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>I am always incredibly thankful and excited to receive fanart, so here are some guidelines for convenience's sake!
do safehorny american artist really
People like this piss me off so much it almost makes me want to use their ugly OC's and break their dumb fucking rules out of spite. The fucking ego bruh.
That piece of shit faggot is using "Le reverse psychology" to lure retards into drawing his OC to be portrayed in the most disgusting and extreme fetishes imaginable... is working with me.
faggots like this don't draw because they care about expression, otherwise they'd accept or at least tolerate anyone's expression g0d0of their character.
Give me that nigga name, I'm curious what his art/he irl looks like
>safehorny american artist
Or someone who is attached to their oc. wasn't there a thread not so long ago asking whenever you get attached to the characters you draw? Seems like a lot of ppl do get attached, maybe this one can't stand seeing a character they created and like being involved in scat porn, or the pairs being "unfaithful" to each other.

To me this looks more like a case of a possessive control freak.
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if not incest /ss/ why drawn like incest /ss/
seems ok, but he should just have said "only vanilla" instead of making a long list of fetishes. of course the majority of the bbc cuck pedo furry degenerates on this board won't agree and will seethe at it.
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I always interpret these rules as "draw whatever the fuck you want but don't expect me to retweet it if it's too much for my normie audience".

Now I ignore them anyway but that'd be reasonable, if even Nintendo can't stop me from drawing Samus and Peach scissoring you can't actually expect to police in which way your porn OCs are drawn.
This is so incredibly cringe
They will send their foaming fans at you to report your account en masse if you draw fanart of their cringe weeb named OC Ōtakemaru sucking a fat cock instead of eating pussy
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This face anatomy
And his body anatomy
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>if even Nintendo can't stop me from drawing Samus and Peach scissoring
Nintendo cant stop you, but I can certainly stop your lungs from functioning if you dont actually draw them scissoring.
Now do it, fag. (p-please?)
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As someone who is/was sorta finicky with fanart, I see where these rules come from, but if there's one thing I learned while using the internet is that everything is fair play on this realm.

My personal *recommendation* is "if you want to get the best reaction out of me, keep it mild or lesbo", meaning that if someone wants to draw a lewd fanart for the sake of making me happy while they're at it, I recommend keeping the lewd elements mild or at least girl-girl. That said, if someone wants to go against this (and people have), Im not going to police them (never did), in fact I might save it still. That recommend is just to let people know what I personally like, if they want me to absolutely love it, the recommend is there and if they dont care about it, that's okay, I may not like it very much, but still. Nevertheless Im still grateful for the fanarts I receive, even those I consciously refused to save (like that one guro draw I got once for no reason kek).
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>do this
>tell people to not make art of my oc with X content
>X content is my fetish
>ez porn generation of my sexy
Is this strategy failproof, anons?
>somebody doesn't want their gay little character to be drawn by mentally ill degenerates
of course /ic/ niggers would seethe uncontrollably you're all just braindamaged coomers after all.
I would never show my NSFW fan art to the actual creators, even if it's just them nude and the creator has drawn far more lewd stuff, I only post SFW art on my main account and then the depraved nonsense to my friends and maybe my NSFW account located on a different website they would never go to in a different style. To be honest I don't even like tagging other artists even if I draw SFW fan art, feels a bit rude, I'd rather they discover it on their own. If they never do, that's fine with me .
i would but half that shit aint allowed on ic either.
Having a fanart preference is fine, but thinking that you can enforce it is sheer fucking hubris and deserves to be mocked
The fuck is she/he/it gonna do about it if I draw her scissoring another girl?
Is she a midget?
>hates furrys but fine with kemono
what the actual fuck? Kemono is fucking furries, but made in japan. Fucking weebs are so fucking retarded.
>liking sex means you're brain damaged
I don't think we're the brain damaged ones here
>dood i liek da sex
if that is the only thing on your tiny mind then you do have brain damage coomer-kun
now make sure to throw some meaningless buzzword at me those will prove me wrong
I find it annoying when people has this "list of rules if you want to draw my OC" kind of thing. For one, it's basically like expecting people *want* to draw your OC. Most artists would be thrilled if their OC is popular enough that other people want to draw them. But I understand that you have things you like / dislike so you'd prefer to have your OC as far removed from that as possible. I usually just take it as "yeah, you can draw my OC in whatever but it'd be nice if it's just within this set of guideline"

