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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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Post your work and I criticize it
I'm a /beg/ who's artistic understanding is not all too high so my word should be taken with a grain of salt
This is the fourth time I make this thread and I warmed up to the idea of posting my own work
I'm not a crab and I will do my best to tell you what up think of your art
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Thoughts? Ill be moving onto the lineart soon.
Any critique is appreciated
Thats pretty good so far anon
The way sketched it up speaks of a lot of confidence in your skill. It looks very lively
I don't know what that body part is called but the big muscle under the knee is quite big
On the dame note it makes the legs feel shorter, maybe you should thin it out but I'm also fine with it if you leave it like that
Pretty good
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Posted in the other beg/int thread got no reply.
Critique please.
Good facial study
Over all you are very accurate and I like that you also try to do the lighting
It's a little hard for me to tell since i can barely see where her hairline starts in the ref but I think your head is a little smaller than it actually is. But just a tiny bit
You accuracy is unfortunately a bit lacking with the ears. You didn't draw much of the details didn't smooth out the edges
Her jawline In the ref is wider and rounder. You have some decent accuracy with the lips but small jaw make them look very big. Also in yours she is almost smirking
I think you also drew the nose smaller
But hey that's pretty good work
As for why anon didn't said anything about it in the other thread, I guess it's just because it's a study you posted with nothing inherently wrong
Not many people talk about these much in general
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Nice ms.paint sketch
A bit small
I see you used the bucket tool to color. There is a bit of background under her arm that should be white
Her boobs don't feel quite the same size. I think that they go outwards to the side that much makes them feel a tad off
But yeah pretty decent. you can tell that someone has skill even if it's just a simple doodle
lemme here your wisdom oh /beg/ of insight
Reference and final sketch thoughts?
not op but this is cute as hell. I love how soft it all looks.
Good understanding of shapes. The expression is fantastic.
Very cute character very nice cartoony style as well
You seem to know what you're doing since it's so stylized with nice details here and there
The only thing I feel like needs a bit of work is the skateboard
It looks a bit rushed compared to the rest of the pic
Good job

It's a decent attempt anon
Your accuracy is a bit lacking however with the objects but that's a hard thing to do so I understand
Maybe you can try measuring out the things you try to draw
For example you draw a part like the nose first and then use the nose as a basic measure on how big stuff is. Like how many noses fit into the glasses. How large is his mouth compared to nose
Stuff like that.
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Here's some doodles I did a few days ago. We are both /beg/ so maybe this will be easy.
Thanks :)
Thank you /beg/ of wisdom - you're right I rushed the board I got lazy
Very nice. Something I immediately notice is how pronounced the calves are
You draw them so big they make the feet look small
The best example is in the bottom right where even if it's a small doodle you like to show them off
In general your girls are really nice. They strike very good poses. Even the girl in the middle looking to the side looks very good and believable
Very alive is probably what I mean.
You seem to be afraid of drawing hands haha. Or at least you can't be bothered unless you go serious on a drawing with more commitment
You're pretty good for a beg anon
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I've been trying to stop drawing characters in a void
It's hard to tell what they're doing at first glance. Flying, walking on water I guess? You need to make the water more obvious, or draw them at a more convenient angle. The land seems too sloping and out of perspective which doesn't help.
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weekend doodles
Fuck you and your nigger thread. Anons must be really retarded if they want to be judged by a fuckingn beglet. You are all double digits faggots desu.
/beg/lets are the closest to the average consoomer, anon. What a /beg/let see is what non-artist see, being liked by non-artist is way better than other artist or faggots like you.
Cringiest cope of all times. Kys no-drawing trannylet.
I don't have one
if you were to stop sperging out for a second and think a bit you know artist make their money mainly from non-artist, other artist don't commission each other unless they are friends or really like their art. You would know this if you gotten commissions, shitter. You may continue to seethe now.
These threads sure attract some people at time. Just wished he posted his work

