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Fundamentals are BULLSHIT.
Nobody cares how "good" your art is by the arbitrary standards of pretentious tryhard jackasses.
All they care about is SOVL.
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>premise two: nobody cares how "good" your art is by the arbitrary standards of pretentious tryhard jackasses
>truth value: false
>post: rejected
Tell yourself whatever you need to if it means you're drawing OP. I mean this earnestly as somebody who grinds the fundies. I love art in every form, skilled or not. Except for lolis. I hate lolis.
fundamentals are how we instinctively judge art saying theyre useless is coping
yes sometimes low skill art can look good that doesnt mean fundys are bull
>All they care about is SOVL.
you can say this , but what's popular is low quality trash memes with the soul of a garbage can.
People do care, but only so far as it permits them to dislike you or shit on your work. You can definitely succeed despite these people, but fundamentals are nonetheless fundamental to communication through drawing.
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its true florkofcows is the most popular SOUL drawing in the globe

i see his memes posted LITERALLY in every country i even saw them drawn in the moutains where there is little to no internet and the locals loved the sock thing

the original artist draws them with no concept of fundamentals, the linework is all shaky, the hands dont make sense nor the eyes or mouths

yet it has MILLIONS of fanarts and sculptures and is loved by millions
It's really about creating a story and finishing up something.
>florkofcows is the most popular SOUL drawing in the globe
well I guess you could say drawings by 5 year old children have soul too...
it actually takes a genius to come up with something like this
If you do not practice fundies then the appeal of your art is entirely up to chance. Pure luck. If you incidentally happen to have good taste without realizing it, you can make good art without fundies. But there's just as likely a chance you have bad taste without realizing it and you will remain a permabeg. By learning fundies you can eliminate the luck aspect and assure yourself victory. You can invest nothing and coast on luck, or you can invest in the fundies and reap the rewards.
Or you can grind out your fundies and still be soulless
Then you're mindlessly grinding instead of learning
But he draws better than most anons in /ic
ohhhhhhhhh nonononnono /ic/trannyxirs...
does not mean shit sorry
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Taste comes from exposure to lots of art and experiences. Bad art is inauthentic, with nothing to say.
Spending all your time focusing on improving art means you end up a soulless husk with no reason to put it into practice, and also probably burn out regularly. Art is not a single skill, it's a collection of skills. Fundies are only one aspect.

Go nagai's art is kind of shitty and a lot of people on here could draw circles around him in a 1:1. But those same people would buckle under the pressure of having to pump out chapters while making what they are drawing interesting. A lot of artists nowadays are so focused on visual clarity and quantity that they sacrifice authenticity (which is what corporations want of their busy bee artist worker drones), when you can see time and time again that all great artists keep authenticity and have various mixes of the other two, with only a rare few being able to do all 3.
>inb4 some coping anon takes being told to go touch grass as an excuse to not draw
I understand the point you're trying to make, but: Simple exposure is not enough. How you internalize what you're exposed to is what's important. What makes it good? Or at least, why do you like it? Fundamentals are more than anatomy, perspective, construction and boxes. It's harmony, pattern, color, shape, movement, emphasis, etc. These are the elements of art, and principles of design. Some people pick up on them intuitively and therefore can properly process and internalize the things they're exposed to. That ability is luck. Others are not so lucky and cannot intuit these elements and absolutely need to study them. But in both situations you will never be masterful until you put purpose behind your decisions. Your fundies.
Referring to your own picrel as "kind of shitty" is an example of the way fundamentals are misunderstood on this board. Like a lot of classic japanese art, it builds its appeal in movement, shape and spacial balance. Sure it lacks the Greco-Roman ideas of appeal, which are founded in perfection of the human form. But there are many ways a work of art can look good, and it boils down to mastery of the elements of art, the principles of design. Not just a healthy understanding of perspective and anatomy.
But your point has merit too, there's something about authenticity that allows work to flourish. Two artists can both have equal mastery of fundamentals, but the one who retains their personal drive to make the work will be far more thoughtful about each decision made. Not just checking off a list of requirements. Each aspect would be more deliberate and unique because the result has more intrinsic value to the artist who is "authentic."
At the end of the day, if you don't understand why, on a technical level, your taste appeals to you, you're never getting anywhere. Even if you luck out and happen to have good intuitive taste, it'll only get you so far. Even if you master the figure or perspective, it will only get you so far.
>Simple exposure is not enough. How you internalize what you're exposed to is what's important. What makes it good? Or at least, why do you like it?

nta, this internalization is on unconscious level, once you start to consciously analyze it loses its authenticity as you start to actively try to copy something.

