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that's not the fat guy with a ponytail
how do I draw gesture/lineofaction/whateverthefuck when this nigga is straight up straight??
LOLLLLL I stopped using quickposes specifically because of this guy. I thought I was the only one.
muscle gesture, tension. C S I lines
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They really need to update their library. I've been seeing the same shit for a while now
where is his foreskin
why homie got A cups
Gynomactsica or whatever
Looks like NMA knows their audience.
>see face
>scroll down
not again
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Yeppp. I use line of action, adorkastock(formerly senshistock) and sketchdaily for figure sketching.
Posemaniacs is pretty good if you're doing a hybrid of figure drawing and anatomy study sesh but the models are only 3d and
Referenceangle for head references from a specific angle.
wtf? Did you or did they photoshop a penis onto that person????
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You motherfucker, stop ruining my favorite poserfu.
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with or without dick it looks like a fucking trap
You do some nude modeling, prepared for shitty drawings or creepos masturbating to you, and instead get a bunch of photoshops of yourself with a dick.
I suppose this still belongs in the 'creepos masturbating to you' category.
he is no longer a problem. curate your own, use gesturedrawing!
i got like 300k+ ref, i never need to use one of those premade gesture draw sites, theyre kinda shit. if you don't want to then youtube has better timed stuff, original content usually
The absolute state of closet tranny chasers
I hate that fat fuck holy shit, nobody wants to draw fat people
The New masters troons academy
gay thread
Oh fuck
Which is the original, the one with a cock or the one without???
> okay class, we can see from the bone structure that this is still a male
It's shopped, I can tell from the pixels and from seeing quite a few cocks in my time.
Nice ass
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Love me perflat goddess, it's a shame her photoshoot quality is bad but that's not her fault.
oh fuck, don't tell me this is real???
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well-shaven pubescent young man with a perky ass and gynecomastia, incredible what synthetic hormones do.
not sure which model ur talking about, but always thought fat peeps were the funnest to draw. a little tired of drawing generic human A and B
fat deposits have so much organic flow
whats this bald bitch's @?
That's not me.
Is that you?
These are more interesting than these >>7241858
I thought it was a girl
Ironically, she looks like me when I was a teenager, but with abs and without the tits.
She has no tits.
No, i'm the blonde fringe guy
Now that I look at her closely, she looks like a teenage boy,
So she looks like me, but without abs
>someone added a dick to one of the hottest NMA models
What the fuck is wrong with you? Coomers are mentally ill retards and the fact their vote carries the same weight as mine is absolutely deranged. Good thing future societies will learn from our mistakes.
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>the fact their vote carries the same weight as mine is absolutely deranged
It comes off less like coomer behavior and more like seething fat woman behavior
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Her body has this plump toneness to it similar to a pizza dough. Quite nice to look at, easy to read muscle forms, gestural lithe, the only thing bothering me is how fucking greasy her hair is.
Learning to draw bald people will only be helpful
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>the only thing bothering me is how fucking greasy her hair is.
ok hairdresser
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You are so retarded that you don't know how to distinguish between wavy hair and greasy hair.
It is a raw bread with a human shape
Definitely unwashed
>face drawing session
What's wrong with his face?
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>the only thing bothering me is how fucking greasy her hair is
NGMI, bald models are the best for learning head anatomy
I don't know what website it was, but I decided to do some gesture drawings. As I was doing the session I remember this nude man (I think he had a mask on) just showing off his ass. The quality of the photo wasn't good, the lighting was too yellow and the picture was slightly grainy with blown out lighting.
I thought that was odd, and skipped to the next image, but I kept on getting more and more of his pictures during the session. My 'this is someone fetishdar' started going off like a Giger counter. The last image was him with this legs wide open showing his hole. I noped out of there in disgust. Did anyone else see them?

TL;DR: Some exhibitionist coomer flooded a timed pose website with his filthy content.
This is a good premise for a horror story
you know
This should be in a >"/ic/ green text general thread"
Feel free to make one, could be funny. Just don't want it to be coomer-filled if that's the OP example.
learning to draw faces from all races will give you the ability to be racist with much precision and deep knowledge.

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