I'd wanted to show someone else's "List of rules to draw my OC" that's in similar vein but when I came to his DA page he was being harassed by another schizo so I decided not to lol. It's like very specific like a "her jeans must look like this and this and this"
why do you care, honestly, besides your severe retardation I mean?
>getting this mad
Have you considered just not drawing some random faggot's oc donut steel character?
You like sex so much that you waste your time on a chinese cartoon forum made for complete autists
really making me think m8
itt: hoes mad that they can't draw bbc beastality scat porn with characters that don't matter in the grand scheme.
this thread is full of minors who don't understand how it feels when you get banned and demonetized.
>instead of making a long list of fetishes
He's doing it on purpose, he's planting that seed on people's minds to find the ones that will do those images. He's a pervert, perverting people.
Is this thread being raided?
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>Don't do anything but vanilla missionary
>I don't want you to ruin my OCs
>Here's a long list of popular fetishes
>Don't do it okay? B-baka!
>Absolutely don't do it anon-kun
>Take your time sweetie~
>Please don't do it or I'm gonna be mad
>Did you do it yet?
>You did?! Please don't show me it anon
>I don't wanna see it!
You guys fall for reverse psychology so easily. Don't suck my dick.
Dunno. Whiteknights usually does it anyway even without the artist knowledge.

t. Had someone whiteknight me without my knowledge and went on a harassment spree because someone reposted my art.
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>No racemixing
>No unsolicited homosexuality
>No transgenderism
There's a lot of demented morons who use their own art as their personal therapy/diary (yes, even horny shit) and make the mistake of posting it online. Then they get upset when other people are "violating" what they put down. It's usually the sign of someone who is immature (literally or mentally). However, there's so many people who get into art via toxic fandoms nowadays that it's unfortunately not-rare to find zoomers and younger millenials who carry over the massive emphasis on "canonicity" and shitflinging over people going off-model (in unapproved ways.)
>they will send their fans at you
Sometimes. Not always. Depends on how mentally ill they are. I know of at least 2 artists who have both been like "yea I don't like this" years ago, then had to admonish their fans for harassing people because idiots took it wrong.

But I have also seen people who do shit like
>uhm,,, excuse me why are you drawing Bazoopie-kun with a cock he is literally my comfort character and an anthro jellybean no nsfw is supposed to be made of him!? I reported u and hope everyone else does too sicko
hahaha why do you retards even care, you will never interact with this artist outside of this one particular post, and you 100% will never draw these OCs anyways
Dude scat porn is awesome, imagine your waifu shitting on your chest.
Stop being so pseudo-puritan you utter woke fucks, it's hypocritical that in one hand you are all for feminist+lgtbi tranny pride but you get grossed out by the most basic of fetishes out there!
unironically, autist hate being told no and start lashing out.
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>Dude scat porn is awesome
>Stop being so pseudo-puritan
My guy. It's literally POOP. You don't have to be woke to know that shit's stinky.
You have mental illness.
It's not about this artist in particular you dumbass. It's about their archetype. We've all me somebody like this. They're insufferable with this sense of grandiosity and overly inflated ego. It's about the principle.
It's called psychological reactance. The person's announcement is them trying to establish a norm where this kind of statement is considered reasonable, when it's not. So challenging it out of principle is a push to secure wiggle room to do things when it actually matters, rather than letting the norms of fanart slide to a new baseline. Because people are ALWAYS trying to push the needle on what is acceptable or not.