>That ability is luck
That ability is talent and affinity for art.

>Others are not so lucky and cannot intuit these elements and absolutely need to study them.

Question: if you have no affinity for art why bother? Sure, talent is 1% and work is 99%, but if you do not have affinity for a creative field, why insist on going into that field? If you don't understand math, you would hardly pick math related tasks as a hobby or a job.
> t. retard who wants praise for no effort.
Participation trophies were a mistake.
Truth. True sovl is unpopular.
>this internalization is on unconscious level
>once you start to consciously analyze it loses its authenticity
Hard disagree. You break down why you like the things you like so you can use the pieces to build something new with it. The very first humans saw beauty in the natural world, broke that beauty down into elements, and constructed something of their own with it on cave walls, telling stories and leaving a piece of themselves there with it.
>that ability is talent
>if you have no affinity for art why bother?
You can call it talent, and yes, talent will only get you so far even if you have it. But my most reasonable answer to this is: you yearn to communicate something that words or sounds alone can't convey for you. And to mute yourself is a cruelty to yourself. People with no impulse to create, have nothing they wish to communicate. Those who want to communicate and can put it into words will write. Those who can put it into sounds might make music. Those who put it into movement might dance. But when those are insufficient, a person will long to draw. It's unfortunate that not everyone is blessed with the same intuition, or even the same IQ or speed of learning. Just like not everyone is blessed with all their limbs. But even the limbless will draw with a pencil in their teeth.
If you're inexplicably drawn to art, even if you suck, it's because that's the only language that really conveys what you like or think or feel. You should do it, because suppressing it is like making yourself mute.
Even if all you can do is the equivalent of babbling like an infant, there are only two options: keep babbling and gradually learn to speak as much as you can, or mute yourself forever living in the solitary confinement of your own mind. The latter might as well be psychological torture upon yourself.
Then again, if quitting art doesn't feel absolutely miserable to you, then maybe you never had much to communicate at all. In that case, why bother indeed.
outside of fart sniffing contrarian retards, no one likes this game for the art style.
exactly, nobody gives a fuck about art
>muh effort
Protestant work ethic was a mistake
>not being lazy is a christian invention
lol ok
success isn't up to you
its always up to your audience or people who want to hire you
being good at art raises your chances of being notice, so does "soul"
but soul is much more abstract than skill, while fundies can be studied
if you think your art is soulful by default, chances are its just bad
actually being good at art always helps

these poorly drawn soulful characters are also attached to a wider project than illustration, at that point can you really say its the art people care about? thats something to consider.
whats crazy is the left one is souless and i wouldnt even care or follow him if he only posted that art

i like the one on the right more. fundamentals dont mean shit, have you seen all the ancient temples? they all had wonky proportions and no fundamentals and they were hired by royalty to draw for them.
You are getting way too old and losing touch with reality. No one thinks this is soul or funny. Funkopops are also loved by millions yet seen as the lowest form of art to grace the earth.
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you guys need to understand that fundies are ... fundemental elements that we observe that make up a subject and studying and applying them is meant to be used to enhance artistic ability and fundies are not to be used standards of art. take this piece for example, you can tell they have a good understanding of the fundies and form with how they draw the box head and indicate the cylindrical arms, but it is still a sovlful piece in my opinion
When I evaluate another's art,I think first of what market it would be appropriate for.
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Pic related has 2m subs, why dont you have 2m subs?
What even are those pencils, bro didn't use any of them

I do not need 2 mil tards.
fuck you bump

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