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Ok…. But what if it’s the opposite. You like your own drawings but the rest of humanity agrees that you suck
Why do niggas post their gay ass playtroughs on their timeline! I don't care about your shitty elden ring build, not a single drawing on the whole month of July. Also sage, you're a nigger
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"CEO of CUM"
If you actually care about what other people think about you then you're not gonna get anywhere.
After all, half the world probably already hates you for downright retarded reasons like nationality, gender, ethnicity, etc. Some people even hate you for no reason at all.

Why the fuck should you play a loosing game? Just draw.
I always use him as an example of the exception that proves the rule. He mismanages his page like crazy and yet has a yuge following because his skills are damn good and his subject matter has broad enough appeal while also not devolving into slop. It overcomes the built-in algorithm penalties for non-business behavior.
If he stopped filling his page with irrelevant videogame screencaps and lunch photos and just regularly posted art he could have 2x the followers.
But instead he is living what a lot of dumbshits want to be able to do, except they don't want to acknowledge how and why he can but they can't.
You have it backwards. Talking about Elden Ring and Street Fighter and the weird bug you saw on your walk today is what keeps people engaged. If you only post art you're posting a fraction as much. People want to keep up with their parasocial internet personality friend simulation. 4chan spergs want artists on social media to only post art because they're trapped in this antiquated idea that a social media page is supposed to be a gallery website for your portfolio, and not like, a social media page.
Then you won't get any requests for drawings. What's your issue?
It keeps SOME people engaged but the twitter algorithm penalizes you heavily if you don't act like a "brand" account. We have the documents that show the numbers on this, they are not secret. Elon actually put out the details.

You should interact with people who interact with you first, of course. That gives a boost.
Every coom artist I follow just talks about video games all day so I think it is on brand. And I'm sure he does the other stuff you're supposed to like respond to every comment or whatever.
They are either:
- good enough to overcome it ie people put up with their shit because the art is nice
- brought over a following they built up elsewhere and haven't been banned since then
- built their account up a decade+ ago, before the algo became so focused on and refined in identifying and encouraging companies to buy ad space
- are cloutfarmers who mainly dramapost, not artpost, and so most of their engagement is arguments under their hot takes

Telling people the socmed equivalent of "just b urself" means they won't be escaping the "ELO hell" of approximately 3k-7k followers, which is where growth slows to a crawl for non-brand-acting accounts.
you guys realize you're not actually disagreeing, right?
one is saying relatable posting is engaging for the followers you have, the other is saying it makes getting discovered by new people harder
Your public accounts arent for that though. That is for like, "Artist's Discord server" or your crowdfund donation platforms or streams. Do not mix your signals, keep an info/announcement line and a separate meet n greet line. Else means people miss announcements and updates due to the other stuff.
they are for that, you're operating under the delusion that people follow you on social media to see pictures without socializing, there's a reason only a fraction of people follow galleries
>announcements and updates
no, that's what discord is for, because you actually get notifications without having to check the actual discord
you're armchair theorycrafting
>the platform you use to get support for your projects and a discord server that has actual uncluttered announcement and update threads are for socializing
>the drive-through 280 character posting platform is for updates and announcements and not socializing
You get discovered by new people when your art or a meme you made goes viral. The socposts usually don't do any sort of numbers on their own, but it's about the consistent interaction.

I think you have a very narrow conception of what a person's "brand" is. You're using it to mean only the person's product (their art).
>just go viral bro
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This is the life of an AI artíst
It ain’t easy I tell you what
I mean in relative terms. It doesn't have to be 10k+ likes, it can be a couple hundred. But a lot of follower growth happens when you have these breakout posts.
unironically yes >>7236879
People mute the fuck out of discord servers but they DO pay attention to when a xeet from someone they have passing interest in is in their feed.

It really is best for things like "NEW PICTURE: [short description] [perma gallery link]" with the image uploaded or "STREAMING @ [time] ON [website]" with attached attention-grabbing announcement image.

