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>Artist says their work sucks
>Look at it
>Coolest shit you've ever seen
Why is this so common?
Because they're trying to bait you into looking at their art, and you fell for it.
i dont like my work partly because its bad and partly because its really bad compared to what i want it to look like so i consider it sucky
fishing for compliments
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Ego and need of approval.

I personally think my work is special because i made it. I created it, which is why i haven't shown my art to anyone.
We're our own biggest critic anon, and some people suffer from it to an extreme.
There have been times when I was hotly ashamed of a piece of work I've made, and never showed it to anyone; only to look at it some time later and completely change my mind on it.
For me it’s because I’m just never quite where I want to be. There’s always gonna be a style I want to try, a way to render that I think is too good to be true, a level of validation I don’t have. It’s the curse of art really. You’ll alway improve if you want to, but you’ll never be truly TRULY satisfied with your current stuff. Which also makes it the blessing, because it’s going to motivate you forever.
imposter syndrome and dunning kruger is very high in the art. It's either you feel like garbage/not good enough or feel like hot shit and the best artist there are despite being trash. There's no in-between, same with programming as well.
>>Artist says their work sucks
Yeah, but I'm not buying it. I've seen plenty of artists moaning about how their art sucks and how they'll never reach their true potential, but the moment you criticize their art they get all pissy and defensive and now *suddenly* their art isn't so bad anymore.
Some are just fishing for compliments, others are neurotic and have emotional issues.
One good tell would be how they take criticism and if they are prone to wiping their older artwork of their galleries.
I don't have faith in my skills because my art lacks consistency. It feels like half the time I just can't come up with ANY ideas. I'm creatively empty which makes me feel like a fraud. At this point art is my best career path, but I don't believe in myself because I can't lock in whenever I sit down to work.
Because my art does suck, I know that, and the few times I have shown it here people have made sure to tell me that.
>if they are prone to wiping their older artwork of their galleries.
I feel called out.
>There have been times when I was hotly ashamed of a piece of work I've made, and never showed it to anyone; only to look at it some time later and completely change my mind on it.
Same. I reorganize my saved works folder from time to time and am usually pleasantly surprised and proud of the pieces I see even though they occupied my "forgotten bad works" space in my mind beforehand.
>if they are prone to wiping their older artwork of their galleries
What's that supposed to tell you exactly?
Almost every artist has a love-hate relationship with their art it's extremely common. I suppose it's because of the ego + when you look at your own art a lot you start getting bored by it.
This and this thread are why when people ask if I'm any good, I just tell them I'm "fine" or "half-decent." If they're still surprised then hit em with the "I could be a lot better" or "there's a lot I still want to learn."
A lot of people have improved from criticizing themselves.

Not everyone takes it to the *extreme* though.
Because nobody likes their own work.
If they did they'd only draw for themselves.
Beg or pro, you'll always think your own work suck. And that's alright, it helps you keep improving. Just keep the dark thoughts at bay
if they really thought it sucked they wouldn't post it
Because my art does suck.
>Artist says their work sucks
>if it's not suck = get praised
>if it's suck = ok
no hard feeling

>Artist says their work cool
>if it's not cool = lmao
>if it's cool = ok
hard feeling
Just, like, think positive thoughts
how the fuck do people draw cool things? I see incomplete sketches that are dripping with soul and I have NO idea how they do it. Its obviously not intentional because I don't think they decide "okay I'm going to draw this guy looking up and to the left, but only draw half the face, and I'll add these extra 5 strokes around his face, and then I will color only these parts and go outside the lines here here and here"
it's true that some do it to fish for praise, but most artists only see the mistakes in their work. learning when to let a piece be done is a skill on its own.
The trick is to never start.
It's called being humble and also showcasing and a higher level of taste level.
>Call yourself a god
>Gets shat on for shilling and being condescending
>Call yourself shit
>Get called a attention seeking troon for it
You can't win.
Just don't say anything and pump art out without ever saying a word or injecting anything divisive/opinionated into your work
people paint a target on their back for trolls the moment they exude any kind of self confidence.

The best thing any artist can do for themselves is keep their mouth shut. Don't gloat, dont self depricate, but also don't take shit.
Something that happened to me recently when meeting such self-critical/praising artists, but this led me to think this bullshit...

Sometimes I think it's also because some people describe their work that gives an untrue value to what is being said about their work.
I say I'm the best artist in the world, I never make mistakes, but if you see my works you can see that they aren't great as I said before... they are full of errors and they look like a child's drawings, so this means that what I said is something completely false.

The same goes for this.
I say I suck at drawing, but if you see my works they're not that bad.

Obviously this is my idiot hypothesis but I wanted to post it here.
However, remember that this is not always the case!
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Good artists tend to be self critical and want to achieve a really high standard. People say this is for egotistical narcicists but I think it's the opposite. An egotistical person will say everything they make is good.
People who draw their work have to look at it and it's flaws for a lot longer than the viewer, the more skilled you are the more flaws you can see.
If you were an artist yourself you wouldnt need to ask this question

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