I honestly wouldn't like to be around giant mantises
It's a very nice image. Pretty decent on perspective but I shouldn't be commenting on that desu
The girl riding the blue mantis, I think her foot twists in a sort of unnatural way.
Her knees go outwards but her foot points inwards. Looks like it hurts
What are these swirls behind her hand btw? I don't understand what that's supposed to be
The guy riding the mantis has only 4 fingers on hand
I feel it's generally a good image but for my tastes it's not enough color
Or at least at parts the color looks to washed out and flat contrasting with the parts that are more colorful
The green mantis and girl and the blue mantis and look way more colorful than the guy and his mantis
Also that most of the background is white adds to that. But an argument can be made for the background being as lacking in color not take focus away from things
Over all very good
Word limit reached

Something i sort of understand for once, gatos and sexos
Over all the doodles are nice but you can tell that you struggle with having the cat features being accurate
For example the cat on the left it's snout goes way to much down resulting in the mouth looking derpy. You also didn't seem to know how to draw the fur on the side of the head
Cat on the bottom left has also a very thin snout and one of the eyes is angled to much on the side as if it were a rabbit
It looks to me that you get it right once you have reference with a easier angle.
Middle right cat looks therefore the best but the angling of the eyes needs some refinement
Middle left cat has not so good anatomy
The chest seems to go down all the until the feet suddenly appear. The cat has no shoulders and her left leg is missing it's knee, while the right leg has the knee but in a position that is way too far infront of the body
The other animal doodles aren't bad, I just think the elephant mouth looks weird
The scantly clad anime girls look miles more competent
Very nice cuviture. Good anatomy I would say. Just pure coomer candy
Good work
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what about me?
What about you? You're pretty good, but you aren't here for this non answer
The poses the people strike are very good
The more alive something feels the better
You have good way of drawing complex faces as you do with simple. You certainly developed two styles that you can switch around freely
You are drawing comics aren't you?
I have not much to say because I fear I'm just not there yet to give more critic than you'd like and deserved
Very good job
thanks for the feedback bro
I'm trying to get better at fur
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Your critiques seems actually fun to read at. I did this doodle quickly before going to sleep only to engage in this thread, sincerely. I believe you should be able to critique this one well.
attention whore thread made by a nodraw who wants to find excuses to procrastinate instead of drawing... MANY SUCH CASES!
Is this a monkey girl? Also what is she pointing at?
You did the meme pose in a quick doodle
At first glance it looks like you aren't that much skilled but it honestly takes a lot of effort to get the perspective on the arm to look like this
I think though that the hand is a little small, especially the thumb
Furthermore I think the bangs could look a little, what would you call it, dynamic?
Just not flat is what I'm trying to say
The background is, well it's a background. You can tell it's supposed to be a hill
Simplistic but the doodle was made quickly
Good job
I don't draw comics, but thank you, its a tremendous compliment.
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That's right. I'm really hyper /beg/. So I'm still very inconsistent with everything I do. I'm trying to fill this entire sketchbook using just ballpoints for now to see if I improve my lines confidence but it seems like I just got to draw faster instead.
I doodled the meme pose in particular because I wanted to draw the face in a closer perspective than my earlier drawings on this sketchbook. But lookig now later, I noticed also that I maintained the eyes size the same than before lol. Also, drawing hands on small scale because I truly suck on this.
>Furthermore I think the bangs could look a little, what would you call it, dynamic?
Yeah. I haven't though well on this one at night and realized it just as I finished.
>I think though that the hand is a little small, especially the thumb
Interesting. I was trying to make it even smaller at start. I suppose I got something wrong with the perspective in this so.
>Is this a monkey girl?
No, but I have a quick ugly monkey doodling from yesterday also. Did this during job morning meeting.
I think I should stop doodling stuff in 10 minutes and come back trying to draw for longer...
Something that i did when I started out drawing was that I also like you used a ballpoint, but to be honest I was just too lazy to buy a pencil back then
I did take some simple fanart of stuff and just tried my best to get it as accurate as possible. I also didn't do a bunch of scratchy lines but instead tried to contain it all in one line
You can get alot of good lines in with different thickness if you retrace the lines a few times
Foe example of you would try to draw and eye you can go over the iris boarder a few times to make it appear darker, the pupil you fill out completely and for the actual iris you try to press as lightly as possible on the paper and go over it a few times until it has your desired amount of color

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