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Can we have a thread to analyze Aleriia_V's process?
She has a YT channel where she's posted a few tutorials and a lot of speedpaints:

What I'm really impressed by is how -fast- she seems to put out work...
Her pieces are pretty detailed and she seems to be able to get it done in a single sitting
Her main starting point seems to be a "shaded sketch" like pic where she can recolor the shadows without disturbing any of the underlying colors.
From there it's the usual Color layers but what's surprising me is how quickly she can clean up something like this into a finished piece.
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It’s blatantly AI
It's not if you had a trained eye retard
NTA but >>7236167 is definitely AI
You're trying too hard to bait, AItroonie
That piece isn't from the artist being talked about. Everyone with half an eye can see that img is AI generated.
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Instead of muddying the convo with nodraw slop and theories can you fags actually talk about the artist's work?
Can you give me the prompt for this? Thank you.
speed comes from knowing what to do and minimal to no undoing, arguably you may become faster if you dont ctrl z at all and just work with any mistakes that happen, traditional alla prima workflows are pretty fast. this artist can go even faster if they went straight to color instead of doing a grisaille >>7236166
idk what you want to analyze, the timelapse is right there, i don't think she's doing anything extraordinary
I'm not subscribing to your channel

Quit being defensive
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>analyze Aleriia_V
She used to do what she likes but now she's a Sakimeme clone because it's lucrative.
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She's cute.

That image is way more competent than modern sakimi
Stop larping as a jew.
>more tits
I am not gay but why does everything has to be so sexualised? Can’t a person draw like birds in a pond instead?
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What a coincidence, I saw her work (pic related) on the archives some time ago and decided to study her. I love the way she does proportions and texture of the skin. I'm just starting to paint in digital so her process videos prove to be very useful.

I'm glad someone else enjoys her art and decides to study her in depth. I would be very grateful if you shared more of your thoughts about her process.

Ignore the faggots whining about AI above, they bring absolutely nothing to the conversation and I wonder why they would be in an art focused thread if all they do is post terrible opinions meant to anger people and annoy them.



some stuff on occ
>way more competent than modern sakimi
Modern Sakimi's shit so I agree with you but peak Sakimi's even better than that redhead lady.
I miss Sakimi pre 2020 when feminists and other femcels didn't harass her.
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He's russian. You know what most russians do on the internet, right? They scam gullible idiots.
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Sure you can, plenty do and make good money from it
Literally why would you ever think otherwise?
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bro ur blind. also OP is a faggot because this isn't even hers. this is some random ai shit he found. suck dick kindly
I hold her in very high regards. Her rendering is simply sublime
This is a worse hyung taekim.
Shit like this is just grotesque. I wish I was able to not give a shit about anatomy or caring whether the boobs are obeying the laws of physics unlike ops image. I have to get proportions and anatomy perfect to the point of obsession. I'm jealous of artists that just don't give a fuck like this or sakimichan.

I mean. I'll make eyes larger, noses smaller, and the head larger but those are standard for pinups of pretty girls.
What exactly do you disagree with in that sketch? That it's too exaggerated? Torso too long?
Torso too long. Arms way too short, the hips exceed the shoulders which is just wrong. The fatass and thick thighs are just gross, especially with how they taper to a point at the knees. The head is too small, like she would be 12 heads tall if you drew the rest of the legs. The entire thing just says "ah fuck it"

And the boobs in ops image are just balloons that are for some reason flying away in different directions.
I don't care what anyone says her work undeniably has appeal and she does it the best out of any renderfag pinup artist
post your anatomy
They're perky anon
Just cause they're not flat pancakes doesn't mean they're balloons
If Sakimi could do half of that people less people here would be complaining.
When you see their earlier work compared to what they do now I can't help but think that there is, definitely, some AI influence. It's like too big of a coincidence.
People draw exaggerated anatomy on women in pinups all the fucking time. At least here the artist is able to make them convincingly super fleshy and not look like uncanny monsters.
other way around, she's prolific and popular so AI gets relatively a lot of training from her pictures
I mean sure, but the pic is from 2020. What did her stuff look like right before the AI programs started coming out compared to after they released?
he/she streams almost every picture you retarded faggots you can see it isn't ai it isn't even ai reference because they use a little doll thing for the pose
really just insane the cope that jealous crabs will go to

they're not talking about that image you inbred moron.
I can never draw like this. I mean the way she has a step method, I know that it speeds the process, but every time I try something like this, I get stuck, it feels very how to put it....inorganic? like making a vector graphic instead of painting.
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Looking at her process it honestly seems more organic than most I've seen.
Like, the multi-layer approach I often see is mostly for editability in studios her thing seems to be:
shaded sketch > colored sketch > color segment layers > shading using Normal layers in each segment...

The color segment stuff really throws me off, like I'm so used to painting in just like 2-3 layers that I get lost when I try it, and it's especially bad with characters that have like a gorillion different colors on their costumes/armors..
But it obviously works, like Lerapi just shits out highly rendered pieces multiple times a week, so I do kinda want to learn it.
spoon feed me, are there long time lapses of her?
Thanks mom
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Nice selfie.

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