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Post your average estimates for the below milestones assuming a reasonable art curriculum.

pre/beg/ -> high
high/beg/ -> mid
mid/int/ -> high
high/int/ -> adv

im a little over 18 months in and am low int by this boards standards, curious how much longer until I'm considered decent.

Around 4,500 hours of investment for absolute fundies, high/beg bordering on mid
Source: european credit transfer system clocks a bachelor's art degree in at 180 credits, with one credit equal to 25 hours of time invested.
>but anon
nothing sweeter than seeing that number decrease with time while your skill and understanding increases
This board's standards are abysmally mediocre. If you get told you're good here it'd mean that in a professional portfolio review you wouldn't even be a blip on the radar.
was trying to get good and did practice every day
gave up after 3 years since I was just under average
picked it up 30 years later, boom...
hate myself big time now, if I have had kept doing it and got that little help from a professional artist.
post more of your work
seems unnecessary, already been rated low int in two rate threads. just asking average timelines from ic vets for different stages of art progress.
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Here's a wip. Bottom is cropped for censor.
Why do people ask this? If time is all that matters to you then find a different thing get into, because then art isn't for you.
This is you?
>pre/beg/ -> high
If the person hypothetically has the right mindset and has a clear understanding of what they need to know and is consistent?
Could honestly be 6 months - 1 year. Maybe a bit lesser. Prebeg isn't hard to escape. And I feel like people get stuck in beg tier since most artists do shit for fun until much later. Basically, it's the whole thing where artists draw their whole lives and decide later on to get serious.
>high/beg/ -> mid
Mid int I assume. By this point I would say it starts to get longer. 2-3 years if consistent maybe. Probably less.
>mid/int/ -> high
Either same time as last or lesser. Going from high/beg/ to low/int/ to mid/int/ is a much bigger jump. So maybe 1-2 years?
>high/int/ -> adv
I'd say adv has extended beyond just having good skills, but has a solid idea as to how industry works, what standards and expectations are, all while honing their skills also. Maybe 3-5 years from high/int/. Probably much less.

I'm talking out of my ass BTW. I am at best probably mid or high beg, and I have a solid idea as to why I'm not farther along, so I used that as a reference as to what would've been more optimal.
BTW, I should elaborate on what I mean by 'consistent'.
Maybe 4-5 hours of focused practice with clear goals and intentions. 4-5 times a week. Maintaining the habit and having a plan in my mind would matter more than necessarily doing as much as you can. So, having an hour or two where you just study the head would still be good for improving your knowledge.
>pre/beg/ isn't hard to escape
Then explain why this board consist mostly of /pre/begs
I would say most of the board is low beg or mid beg. Then again, not like I have statistics or anything.
Anything about low/int/ starts to become more and more rare. Forget /pro/ or /adv/, they are a rare breed and probably have more important things to do than hang out here.
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>mid/int/ -> mid/int/
I'll probably stay at mid for atleast a year
pyw niggga
if this is you op, this definitely isn't low/int but high/beg

Lmao if this is done by picasso it proves yet again he didn't make his actually decent 'early work' himself, but his dad. This is an awful Bargue. Nigger couldnt draw worth shit.
and you arent mid int
u right, they high int
>pre/beg/ -> high
being able to draw accurately
drawing everyday
basic understanding of fundies
>high/beg/ -> mid
being able to complete illustrations WITH use of fundies
>mid/int/ -> high
having consistency with your illustrations
>high/int/ -> adv
working professionally
adv isnt pro (one means working professionally) and you didnt answer the question
okay then having the ability to work professionally
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if youre an adult (younger people take longer to progress)
beg to int ~2 or 3 years less if it comes naturally more if it doesnt
int to adv ~5-10 years
varies more but conventional wisdom would say 10 years to achieve an advanced level
this is also more art style dependent as high art, comic art, manga art, illustrative art, cartoon art, all have different nuances and skill curves
You know what younger people have? Plasticity. I find myself having to unlearn bad habits as I refine my fundamental knowledge.

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