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>see a sweet drawing
>want to find out who the author is
>see signature in the corner

Why do artfags do this?

>inb4 OP can't read cursive xd I can read this perfectly fine

go ahead then
too bad there isn't a way to search for images on google
sometimes it works, other times it doesn't
>melanin thread
For me, it's artists who do this.
For me I feel like it’s a subtle way to let people who follow you that it’s your stuff. Plus personally, plastering a social media handle or watermark on my art just seems really intrusive and gaudy
you can just draw your @poopface somewhere in the corner, subtly, nicely, tastefully
it doesnt have to be a shit ass watermark that covers half the thing
like come on
do you not want exposure? do you not want someone who stumbles on your thing to become a follower???
What even is this?
the best artists don't even use a signature lol

A signature asserts dominance.
Which is a mistake since reverse-searching a picture leads to nothing but pajeet AI slop now. An identifier in the corner of a drawing may well be the difference between somebody getting to enjoy more of your content or your content becoming lost in the sea of trash.
>Why do artfags do this?
Relic from the pre-digital days. The purpose was to make a complex enough signature that it increased the difficulty of forgeries. Some made them stylized enough to act as a sort of logo.

What most people miss is that any physical piece of art that the artist (or the commissioner/buyer) felt was worth anything would write on the backside to show who did it, the title, and typically when it was made.

Despite the shift to digital, artists just kept doing it because it's "what you're supposed to do, right?" and they think it makes them seem more professional, when we don't have a "back side" of the image for the relevant info now. It's more important IMO to treat a digital piece like a polaroid, extend it out in one or more directions to "frame" it and write the info in that new margin.

Yea someone could crop it out, but most people won't because they don't even know how to use a rectangle tool to censor names in screenshots completely.
And yet I can instantly tell that's the wonderful Jeffrey Jones. Actually quite a unique signature.
Great artists assert their dominance through their art, not a signature.
You don't have a single fine art painting on your home walls.
yeah i just put my twitter handle in the corner of my artwork in full caps.

The average normie is too lazy or stupid to reverse image search.

You also have to remember that if your artwork gets popular it will likely get shared across many group chats, discord servers and indian facebook groups. Your artwork will keep getting jpeg-compressed until you can count the individual pixels.
an unreadable signature or some weird logo won't do shit at that point. Keep your signature clean and readable, and don't shy away from making it bigger.

>>see a sweet drawing
>>want to find out who the author is
>>see signature in the corner
I have the same issue with cosplayers who refuse to watermark their photos. I once argued with one cosplayer, who complained about uncredited reposts on reddit, that if she had watermarked her shit, she at least would gain some new followers from uncredited reposts. She instead argued that if people weren't shitty assholes, this problem wouldn't exist in the first place.
pipe down sweetie and pyw
i do this when i don't want the art to get traced back to me, but want to my name on something im proud of making

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