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File: 30 minute penguin study.png (656 KB, 1000x1000)
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There are 1.7 million species on Earth, surely you can draw something else besides humans?

This is my 30 min study of a penguin. Truly, the best.
Who else but a flightless bird could be so emblematic of the struggle, but also so loveable?
Looks good. Which program do you use to draw?
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I tried, If someone can guess the breed I will call it a success
rottweiler, I didn't know how to resolve the black coat in 15 min without ending with a huge mess, I will try again tomorrow.
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Cute penguin
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Dunno if I did this in a half hour,but it's qualifying if old.
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>Looks good. Which program do you use to draw?

Art studio Pro on Ipad pro. My background is mainly traditional, but I have forced myself to do digital anyways and believe I've finally found the settings that work.

Do not use standard pressure curve, use perpendicular pressure setting. (ASP has this setting under settings > apple pencil but I suppose if you invert the pressure curve diagonal 180 you could achieve the same effect in any program)
Both lines 1 and 2 were drawn with the same exact pressure and stroke, but 2 is darker where 1 is light and vice versa. IDK why, but having the hard pressure = light stroke feels more natural and i prefer the result.

3)disable tilt.
4) size is fixed, and unaffected by pressure and is instead a constant size. do not set pressure = size.

this has no number but pressure = opacity, not size.

5)square stamp as brush, not hard round.

optional 6) if screen cracks buy hdmi to usbc connect to tv.
7) attach actual feather to pen with tape if you want more from the shoulder drawing.
How does one study in just 30 minutes?
Am I meant to just simply draw it to the best of my abilities?
there's lots of different ways you could study in just 30 minutes. e.g., draw and shade using only straight lines (or curves), break the subject down into two values, try to get the best lineart while utilising comparative measurements (or just eyeball it as best you can), etc. there's a lot (you) can do, and it's always (you)'re choice.
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this took around 70 minutes, I can't paint that fast
I love cockatoos
you're a filthy fucking cheater, but I'll be damned if that bird doesn't look nice
I tried to do an owl, but I failed miserably.
Have a bump instead.
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not a favorite, but i thought golden langur monkeys are expressive for what they are
post it
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bumping with old study. Nice thread for a change.
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based nature enjoyers
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20 min

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