While a server/stream is more for those extra-fans who want to see behind the curtain with WIPs and discussions, as well as a more-reliable line to the artist for comms.
This nigga just replied to himself! Ayooo
Once you get big enough people will hate you for no reason other than jealousy and thinking you don't deserve to have "success" for just drawing. Wageslaves want everyone to be a wageslaves.
>retard spams the same image with a shitty one liner for the nth time
There is a joke to be made about originality but i doubt chatgpt will be able to explain it to you.
>if you don't act like a "brand" account. We have the documents that show the numbers on this
uhhhh what does this means
It's funny because all that shit you think is smart to include deboosts your tweet by at least 70%
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Same image?
>regularly post
>only reply to people who reply to you or tag you,
>don't retweet anything except things people tag you in or as a quote-tweet
>don't like anything that isn't a reply to you or mentions you
>make sure you only follow the bare minimum number of people, as having a high following:follower ratio deboosts you
The second one and last 2 are bullshit for sure.
All this is speculation since nobody actually knows what the algorithm looks for. Links and @ing people definitely does deboost though. My posts get 7-10k likes on average. If I link anything it'll only get 1-2k.
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>Reply to your tweet and you engage with this reply

so that's why people spam that artmoot shit

Even I agreeing with him I have to say, no one makes art for themselves when you don't have 400k follower's on twitter
>"All this is speculation"
>ignored the blog link that actually breaks down the algo as it was put up on github

Keep a fucking second "personal account" for liking, following and commenting on shit.
He's saying that the anon's greentext is full of speculation because it's making assumptions based on things that aren't mentioned in the article.
No, he doesn't know how to read and is flying by the seat of his pants rather than knowing how to game the system.

>Twitter's Tweepcred PageRank algorithm reduces the page rank of users who have a low number of followers but a high number of followings.

>This method reduces the page rank of users who have a low number of followers but a high number of followings. It calculates a division factor based on the ratio of followings to followers, and reduces the user's page rank by dividing it by this factor.
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This i can confirm personally since i always observed a de-boost whenever i would either >report fake/bot accounts that spam my posts
>report posts that go against tos (but they never find anything wrong, even with graphic lolisho)
>unfollowed people

Also if you
>go/like on posts that get nsfw filter and check their media/click on show content
>check the "see spam replies" section
You also get some minus point on your social media score.
Cookies are also huge and what you post on other sites as well as what you get recommended and how it affects the visibility of your posts.
Even what others posts.

The following2follower-ratio deboost only happens if you spam-follow.

>regularly post
eeh, that isn't really absolute.
You can post once or twice a week but you need to use tags because tagless posts only get shown to your followers.
>don't like anything that isn't a reply to you or mentions you
Depends who you are replying to.
If you engage with nsfw account, you might probably get deboosted.

In my experience; if i clean my cookies and don't post or check 4chan for a couple days, i usually see some activity on my account without even posting anything and my next post does above my average views.
Keywords like racial slurs, using politcal buzzwords like nazi/leftie or the usual insults like seethe, cope, tranny, fag, detract from your score, since the algorithm that feeds on your cookies might see that as low quality and probable spam.

Whatever you type is being keylogged and stored temporarily by every social media site for the algorithm to balance itself and filter potential out potential spam.
>inb4 source
I pay a lot of autistic attention to this.

All these rules don't apply anymore if you have blue checkmark.
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I'll make one simple example of how it works.
If i post;
>Wow i love Donald Trump
There is a high probable percentage that i will get "random" posts about that in my feed the next time(s) i check X.
And so will you just by having this post appear on your device.

I never paid attention whether images also affect your score and recommendations.
>graphic lolisho
lolisho isn't against the rules so that probably has a thing to do with it
>unfollowed people
The post is referring to other people unfollowing you. The general reasoning is that unfollowing is way more effort for most people than just scrolling.
>anti-nsfw in general
Uncertain. NSFW users scroll a lot and thus see more ads, and twitter is explicitly fine with NSFW content - at least as of recently. There IS a problem where they don't want people to randomly be recommended NSFW accounts and posts through innocent searching, however.

It all really makes sense when you understand twitter's business model. The company is trying to sell ad space, and thus wants to show - not tell - professionals that buying ad space (and/or the business variety of Blue) is worth the investment. It has to clearly figure out who is a professional and who is a simply consumer of content, so that the former's accounts gain reach while the latters' accounts are kept in a doomscrolling loop of dopamine gambling so they are served more ads.

