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Is it wise to make your art look less anime to avoid being called a weeb? I study fundamentals and draw from life often too, but the association with the current day anime community and other weirdos just makes me sick to think about
Dumbest thread all week and the week just started. Avoid being called a weeb by who? What association? You’re not an anime fan to begin with; you’re a fake. Nobody who is passionate about something just lets outsiders “associate” with their hobby without speaking up. I speak up no matter what and let this site do the rest of the lifting.

It works. Time and time again I’ll see anons repeat what I have said. Fighting back works.
It is wise for you to stop making threads that you already know the answer to, and just draw for goodness sake
If you make your art looks like PSG then you'll be labelled as a PSG clone or Triggerfags, or both.
Anime doesn't have a set art style to begin with
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>Is it wise to make your art look less anime to avoid being called a weeb?
Yes. This is why you want to study renaissance artists.
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As long as you don't draw lolis nobody will think you're a creep. Anime is generally widely accepted now, but everybody gives lolis the sideye.
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Gabe thread

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