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Previous thread: >>7227254

>Link: https://dad.gallery
>Discord: You must have a DAD streak of at least 14 to join. Ask Vastian for an invite.
>Found an issue with the site? Lost your streak and want to appeal? Please message the contact link at the bottom of the site instead of posting in the thread.

>Draw every day (or your preferred frequency)
>Submit your work by 23:59:59 GMT
>Spend at least 30 minutes on each submission
>No loli or shota porn
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going!
>Maintain your streak and you too can become the LAST ARTIST STANDING!!
>Have fun!

Go and comment on each other's artwork; dads love attention!


What is the goal?
>To form a habit of drawing. The gains you make are dependent on you.

I am /beg/gar and not know draw, can I join?
>Yes x99. Stop asking and start submitting art, chum. Make something!

How long does it take until my account is approved?
>Between two to three weeks, usually when you reach level 3. Even unapproved submissions count toward your streak!

A brief history:
>Last Artist Standing (LAS): The original site, created by Lava (presumed dead, rest in peace). It has changed and ruined the lives of many lassies.
>Draw Every Day (DED): A short-lived site between LAS and DAD, run and abruptly cancelled by w.
>Do Art Daily (DAD): The current site, by the dadmin and developer banana.

Community links:
>DADcast: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfCw_buGoBDPQC1bbcukmnQ
>LAS discord (alternative to DAD discord): https://discord.gg/5777rZnqW9
>Crit Dashboard: https://dad-crit.vercel.app/
Unironically stop misgendering dads. It's just slander at this point.
put your pronouns in your username then
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Post avatar and ask for genders.
A he or a she? I can't tell.
>>7234168 Redrawing this image should be the next challenge.
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>kinda old
people who say this are always 22-27. once you pass that threshold you realize you're actually not that old, you're just still hanging around teenagers for some reason.
I did go back to identify the sex of DAD users and It surprised me. There are a lot of women, and pocs on DAD.
i hope dads will be surprised by my true form when the self portrait challenge starts....its a real shocker i'll tell you
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He or she? I can't tell even with the portrait.
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Let's make more tier lists, but not for skill.
tierlist for which dad has tightest ass hole
Who are the real DAD's here? Doesn't seem to be many
wouldn't be any of the furries (aka future diaper wearers
+ )
interesting threads. i didn't know so many users on DAD were the sorts of people to make posts like these. everyone seems pretty normal on the website
I'm to blame for the culture here for the shitposting seeds were planted long ago.
I once pointed out how old everyone is. It was supposed to be a little joke, but I think it quaked the community and everything has gone downhill since then
Fuck you 25 is not that old Okay. You remind me of the goddamned kids always call me uncle when they buy candies from my store.

is 30 old?
I wouldn't say 30 is old, but you're also definitely not young any more.
30 af choom frfr
You're on 4chan
I gave up drawing.
you're right I'm old I'm growing more and more gray hair every month
draw art daily more like shitposting daily
Did you draw today anon?
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non-exhaustive, non-mutually exclusive tierlist. subject to change upon new information.
he he heh he....
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I tend towards non-coomer and only draw coom when I'm horny, or when people ask me to draw some titties, which is more often than you'd think.
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sens and SN are pedos.