Plenty of people have reported being offered to upgrade their account to a business one by an automated twitter bot before. It's a real thing.
>Twitter's Tweepcred PageRank algorithm reduces the page rank of users who have a low number of followers but a high number of followings.
This is different from when that anon said "only follow the bare minimum of accounts or you'll be deboosted". He's extrapolating something that isn't there. It's just saying that having low followers and super high following will deboost you. Almost all his points are baseless extrapolations.
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Not at all. All the information there correlates to what Brand accounts do. They have sub-1:10 following-follower ratio, and artist accounts that are seeing steady growth - not off a "viral hit tweet" also work off these rules. My gut tells me that twitter saw how brand accounts act by default and then adjusted the algorithm to match their behavior, because there's really no other way to do so. After all, the entire point is to filter nobodies, because they are selling an audience to people who need to advertise their products and services.

And to a degree it works. You still need to be doing something engaging, but you definitely see better gains from this style of interacting.

>inb4 another anon posts some kind of cope
The alternative to this of course, is being an annoying shitbag who does nothing but post inflammatory, polarizing takes, acting as more of a "drama account that happens to be an artist" instead. Because those types of people get twitter users to stay on the platform with their emotions vibrating rapidly between pos-neg. Doomscrolling is a feature, not a bug, because the longer one stays on it the platform the more ads they see.
It's a carefully-measured amount of negativity and good posts such that you aren't "satisfied" and have to keep scrolling to try to improve your mood from hoping it shows you something positive enough, until you are either pulled away by IRL events or get exhausted and put the phone down.

how AItard make "art"


This flowchart is the most soulless thing I've ever read in my life. No wonder the entire internet is dying.
Being an artist online is like being the owner of a small town diner. You have to be polite, you need to be efficient behind the scenes, and you need to create a welcoming, non-hazardous atmosphere so people can forget all their other crap and enjoy someone's grilling.
This is a flowchart on how to become a disingenuous shill because a computer wants you to, not how to run a friendly welcoming neighborhood restaurant.
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>start a journal or vent to a friend instead
Sane advice that applies to not just art but anyone. Why the fuck are you putting your personal problems attached to your online presence out for any tom dick and harry to see?
It goes double for people who are trying to run a business online. Nobody wants to go into a place with the vibe already dropped because the owner is crying at the register.

>are they going to listen to me? If no, vent to a friend
The implication here is that either A: The information or statement is completely unrelated to what you do (again, nobody wants to go to a page and see a depressed ramble about the artist's divorce) or B: You fucked up with audience curation and need to go back to analyze what the fuck to fix.

>Do you mind if people outside the target audience see it?
On socmed you ALWAYS have a chance that random people from outside your target get served the post, either from one of your fans being on the wrong account when they interact or an algo hiccup. If you actually care about this you need to unfuck it.

But if you don't, then:
>Is it consistent with what I WISH TO PROJECT
AKA if you want to gain a bigger audience for your art, and you want your audience to be mostly people who are there for coom art, then don't make an "oh her poor back" post. If you're one of those people who makes wholesome art and wants your page to be a place of calm and refuge, don't start talking about thirdworld children being burned in one of the 10 wars of the decade. If you on the otherhand are more of an activist whose art serves that end, then go ahead, but also consider if you want to really be rambling about Gorbino's Quest XIV's level design in between, or if you should have a separate channel for that.

Of course, if you don't have any goals for it or aims of professionality, and you want to just post art and talk with people, you can do that. But you will be as a regular user of the app and will need a new alt if it changes.
> it doesn't matter if I'm a bad surgeon as long as I believe I'm good
Fuck modern artfags and everybody else that thinks skill doesn't matter and it's all feefees.
You're shit. Your art is shit. Your workmanship is shit. You never tried for a minute in your life. You never put effort into anything. You give up 5 minutes into any endeavor and then complain about not having talent. Fuck you. You suck. You just fucking suck.
Right, so become Wal-Mart, not become mom & pop.
Bait used to be believable.
you seem fun
real talk, I'm good enough to work as a professional but I can figure out what I like to draw. I give myself tasks or theme but have yet to find what titillates me. what do?

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