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what happened here at her neck on top?
how would you fix this?
what do you mean what happened, it's the artist trying to replicate the swell of the nape of the neck/upper back.

The only thing that would make sense to do would be to try and define the top of the shoulder more so it's less ambiguous.
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I'm getting ayylmao vibes
i would fuck them both
thats what a neck looks like
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I think the tits and clavicle are too high (probably still to high in my pic) which raises the neck too far above the shoulder
probably needs a way to show the shoulder blade too
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Both wrong.
in ops image, the back slopes too soon
in the corrected image, it's still the same problem.
the back arches a bit more before it slopes, this is because of the scapula.
different angle, op horizon line is much higher, the frog perspective in your exaggerates the curve
also, edit the image, those words mean nothing, this is a visual board
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I've seen worse. like when when the artist tries to draw tits and ass in the same shot
I've seen proof of breast and butt being able to be seen irl in weird angles like that, someone posted a pic of it long time ago. A sneaky mistake in these poses is forcing the head to turn as if it was in frontal view.
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yeah , it can work. something like this. you just cant twist her around like a pretzel so much
still looks fucked
Forget the neck. You made her way too dark. She supposed to be a tanned nippon
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nta but he's right
simple as
cope and seethe
sneed and feed
fuck and suck
>i know better than kubo
fuck off
where did I say that you dumb nigger
I literally posted a screenshot from an official bleach game that states she has tanned skin, are you retarded or just a cocksucking faggot?
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When you pretend some literallywho secondary product trumps kubo's own art that I posted, you dumb nigger secondary
Nobody said she's not tan, retard, the claim was
>You made her way too dark
She's dark as fuck
>retarded faggot doesn't realize that they work with kubo and even have characters from his new manga in the game
keep coping nigger
shut the fuck up cunt
calm down
Cope harder, she's darker than literal niggers.

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