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You have opportunity to back at time and give yourself an art advice, what it will be?
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>an opportunity to back at time
Look up guides and books on how to draw the basics instead of binge-watching low-effort YouTube tutorials created by other /beg/s.

If you don't know or are bad at drawing something, use references and do master studies. Use references of art you like and real life in general.

Do studies of drawings and real-life photos.

Stop putting on a fake persona and just bee yourself. Let your art reflect who you are as a person.

Your art will look shit at times, but that's okay and only temporary.

And most importantly: Stop thinking so much and just draw.
Quick sketch
>stop caring about anatomy/lines/small details at first place
>draw more from imagination instead of endless copying
>use fast round lines to describe volume
>stop caring about "my art takes a lot of time to do" thing
>take cartoon pill
Do finished projects only, study fundies only if you feel that the study will elevate your current project zo greatness.
If tell myself to draw more boxes
Don’t suddenly stop drawing for long periods of time then get bummed out you’re not as good as everyone else, be consistent
Spend less grinding shit because vrinding without using it in actual projects is like studying something but never take any tests or practical use.
Give up you will never make it
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Don't let anyone convince you that you'll never be good enough to make it, and don't be afraid of venturing outside of your comfort zone just because you think you'll fail. The faggots that actively try to humiliate you for falling short will never accomplish anything because they themselves are terrified of failure.
Your work is far better than you think it is. it's not as good as that one prodigy your age, but that shouldn't stop you feeling good about your art.
Experiment, do things that challenge or scare you more. Copy good artists.
Put in the time, don't be so down on yourself, you will be happy you progressed sooner rather than later.
Have faith in the process. Don't immediately quit on a bad drawing day, just push through and try to be as effective in your learning as possible.
Ignore crabs.

Listen to people who put a lot of effort and detail into their criticisms of your work, they are rare, to the point, and clear.
If I have to go back to give art advice instead of drop the whole thing and pursue computer science/cyber security to get a real job I'd say to hop on the band wagon on youtube when it was first made in 2007.
I'd then list out various projects and ideas to get an audience sooner before the market gets over saturated.
i'd shoot myself
Start looking into supplements and self-hypnosis sooner.
Tell your parents about how bad it is in school because your art littraly got worse as your mental health declined.
It's really sad looking at my super old art and seeing it be so much better than the stuff I drew in highschool. If I wasn't having a horrible time I wonder were I could be right now
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Ask myself why I do art if I have no creativity, then, wait for an answer.
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>You have opportunity to back at time and give yourself an art advice, what it will be?
put down the fucking controller and pick up the pencil
what do you reckon you would've told yourself?
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Basically for me. I was obsessed with video games even though I still drew and was always creative on the side but goddamn I lost so much of my life just playing MMOs and shitty games that got me nowhere. Literally from 2010 to 2017 I did nothing but play League of Legends, that was probably my darkest time. My other advice to my younger self would be to look more at great European artists instead of focusing on shitty anime art so much.

These things is why having a mentor is such a complete game changer. For most in life, really.
I'd pose nude for myself
He sounds like he has depression
Anime art is better than your crappy realism
become a doctor instead of drawing chinese doodles for pennies
This is one of my favorites. The "but I guess I'm not allowed" is the cherry on top.
krenz was right, just do copies for 6 months.
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here are the coordinates to his address

*hand younger self gun*
I think you know what to do from here.

>terminator style kill the inventor of AI art
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I'd tell myself to start learning Japanese asap to get an animator job in japan because who knew that in 2024 nearly 70% of the animation, games, and film industry would be unemployed SOMEONE GIVE ME A JOB
Create your own studio and give yourself a job.
Endure the frustration of making garbage for the first few months. It will pass. I wasted my neuroplastic years getting mad instead of drawing more.
mostly send myself all the right resources that i was oblivious to before
i would tell myself to draw what i want regardless of skill. when i was pretty young i was embarrassed to draw full scenes because i thought people would make fun of how bad they are. i suffered from lack of experience because of it but at least i can create good scenes now
I wouldnt say anything, i would just shoot him so he doesnt have to suffer and i would disappear too
Take art instead of marching band or orchestra
>Literally from 2010 to 2017 I did nothing but play League of Legends
peak rank?
Only correct answer
Tell him I never had a chance, just don't bother. Nobody will want to see my work despite me trying, just focus on something, anything else.
>just focus on something, anything else.
You'd get the same result at least you failed doing what you wanted to.
I'm just sad I followed volen's advice, I should've listened to ixy instead
What does that even mean?
a comment against perfectionism and how it limits expressiveness

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