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Be specific if you request something: post the cover, book's title, artist's name...
Please be patient, board is slow, someone may answer you a week later.
Please search in the thread and links below before asking for something, it may well already be there.

Unencoded links are frequent targets for trolls and bots!

>Thread recap file, updated 23-JUL-2024


>Can't find it? Want it? Try looking here first:

>What the hell are these links?
>Are they encoded somehow?
>What the hell do I do with them?
No, they're not info-hashes or magnets; we're encoding the links to keep bots and scripts from recognizing and harvesting/reporting them. You will see a GIF in the first two or three posts that explains what to do. Don't understand some of the terms in the GIF? Google them. Some of the encoded links *may* have multiple layers - like ogres ... or onions! You might have to "peel" them more than once to get to the good part.

>Have you seen them?

... and before some dumbass asks, here's the book from the OP image:
>Hiro Illustrations: Footprints to Akebi
Last time, on "artbooks" (>>7192505):

>Archive.org's Manga Library

>Kamikuro Matsumura - How to Enjoy Drawing Pictures; Tap into the joy of drawing!
>松村上久郎 - 辛くならない 絵の描き方 描くのを楽しくする90の方法

>The Art of Invader Zim


>The Art of Have a Nice Death

>Durwin S. Talon's Panel Discussions: Design in Sequential Art Storytelling

>Natural 2 DUO art books

>Sweet Joshi

>Tips - Seiji Yoshida (Machine Translation)
>TIPS 絵が描きたくなるヒント集 吉田 誠治

>Victor Cloux Basics vol 1 CG造型基础与创作 入门篇

>Chigusa Minori's Fleur
>[千種みのり] 千種みのり画集 Fleur

>3DTotal - Composition And Narrative Artists' Master Series

>Devin Korwin's Creative Fundamentals, volume I and II
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>Onii-chan wa Oshimai Key Animation Collections:

>Key Animation Collection 1:

>Key Animation Collection 2:

>Various other Onimai scans and content:

>ケイブンシャの大百科201 まんがイラスト大百科

>Uldis Zarins - Anatomy of Facial Expression

>Yoai's Anime Art Class book

>The Art of Final Fantasy XVI
Akebi san….how can such a perfect girl exist?
how many thousands of floating boxes do I need to grind to get to this level?
10 quadrillion
>he wasn't drawing boxes while in the womb
You had 9 months to 24/7 grind while you had absolutely nothing else to do, anon. It's over before you were even born, and you didn't know it.
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Requesting this art book. It's out of print and seems like no one is selling their copies as second hand. So please.
Is there a posted translation of LEZHIN point character drawing? Found it on annas but boy I cant read that shti!
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Recent purchase
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Anyone have the chocolat cadabra art book by Trigger?
Have this cute cat in return
Anyone know any twitter accounts that post about clothes? I'm looking for references
No matter what genre

Can anyone please post the /IC/ torrent? lost both my main file and the copy I had in a break-in.
I found it. Please ignore.
Would anyone have the hyper angle books?
Here are a few:
Victor Cloux Basics vol 1 CG造型基础与创作 入门篇

The link doesn't work anymore, can someone upload a new one?
Gofile links that are not on a premium plan expire fairly quickly; gotta grab 'em while you can!
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I'm wondering if anyone has seen the following books anywhere:
Koji Kumeta's artbook
Mori Kaoru's 'scribbles' artbook
Kafun's illustration artbook (pic related)
kafun seconded!
>there's an official digital version of tom fox's book now
holy shit finally, no more blurry warped-ass scans
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>still nothing about the Inside Out 2 artbook on ehentai

pain, i remember when someone uploaded the ATSV artbook in a matter of days after it came out
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I'm interested if anyone's come across this book at San Diego Comic Con so far and whether or not it's just a collection of Kenichi Sonoda's old artbooks all rolled into one? I tried asking one of the "guys" involved with the production of the book, but he kept avoiding the questions. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help with this.
>whether or not it's just a collection of Kenichi Sonoda's old artbooks all rolled into one?
I wouldn't think so, judging from the description on the publisher's website: https://store.udonentertainment.com/collections/art-books/products/bubblegum-crisis-complete-archive-standard-hardcover-edition
>Bubblegum Crisis Complete Archive brings together concept art, model sheets, key visuals, poster art, special magazine artwork and more from the groundbreaking original anime series. Commentary from creators, designers and production personnel sprinkled throughout highlights the creative spirit that went into this innovative production. Also included is an exclusive interview with character designer Kenichi Sonoda! This must-have volume shows fans everything that went into the creation of Priss, Linna, Nene, Sylvia and all of the characters and technology that make up Bubblegum Crisis!
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here's the official digital version of the tom fox anatomy book. i wasn't going to bother ripping it but the kindle app is such fucking horrifying shit to use that i wound up having to rip it to even use it. fuck amazon in the ass. anyway, please take this and replace all the mirrors of that horrible blurry warped physical scan that looks like it was done by a chimp
scribbles is on nyaa.si
please share if you find it, those warped scans made me so mad lol
oh fuark didn't notice this, thanks !!
holy based thanks anon
Thank you so much anon <3
thank you very much
>whether or not it's just a collection of Kenichi Sonoda's old artbooks
Sonoda designed most of the early characters, but Satoshi Urushihara came in towards what became the end, since the original series only lasted eight volumes. Most of the mechanical designs came from other artists.

I'd have to guess that you won't see anything by Sonoda in this book that is not also in one of his earlier works, but at the same time, you'll see other stuff that isn't his - like that cover.
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pic related links all seem to be dead
Any links for comic book making / study ? Or even recommendations.

Also how did you feel about Scott mccloud’s understanding comics
what's a decent megapixel for a decent scan?
i'm not really confident with my chinkshit phone, xiaomi note 10 5g specifically
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1200 dpi for colored pages (if you intent to print them as some anons prefers to flip over papers over pdf)
300 dpi for texts and B/W sketches (zipped)
150 for common sharing (pdf/epub)

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