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I really thought it would be the next big thing.
worst part is... devart is dead, tumblr is dead, thread is dead. Why is Twitter still the best site to share art?
>I really thought it would be the next big thing.
You're an idiot.
not as dead as /ic/
>Deviantart dead
Yep, I’ve had a commissioner straight up tell me they didn’t go there ato buy art anymore because of the AI spamming. Seems like the admins are getting desperate for any kind of revenue they can get.
>Tumblr dead
Not really. It’s become way more niche and is still very female-dominated, but the majority of schizos left after the NSFW purge. It’s a pretty comfy place if you curate your experience.
Never used it.

As a rule of thumb, don’t ever expect anyone to switch to a new SNS unless they do something completely new, which both Canva and Threads didn’t do. Amino pulled it off and became popular and it’s still dying a few years later.
I meant Cara whoops. Can’t fathom why anyone would use it.
The biggest problem affecting Tumblr is all the AGP tranny Reddit refugees that despite only making up 5% of the total userbase are incredibly vocal and come up with new harassment campaigns on a daily basis.
Because twitter has non-artist users, and artists need non-artists to praise their arts, not a platform with just bunch of artists jealous or critique on each others
Yeah we'd need total tranny death for the internet to heal
Otherwise they'll just keep jumping platforms and ruin them with concern trolling
It was supposed to replace ArtStation not Twitter, you midwit.
is it really? it seems to be doing okay to me, especially compared to a lot of other alternatives
i only used twitter up until now but the algorithm is so fucking bad. You like 100 tweets about art but then make one comment on one non-art topic and that's all you get for the next 2-4 hours. even if it's a negative comment it will spam you that topic nonstop and no amount of clicking "this does not interest me" stops it.
>the more you hate it the stronger it gets
You know it's dead dead when I have no idea what website this logo is supposed to represent
It ban lolicon and fetish art on sight.
The platform have potential but the owner is an insufferable leftist.
why aren't you posting your art at truth social, retard?
>avoid insufferable leftist
>must join insufferable rightoid.
You are forever (((their))) slave.
Brand name recognition. You try taking on the likes of Coca-Cola.

it's not dead... yet.
I've visited maybe 2 cara pages. Just make a conceptart.org style forum, it can't be that hard with that much money and support/industry connections!
Twitter is the one app that grows your audience (if done correctly), whether y'all like that or not.
Damn I thought you were talking about C the language..

Phew, there's still hope..
Not buying leftist bullshit doesn't make you a right-winger dipshit.
I will never follow an artist that posts primarily on Twitter. That site is fucking dead to me ever since it started forcing you to make an account
How do you grow on Twitter from 0? Only like 5 porn bots follow me
Predictable. Lack of experience, too slow to hook the fish. $1M/year to run something with must bring about $0... That's a dangerous game.

Not too late for them to catch up, but from what I've saw, I doubt they're going into the optimal direction.

That's definitely a core issue. They tried to match recruiters with artists, but that's very narrow.

Banning nsfw has nothing to do with being leftist:it's a public place, not a gloomy street at night.

Kek, that one will never die unless we have drastic hardware updates
Lmao imagine starting your own community of artists when you can't even create your own art anymore. How incredibly retarded you have to be to not see that shortcoming?
Rust will kill it
Rust will it in certain places but realistically the workflow and paradigm is so different people will still use C where they need to. For wholesale replacement I really think zig is gonna take off once they hit 1.0
Fanart, 2 hashtags related to the drawing, drawing popular artist oc, rinse and repeat until 5k-8k followers. Do whatever you want at this point.
>it's another artist who's surprised an art site didn't kick off
People who aren't artists don't care about what websites cater to one group. If you want a following you have to go where the followers are.
The amount of times I see Rustfags shilling it. It's almost like Krita
Is krita a bad shill program? I've been using it for awhile. Did I get duped?
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idk have you tried not being bad at drawing?
I haven't even posted any of my art. I was just wondering if I was missing out on anything by using inferior software.
Dunno. Rust feels humongous and clumsy. Besides, NASA & al should be using formally verified C or something, and most businesses should have little financial incentive to make the switch for a while.

Guess we'll see
It is literally made and shilled by Pajeets
Ok so it's just chud polfag bs, I will continue to use it then faggot.
>implying only polfags hate pajeets
lmao Rajeet, pyw
I know you will not, stay mad and /beg/ and do not redeem
I still laugh at the fact that faggots DFE on their insta accounts in order to shill those sites only for the platform to die.
Specially that limp wristed faggot of Cromferatu.
I want to make my own gallery site for myself, which I have experience in. But I keep imagining a scenario where somebody steals the art off my site and then I have no way to prove I posted it first. Any dates I put on there could be accused of being falsified because I control the entire site. What do? Get the wayback machine to snapshot my pages? I don't really want it archived forever.
It's made primarily by Germans and other yuros. That's why it's so convoluted and very RTFM. Street shitting has nothing to do with it
>I want to have a place people can see my art
OK plenty of options
>But I don't want people to download my art and claim it as their own
This is an unreasonable fear. Think of the kind of person who would try to do this, it's profoundly unhinged and requires someone not be able to think more than 3 steps ahead of themselves.
>I don't want it archived forever
Once you put art out there it's part of the public consciousness and you no longer totally control it. If you want extreme limitations on it you have to have it in a physical gallery with a no-photography policy on ticket sales.

>inb4 "I don't want to do any of that I just want DRM extreme enough to prevent even browser caching so people can look but not touch"
Anon all I want is to be able to prove to people that I posted the work first. I've had my stuff swiped before, once even traced line for line, it's a reasonable "fear." Twitter and social media have timestamps handled by an automated system and can't be spoofed. But if I host my art in a gallery on my own site, there's no real way I can prove I haven't spoofed the date on the piece.
All I can think of is to have my site snapshotted in a third party archive, but maybe there's other options. If I have to get it archived I will though
if you ever need to prove that you posted it first, there is a very easy and old method of doing that, create a mail account and mail your work to that mail account.
Genius! Thanks anon, this is perfect. Suddenly motivated to get to work.
>prove I posted the work first
It's an unreasonable fear. It's very easy to prove that something is YOUR ART. How? Well you have a body of other work you also have made. Someone else who tries to claim your art is theirs is a fucking MORON.

>"wow nice art"
>[Lying] "Thanks I worked really hard on it"
>"Oh cool what do you have planned for your next one?"
>"UHHHHHH- S.. secret"

Artists are entertainers. You can't fake being an artist by just putting your name on other art, that's not how it works and it's impossible to get away with it for any length of time.

>Tracing though!!
Who gives a shit? If YOU think it's better than yours, that means you like some of what they did. Remove the ego from your body and learn from what they altered. Examine what they did to improve it, copy that, and incorporate it into your own art. If you're the spiteful sort, see it as you getting them to do free labor for you by giving you high-effort "critiques."

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