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i thought it was a joke but looking at her profile she is serious. she charges $950 to do wedding paintings.

how is this fair?
You can charge whatever you want for whatever technical ability you have. The market will decide if your value is fair or not
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she says shes being attacked by everyone on tiktok saying she isnt a good artist
It helps if you have connections to wealthy people. A lot. I did a pet portrait for an ortho one year and I got like 8 commissions out of it. My original design for their office was amazing. All subsequent designs were shite imo. Yet the person who was recommending me to everyone gave them a price point of 400 per. That year I made so much I had to report it on my taxes and I felt massive impostor syndrome because I knew there was no way in hell my paintings were worth this much, only my original one was.
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she is a rich nepo baby
are you retarded? every band member walks away from a wedding with a few thousand in tips alone
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thats true most high end art is just colors and they get paid thousands for literal shades and a suggestion of a shape

its all about connections but congrats
True money is money ig, but I have integrity so I cringe whenever I think about the low effort paintings people bought because of my connections and not skill. Still really proud of the ortho painting, I'd post it here but they actually made the painting into merch so I wouldn't wanna associate them with this site.
Salty permabeg throwing a hissyfit over something that doesn't affect them at all. Great thread OP, consider offing yourself.
She's making paintings for rich people who don't care how much they spend on their wedding I guess. I was considering trying this because it must be in high demand if people will resort to hiring someone who paints like a 5th grader just so they can have a trendy painting done at their wedding. The artists who can actually paint decently charge thousands for a painting and even those don't look that good due to being painted in a few hours at a wedding reception.
$950 is peanuts. A pro photographer would charge at least 3 times that much. OK the painting doesn't look that good but what do you expect for something painted that fast?
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They're not gonna pose for 5 hours for you to make a good painting, retard. The best you can realistically expect is brian-tier it's-muh-style work and I genuinely doubt brian would bother walking down the street to paint for $950, let alone driving to a wedding.
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>how is this fair?
OP for the love of capitalism learn your shit.
It's all about supply & demand, there's no such thign as fairness when it comes to making money.
If some furfaggot is willing to pay you $200 or more so you draw their fursona sucking werewolves dicks you don't question if it's fair, you take the bag and draw their disgusting fetish.
Why the hell do you care how much that bitch get paid?
If it's so easy then just do the same thing as her.
Wasting time to make a trash thread when you could be drawing baka
I didn't think anyone actually commissioned paintings and for that amount of money no less
Yeah and I never said that, retard. You could commission someone to spend more time and make a good painting from pictures of your wedding for cheaper, but people do this instead mainly because it's a fun event for their wedding party. This is still pretty bad compared to other live paintings I've seen though.
show your work and tell us your rate, you coward!!
>painting from a photo
oh look, it's a begtard
she's essentially getting charity
its not like she's painting for a wedding every week, or even month, hell probably dry for seasons. who gives a shit

all this should tell you is that if you want that kind of money then you do it
I've charged $1200 for a shitty painting of two ugly pugs
You get as much as your client is willing to pay, and you deserve it.
The moral of the story is paint pets OP it's free money.
I live in Brazil. This woman in my city charges R$3,000 for a wedding painting like the one in the example. And it's a minimum amount, she can charge more. For you to understand the absurdity, this value is 2X the minimum wage here.
Disregarding the quality of her art, I've never understood why people think artists should work for pennies. Art is a luxury item.
Dunning Kruger helps here, the less the talent but greater the confidence, the greater the balls.
Women always living life on easy mode.
>listen here peasant, I am an artist and my work is a lux-
>saar, Saar!! Listen to me. I make art cheap for you! Real art on my computer. I do the needful art and price so low you will not redeem it!!! Swear on vishnoo!!!
So what you're saying is we need to genocide pajeets.
its NOT fair. they should give that 950 to me, i deserve it more.
Poor people couldn't even afford a marriage that would be worth painting.
Anything marriage related has a sentimental premium, starting with the ring and ending with the divorce lawyer. And everything in between i.e. catering, venue, wedding planners, tacky paintings etc.
>A friend of mine, a highly successful and very well known painter, calls to say hello and to invite me to an opening.

>I get a great kick out of this guy because, unlike some artists I’ve met, he’s totally unpretentious.

