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I’ll draw 6 hours per day from various references including morpho book and see how far I can progress after a few weeks
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Day 2
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Day 3
Yeah I know I’m slow so I’m trying to learn To draw faster. My goal is to do 1 page per hour.
Been grinding mostly fundies until now, I’ve never drawn many actual figures from various angles before.
I also look at the muscles I draw to try to memorize them and looking for references snd trying to study from anatomy references when I have doubts so I don’t spend the time just drawing.
I think I messed up the order of some of these but I’ll be more careful from now on
Hey you're the guy from yesterday. Something I recommend with morpho books in addition to copying the references is not only draw them from memory, but also try to draw them from different angles. It helped me ensure that I actually understood the forms I was studying. The drawing from different angles will be pretty tough, but very worth it. Good stuff OP!
is it working for you?
How long are you planning on doing this? I feel like maybe 1-2 hours p/day should be more than enough. 6 hours seems like a lot unless you are plannig on burning out soon.
i admire your will and desire to do something even if you may not know the best most optimal way to go about it. the act itself is beautiful, inspiring
keep it up anon! Don't hyperfocus on anatomy too much and throw in some basic construction (drawing boxes n shit and learning to think in 3d space) and some gesture work.
Thanks but I can only pull this off because it’s summer and I am a university student.
Make a blog or something so that you can post daily updates and share the link here.
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Day 4
Wow anon you are in this board and yet you actually draw
did you mean drawing 6 hours a week?
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Day 5
Already better than me
Are you drawing or are you copying things from a book?
>I’ll draw 6 hours per day from various references including MORPHO BOOK and see how far I can progress after a few weeks
nta, but you are quite slow eh?
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Day 6
I Managed to draw the first couple of pages faster than I have ever done before which I am quite happy about.
But I’m starting to feel bored about copying this guy’s figures, extremely bored.
I have drawn anatomy from a course before morpho but now it’s time to stop grinding anatomy for me, from tomorrow I’ll draw anime or I risk burning out, so I’ll let this thread die.
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>not even a week
Oh well.
Well, if it's just for the summer then you should be good! Good luck.
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Keep going anon!
Now answer me this, throughout those 6 hours a day of arduous artistic exercise, how many times did you get up from your (I'm assuming you were sitting down) chair, stand up to stretch and move about? and how long did each recess last? Did you also remember to hidrate during that time?

Art prowess is important but your health is more important, you can't do art if you are dead.
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