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>put in dozens if hours into learning fundies and rendering
>only draw anime characters posing in voids
fuck off
that's why you should study renaissance paintings
I draw anime characters standing in black void getting groped by robots anon... There's a difference.
Why do you care what other people draw?
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well, I'm not very creative
why would you pick up art?
>only draw madonnas posing in green voids
Well, just learn how to draw backgrounds then.
What's even stopping you?
Stop posting stupid shit online and fucking draw.
I don't think OP was talking about himself
Yeah, my bad, just noticed
You're not me
It is rude to butt in people's conversations like that
wow, dozens of hours
what else is there to draw? I don't want to draw retarded trees and roads and houses. I only want to draw cute girls.
very simple minded
the key word is "learning"
I don't think the people making throw away anime pin up art spend hundreds od hours studying, or else they would actually draw full pieces, or at least ones that have some meaning past being bottom of the barrel eye candy
>very simple minded
As if that was something bad.
'tis the fate of every japanese xitter artist...
as if someone that puts no brainwork into art would ever make something that leaves any sort of lasting impression
might aswell just play around with midjourney at that point
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>everyone that is learning to draw is doing it to be the next Miguel Angelo
>Everyone who doesnt try to be the next Miguel Angelo is on the same boat as the AIfags
>If you dont have the same autistic ambition that I have you suck and you should stop drawing forever and ever
>if you're not drawing floating anime girls then you must be trying to outdo the renaissance painters
Yep, only those two things can be true, there's nothing else that can be achieved through art. Seems about right.
how do you know someone who *only* draws "anime character posing in voids" had put dozen of hours into fundamentals? and what fundamentals specifically?
basic anatomy and perspective
I like drawing
well you see my nigga jucari

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