>A few months back he invited me to come to his studio. We were standing around talking, when all of a sudden he said to me, “Do you want to see me earn twenty-five thousand dollars before lunch?” “Sure,” I said, having no idea what he meant. He picked up a large open bucket of paint and splashed some on a piece of canvas stretched on the floor.

>Then he picked up another bucket, containing a different color, and splashed some of that on the canvas. He did this four times, and it took him perhaps two minutes. When he was done, he turned to me and said, “Well, that’s it. I’ve just earned twenty-five thousand dollars. Let’s go to lunch.”

>He was smiling, but he was also absolutely serious. His point was that plenty of collectors wouldn’t know the difference between his two-minute art and the paintings he really cares about. They were just interested in buying his name.

>I’ve always felt that a lot of modern art is a con, and that the most successful painters are often better salesmen and promoters than they are artists. I sometimes wonder what would happen if collectors knew what I knew about my friend’s work that afternoon.

>The art world is so ridiculous that the revelation might even make his paintings more valuable! Not that my friend is about to risk finding out.
Not exactly about what OP wrote but It should be close enough. I personally was looking for a painting of my own. I wanted a painting of aurora borealis; on a canvas; not a print; not ai bullshit; and preferably made by someone who did infact saw it with their own eyes and let me tell you. OP's pic is exactlay what I found. Delusional ex art school nepo girls but 2 examples did stand out the most.
First example, find some promising art, 2 different paintings; one with arcylic and one with oil; the price: 1500€ and 2000€ respectively. WTF, I CAN BUY A FUCKING CRUISE TRIP AND SEE THE BOREALIS WITH MY OWN BARE EYES FOR HALF OF THAT! I COULD BUY THE FUCKING TRIP, PUT ON A BOB ROSS VIDEO AND TRY AND ERROR A FUCKING PAINTING MYSELF FOR LESS THAN THIS AND EVEN IF I FAILED IT WOULD BE MORE REWARDING! And the artist who else but some 2 kid having whale from norway and upon inspecting one of the kids is unironically black with description ''My kids are the light in my life and brightest star'' or something like that YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS SHIT UP IM TELLING YOU I WISH I WAS JOKING, BITCH THE ONLY BRIGHT THING ABOUT ALL OF THIS IS THE FRIDGE LIGHTBULB THAT HAS NEVER GOT ANY REST SINCE 90s!
Second. Another painting, also oil but this time more reasonably priced; 250€; check the dymensions and it turns out to be cheapass A4 sheet... SECOND BITCH WANTS 250€ FOR A FUCKING A4 PAPER, IM NOT PAYING 250€ FOR YOUR HIGH SCHOOL ART HOMEWORK! It has been made by some ex art school hoe in syberia in her 30s. LIKE COMMON, IM NOT PAYING HALF OF YOUR YEARLY SALARY;
MAYBE MORE CONSIDERING YOU ARE ALSO ART SCHOOL RETARD; FOR A FUCKING A4 PAINTING! Oh and the description is like 10 pages or an entire chapter worth of bullshit about her backstory and how she became an artist and how its her ''mission'' to paint and whatever else because im NOT FUCKING READING A LIGHT NOVEL ABOUT YOUR LIFE YOU EGOCENTRIC HOE!
In conclusion, fuck the painting im taking cruise trip and painting it myself!
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Forgot the picture.
>This is your average tradfag
Us digicucks could never reach your level, I kneel.
I don't HATE these, I think the last (bottom right) painting is nice even. That said, it hardly feels to actually capture any particular element of the person's wedding. What's unique about that wedding painting that would obviously show it's YOUR wedding?
So as an on-sight painter, I feel she's somewhat useless.

The kind of time needed for a proper portrait/painting that we're expecting, and the client likely wants, is far too long to be done on-sight however, as this artist point out >>7239375
So some amount of stylisation needs to take place, and I think her work is just a bit too abstract and vague, it needs to be that bit more specific so that certain elements of the day, or characteristics of the people, stick out.

As for the price; she can make it as high as she wants, if people are paying, that's the price it's worth.
They're not lying.
>Poor people couldn't even afford a marriage that would be worth painting.
Love isn't about money :)

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