>captcha: GG00N
>not coomer
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tried some ghost rider today. wanted to practice leather.
>non-mutually exclusive tierlist
Give link for the tier maker
Terrible queerdar. You put a bisexual man in the trans tier and the confirmed trans women in sus/coomer
>You put a bisexual man in the trans tier
this is 2024, last time I checked. we don't stand for misgendering 'round these parts, partner.
>the confirmed trans women in sus/coomer
see >>7235318
Yea I don't get it. People who seem generally nice and/or silent get shit on here
>shortstack shitters on coomer and not pedo tier
Shortstack gooners are just pedo in denial.
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>Time Spent: unspecified
Oh no no no no no not like this
It’s the same as always
The same 2 or 3 shitposters pick people who are quiet and try bait them into responding to their spam
It only seems worse since the IP counter got removed so they can be more blatant about it now
The screen tone shadow feels a bit different to the rest though, and the skulls lines feel thin compared to the solid black chunks of the rest
how am i suspect if i never draw nsfw
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Ulala is beyond good and evil
without knowing who you are I can't be as specific as possible, but for example I also put people in 'suspect' if they drew fujo, various anime girls with a fairly consistent look (i.e. potential pedo), etc. also depending on who you tend to interact with.
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trans enough yes, black enough no
How the fuck can ou update the avatars so quickly? Jesus. Spend some time out side anon. Enjoy the scenery, be one with nature.
he's cute
can guys be fujo?
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im a very cute girl
>a FEMALE fan
sorry champ, not on the list
thats just being a faggot
that can't be..
men can be fujos, but they're technically called fudanshi. i think in the west we use fujo as an umbrella term for both genders generally
>i think in the west we use fujo as an umbrella term for both genders generally
if you're retarded and gay, yes (somewhat joking)
i am not a part of the culture, so desu i don't think i've ever even seen an english speaking fudanshi.
Can we have a anal vore challnege
I'm not really "in the scene" myself, to be honest, but I've only ever seen women called fujoshi
worst case scenario you make it and a mod takes it down. if you're too lazy to make it yourself, then don't complain if no one else does.
that's what i gathered. i used to talk to a lot of people like that. never met somebody who calls themselves a fudanshi though. i think i would use fujo regardless of being male but i dont really care for it
>anal vore
Cock vore and I may join.
I didnt even get put on the tier list
I'm still not sure of it's gender.
The tier is for the 27 streak DADs. Plus, he missed some DAD on the last tier list as well.
You are not me - the one who asked the question. That's obviously a she.
only did the first three pages of dads (with profile pics), got eepy
>You are not me - the one who asked the question
Correct. I'm a different Anon, we're not the same person, but I was also questioning their gender and thinking about what's inside their pants, just as you did.

>That's obviously a she.
I've watched enough tranny porn to beg to differ. I really and honestly don't know what gender Frytailed is. I've seen males with more feminine curves, with bigger manboobs and with more feminine faces. Look at their shoulders that are wider than their hips, or their dis-proportionally big for a female hands or the beginning of a goatee beard.
I did everyone with an active streak at the time and non-default profile pic. Ram was added after he was noted as missing. anyone missing from this one is on the new guy
>I've watched enough tranny porn to beg to differ. I really and honestly don't know what gender Frytailed is. I've seen males with more feminine curves, with bigger manboobs and with more feminine faces. Look at their shoulders that are wider than their hips, or their dis-proportionally big for a female hands or the beginning of a goatee beard.
Touch grass. Eat them even.
based on the writing style, the drawing style, and choice of subject matter, I'd conjecture that fry's a female (i.e. actual) woman. but as they say:
>pics or didn't happen
>I've seen males with more feminine curves, with bigger manboobs and with more feminine faces.
Bio women arent all bimbo whores with perfect feminine faces go outside. Troons mutilate themselves through multiple surgeries to get those curves and feminine faces you speak of
>shoulders that are wider than their hips, or their dis-proportionally big for a female hands
Its a drawing and STYLIZED so obviously it wont be her real proportions
>beginning of a goatee beard.
Literally where the linework is just sketchy and messy
You'll never be a woman.
>Its a drawing and STYLIZED
That makes the ambiguity only worse.
Fry's a cute, kinky femboy until proven otherwise.
You'll never procreate.
Spoken like a true incel.
Actually I use procreate to draw on my ipad
You started the fire first bitch. I just want to defend my sister Fry.
At this point is safe to say that /dad/ has become a cancer in this board, and this general should be banned by the the general board administrator.
The GBA wouldn't dare lay a finger on this thread
Yeah we should have more adhd threads
>You started the fire first
But I didn't? >>7235899 was a genuine post, without any insults. I've stated my opinion and defended it by posting my arguments. A cyvilized person would respond with counter-arguments or by pointing out flaws in my reasoning, but it's you who defaulted to throwing a hissy fit and insults: >>7235908
If you can't be bothered to have a normal discussion without throwing shit when someone disagrees with you, then you're not mature enough to be a part of any community and much less to "defend" anyone.
who is the general board administrator?
I believe Vastian and Cranihum are the head admins for /ic/
You mean like mods on /ic/ or the site?
For /ic/, like this board on 4chan. They've both at least mentioned being janitors for here
Vastian please don't compare my IPs my shitposts don't represent my true self. I'm a good boy!
Huh. That would explain why he would talk shit about me in discord :/
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Neither are mods on the site.
Yeah, I'm sure 4CH opsec wouldn't be that flimsy.
Yeah, I mean that would be too crazy. I can’t imagine someone like let’s say a loli dad user getting into power for example. Too flimsy.
4CH have a reputation to maintain about keeping user data, ip adresses, anonymity, etc, safe. I don't see how that reputation would be standing today if random jannies have access to that information. I'm sure there are security limitations for jannies. Jannies are still human beings allowed to have a life like anyone else.
cranihum's too famous to be a janny
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How do you guys come up with this stuff? Kek, I think that at one point there was someone on the site who was also an /ic/ jannie. Iirc that was around the time these threads would get somewhat aggressively moderated. This was like two years ago by now, I think.

