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Why is this board so obsessed with porn? I don't get it, I am not sure if its just me but art only ever felt good to make when my creativity is being exercised and porn starts to get redundant after a while. Its such a limited topic in the sea of things that could be drawn
good luck getting conversation with that OP lmao
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I rather draw what I like and I happen to like to draw erotica
Porn is easy to draw and it's easy to get likes and validation on the internet from groomers who want you to keep drawing porn for them.
You're on 4chan bud
Plus it's very old and historic subject. People are into it from default
Most of the ppl who are obsessed with it in here either can't get any and/or are into some weird fetishes they have to hide in rl, or aim to exploit financially those who can't get any and/or are into some weird fetishes they have to hide in rl

Drawing porn for fun is a thing when you hit puberty, not when you are a full-blown adult.

And that statue is likely to be a fertility goddess, aka an expression of wonder of birth and not porn per se.
>hurr durr let me project for a bit
>hurr durr it's religious despite predating any other religious items by literally hundreds of thousands of years because ummm shut up
Didn't Moebius draw porn?
i see i hit a nerve.
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I hate porn but I'm terribly addicted to it
Moebius drew a bunch of naked woman, he was french, take this american puritan shit thread outta here
yes, rampant retardation is quite annoying to most people
Because these coomer faggots are emotionally stunted terminally online degenerate perverts with arrested development who are addicted to actual porn.
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where did I say you can't draw porn? I said why is the board so obsessed with it because majority of the threads are about porn. Even from the OP you can use context clues to figure that even I have drawn porn, I just prefer to draw sfw fucking faggot
No, the majority of the board is not porn. You just think it is because your ameriorc eyes are obsessed with finding sin eveywhere
if the thread isn't about demoralizing bait it is 99% gonna be about porn
There's a difference between observing and drawing the nude form and the dumb shit that gets posted here. Don't be obtuse.
as long as you are aware of yours shortcomings it's all good, don't feel bad about it.
Christcucks are a complete blight on civilization. They base their entire life around a schizo desert jew delusion and expect everyone else to also suck kike cock.
why are you quoting your mom on the internet?
it was your mom I was quoting.
even the beg thread is full of porn
There isn't a single "sfw only" artist on twitter that isn't an actual child molester
but if she also isn't a degenerate what happens when she sees what you draw
Moebius is a bad example to posture as a non porn kinda guy because he did a lot of porn too.
I really do like how he draws women in the Incal. Super simple lines, but very sensual and soft looking flesh without rendering much.
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Sex is probably life's most powerful motivation.
A lot of us are probably aware our ideas are shit ripoffs and amalgamations of media we like and not worth doing more than daydreaming about them.
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You are a degenerate pervert and you project your dramas of cuckold oppressed onto others, look idiot, don't involve everyone in your fucking filthy life of a failure, faggot.
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>Sex is probably life's most powerful motivation.

Sure, for people who don't have sex like you.

Sure, for people who don't have sex like you.
I post my real work on other sites, I only go on 4chan to post drawings that I wouldn't post on other sites, here are random unsuccessful people who masturbate to any doodle that is shaped like an ass, tits, vagina and penis.
It's the ligne claire style. When mangaka saw it it blew their minds. A lot of modern manga owes its style to Moebius.
For me personally it's what I have passion for. I've looked up to JP hentai artists for over a decade, and legitimately enjoy the artistry of it. For a long time there weren't as many maliciously-crazy people in the NSFW art circles either, and compared to what I see in SFW circles it still seems like the amount is lower.
There's also an inherent barrier to degraded experiences because children are not allowed and everyone is hypervigilant for kicking under-18s out of the spaces, as well as - in the places I tend to hang in - a mutual, reciprocated understanding of "we're all weird here" so conflicts over content don't go beyond a simmer if they do come up.

Admittedly I also exist in fetish areas so there's a further element of filtering. But in general the nuances of how all these NSFW things differ or are interesting or make me go "this is shit" are easily apparent to me and a normal process of examination and critique.

If it isn't your thing that's understandable.
Art would be boring without it exaltating different elements of beauty, and no human individually has enough time to explore every facet.
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>Sex is probably life's most powerful motivation.

Yes of course, virgin
>Christcucks are a complete blight on civilization.