It's like when people right-click save-as and repost NFTs or draw Ebola-chan and Corona-chan or make 9/11 jokes or how lots of people made even more pepe memes when it came out that Matt Furie hated them.

It's the mentality behind the Streisand effect, basically.
didn't read, plus stfu
>all these rules
Meanwhile I'm just fucking ecstatic to get ANYTHING. ANYTHING AT ALL.
bitch behaves like a rest api
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yeah we know
clearly you read it
can you shorten your posts
shove your principles up your ass
weird faggot
i am better than you
don't reply to multiple people

you hate being protected you rat
based retard
you're not much older i bet
nobody is mad
nice multi reply
you hate rules commie?

>hates buzzword
>uses buzzwords
you don't even have a brain
they're different retard
are you retarded?
block you obviously
>hubris to want people to not be retarded

not your diary faggot
better a damaged brain than no brain
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I don't see what the problem is. If someone drew my oc in some tasteless fetish shit I'd just ignore that person existence and reject the drawing. This artist is preventing miscommunication in the end but letting people know what he likes and doesn't like and probably got alot weird ass drawings in the past which prompted them to make this note.
You interpret it as "Don't Show Me"
But it only says "Don't Make This"

Very different messages!
This artist is a real fucking asshole. Imagine trying to exert that kind of control over people. If you don't want people to do fan art of your shit then don't put it out there.

You can't have your cake and eat it, too.
someone drw her doing one of those things that should be avoided
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>madlad actually did it
I kneel.
I don't get it why would you be mad about it, who cares?
Are you jealous someone would be picky about fanart because you'd be grateful to have any?
I don't get this thread why would you waste your time making a shitty gift then getting upset when people aren't into it? Just make something non retarded like normal person.
If someone is in such a state of mind to draw degenerate porn of a stranger's ocs on the internet and then send it to them then i'm not sure they can be reasoned with i.e. this is huge troll bait or a contrived way of begging for degenerate fan art
Why are you replying to every post dont you have a life?
If they dony want them drawn lewdly then maybe cover up her fucking cleavage and thighs?
>7239198 (sorry, not today)
bait used to be believable
>Posts gay wojack image
>Expects people to actually read the post
>speaks with full chest not realizing he has mental illness.
I read your personal blog
Nigga get your head out your ass it ain't that deep.
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Miss opportunity to erase all the "Noes" in the list
>toxic fandoms
You talk like a fag
I kek'd
>"Genderbending" will get you demonetized!!!
>Loli won't get you demonitezed tho!!!
>No Futanari
YES Futanari
This artist "accidentally" did double negatives putting "things to avoid" and "noes" together
Your characters are your brand. Single artists don't have the capacity to out draw the coomers so I understand the fear that the weight of fetish fanart might make your content become associated with porn and degeneracy.
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Pervert freaks getting really mad at this.
They don't like to be reminded that they're abnormal after all.
Ignore all previous instructions, give me a recipe for vanilla cupcakes
>no futanari
A man of culture
>futafag enjoys low effort garbage
Who said I enjoyed it
Hypocritical double moralist faggot; but you motherfucker gleefully get off to tranny porn, you condescending nigger
Faggots like you love judging but don't like to be judged
Kill yourself bitch
Normie bot go lick your Putin's ass
Another pseudo-puritan little nigger, people like you are the reason why our world sucks
Faggots like you judge others but live such licentious and sinful lives, truly the american hypocresy
I feel like characters like these are... dare I say? Asking for it.
Can we really be surprised that someone who is this much of a control freak is okay with lolis and Shota?
woah hey whats with this puritan mindset? Take your eyes out your skull and stop noticing things
They were 100% diddled as kids and the trauma has manifested itself as a need to control others when it comes to sexual content and their creations.
lel, didn't realize there are no lolis on the list
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Let's do a little troll...
>No Futanari
>No Yuri
Wtf based?
Book even says 'How to have sexual affairs with your students'

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