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No idea how to do gesture drawing because every tutorial assumes you know basic poportions
Maybe you want to study propotions?
Then check out basic proportions, ya dingus.
how do I even do that when that becomes figure drawing and anatomy.

I'm starting to see why people say this board gives shitty advice.
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By studying.
Don't Howie me. I'm obviously coming here for advice because I'm doing the work and it's not going as well as I think it should.
Well if your problem is not knowing basic proportions, the most logical thing would be studying the basic proportions.
There are plenty of art study books and tutorials that cover the subject. If I were you, I would also study anatomy of artists whose style you like. There are some basic rules but different artist stylize their anatomy differently. So learn the basics and then check how your fav artists' spice their anatomy to find a style that works for your needs.
general observational skills cover basic proportions, this is a prerequisite skill you should develop before starting with gesture drawing.
How about the basics? What's your recommendation for artbooks that cover basic anatomy?
Loomis https://illustrationage.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/andrew-loomis-figure-drawing-for-all-its-worth.pdf

But you can pic any study book that suits your needs.
Just do it like the OG Kimon Nicolaïdes wanted.
The thing nobody here is saying:
You're supposed to do gesture drawing with a reference and just draw what you see. As a beginner you can't expect to use gesture for drawing from imagination out the gate. By all means still draw from imagination between grind sessions, but most beginner advice is boring as fuck copying in order to to both train you to pay attention to the shit you miss in your daily life and put reps in so you improve your hand coordination.
Post an example of you gesture sketches. I want to see what you mean by you don't understand proportions. It could be you're very close just too in your head about it.
I'm always using references for my gesture drawings, I guess I'm moreso referring to my small understanding how to convey it.

They're basically dynamic stick figures since I don't have strong understanding of the human form.
Well it's hard to give constructive feedback without seeing your work. Otherwise I'd have to just give you generic advice of draw until you know proportion intuitively. It's thankfully one of the easier things to pick up.
Use directional shapes. Build things out of D-shapes and Teardrop-shapes. Full loops. Don't bother with the gay ass swoop marks it gives you nothing. You are supposed to go fast and not really give a shit as long as you are building up something as an approximation in under 30 seconds
Oh shit some real advice and not the gay vague nonsense other anons itt are yapping about. Thanks will try this
A lot of advice assumes one has a baseline understanding unfortunately. If you are a total beginner and
>aren't already immersed in art by just existing alongside artists AND
>your art education in school was shit AND
>you did not start drawing obsessively from a non-self-aware age AND
>are not a normie

Then you'll find few people willing to help and you kind of need to autodidact a baseline by learning a good chunk of art terminology so you're better able to ask meaningful questions and pick what you want to practice from day to day.
I have came to a conclusion that some people really do need an "education" when it comes to art, in the sense that they are forced to do certain things. I grow up drawing all my life and even without the proper terminalogy when my life drawing professor started demonstrate gesture drawing I immediately understand what they were doing.

The thing is though, gesture drawing is the baseline because its instruction is "look at things, draw it, and do it fast". it covers the very basic of the observational practice, and while there are techniques that can make you more efficient, the most basic practice you an do in drawing is to "look at this thing , and draw it". It serves multiple purposes, it familiarize yourself with observational practice as well as with handling of materials, and finally once you start you can provide work for critique, which is the most prevailing practice for improving. additionally, it teaches you to not baby your drawings, there are a lot of self studies that tend to want to spend a whole lot of time for things that are design to be studies, but in fact should be disposable. unfortunately, when you are doing it at home, you don't get professor stopping you from babying your drawings, or to do quick demos about specific techniques, and if you want that kind of instructions, you might as well take life drawing classes.

I'll mention that there are some complaints , at least in my college, that human body is too complicated for beginners , and it was problematic Drawing 101 wasn't a prerequisite for taking mixed level figure drawing classes, because people are not familiar with observational drawing practices somehow and professor needed to take out extra instruction time to have them go back to the basics.
Your response has made me no longer want to help you faggot. You were asked to provide your work and you refused. Stay bad.
ironically all your little sketch people lack gesture
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well, nowadays I generally combine "gesture" with construction, you kind of have to squint but its there. It'll be more expressive depending on what type of momentum I needed to capture with the pose.
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>writes a blog about gesture drawing
>posts chicken scratched contour drawings
the contour are the gestures, frog kun, because that's the aspect of the pose those lines captured, "the gestures". Although here are an older studies where "line of actions" are used, but its not a necessity to be considered a gesture drawing in my opinion.
I don't think proportion is necessary nor the point of gesture drawing, at least on a very basic level, especially like 30-1 min figure drawings. It's meant for capture the movement or flow. Proportion can be studied separately so that it can be applies in future figure drawing sessions.
How much time is it per figure? 60 secs?
3 minutes >>7241014 >>7241055

30 seconds. >>7241065
do you think it is humanly possible to do what you did in 60 secs?
not in the exact same thing as >>7241055 , but to some extend. I am not pushing myself very hard on the 3 minutes, its more of a leisurely doodle to shake off some rust, 30 seconds or 1 minutes are more about concision and you needed to make decision quickly. Like here it is a timelapse I did for 60 seconds each, some of those poses are easier to capture than others. In general with 60 seconds you'll need to pair down what you can put down, I'd start with the torso and the line going down the spine, follow by legs and arms. It doesn't matter where the head at the mid point because its the least articulated extremities and you can infer its position from the direction of the spine.
I'm Op, that wasn't me

This also isn't me

Not me

These are my posts.
I'm OP, this guy isn't me.
I'm OP none of these faggots are me
Nobody knows. It’s just “quick sketch” before it got branded to sell books. If you package it into a formula it does more harm than good for a beginner because they’ll restrict themselves to the textbook explanation. And if you bounce from person to person trying to explain gesture you’ll find nobody really knows.
>if you bounce from person to person trying to explain gesture you’ll find nobody really knows.
why don't they just say it's basically exaggerating poses? why do you need gesture for that anyway? nothing about it is anatomically correct and you draw on top of it to make it look not retarded after
thanks anon, appreciate it for the reply. it seems I was way too harsh on my 60 secs gestures.

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