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>sees a good drawing
>no signature or it's outright illegible
>no links to blog

Is it that hard to sign your shit? Why would anyone neglect that?
mebi I just like to draw, put it in some random place and be like "hey, look at this thing I made! ..okay bye!!"
My fav artist doesn't sign their work so neither will I. You can find everything I draw in my art accounts and if someone posts them around, just ask the person who posted them where they got it
This, only things I ever signed were the stuff I did when I was like 14, nowadays I just do whatever I want and if someone happens to like it then so be it.
I do not wish to be known. I will crop dust you with my art and you'll never know who it was but you'll love the smell
because artists are retards
pyw. bitch.
I only sign the back of trad paintings. Digital it's like, shit man, idgaf. Exposure is exposure. If you like it that much you'll find me.
fuck off, schizo

that's fine

> Exposure is exposure
There is no exposure if nobody knows who you are.

> If you like it that much you'll find me.
That's fine if you dgaf, the chance of someone doing that is miniscule.
PYW! NOW!!!!!
>sign your shit?
That's not a bad idea really. But no one's seeing my work anyway. It's doomed to rot at the bottom of the Internet
>I don't care
But you should. Literally everyone benefits from this. You get people who like your work, people get more of your work. Isn't reaching out to people who resonate with your ideas and maximising your target audience the goal of art? Every artist wants to be heard afaik. Until reverse image search become 100% accurate, why not make it easier for everyone?
> Until reverse image search become 100% accurate

Even with that, do not underestimate the audience unwillingness to be detracted. Only someone who really like your art, and I mean really, would stop doing whatever they were doing and go look if there is a chance to find more. At best, they are going to type "who is this artist?" and then forget about it the moment after.
>You get people who like your work
That requires someone to actually see the art and share it outside of social media
More like you underestimate the importance of communities and targeted art. A signature doesn't mean shit until it does.
if you don't want to sign your work, don't. idgaf how much exposure your art will have anyway.
And idgaf that you don't understand basic marketing.
Your marketing is irrelevant when your pic ends up on pinterest or anything equivalent to it, with not credit.
> if someone posts them around, just ask the person who posted them where they got it
Lmao, gl with that, unless you’re so well known, the reposter wouldn’t even bother naming you and many of the comments wouldn’t either. Seeing art post on insta with 100k+ likes and none of the comments give source is too damn high.
They can easily find me even if the poster who posted my stuff didn't direct them to me. Anyone into my art are bound to use art sites and are aware of the scene's artists or know how to find them by searching themselves or asking from others who are into the scene.
dont like my work so i dont think i really need to sign it
I don't like signing my own artwork. It gives a "look at me! Look at me!" vibe. Though I dont care if anyone else does it.
reverse image search
legit uploaders either paid for the rights or they will give credit. You obviously hang out on pirate communities(like 4chan) so what do you expect?
>Be leddit reposters
>goes the extra length to crop out the teeny tiny signature at the edge
Why do some people do this?
Because they have no interest in sending traffic to the artist, that's counterproductive for them, they want to be that acc that find unique shit and thous get all the traffic.
same reason resellers don't point you to where they get their merch
but not galleries, interesting how digital art is nothing but commodity where the maker is irrelevant.
this, i don't sign the ones i think is trash
Some of us don't give a shit about le ego masturbation
>noooo you can't repost my work, that's MINE!!!!
Art is art, fuck off
>noooo you can't repost my work, that's MINE!!!!
your ability to jump into irrelevant conclusions is amazing.
>t. begtard desperate for any modicum of validation
once your art actually garners attention by default, you'll change your larp
Nah people do not care. If you stopped drawing one day, or even died they would just move on.
>spend hours carefully constructing and drawing something
>see something simple and cool
>looks like it took no more than 5 minutes to sketch out
>maximum appeal, 1000 likes (uploaded 10 minutes ago)
>spend hours constructing
plight of the constructioncel...
People can tell at a glance you spent too much time constructing because you haven't mentally internalized construction yet.
didnt, but the state of the internet radicalized me into caring about making sure things lead back to me.
Signature ruins the beauty of a drawing
How good do I have to be before I can sign my work?
I'm nowhere near good enough to worry about sharters stealing the dung I churn out.
You saw what the internet has become and you actually want things to lead back to you on it?
I literally just forget. Sucks too since I know at least a few things I've done have disseminated without a path to the source. They can still be found with saucenao but not everyone knows about that.
That would require coming up with a name to sign my art under.
that's why trad masters never sold a single painting, because they would sign them and they would be so ruined nobody wanted to buy them.
I don't want you to find me scrub
I sign my work regardless, can't depend on reverse image search and reposters to source my stuff and I never will.
Most people don't because doing so takes additional work and these fucks are already lazy as shit. The few who do don't matter because the OG is what gets spread around unless you make something that's otherwise not got long-term appeal (like boring generic fantasy landscape that is "neat" for about 2 hours.)

Extend the canvas a few dozen px and use a legible font to add it into this new white/black/colorspace at the bottom. EZ.
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>Artist signature is a random small doodle with no name and I'm just supposed to know whose it's from because he's "popular" and "everyone knows it's his symbol/icon"
>Artist signature is one of those fucking illegible signatures that people use to sign real life documents
I hate these the most
This is unironically what I do, I like to sign my stuff because it makes them feel "mine", but I dont want people to track me back.
when I get big, I'll do both of these, but as overlapping watermarks over the entire image
>Why would anyone neglect that?

1-It's just a habit that I don't. I honestly don't think of doing it
2-Because signing my work before I've reached full master level feels a little egotistical or bad karma. When somebody wants my autograph then I'll feel like it would be warranted to start doing.
Because I don't want people to get mad and call me a shill...
I'll only start signing my stuff the moment when/if it gets used to sell or gets reuploaded on tiktok for views.
I only sign paintings I make for my grandmother. I paint stuff for her a lot, she gets really upset when there isn't a signature.
I love her so much. Don't know what I'll do when she's gone.
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It's Another Day in Paradise for him.
I'm not good enough.
Not him but what's the alternative? If I don't construct proportions are wrong, joints are out of place. Memory? I'd just trace and adjust at that point and save myself thousands of hours of grinding since I'm digital.

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