
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he just needs to find his niche

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