Oh, btw, >>7235046 you should edit the sticky. I don't know who changed it at some point, but you should add my discord id instead of my name, so people don't have to bother commenting on site and can directly ask about the server. (It's vastian0988 same as before but without the #)
lol (-:
Cam I post shota here?
if only there were certain thread post answering that question... alas!
Generally yes. If you post it to dad.gallery, make sure to post a link to your submission here as well so I can report you and make sure you're IP banned.
>adjusts spectacles
>takes a swig of onions
Eerm, yep! Go ahead, I'll report you to the jannies buddy!
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>make sure to post a link to your submission here as well so I can report you and make sure you're IP banned
it's "your" by the way
You should put that up on dad and tell everyone it took you 45 minutes.
that dot is recognizable
>not admitting to being a janny to work more effectively from shadows
Clever girl.
Art comes from the latin root impotit. This is because the Greek philosopher Archimedes proves that the act of drawing was impossible without genetic heritage.
Nobodies figured it out yet but for the past few months I've been uploading using AI drawings under the prompt 'beginner style drawings'.
None of the houses have names that equate to my high spirit and vigorous tenacity as a consequence I will NOT be participating in houses this month.
old ass computer is a very good house name
It took you 18 days to decide that? Are you sure you aren’t looking at last months houses, slowpoke?
which DAD drew this
Uhm, OP? It's nice that you're making new threads when needed, but it would be cool if you also changed the filename to the name of dad who did the image you used for thumbnail. We've had this tradition going on for years now.
Not entirely true. You can go back in the archive. Plus my file naming convention is signature.
I take a 20 min break for every 5 mins of drawing, does this mean I'm gay?
Hey guys!
I know you guys have been hurting for site improvements, so instead of waiting for banana, I've started work on my own website. Will post progress updates periodically in the threads.
you are gay, blatantly so, but not because of your break-taking habits
Hmm. I have a similar problem, but not to that extreme. Could you tell me more?
1. Do you have a similar approach for other activities as well? Like, do you read a book or play a game only for 5-15 minutes before you have an urge to switch?
2. Do you need access to the internet to take those breaks?
3. Are you a C tier artist or higher?
4. Do you have high expectations from your work or have you struggled with perfectionism?
5. What happens more often? That you just feel like drawing or that you feel like you have to "force" or "convince" yourself to draw?
6. Is your dad streak in double digits or higher?
7. Do you often break your streak despite being on just day 1 of it?
Just so you know, we've had similar posters before and never anything came up from it. Anons may be very skeptical of you until you have something to show.

