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It’s over….
I wonder how Nosebro is doing
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I hope people keep coping, staying soft and comfortable within their hugbox like this ngmi. Less competition.
Still drawing his little 3/4th view goblins I reckon
He obviously made it and became an industry professional in record time just like he always said he would..
What if you like referencing but not studying?
Unironically this, i'm not sure i would have made it this far without them
I haven't improved much in 5 years, diminishing returns when you are a master. I just need a bigger budget now.
This reeks of toxic positivity you'd find at Amazon
No you need a different medium when you get to that point. There's less gains in perfecting illustration when you're already a master illustrator so you should try animation instead.
>you should try animation instead
I started there, maybe I should go back
not really. why is it so difficult for you guys to accept that art doesn't necessarily have to be a grueling endeavor for constant improvement for some.
some still find joy in creation even if it's not technically great.
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This, that is the single most tiring thing to see on this board, the constant "if you are not perfect and youre not aspiring to be perfect you should quit and never try and no I dont care if you enjoy yourself fuck you".
Its like if AIfags went full 180° and became extremists of the opposite end, so fucking annoying.
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I bet your art looks like the autismo shit you see on FurAffinity's front page

Pic-related is your artwork
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>always remember to reference
>is it reference or is it tracing
>haha it is reference sir
>look inside
>it's tracing
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Love this little dude.
This is nice
There's a big line between doing something for fun and enjoying profound mediocrity. Maybe I'm just a different kind of person, but I don't understand sinking 100s to 1000s of hours into a hobby/activity and not atleast wanting to improve at it bit by bit.
When you wanna improve, you study. When you wanna just make something with your current skill level and enjoy yourself, you just do it without worrying too much about having it be perfect

You need balance. 100% study will just lead to burnout, and 100% recreation will just lead to stagnation, which makes you unhappy. You need both to truly GMI
I like to check back on this one guy I knew who drew, and their art quality has remained the same for years now. I just check every now and then to see if he will actually improve.
I have someone who asks me how to improve. I hate drawing and i hate practicing, so i cannot in good faith suggest anything. I will never recommend something i would personally never do
This was literally me! Annoyed the shit out of my art friend. He won't respond to my autistic tangents until I send him figure drawings. At least I'm making more progress now
fucking whore
your an actual faggot, get your head out of your ass and actually finish one of your dogshit phone scribbles

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