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Watching the mini-documentary the youtuber SLEW made on Proko inspired the hell out of me and actually made me appreciate what Proko does more, and made me realize that I haven't been doing anything with my life. That I haven't put in the proper effort into anything like the people who have made it.


Realistically speaking: How would one go about creating his own academy?
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The "Documentary" should have been on Jeffrey Watts, the one who taught Proko everything. Proko is a hack who stole everything from Watts Atelier and used it to build his channel. The guy has no shame.
Say what you want but Proko is a much better teacher than Jeff, at least when it comes to making video tutorials. Watts atelier online program is just terrible and filled with hours of endless unrelated yapping by Jeff "just watch me draw bro" Watts
Jeff doesn't seem bothered by it so why should you? I know it's funny to shit on Proko because he's such a big reference around the art community but I think his merit lies much beyond his skill as an artist. He pretty much made his brand the hub of art education in ten years and created a whole curriculum of high production content (much of it for free)

Anyway, this wasn't meant to stan on Stan. I just wanted some guidance on building an academy myself
This is like the people who complained that Bob Ross "stole" the painting style from the german dude he learned from. Who was a much worse teacher due to his demeanor and accent.

A younger teacher isn't a hack for being able to carry on his older mentor's instruction to audiences better than them. All good teachers WANTS their students to do better than they did. The ones who get pissy are the ones who honestly need to go look at themselves in the mirror and ask why the fuck they think they have business teaching anyone.
buy an ad Stan I will buy the perspective course so you don't have excuses.
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LMAO... well played faggot.
watts atelier literally has a course for sale on proko.com kek
>his merit lies much beyond his skill as an artist
You said it yourself. And that's what everyone think of him deep inside. The guy is not a good artist, he doesn't have a personal and identifiable body of work, like Jeff and his father have. Proko is a trendy hack who started all of this shitty "artist social influencer" thing that ruined the scene today. He's the worst of them all.
>hours of endless unrelated yapping by Jeff
lol, I'll give you that tho... he's a big yapper of a guy, tbqh.
I'm not sure you understand that having your pupils pass on what you taught them is a huge honor for a teacher.
Especially when they become so successful. That's your success as a teacher reflected back on to you.
Guess what my nigger:

> Realistically speaking: How would one go about creating his own academy?
Learn to draw well, learn to paint well, study the teaching methodology of a few different artists. Start teaching "early", like Proko did while he was at at Watts for example.

Don't underestimate the amount of efforts this represent though. Plenty of artists don't make it as artists and end up teaching, so there's lots of competition, and some guys are good.
>I'm not sure you understand that having your pupils pass on what you taught them is a huge honor for a teacher.
>Especially when they become so successful. That's your success as a teacher reflected back on to you.

>All good teachers WANTS their students to do better than they did

Yup this is true. That's one of the great perk of being a teacher: seeing your students actually getting better and making it in the end. Same thing as with being a parent.

But some families or schools are dysfunctional: some parents will be displeased to see their kids more successful than they are for example. Perfectly idiotic, but it happens.
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Buy an ad
Thank you for your answer!
Nigga just yesterday I was watching a stream and proko literally said he's a hobbyist artist and a full time teacher me that he gave up on art to focus on his teaching career.
That is not making it
We have very different definitions of making it. He clearly no longer feels like he has anything to prove and has found a lot of financial success because of art. I know it's not exactly the prestige of world renowned artist known for their technical skill, but I'd venture to say what he has is what an overwhelming majority artists want to have after they realize the path of the artist is an incredibly grindy and unstable lifestyle until you've earned your tenure. Even nowadays there's some degree of uncertainty in the air right now. The 'influencer' artist lifestyle is the dream for many. Shit out art and people consume, free money printing machine.
that's a whole lot of cope, anon
imagine he were trying to be a writer, athlete, entrepreneur, actor or singer and shifted to making youtube tutorials before (and without) ever achieving professional success in his field
you wouldn't say he made it as a writer/athlete/actor/etc despite many of those being far more uncertain and difficult to achieve success in than visual art, nor would you wish to be like him
you have low standards for art and you already accepted failure
he's making more money than probably 99.9% of professional artists
pewdiepie draws on youtube and makes infinitely more money than him, did he make it in art now?
stop being retarded
So if you're born into wealth and you draw a floating loomis head once a week, you made it?
none of you fuckers even know what it means to "make it" even by your own subjective perspective
you couldn't define what it means to "make it" if your life depended on it
Live from your art, not youtube videos about art.
how is teaching art not living from your art
>ummmm actually elementary school art class is making it
Just take the L, Stan.
Yeah, everyone knows pewdiepie made his millions selling anatomy courses on youtube.
>anatomy courses are art
Mengele is my second favorite artist.
You can cope with what I'm saying all you'd like. You'd understand what I'm saying if you actually worked in the industry. Financial stability is the next step to wagmi after you've already broken into the field. You clearly wouldn't understand because you have this idealistic vision how only artistic geniuses are the ones capable of making it. If you ever do break into the industry I suggest you keep this comment in mind faggot.
>n-no you
pathetic display
Remember my comment. Screenshot it. Bookmark it. When you work in the industry. You will understand.
I do work as an artist, unlike proko
Cope harder
Stan doesn't work in the industry by his own admission.
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Site? If that's yours you haven't uploaded anything in 7 years which makes me wonder if you have a site where you showcase your portfolio or if you blackpilled yourself into giving up.
the actual fucking state of the board
I'm curious because it's impressive. If you think someone wanting to see your current portfolio and not an image from 7 years ago is somehow 'MUH STATE OF THE BOARD' then idk what to tell you. Someone in the industry would have an up to date portfolio.
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>lets you download the courses you buy
Proko's based. Everywhere else is shitty subscription/online-only bullshit.
That image has been a running meme for a few years
>the fuckign kangaroo
holy based I never saw this variation on the merc before, thank you for making my day
you outed yourself as a tourist by responding to a meme with seriousness. best bow out before you continue to embarrass yourself
I'm glad I'm a tourist. Lord knows you all settled and made this you permanent residence. Have fun with your crab threads.
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He doesn't deserve the hate he gets.
he gets hate because he's a cringelord and late bloomer of the tgwtg era youtube long after everyone got sick of the gay unfunny sketches
zoomers wouldn't get it, but it's like an allergic reaction
being cocky and thinking he's a master draughtsman and drawing from imagination is just something you can naturally do if you grind loomis heads and then embarrassing himself on stream didn't help
i fear im too stupid to be alive or in the internet but ill exist regardless
many such cases
i like you lots
keep doing what you do.
It's impressive that this guy never did anything good and got rich selling drawing courses. Food for thought.