And make loli + shota stuff legal on your site dude, I'll join for sure if you'll do that
This was me awhile back. Even dopamine detoxing I has this problem. Talked to a psychologist and got medication to help with focus. Now I have no problem sitting for an hour or more.
If you feeling helpless about it I'd recommend trying medication
*meditation, not medication
This >>7237242
I feel like I'll eventually drop my streak because I just want to draw loli and cub sometime
Tried that. But definitely try meditation, detoxing dopamine, and forcing yourself to be so bored you want to sit and draw for hours.
You can even look at youtube videos to try and get into that flow state to see massive art gains
I would spend less time on Art and more time playing Video Games If I didn't get ranked anxiety.
Loli, shota and cub are legitimate forms of art and thus WILL be permitted. I'll be hosting the website on an appropriate eastern european server, instead of Jewmazon or Herokuck like the1retard does.
if you can get the furfags, pedos, freaks in general to go elsewhere we'll be hunky-dory
Hell yeah brother
Won't it be lonely all by yourself. Guess you're probably used to it by now
how young is considered shota/loli? sometimes i come close to drawing stuff of my characters but they're not exactly of age. mods please dont cross reference ip
Based glowie wrangling all the degenerate freaks in one place, I wholeheartedly support this!
I was starting to worry. Is there a reason why you post so close to the deadline sometimes?
>it's just porn
that's never been true nor will it ever be
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doing a 'li
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Hate to see a real one go down
can't you freaks get some normal kinks like impregnation or xray womb kissing
rope bondage and hanging are normal
take a guess
Pee is a natural kink.
so many promising dads now draw nothing but pornography. what happend
sinful summer challenge
I didn't choose to be attracted the tickling. Fuck you.
holy based...
But you can choose not to coom.
we call that "edging".
And what do you call the other demons that haunt you?
Aladin would have ended at the cave of wonders If he asked the genie to grant him the ability to draw. (Not even an ancient magical being is capable of such a feat as becoming good at Art is 100% genetics)
Online friendships can turn cold real fast eh? I can be a little detached, but I do try to watch daily subs. I wish that more people would leave their comment section anomymous, so I can be cringe anonymously.
for you I will <3
It would be terrible if a big burly dad forced me to draw everyday in a headlock
>I wish that more people
such as?... me perhaps?
Ew not you.
Who's the laziest DAD?
I just want to be good already FUUUUUUUUUUCK.
definitely me
I'm thinking me.
Who's the craziest DAD?
In the fun way? Or the "I cut myself" way?
who's the faggiest DAD?
All me baby
prove it: what's the faggiest thing you've done?
In the I cut myself way but its kind of funny at the same time because of it being conveyed in a nonchalant manner
Tierlistfags time to do your job
Can I please be marked as the biggest attention whore. Pleeaaaaase?
what's your username
>asking an earnest question which will never receive an earnest answer
niggas is sweet out here!
if youre such an attention whore youd attach your username :)
Sigh. I'm unpinning and hiding this thread. You guys are just blabbering for the sake of it, with no reason or thought behind it. I hope others will follow my suit and that you'll cease this madness.
I told them about the comments. They don't listen.
just respond to their submission in this thread
Who is "they"
I don't listen cause my self esteem tells me it can't be (me).
>I'll take, what is a joke, for 300, Alex
I didn't actually think anyone would look at my submissions.
No one look at them, it makes me sad knowing people can see how bad I am at art
if you're making a conscious decision to post to a public place like dad then you should get over it soon. i was like this for a while but i dont care anymore
>no one look at them
no one does, retard. any evidence to the contrary was made by a bot
Im pretty lazy, almost all of my things are 30 minute drawings. But Ive got a 33 streak now :], so not lazy enough not to dad
What's gayer? 2 men having sex or a man getting pegged by a woman.
the former. if you're going out of your way to have sex with a guy, you're actively engaging in homosexual intercourse. getting pegged by a woman is "gay" in the sense that, like gay sex, you're getting something shoved in your ass. but that doesn't mean you're attracted to men and want them to do that with their dick. so whether or not getting pegged is gay, it's certainly not as gay as simply having sex with another guy.
No kind of sexual interaction with a woman can be gay
it's okay to be gay
straight pride worldwide
Yes. There is. A "wife" forcing her "husband" to suck her boyfriend's BBC.
I don't know dude.
This https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=4831587
Is way straighter than this
>with a woman
>a woman

