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why aren't you drawing the new flavor of the month /ic/? You will gain 10K+ followers in 1 day from it
you are such a fucking loser
there's no such thing as flavor of the month, nothing lasts that long and by the time outsiders see it, it's already too late
also >>7236882
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I can only draw 1 hag per month and this month's hag was Ozen from Made in Abyss. Maybe next time
i keep trying and fucking it up. will probably do one today tho
How do you see your stats in the top right?
Also fuck people. They're stupid. And jealous of me. I won't draw your stupid ass anime shit until these fuckers start drawing my videogame characters. I will not buy your shitty products.
With the use of social blade, it shows your follower growth. Sometimes it takes time to show the exact amount when you gained a fuck load of followers in a short amount of time and you have to put the account name beforehand. https://socialblade.com/
Who's this?
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That shit only works when you're a good artist, I barely get 10% more interactions on my /beg/ chicken scratches.
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>"here are you followers, bro"
>bots care about tits
Nah, it's true
Before Elon, it was reported that as much as 13% of twitter users were just bot accounts. This is a big deal because as much as 90% of the posts come from just 10% of users

When Elon took over, people were complaining about how they lost as much as 95% of all their followers
It is unknown if it was now truly completely gone but it is likely that it's still is

Overall, the only way for me to truly discern popularity is through comments. My pixiv reaches as much as 10k views but not one comment which makes me feel very suspicious and lonely
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Most trends peak within 4 days, there's corpo research about that. After a week they're old news, only the absolute top of trends last a month or more so your picrel isn't the deer girl.
I'm not contesting that, but how does that affect porn art more than sfw art?
the guy getting 1000 followers with tits isn't getting more bots than a 10 follower sonichu, percentage-wise
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>Sex gets you social media followers
Wow OP you're such a genius. Thank you <3
I mean it is possible that bot activity is also heavily influenced by user activity like if it is popular with users, bots would boost it even further.
Low users may receive no boost but still have some bots just to keep them motivated

Just a guess, though.
more like cope, as I originally said
>surely my followers are real because ummmmm uhhhhh
No, I'm not going to crab on anyone
But, by all means, do not believe random numbers
If shares and comments are low, then be very suspicious
sure. again, I'm under no illusion most views aren't bots, but >>7237163 is pure, undiluted cope
>muh cope
>t. Pajeet bot seller or pornfag
The only ones who are snorting copiuine is (you)
Why draw when I can just get 10K+ followers from prompting
try 100k+
>b-b-bots are everywhere b-b-but they magically don't don't affect you unless you draw porn

Characters from chink gachas are so soulless it's uncanny.
I kneel!!!!!!
just look at zenless leaks, it's the new genshin and you'll hop on the train in time
>strawman schizo post
lmao fucking desperate
I don't like ZZZ
learn to read, melanin man
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back to twitter, seething crossdresser
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>went from 3k followers to 16K in roughly 24 hours.
You are fucking yourself over if you aren't doing the new flavor of the month.
Hoyo new game is a lot more popular than the the deer slop. the deer anime will only be popular for a few days at most.
>You are fucking yourself over if you aren't doing the new flavor of the month.
I draw for myself, not for random twitter niggers
>attract 10k coomer idiots who view you as a content farm, and will give you the cold shoulder the moment you do anything different
seriously don't do this
you don't want this
if you do want this, you're part of the problem and there's no saving you
>you're part of the problem
what problem?
>I draw for myself,
Don't post your art anyway then, you lying sack of shit.
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>new genshin
Lmfao you're right, what the fuck is this? They pulled a massive bait-n-switch with the waterkuma designs.
>seanigger with low ambition

This is why you are poor. Should've worked in the States and retire like a king by the time you hit 40 years old.
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Anyway, I was going to draw this bitch, but maybe I won't now. I'm obviously not going to have a sustained interest in this slop.
Do you even make money from that?
t.making 200 a week through commisons, which is great for a neet like me
>why aren't you drawing the new flavor of the month
I only do that when it's a request
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>why aren't you drawing the new flavor of the month /ic/?
>tried to do cool poses and shit for two days
>best i could do is crumby generic anime headshot
Because the only things I legitimately enjoy are 20 year old pc games, the works of David Lynch, & underground indie comics. Also I don't have a xitter.
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The guy is right actually due to 2 factors
1. Hoyoverse is a thousand times more popular than any anime but the individual waifus, not so much.
Shikanoko is guaranteed to outlast its season because it has something more than waifus- it generated its own culture where anyone can meme it easily and it wouldn't feel out of place.

2. Shikanoko's main audience and fanarts are overwhelmingly about sfw things that people can easily share outside of its own community. In fact, i expect a Shikanoko versions of Trumps failed assasination within this month and it is guaranteed to reposted for the whole year and beyond
You can't do that with waifu girls. You"ll get a large number and that's it

Not saying its inferior. I'm saying its an entirely different strategy in acquiring fame. Waifu girls are like catching one whale at a time but niches with its own culture are like a self- sustaining community
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I was going to call you a boomer.
And then I remember that the 2000s were fucking 20 years ago, and I phisically became dust.
Fuck you.
People of all ages can enjoy games from the 90s & 00s it's not like they're going anywhere. I just got really into point & click adventures.
yes, npc coomers can be considered bots yes

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