> La critique est aisée, et l'art est difficile.
He is a jew
>t. newfag
there was a thread years back in like '21 that went through the archive of the site and showed he hadn't sold a single thing in like 5 years
redpill me on Vilppu
all his courses are the same as his 80s tapes but in progressively higher res and with progressively more dementia, so pick your poison
>t. newfag
I've been here for so long, anon. I fail to see how your point in any way sustains thit:
> It's impressive that this guy never did anything good and got rich selling drawing courses. Food for thought.

> Tourner sept fois sa langue dans sa bouche
if you want me to read your shit, write it in non fag language.
>nobody wants it
>it's good
what's algerian for pick one?
I don't think any of it is good or memorable in any way. But hey, maybe you like it.
That "SLEW" faggot is one cringy shameless grifter if I ever see one
If you want me to speak to you, stop barking like a dog. I mean, look the fuck at yourself:
> muh someone proves me wrong because I'm blinded by rage
> muh instead of calming down, let me double down on behaving like a bloody woman (pun intended)

Seriously. Why am I even bothering coming here.

The fact that someone likes it or not, wants to buy it or not, isn't always correlated to objective qualities of the product.

His work indicates a fair grasp observational painting and drawing skills, however boring it may be. It's easy to say it's shit because it's boring (la critique est aisée), but still none of you could do reach 1/5th of it (et l'art est difficile).

Meaning by your own standard, you are below shit. That's where *YOU* are setting the bar amiright.
i appreciate the charisma and personality he brings to his courses. sure, it can be "cringe" at times, but it's way better than some monotone old fuck that sounds like he hates his life and art. makes learning way more easier. that's why I like marshall too
I really enjoyed proko when I first started my art journey. It was very surprising to me to see that so many people hate him. It's like hating the teacher who tries to be engaging and only means well.
But he's not perfect [by standards we can't even reach ourselves]. Let's trash him behind his back, we're so brave :>

> t. Stan
I'm eternally grateful to people like him, Synix, Marco Bucci, Marc Brunet, etc. So much information and free tutorials on the internet for trad, digital, 3d modeling, design, etc. I get it's mostly memes with the few who legit hate him, but without them a lot of us wouldn't have been able to start our art journeys. What a time to be alive.
>without them a lot of us wouldn't have been able to start our art journeys
that's a good thing
>The fact that someone likes it or not, wants to buy it or not, isn't always correlated to objective qualities of the product.
If nobody feels like looking twice at it, it's shit. We are talking about art. It's a subjective human appreciation, so if humans don't like it, it's shit. You can cope all you want, but there's no such thing as "boring but good" when it comes to art. If it's "boring" (that is, if nobody likes it) then it's shit.
> It's a subjective human appreciation
> it's shit
From some perspective, yeah. But it's not absolutely shit, because it can be appreciated in its own way. Literal shit tastes like shit to humans, not to plants.

Anyway, no offense, but you sound either really retarded or baiting, so I'll leave it there. Peace out, nigger.
>i-it's good art if you're a p-plant!
Jesus Christ, Stan.
You would think that a person could have a limit, but not him. He will grift his way to God himself if you let him. "Let me show you how to draw the creature that you created"...
People on 4cels act like bitches because they are all reclused frustrated losers. They are so petty to resort to passive aggressiveness on a Taiwanese forum and hate on a person 1000 times more succcesful than them who doesn’t even know they or their shitty 2000s dying incel forum exist
trying too hard, stan, you already cried about 4chan on video
I bet that someone with an ego like Stan's would be here lurking about what real opinions about him are. He knows no one will say shit to him in mainstream socials, even when they know who and what he is. He's not a real artist, that goes for guys like KGJ, Kopinsky or even Jeffrey Watts. But not him. And as a teacher, he's a bad example, maybe the worst. Art is a material experience, with human interaction, and real life feedback. He turn it into a virtual grifter clown act. Unleashing a flood of pretentious retards in social media trying to "teach" how to be a "successful artist", but can't draw a fucking dog from imagination. A total disgrace and a brutal scam. That will not be told to him in his comment section. Of course.
> How much cringe do you want?
The amount of projection there is here is beyond your wildest imagination. Seriously.
Just watch the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4ocBGf0614
I love the passion, but this SLEW dude is one thirsty desperate rodent. At least Porko handles the situation like a professional. Being a professional grifter must help handling a lesser grifter crawling all over you and covering you in slime, I guess.
Fair. It seems clear that he wants to be Proko 2.0; neverthelesss, I'm only giving him credit for the documentaries, though. I think he did a good job.

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