>suck bbc

I would draw to explain it for you, but then you'll know who am I.
Basicall a woman standing with her bofriend's bbc between her legs, holding your head, forcing you to suck it, acting ass she has a cock. It's gay.
When I'm good at Art I'll be worthy of love and happiness.
When I’m good at art I’ll kill all of my enemies OCs.
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The funny thing is that you won't be happy with that mind set. You will immidiately set another lofty goal such as "When I'm a pro with 300k follower then I'll be worthy of love and happiness". You will forever be a floolish knight chasing the imagine dragon.
When I'm good at art I'll draw a 1000 chapter comic where I kill and torture my immortal OC over and over.

That is exactly what I had in mind for a “friend”. I draw their character getting tortured in killed in the most gruesome of ways. It’s cringe if my art skills don’t supersede his.
Two gay men having sex. How can getting pegged be gay when it's a woman doing it? It's literally a sexual act between a man and a woman. That's like the least gay thing possible. dlguiga back me up on this
Let me become your friend and it would be a win-win situation for both of us
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The man that loves getting pegged by a woman likely :
1. has a weak mind and low sense of self-respect
2. has low level of testosterone
3. is a left-leaning male feminist who succumbed to feminism
These traits make the said man EXTREMELY GAY
Let's be honest being a hetero sub is gayer than being a gay top.
No, said man is just a weak minded, lowtest left-leaning feminist. Not gay. Meanwhile a 6'2 jacked ultrachad cocksucker is.
what does this have to do with drawing
also both are gay
It matters a lot when it comes to branding your X account and finding your coom audience. I draw a lot of conflicting stuffs..
The fujoshi to uke pipeline strikes again with the resident ranfren wanna be
It's not a coincidence: furry rhymes with filthy.
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>legitimate forms of art
And human rhymes with pewfan as in fart
cunny also rhymes with filthy pedoshitter.
gonna guess mp5
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You tell me
i seriously hope you didnt think of ranfren when you saw my portrait. also i dont understand the fujo to uke part. i dont really want to be fucked in the ass
i think i'm due for a haircut
Don't let it get to you too much. I clocked the influence alongside with szs even with the early submissions, but that's all it is, influence. I'd say your style is different enough.
>i seriously hope you didnt think of ranfren when you saw my portrait
why not? and I just looked it up and made the guess that you were who OP was referring to.
huh i didnt know my early stuff was similar to that. i knew about it back then but it's not really my thing. the art is pretty cool though
i dont know just not sure if its a good thing or not
>i dont know just not sure if its a good thing or not
which leads you to hope that people *don't* think of ranfren when they saw your portrait? wouldn't that mean that, at least vaguely, you think it's bad?
your mom for one
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i wrote that when i just woke up sorry. i saw the resemblance when i was drawing so i was kind of dreading it. i dont want people to think about this guy when they see my face. i dont have a reason though
>i dont want people to think about this guy when they see my face
just troon out and get FFS.
jokes aside, people are always going to implicitly or explicity make comparisons between art styles - regardless of how much you might try to change your own to be unique. as long as you like your style and/or it fits the purpose(s) for your art, that's all that should matter.
yeah that's true
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>also i dont understand the fujo to uke part
Your art reeks of it
i wish I reeked of a girl who reeks of the fujo to uke pipeline's pee
because it would make me feel something warm
That's not what people mean when they mention warmth of a woman
Can't handle my coom, hmmmm? You don't enjoy staring at fat juicy asses?