>Sex is probably life's most powerful motivation.
How would you prove that it's porn, and not an innocent depiction of an average naked woman?

Like, African tribal women don't cover their boobs, and for a man to be sexually aroused by boobs is considered weird, because boobs are to feed babies, not for sex.

So it's a reasonable hypothesis to think that the same kind of rule would apply to primitive people. It's also reasonable to think that your point of view is influenced by the social cultural context in which you evolve.

"Sex maniac" used to be a niche behavior, probably because of religious influences. As religions disappeared, and with easy porn access, most people now are sex maniacs.

But most people still don't publicly show it off. So they hang around in anonymous places like this one. And that's why this board is so obsessed with porn.
Not a Christian, but that's not what's happening, in the general case. There are a few zealots, but they're not representative of what's happening.

For example, I've heard a few people who at some point have, and haven't been among religious groups. And they say that a perk of religious groups is the social links: there's always someone to help you with your kids, to lend you something, you're not as socially isolated, and so forth.

My parents are highly irreligious, in their 60s, and dude, it's pitiful how lonely they are. Somewhat "socially feral" even.
You're on a website where more than half the traffic is for porno. And more than half of the porn available is so absurd, physically impossible or disgusting that it can't even feasibly be done irl, it has to be artistic rendition. I don't like it any more than you do but complaining about it is futile. Normal people lurking here have resigned themselves to the presence of these undesirables and their mental illness. There's just no other place where you can speak on a level social playing field to others who are also interested in art. Everything else is shitty discord mod power tripper twitter famous pangender ebin secret group chat clique time. At least here we can ignore the coom addicts or call them faggots without getting flayed by orbiters.
> Its such a limited topic in the sea of things that could be drawn
You imply that everything that could be done, should be done, because you are most likely an idiot
Most people care about porn because it pays the bills
"But I could draw a dolphin with a yellow dress, smoking a cigar haha! Wouldn't that be something you've never seen?!!"
Just because you can create something, doesn't mean that that is going to have value, just ask your parents
You imply that things have value JUST because they haven't been done before
Economic scarcity don't apply to creativity
Once you get to the point where you can finish a character illustration in under 2 hours it kind of becomes a case of why not. You get to spend an hour drawing something that activates your neurones, is functionally 0 commitment and you double dip on the neurone activation when you see number go up. Bonus points if you're elevating a relatively untapped niche.
There's some hypothesis that the venus of willendorf type shit was made by women who were sculpting what they see. Some DONT YOU LIKE SCIENCE rags picked it up a while ago and so there was a set of feminists who were all "yass another win for girls as art landmarks!"

... But if it were true it would mean that such primitive women might fail the mirror test...

More than that, you could draw that dolphin with big bazongas and it would also qualify lmao
Big fat bitches were a rarity during those times. The statue represents ideal woman of those times: well enough fed that they got fat meaning they lived nice comfortable life with no starving, big tits, ass and thighs to show they were healthy and desirable and also pregnant with viewer's cum.
Yea the "self-portrait hypothesis" is assuming the women were looking down at their own bodies and sculpting what they saw. Which, if true, would have to be profoundly stupid to result in a 3d-sculpture like that
Or it's a pregnant woman depicted at maximum fertility used as a charm for the hunter gatherer women who would have had a hard time birthing and feeding kids during the ice age. Shamans doing mystic stuff were a staple of these cultures and shamans were also overwhelmingly if not exclusively women. Females literally still do this shit today by wearing crystals and doing astrology. Whoever made it was surviving just south of the Scandinavian ice sheet. They aren't going to be so frivolous as to just make random statues to decorate around their temporary tents. The fact that the artifact survived at all implies its importance, plus it somehow survived traveling from the Alps to Austria where it was dug up.
For me drawing is a compulsion, a strong desire to put an idea I just came up with on paper. I think it's like for anyone who even remotely enjoys drawing. For most it just happens to be sex ideas because people think about sex more often than about any other topic. And generally the positive response you get from it outweighs the negative

You also ask this in a board where pornographic content is allowed to be posted. It doesn't take much to grab a pencil, draw a naked person and post it. So they just... do it. It's like asking why humans are so obsessed with sex. It's just what people do

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