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File: mugshotdrawingchallenge.jpg (3.86 MB, 4044x2099)
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I made this roulette type drawing challenge based on that mugshot picture that's popular on the internet. I hope we can have a great deal of fun all together.

Let's roooooooooooooolll !!
they're ugly, fuck off
do one with female teachers arrested for fucking students if you want attention
This actually is an interesting challenge. What, are you afraid of drawing something from here because all you can draw are anime girl faces?
2/10 not even worth a (You)
good artists can draw both ugly and beautiful people. What makes this challenge interesting is their non-conformity to the beauty standards people train themselves on endlessly.
Most of their face have distinct if somewhat faint expressions, twists and bends that are uncommon yet very real and common irl. Being able to reproduce them well is a very valuable skill that will make your characters much more distinct and eye-catching.
This actually took me a while to do, I wrote all the numbers myself and put the touhou girls by hand on there. Please respect the effort I made just for the sake of entertaining and improving people of this channel.
>this is so interesting here's some words
>no work
OP was literally more interested into shooting this than actually drawing it, no amount of words words words will help you cope.
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cope about what ? I'm shit at drawing and I know it. Do you think Anthony Fantano makes good music ?
but if you want proof that I'm actually bad than check pic related, which is the best I could do with n°75 in about 2min while watching something else
based (and checked)
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Let's hope that works
Rolling. But also would rather draw mugshots from the early 1900s
le the roll
JK Rowling
sure lets try
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make one with photos from Earthsworld, more variety in faces, lighting and angles
What a fun idea OP! I found number 35 and 33 to be the most visually interesting. This was great!
Let’s see, what’s the worst I could get?
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What a bunch of kooky characters, they all look like art school attendees
I got generic bald guy
oops attached wrong clip
Ok, I'll bite...
This doesn't sound like someone who's actually interested in art or drawing.
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hold up
>lefty commie scum
fuck you, I'm not wasting my time with these boot lickers
best one in thread so far
How many minutes per head?
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Sure, although you should probably add Reiketa's mugshot lmao , Ro-Lan-Do tururururu ru
Yeah, I'll give this a go, so roll.
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Where the fuck is 65?
>mugshot challenge
>not a single nignog
Nice psyop, jidf
go back to your containment board
this, we don't draw niggers on /ic/
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I like this drawing, you really captured that soulful expression
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This was fun, I even tried to do a little caricature.
lets roll!
Thumbnail looks like evil Phoenix Wright
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I might do another.
Roll skibidi
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I want to get weird faces
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very nice
Rolling for 23
One off from the funny looking guy and had to do this dough faced guy instead.
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Just a reminder that these are the faces of the people calling you a chud, a crab, a no draw, a beglet and a schizo here in /ic/.
Once you realize these are the lefty, libtard faces behind those replies here, you'll never have to worry about any of their opinions ever again.
There's your whitepill/redpill. You're welcome. Now go draw, just don't waste your time ITT. :)
Tell yourself whatever you gotta tell yourself buddy! Sometimes you gotta lie to yourself until you make it :) Gl!
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You missed.
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wouldn't let me post immediately, so i had to roll a rng. got the burn guy #47.
Nightmare fuel
thank u op, i was having a rough night and needed to just paint some shit to calm the nerves. trad models are boring, this is a fun exercise.
true. as a cop that draws these mugshots on the daily basis, it's all tiresome.
awesome lets fucking GOOOO
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here goes nothing
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i like the liberty you took with his expression
black people dont really join antifa. they have better things to do unironically
excellent. entered that zone where its not perfect but hard to tell exactly what is off with it
nice, captured the sadness really well
pedro pascal lookin motherfucker
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Okay but what's with the missing numbers? I got 68 but I did 69 since it was missing
Reroll, pic is cut off
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Fuck it
rollan for 90 or 93

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