I will post so much coom the DAD website is going down, watch it
it doesn't seem that way to me. i guess it's because i'm the one making it myself and i know what my intentions are when it isnt that clear to others. it's true that i like guy on guy stuff sometimes but i dont want to be in on it myself, let alone get fucked in the ass
no matter how homosexual there is no cis man who could write and draw like this. those drawings and expressions reek of tumblr pooner
i didnt look at picrel when i initially responded. is that really how my art comes off? seems pretty far off to me but i'm not looking at it as an outsider so what do i know
>is that really how my art comes off?
not them but yeah. what fag says "I'm not a cute, le heckin' non-binary folx, I'm an uke!!"? the overwhelming majority is fanfic by chicks, often pooners. it's so funny how they hyper-fixate on "gender" and are more strict than the average conservative about social norms between men and women.
no i wasnt talking about your art. i was specifically talking about the im just an uke image. your drawing style and subjects are very different
thank god
there is nothing wrong with being a chud or a lolisho fan
Just draw some loli and post it on twitter as an experiement.
If you don't mean being a walking ick, that is.
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been a while, /dad/.
traced using my eyeballs with the image on my 2nd monitor. feedback?
I wish I had an arranged marriage with my dad crush so I don't have to court them over discord
go be a fag elsewhere, Mr. Horse
why are all of you so cringe...
DM them right now. Put aside all your business and dm them. Now.

I am NOT a fag and I am NOT courting anyone over Discord of all places, cease this slander!!!
Wrong anon anon. We don't use discord.
Hello Mr. Horse :+) ?
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Hi :D
One day your favorite DADs will disappear.
i will never disappear
having liquid diarrhea rn
Draw it
draw with it
My dad crush doesnt know i exist. Why would they, my art blows
this one I've done today
Very hot but wrong thread?
maybe follow the guidelines as found in the OP and don't post loli porn
>but they're not nude
they're obviously sexually suggestive. go to /lsg/ with that.
I miss Shriney.
>/las/ apparently used to have a low effort policy
if only this still existed!
I will spend 30 minutes drawing and erasing the same one circle and you will like it.
I will not, but I'm not 'naner so there's nothing I can do about it
Who was it?
Do you mean “what was it”?
I don't know. if it's any indication, they posted a couple drawings of groups of loli figures, some in bikinis and a couple here or there with just some basic construction. they were done with black line on a white background and were maybe mid-beg level at best.
>warosu /ic/
>thread number
Basically 2 pages of CP from a loli shitter tracing some doujin
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didn't check RULES of this thread lol

Yeah, my bad,

btw yall (except the one drew street fighter) seems very ridiculous to even think yourself as an artist or to think that u worth something, You don't even understand how bad yall in art, u don't even know why you never learn how to draw.

degenartive retarted untalented piles of crap
Id say about 70% of posters here are nodraws that just like to shitpost
you type like a female
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>degenartive retarted untalented piles of crap

Then I'd need to use a dildo to fuck ur mother, what you think about this typo ?
my mom is fat and gross good luck with that
What about your dad

He's next in line for the slut u call "Mama mama i draw us as a family"
my dad is fine
I don't care if my dad crush is flat! I would still suck their nipples!
what if your dad crush has one of those freaky third nipples
I unironically have 3 nipples

You'll have a wide choice if you make me your crush
>I unironically have 3 nipples
pics or didn't happen
You know damn well I'm not doing that.
What if I traded you an equally interesting picture?
I have only one testicle.
I would only trade if you had a vagina with two clitorises
My dad crush never answered my DM...
whats the definition of low effort?
what counts as such?
I was never part of /las/ so I don't know exactly how they treated it, but a proper definition would have to be relative to what each user is realistically capable of within a given time frame in terms of skill and effort. I don't know whether /las/ had a time minimum for submissions, but for /dad/ I think we could all agree that just drawing a single line around in curves for 30 minutes would be low effort.
ur mom is low effort
>even Whizzard has posted furry art
how far down does this rabbit hole go? fucking hell.
You can't rely on anyone to not be a retarded degen.
>he thought "most of /dad/ is furry" was a joke
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>'nother furry down
dad is healing
Dadgambling. Who are the next 5 that wont make it through summer?
Getting into Page 1 is kinda easy ngl. I only need to beat 6 people or wait for 6 more to drop. Gonna reach it within a year.
mate I need (you) to drop so I can get one step closer to my destiny
Just from vibes
Shame i started a day late. Ill be one behind all summer
Me. I can't go on. Tell my DAD crush I love them
please have a streak higher than me please have a streak higher than me please have a streak higher than me
please be on page 1 please be on page 1 please be on page 1 please be on page 1 please be on page 1 this is the year where all page 1ers fall
no, I don't want to disappoint my DAD crush. I need to keep going for them! This is going to be the best summer ever
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well mape, did you learn something? did you find what you had lost? what you were looking for?
>captcha: PAAG G
How about you lose the furry and the slop?
with mape gone, we've made progress in those regards
I always feel so honored to open up /dad/ and see I made it into a tierlist. Thank you anon.

lol nice.

