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I mean, I don’t know if I’m dumb or something but it’s crazy how something like this takes months to be memorized perfectly.
You don't need to know this
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You're not supposed to memorize it perfectly. You simplify it into memorable masses/gestures/planes and over time, your ability to draw it is strengthened as you recall and stylize the half-remembered simplification. You may then decide on a case by case basis to add reference into your base drawing (from memory), for heightened realism. But either way, the goal is never to memorize it perfectly.
You're trying to memorize big shapes and relations...the exaggerated down plane of the biceps insertion, the archetypal shape change of the deltoid in skinny, muscular, fat individuals, etc.
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example for you
do this, arm is basically just different proportions of these volumes
You need to know them perfectly if you want to be a good artist
based crab
You think you're mocking people who tell you that you need to grind fundies, but really you're just mocking autistic retards who don't understand you only need to know the simplified forms of human anatomy.
You also pyw
literally this.

I've been called a "master of anatomy" and I've never studied any of this shit. I have done 8 years of figure drawing though.
Non-artists and no-draws have zero taste, no eyes, and say dumb shit all the time. Do YOU consider yourself a "master of anatomy"?
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Holy kek. Pyw, beglet.
You guys are retarded because this >>7242357
Is almost as hard as this >>7242341
You are all midwits.
Miura wasn't even some kind of anatomy/naturalistic god, he's just a detail autist in the extreme. The forms here are almost cartoony, very symbolic (nothing wrong with that). God this board is brimming with retards.
> I've been called a "master of anatomy
I’m ready to laugh.
So basically if I know how to draw those arms from memory I’m a better artist than all of you?
>simple anatomy
>5 lines are as hard to remember as 50
Look dude I can't help it if you're mentally challenged, it's worked splendidly for me at least
Those are fucking parallel lines you double digit midwit ahahahah
pyw nodraw
Are you having an episode? What the fuck are you talking about?
Go back to elementary school
beg seethe is real
thats the easy part, wait until you can draw the human body but you have to come up with original and interesting compositions. Its so much more mentally draining to draw when you'rr not thinking about construction.
>Why is this shit SO FUCKING HARD?
if you lifted and researched form it wouldnt be hard because all muscles have a purpose, because you would see them in action and you would see your body as a reference whenever you want 24/7
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The funny thing is even when you learn all of the human anatomies like a med student, you still will be shit at proportions. I see so many artists that draw anatomically correct musculature but the proportions are all fucking off. Sometimes the delts are too huge. Sometimes the forearms are way too small and frail. The worst cases are the ones that have muscle imbalances with muscle groups where it doesn't make sense. Like having huge biceps and forearms but a small back. Or a ginormous chest but small shoulders and triceps.

What unironically helps is going to the gym and getting swole yourself. You'll memorize the anatomy and proportions more easily as well as the functions of the muscles and how they look in a flexed and rested position. I seethe hard whenever I see a flexed tricep muscle during a bent elbow.
ITT people who don't understand the value of knowing how to manipulate and simplify forms you can always refine into complex anatomy if needed. All I'm saying, is tell me how knowing what a metatarsal is helpful to your art journey.
Its not that hard, watch scott eatons videos. You WILL get it. I promise.
I'm pretty good.
newfag, you would think there were 10 of me.
They're not talking about the muscle fibres. OP's diagram has 20 labelled muscles including tendons, the redline's simplified them to around 7 basic forms. Dunning kruger effect in action.
Pyw or fuck off larping beglet
You should be drawing it like a few times everyday until you get it.
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Is this bait? This cant be for real, none of this thread is for real.
this is the true blackpill. Learning anatomy is just a school of thought.A religion, a random idea some asshole pulled out of his rectum, its not a fact or a sure fire way to improve your art.

Its just like those people who tell you if you dress, talk, and walk the way they tell you do, women will flock to you. There is no cheat code, there is no answer, there is only appeal.
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Op here, I was just baiting, I literally drew all of these from memory. That means I’m literally a better artist than all of you combined. Kek.
Not gonna lie these are pretty bad
ze good ol sticker anatomy on ze good ol 4textbook angle
Moronic beglet seething already.
You think I can’t redraw these with some basic shading and rounded corners and more organic outlines? You are NGMI.
Also I didn’t follow the natural rhythm of the arms but that just because I was brute focusing the muscle anatomy and ignoring the rest.
The hard part was memorizing them, if you draw you would know it. Bye begcels.
Show us that you understand the forms you're working with by drawing just one but foreshortened. Go on. Oh what's that? You only know the shapes of specific muscle groups and don't understand how those forms would work in 3d space? Damn almost like you studied anatomy like a med student would and not how an artist would. Shocking. Many such cases!
what do the 3/4 angles look like? what do all the muscles do during pronation? what do the muscles connected to the base of the arm do when the shoulder moves? what do each muscle look like in the complicated foreshortened angles; which muscle contracts during which movements; which extensor is visible or not when which finger is raised; how to render them all????????????????
Now draw that same arm without the skin being ripped off, revealing every muscle fiber. Draw the arm with a bent elbow as well if you're brave enough.
If you're not a scary skeleton or fat fuck you can observe your own musculature in the mirror. Raise your arms and see how the muscle shape changes. Feel with your fingers where the tendons attach to the bone.
Now draw the same arm but in a distorted 6 point perspective as you would see if you were inside a black hole to show that you truly grasp how to manipulate the form in high concept illustration.
You don't need to render striations 99% of the time because skin/fat cover them unless you're drawing macabre shit or wasting your time drawing anatomical diagrams for nerds
You also don't need to know the names or exact positions the vast majority of insertion points, minor/major heads, tendons, or other hyperspecifics - shape, gesture, and knowing how to render an egg can get you 80% of the way there.
Know your fucking audience - most of them can't find Egypt on a map, nor should they care, let alone notice you placed the lateral head of the gastrocnemius too low on the lower leg in a nude piece. Speaking of, clothing exists, and you can get lots of mileage from just drawing clothes on your characters if you're anatomy is weak.
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Updated arms from memory just to make anatomy-starved begcels seethe more
You really don't get it do you?
>memorized perfectly
you're dumb and stinky OP
what do you think anatomy books are for retard so you can look shit up maybe?
You are really a dunning Krueger 80 iq gorilla nigger. Kys.
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post your FINISHED work bitch. i'll wait. you'll never do it. bitch.
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What do you mean fag?
This is an arm study thread
Why do you wanna memorize random diagrams? Just keep it open and look at it while you draw arms. In a week you should know it pretty well.
Post work retard
Faggot thread
>just study
>never finishes any paintings
checks out. enjoy never completing meaningful art and doodling 500 disembodied body parts in void.
>has no argument
cope and seethe fagtron
Your combined iqs has less than 2 digits
checks out. enjoy never completing meaningful art and doodling 500 disembodied body parts in void.
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Cracked the code to draw arms in perspective >>7243923
Cope and sneed

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