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How do I reach this skill level realistically
That's all you're aspiring to? Aim higher than that man...
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Im "following the money" as they say. They're already at 6k followers. The style is appealing enough I think, looks easily attainable.
It's probably not the style that attracted the audience, some artists just good at social
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I do not think they would have art with thousands of likes if that were the case.
Post your work
This. Post multiple examples of your work if you want a realistic answer.
Just read bridgman
draw for 4 years and youll be there champ
Just use AI bro everyone else is.
Tell me she's carrying her own dick in that bag
ptsm shows nothing
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Normies are so fucking cringe, jesus
That's it?

Please say sike, I have seen people learn in far less time.



fuck you
had this mentality in my 20's
art isn't something you go into for the money
start a business, I can guarantee there's at least 10 different businesses you can bootstrap for less than a grand and over the course of a week that will pay significantly more than art will during the same amount of time
>but muh furries
If you aspire to make $2-3k a month after years of study (with that income fully subject to income tax, mind you) drawing diaperfur and scaly vore, you are beyond saving
you sound desperate for cash - get two minimum wage jobs for 6 months and learn a decent skill on the weekends, then decide if you still want to spend years learning just to whore your time and pieces
Just drawr
it's like boomers discovered memes
>monster girl
By practicing you stupid motherfucker
Muscle Ear Man in the background is killing me
okay alex

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