I was thinking I might break my streak next month since I'll be getting a surgery, but now that I've seen this I'm going to make sure I keep my streak no matter what.
>I'm going to make sure I keep my streak no matter what
you will f a i l
Not my dad
more drama please
Only 50 years to go till I'm the best Artists in the world.
>good at drawing
Life is not fair.
Sex pest tier list?
Fuck you furry hater. I bet that you didn't draw shit today.
Good job with this study in 28 minutes. I think if you can get to this stage this quickly and recognize your mistakes then it's worth doing another attempt from scratch straight away. Couple nitpicks: there is a warm component to the shadow on the left border which is light bouncing off of the pear; and there is just as much greenish shadow as blue in the lower-middle.

Regarding the figures: if spamming figures isn't doing anything then it would benefit you most to hone in on what you actually need to improve. One direction: look at other artists' figures and see what they have that you don't. Then, every time you draw a figure, think about how you'd incorporate that into your process to get closer to that result.

It's obvious you're good at finishing and taking a work to greater detail. However, I think you might benefit more on studying how this reference indicates features with less marks which is where most of the appeal is. You've mentioned wanting better brush economy in the past and this might help you get that likeness you mentioned.
People get crits when they blog. I should start blogging.
People are more likely to get crits when they make clear what their goals are.
>features with less marks

i think i understand what you mean but i'm not quite sure ,can you elaborate?
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Sorry I should've given some examples.

When it comes to both simplifying/stylizing and brush economy we can look at the hairline, for example:

1. The hairline in the ref is indicated very simply with less strokes. Yet, the left side, facing away from us (more dense in perspective), is indicated with a hard edge, and the top-right, facing toward us is slightly softened with transparent stokes. The top-middle has two sets of strokes overlapping to soften, but also darkening the 'underside' of the hair.
2. You have a lot more strokes in all respects to represent the hairline but it reads with a hard edge almost all around.
3. Overall, in the reference, the hair isn't presented as a point of focus, among other things, like the ear, which is barely indicated. However, your whole piece is brought to a relatively high level of finish which reduces the appeal. The ref has a clear point of focus where it has dedicated the most brushwork: the eyes; with their higher level of detail and darkest value.
4. This visual hierarchy is supported by other elements. It may seem crazy that the reference has done things like completely ignoring the philtrum, but it has the effect of producing an area of rest. Just look at the forehead, a peaceful contrast to attention-grabbing detail happening elsewhere.

To be fair, the reference is more high-key (higher contrast, emphasizing light) and more graphic, which may not be the style you're going for. If not, my question then would be why not study something more to your taste? The takeaway is to learn to pull back on the details where they aren't necessary, to make a clearer aesthetic statement. You're very capable of achieving this.
>may not be the style you're going for

i'm not yet ready to settle for anything in particular, there are a lot of things i want to be able to do and this graphic high-contrast stroke efficient style is one of it. it's funny how i got better at rendering so much faster despite drawing digitally since 2019 and actually starting to learn how to paint since the very end of 2021. i mean, lineart sketches are sure getting better in a technical way, it gets easier to get the proportions right but for the life of it i can't make them look pleasing to the eye so they are only good as a lead-up for the finished piece. i'm looking at bracket (very good shape design, expressive poses), zanzalur (epitome of stroke economy), echo, kachi (especially his figures and faces when he draws without reference), tableguy, let alone all the pro artists i track, and feel autistic for not being able to understand what exactly makes it good.
the shapes, i guess? but fuck knows how to achieve them. so far grinding doesn't seem to help with that for some reason. the thing i know is it's not about blocky limbs and sharp ribcages because i see artists do well without them without losing expressiveness

I've gone off topic but all of the above also applies to the kind of painting i studied here. "Drawing includes three and a half quarters of the content of painting…Drawing contains everything, except the hue." few strokes, nice shapes = appeal. and the things i make, again,

>are only good as a lead-up for the finished piece

fuck, some people here can make a nice piece with a damn airbrush. maybe i should try replicating every damn stroke they make. sounds stupid but who knows

and btw thanks for such detailed feedback, i really appreciate it
Is it cheating to join the mouse challenge if you use a mouse to draw already?
nah. many dads draw coom every day but still signed up for the coom challenge
Who's the next?
My current theory is that it could be any of the following:
But it's hard to pinpoint who exactly
on a positive note, which dads do we forsee getting a 400+ streak?
curious: although alisena is only 16EXP away from 400, they post on a weekly basis. Christmas Yoshi is only at 313, and yet they're on track to reach a 400 streak before alisena because they post daily.
hmm my picks would be
>Christmas Yoshi
>Trying to draw
>No flat desk to do it at, so I'm drawing on the sketchbook sideways in my lap
>Drawing a building
>Going well
>Sketchbook moves when doing a line
>Fucks up the perspective
>It keeps happening
Should I draw on a flat surface?
or make it so the sketchbook stops moving. I draw with my sketchbook in my lap all the time and have minimal problems.
I suggest using a hardback sketchbook as they can be their own flat surface, and using bulldog clips to keep the pages steady while you draw
You can also get a drawing board for very cheap, it's just a thin bit of wood to use as a surface
A lot of you niggas I thought were women are actually dudes, if self portraits are to be believed.
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yeah I thought outofearshot was a pooner or something
DAD is full of women, blacks, pedos, and furries.
Dayum! I'm a furry daily poster and I aint been picked fer this or the 5 that wont last thru summer. B)
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i do seem like a girl online to some people. it's not intentional though. i've somewhat accepted my fate
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don't worry I do too. People sometimes even forget that I'm not after I tell them
I have decided to make it, and to such a ridiculous degree that people struggle to believe I was ever where I am now
I love big butts
*big gyatts
on skibidi?
no cap
Tab check!

Count how many tabs you have open RIGHT NOW.
I have a problem
i only have 12
*no kizzy
>tab check
of fucking what?
Very important things but I closed about 3 so far so I'm getting better
When I see straight couples drawn in a loving way I feel this strange repulsion.
same but towards queers
I've been waiting in urgent care at the hospital for the past 14 hours and all I do to pass the time is fantasizing how it would feel to have the big bottom nurses with the regular waists sit on my face
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51 on firefox
500 on my ipad where i draw
I know i have a problem
Oh I didn't even think of my phone.
It doesn't have the number of tabs showing anymore, it just says ":D"
How do people have this many? I start getting anxious with more than 5.
It makes me anxious too but I can't stop
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damn, I'm no longer proud of my tab count. Still hoping to get it down to 0 one day.
These nurses are consuming my mind I need to wait until the Urologist comes in and all I think about are getting dads on a squat program to get the golden ratio between ass and waist
if you're who I think you are I'm surprised you're so unabashedly horny
Whoever you think I am you're probably wrong. Anyways my recent observations have led me to conclude that women in uniform carry a certain eros to them especially if they have a big butt. It's as if their big butt in uniform elevates them from having a shapely ass to a shapely ass WITH purpose. Take the paramedics for example, their butts must've been chiseled from lifting countless bodies onto stretchers not to mention their pockets that have functional purpose as well as drawing the eyes attention to their ass
The nurses only have eyes for Dr. Chad and Dan the paramedic that comes in on Tuesday and Thursday, believe me.
I didn’t even know they made an Atri anime. Is the industry finally reverting to the 2000s?
i was surprised by the calli portrait
I'm not trying to rizz them I'm only interested in understanding the essence of ass. A particularly potent combination is a big ass with thighs paired with a ponytail, the very image of a majestic mare springing to life causing arousal and an urge to mate in all stallions near and far
You will never be a man.
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why are these threads going faster? is the Shadow thread dead?

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